Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Freight (Page 15 of 31)

Your Usual?

6 PAX fought the flux and posted in what many consider the worse type of conditions, cold and rainy. 5 of us were there and were discussing the route when SA came sliding in sideways. He then proceeded to take his time getting out of the car. Must’ve been touching up his make-up. Blart got tired of waiting and took off. I think he was really just trying to get away from PH’s grape smuggling pants(no shorts over those tights)! That being said he put some on before Q source? If it’s not ok then it’s not ok ever! Anyway I had my ruck sack on prepared to run SA’s pace but PM said he’d get the 6 so I headed out on a ruck. We all made it back on time where Big Pappy joined us to challenge me to a fight. I’m still not sure what his beef was this morning but he was ready to rumble! 3 more showed for Q source where we discussed preparedness. The main discussion was focused on what we need to be preparing for. What are the expected and unexpected things we will encounter and how do we prepare for them. Sargento will be glad to have a discussion with you about this topic and make sure you and your family are financially prepared for what may come(shameless plug for a buddy). Just let him know you heard about his services from this BB for a 10% off discount(I may or may not get $25 for every referral). As for the title of the BB, well you should’ve been there for that one.

Things that make you go hrrmmm

14 decided to push the rock on Tuesday evening at the premier evening, and some might say period, AO.


Seal jacks x 20ic

LBC x 15ic

Low slow squat x 10ic

Let’s mosey!

The Thang:

Over to the loooonnngggg parking lot we setup for something I’d been thinking about. If you did suicides on the parking space lines how long would it take and how far would you run? As explained these are the things that keep me up at night. Not really I sleep like a baby but I do think of random things like this. The more you are in F3 and working out the more you think of things like this. Luckily I’m not as bad as Shortsale and try to figure out how to combine 12 exercises in to one! Any way I am merciful and decided to break it up some. We started by doing 1/3 of the lot and that got us around a mile I think. We then paused to get in some reps.

5 burpees, 10 Bobby Hurley’s(an unnamed PAX appeared to be doing Serge Swikkers instead), 15 Wide Arm Merkins, 20 lunges, 25 Freddy Mercury’s

Back to the suicides. So we picked up where we left off and did the next 1/3. This put us over 2 miles. Then we paused for some reps.

Partner up for some Dora 123. PAX 1 does the reps while PAX 2 does 15 WWI’s. Flip/Flop you know how it works.  100 merkins, 200 monkey humpers, 300 mtn climbers.

Back to the suicides. Let’s finish the last 1/3. The cides were getting pretty long at this point! I guess we should’ve run faster or done less reps because we didn’t have time to finish. Not even close! I think we still had 8-10 more lines to go. We finished with 3.3 miles so I’m guessing it will end up being over 4 miles. I guess we will have to try another day with less reps in between. Maybe in the summer(he says followed by an evil laugh).


Announcements: Extinction run 2/13


Prayer Request: SA’s family, Blart’s Wife, The Golddigger’s


Meh that about covers it.


The Climb

7 on a Tuesday at Midoriyama is a little light. Where was everyone? Skeered? Cold? Who knows but the men that showed came to do work!


SSH x 20 ic Blart was doing a  lot of mummblechatter and grinning but wouldn’t repeat what he said.

Seal Jacks x 10 ic

Let’s mosey to one of the long parking lots.

The Thang:

Slaw’s WOD-Do the exercise and run a lap in between each one. The number is his age.

Squats x 47


American Hammers


Starburst (Dr Seuss tried to skip these)

Wide arm merkin

One legged burpee

Diamond merkin

After the final lap we did a round of Dan Taylors. Squat/Lunge at a 1/4 Ratio. Boy these are fun!

We took the long way back to the flag and called it a day.



Announcements-None right now

Prayer Request-The new baby on the way(it’s here now), Those that are sick.

Def took us out


I chose the Slaw Wod to honor Slaw a little. He suffered through a bit of leftover Navy injury a while back and it put him down in the valley. If you don’t know about the valley you’ve obviously not had to endure the Def Leppard ups and downs workout. We all go through ups and downs or peaks and valleys in life. I repeat we ALL go through them. It’s not just you. So Slaw was on the peak a while back, running faster than I’ve ever seen him. He wasn’t just flipping bats he was juggling them as he passed by people. Then this injury kicked him in the back and rolled him  hard down the other side of the Mtn. He spent his time in the valley but he’s making a  come back. I’ve noticed he’s posting almost everyday again and he’s getting his wind back. He’ll be juggling by me in no time. The point is we all get knocked down and the road back is never easy but we can get back up the hill again. It’s hard but it’s a lot easier when you have people to push and pull you on the way. So shout out to OL’ Slaw  for not only making the climb but showing the rest of us it can be done!



