Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Dolph_Gashouse (Page 4 of 7)

4 Corners

4 #HIMS showed up this am at TheStorm for the 4 Corners. Since the tarheels won the title I figured we could pay a little respect to them. Mumble chatter during the strecth as we waited on the Pax to show up. 5:30 hit and we began.

Short loop with high knees, butt kickers, left side and right side. Brownstreak made it through these alright. Had to be there. Warm up was as follows.

SSH x 15 IC, Mericans x 10 IC, Toy Soldiers x 10 IC, Squats x 10 IC, 10 Burpees OYO.

4 Corners;
– Legs: Corner 1, 20 lunges single count; run to corner 2, 20 squats; run to corner 3, 20 side lunges single count; run to corner 4, 20 monkey humpers; run to corner 1 and plank: 10 french fries IC.
– Upper body: Corner 1, 20 dips; run to corner 2, 20 mericans; run to corner 3, 20 CDD’s; run to corner 4, 10 archer push ups; run to corner 1 and plank: 10 updowns via Wheezy request- bad idea.
– Total body: 20 burpees at each corner (MUMBLE CHATTER)
– Mary: Corner 1, 20 LBC’s; run to corner 2, 20 flutter kicks double count; run to corner 3, 20 toe touches; run to corner 4, 20 WWII sit ups; run to corner 1 and plank
– Combo: Corner 1, 10 lunges single count and 10 dips; run to corner 2, 10 squats and 10 mericans; run to corner 3, 10 side lunges single count and 10 CDD’s; run to corner 4, 10 monkey humpers and 10 archer puhsups. Train went by and we have 95 burpees down. AYE! Nice work Ohhhhwow

Mosey back to the flag for the pledge; 5 Burpees OYO = 100

COT: Announcements- Burpeethon cancelled for the moment, need the nation to come out and support Special Olympics, if anyone or region is interested let me know. Community Run Saturday the 8th at 9 am. MUD RUN 5-20-17, we need some more teams, where ya at #GASHOUSE?

Prayer requests- Pax on the IR, Pockets, each other, friends and family.
Brownstreak, thanks for taking us out sir.

Wheezy gets the #TClaps today, nice work brother, keep pushing. OhhhWow, as Wheezy stated “it doesn’t get easier you just get stronger” AYE!! Keep it up brother. Streak gotta practice the left side shuffle, just sayin!! We missed some of the Pax this morning, some had legit excuses, some not. #NOHARDFEELINGS

As always it was a pleasure to lead you men. #DFQ

Folsom B.O.M.B.S

7 #HIM made it to Folsom this am to perform some BOMBS.

Warmup; Before any other exercise this morning the Pax were surprised with the Slaughter Starter. It’s a good one. Then it was LBC’s, Flutterkicks, and Boat to Canoes all by 15 IC. We then moseyed to the lower parking lot for the Thang.

Thang; YHC looked for some new exercises last night and stumbled across the BOMBS. Definitely a #DRP. Partner up.
Burpee x 50
Overhead Claps x 100
Merican x 150
Big Boy Situps x 200
Squats x 250
Partner 1 starts exercise and partner 2 runs 50 yds up hill to speed bump and back, change and pick up count where P1 is and it is P1 turn to run. This is a good one, perfect for time and will be feeling the Big Boy Situps for a while. Strong work by all men. Tclaps to Sparky and Bulldog for taking the trophy this am. All pax pushed the rock this morning. Mosey back to the upper lot and perform 5 Merican Wipes.

Moleskin; Allen Tate said it was good to see YHC again, we both have been MIA from Folsom as of late. Mumble chatter began at the Slaughter Starter which was 20 burpees right out of the gate. #Crowdpleaser for sure. Sparky you still owe us 20 sir. Think someone mentioned announcements around #15. Boat to Canoes were a hit as well and tough to count through the moans and groans. AYE! Running the hill during the BOMBS was a challenge and the Pax crushed it. We tracked a little over 1.5 miles. The merican wipes were the finishing touch; in the down position touch nose to right hand and then to left hand w/o moving hands. Nice work. It was a pleasure to lead you men.