10 for 10

1/1/21 we celebrated the 10th year of our men’s group.  I say our men’s group and not our workout group because it is so much more than that. It is a men’s group for all the things we need it to be. Fitness, leadership, friendship, support group, and anything you need it to be at the moment when you need it to be. That is why we celebrate because we had something missing in our lives and this has been able to fill it. I’m very thankful for the 21 men that chose to celebrate with me on this day by logging 10 miles in one form or another. Some ran 10, some rucked 10, and some ran and rucked. I’m also thankful for all of those that answered the call to serve by donating blankets and soap. These items are being donated to the Salvation Army to fill an immediate need they have. This kicks off my word for 2021-Serve. I’ve started a list of ways I plan to live out this word this year and one of those items is to collect and give at least once a month. All to often we donate during the holidays and then forget about it the rest of the year. My goal is to meet needs all during the year and of course I’ll be dragging you men into it with me. Great job everyone on the 10 miles and maybe next year we will do 11!


13 posted at Folsom on a fine Tuesday morning. This is what we did.


SSH x 20 ic

High knees

Butt kickers

High knees

Butt kickers

Merkins x 10 ic

Grab a block, head to the tennis courts, and line up on the line

Tha Thang:

21, 15, 9

3 exercises, 3 rounds, reps for each round 21, 15, 9.

Run a lap, 21 reps of each, run a lap, 15, run a lap, 9, run a lap

Exercises were starting at the line Thrusters. Rifle carry your block three courts and do curls. Rifle carry your block three more courts and do french curls. Rifle carry your block back 6 courts and run your lap.

Once that was done we did 10 burpee block jump overs.

Lets run 21, 15, 9 again. Exercises were alternating block merkins, KB Swings, Alpos.

We finished this just in time.



Announcements-10 miles for 10 years this Friday at the coconut horse route. Bring clean and gently used blankets or throws for donation and bar soap. Start whenever you need to COT at 0800. Convergence at Folsom 1/9.

Prayer-Witchita took us out


YHC watched Froning on Netflix yesterday and got all fired up! I’ve been watching a lot of fitness docs lately and that usually happens. I watched one about ultra trail running the other week and had my mind all but made up until the next time I ran and remembered I hate it. Either way this morning was still great and I need more like this. Everyone was pushing and barely even talked(even me). All I heard was grunting which made me believe people were getting after it.

10 miles 10 years

On 1/1/21 F3 will celebrate 10 years of existence. To celebrate I’m proposing a little rock pushing. 10 miles of whatever form you choose, run, ruck, walk, ride, skip, I don’t care just do 10 miles. We will use the Coconut Horse route and do 2 laps. Officially starts times are Ruck=0500(I see you Sargento), Run=0630. Unofficially start whenever you need too to get it done. We will COT at 0800. I’m actually thinking about running 5 then rucking 5 so I may start at 0600. Whatever you do try to hook up with someone else and do it together. Tell stories of F3 past and laugh while you push the rock and start the new year off on the right foot.


Your Q of nothing but this thing,



7 posted at Midoriyama despite the warning of bear crawls and crab walks. 1 did have a bit of an attitude that really came out in his tone of voice. I’ve noticed people don’t seem to hear themselves in this way. This individual had this same tone and attitude the whole workout. Maybe he was having a bad day I don’t know but it’s ok that he used me as his personal punching bag. I’m here for you brother. However I can help.


1 SSH ic


The Thang:

We stopped at the end of the road for 21 reps of merkins, WWI sit ups, and lunges

Mosey to the dog park hill for a triple nickel. Hand release and mtn climbers.


Stopped for 15 reps of merkins, WWI sit ups, and lunges


Stopped for 9 reps of merkins, WWI sit ups, and lunges

Mosey to the lower end of one of the long parking lots for 11’s. Bear crawl 10 spaces run to the other end of the parking lot and crabwalk 1. Do this for 11’s.

Broke didn’t seem pleased but he doesn’t have a hernia so he can’t blame it on that anymore.


Announcements-Convergence at Folsom 1/9, food ruck this Saturday, 10 mile 10 year anniversary run/ruck on 1/1


Prayer Request-Sargento took us out


Pan in the bed

17 men posted to see what Bedpan had in store for us. To their surprise Bedpan didn’t want to share his weinke with us. 6:30 rolled around and no Bedpan. If you know me I like to Q so I stepped right on in to the middle of the circle. I think a few people volunteered to Q but I ignored them. I may have even pushed a few people down( now I know what it feels like to be Dr Seuss)(see V2V BB). Anyway we got on with it!


Who knows it was made up on the spot but it bought me some time to think of something to do for the thang.

The Thang:

Mosey to the gazebo for a story about my engagement. We did some pickleish pounders and some dying cockroaches.

Mosey to the flag at the AG center. LBC’s and the pledge.

Mosey down to one of the fresher paved parking lots. 11’s with bear crawls and crab walks. Bear crawl 10 spaces run to the other end of the parking lot and crab walk 1. Rinse and repeat in 11’s fashion. I was planning this for Midoriyama on Tuesday so this was a good test run. There was some good mumble chatter during this. Talk of pastoring, folsom jerky, and I think thongs.

Mosey over to the road where there were 2 speedbumps about 100ish yds apart for some more 11’s. Hand release merkins and squats or drinking birds for some of you(you know who you are).

Mosey to the steps. 10 calf raises per step. SSH while you wait your turn at the top and the bottom. I think there was 10 steps so 100 total. It’s Monday now and my calves are sore! It was noted that those that went first didn’t do a lot of SSH while they waited for the 6(you know who you are).

Just a few minutes to go we started the mosey around the back of the park. When we got to the pavilion I asked Roundup if we had time to get around the lake and he said of course! Partially around the lake someone said we only had a minute left. YHC responded you better hurry then! Classic Freight ami right? All in all we covered somewhere around 3.5 miles depending on the watch.


Namerama-There was some smack talk and some surprised looks as the PAX expressed how they felt about bedpan not showing up.


Prayer request


Bedpan called while we were at the kitchen. He is in the middle of a huge remodel and I think he said he was sleeping in the bathtub but I may have misunderstood. He said he wrote down the wrong date on his Q. It doesn’t really matter because he’s going to catch some crap for it no matter what. That’s just how we roll. That being said while we should take our responsibilities seriously there should never be an issue with someone stepping into the leadership role. We are a leadership building group right! Life is going to throw us curve balls(man I hate baseball). This time it was Bedpan. The next time it may be me.

Blart’s Terrible Route

15 at Crossroads on Sunday morning. Most of which stayed for Q Source!

YHC asked Blart to provide us a route of his choosing. He responded with a bit of attitude and sarcasm. I was a little proud and responded with my own. He picked a route and off we went. I soon realized why he responded the way he did. Blart has become a bat flipper, clicking off the miles at a fast pace! Also noticed was the hilly route he chose. One that only a bat flipper would pick. Speaking of batflippers Sister Act was in usual form. He tried really hard to beat me this morning but just didn’t quite get it done(see Strava for details). He’s a pretty competitive guy but for some reason he really doesn’t like for me to finish anything ahead of him. Oh well!


The usual stuff. We did do the pledge this week since we had a flag. It was mentioned that it seems to be a regular occurrence since Haze has taken over for Sister Act.

I’ll only say it once

14 showed up at Folsom on Saturday. A few regulars stayed in the fart sack. You know who you are. I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed. Several were out dodging cars for EC.

To start I let everyone know we were going to push the lace so I’d only be giving the instructions once so you better be listening. I’m sure you can guess how well that went.

Let’s mosey


Up at the big triangle we did a lap, 10 merkins ic, and 20lbc’s ic. Ran 2 laps and did the same exercises.

Mosey back to the bottom parking lot

The Thang:

Run to the flag at the Ag center. Each light pole do 5 jump squats. Each road opening do 5 hand release merkins. There are a lot more road openings than you would think and some are very close together!

At one of the top parking lots we did dirty 11’s. Tiger squat, burpee, and In/Out’s. This was supposed to have WWI’s but the downtown parking deck gave me one of those STD’s SA is always talking about.

Mosey to the side road

Dora 123-partner runs to the dumpster while the other does the exercise. 100 lunges, 200 ski burps, 300 CDD’s

Mosey to the horse track

On the steps 3 rounds- 25 dips and box jump to the top.

Mosey back to the big triangle

Rinse and repeat the warmup. We got one round in and headed back to the flag.


Namerama, announcements, prayer

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