BOM; Pledge, Announcements, Namorama, Prayer requests. Thanks Huck for taking us out.

The BlockBuster

10 #HIM chose to beat the fartsack this morning. YHC was on site ealry to log the .25 mile track that would be used this am for the easy part of the blockbuster. I haven’t performed this workout in a while and was a little rusty with the number of reps, forgive me Mayor.

WarmUP; SSH 20 IC, Mericans 10 IC, LBC’s 15 IC, Flutter kicks 15 IC.

The Thang; Run 2 laps which is a 1/2 mile, perform 6 excersies 10 reps IC or OYO. Run 1/2 mile, repeat exercises, Run 1/2 mile, repeat exercises, Run 1/2 mile.
Exercises; Curls, Squats, Front Raise, French Curls, Squat Press, Good Mornings. All performed with a 8″ block, Squat presses were 10 OYO.

Moleskin; The mumble chatter was pretty good at the stretch session but it didn’t take long for it to die down. During the first set of exercises YHC was informed that 20 IC was crazy, so we Omaha’d to 10 IC. Good call at least for time anyway. We logged approx 2 miles as well. There were 2 DIFFERENT TRAINS this morning as well, so we were able to stick to the rule of it can’t be a F3 workout without Burpees. AYE! Nice work by all men this morning. Thank you guys for the oppurtunity to lead and thanks for the push. #ISI

COT; Pledge, Announcements- 4-29-17 Burpeeathon, This is a lot of fun for a good cause, P200 Meeting tonight. Prayer Requests. BOM, Thanks Streak for taking us out.

Mumble Mumble

YHC been has been slack on posting the BB, with some of the pax applying a little to pressure to post it, here it is.
It was wet and misting a little when YHC made it to the parking lot and shorlty we had our 8. After the stretching and chatter 5:30 hit.

SSH x 20
CDD x 20
Mericans x 20
Squats x 20
Vups x 10
Manmakers x 4

The Thang;
Mosey to 4 corners
Partner Up
Sprint to corner 1; 10 mericans, 10 sit ups, sprint back; sprint to corner 1; 10 M’s and 10 SU; sprint to corner 2; 10 and 10; sprint back to corner 1; 10 and 10; repeat all the way to corner 4.
Mosey to gym wall; partners; wheel barrow to first island and 5 burpees; switch and go to next island 5 burpees; switch to next island 5 burpees; switch to next island 5 burpees; each partner wheel barrow twice
Partners; P1 Bridge while P2 crab walks to next island and bridge P1 crab walks to island and P2 crab walks to next island repeat to the end

As the Pax were waiting for 5:30 we had some fun trying to guess which Pax was coming in hot. Madoff ended up being Freshprince and Anthrax; TinyTank you’re 0 for 2 sir. As the mist stopped falling and the parking lot was still damp Mayor was chattering about the Q’s choice to just do 10 or so core excercises just to get wet. YHC intended not to disappoint. After the warmup and the Q”s busted attempt to count the manmakers; my apologies guys; the mumble chatter had started as we headed to the upper parking lot near the gym for the 4 corners. After some questions about the sequence and why did we need to partner up we started and it wasn’t long before the mumble chatter came to an end. Sargento was giving an effort as he would give a MUMBLE MUMBLE when he would get close. YHC made sure all PAX wished they would’ve brought a towel or a change of clothes; think my seat was wet all day. Way to push through men. It was definitely a hard one for YHC and the fact that we all were soaking wet due to Mayors request, all Pax worked hard. It was an honor to lead you men, thanks for oppurtunity. #DRP

Prayer requests- TopHat father, Shrimpboat traveling and spreading the gospel, fellow Pax
Announcements- Palmetto 200 meeting, After Christmas Party
BOM- Streak took us out.
Till next time men.

Little less running, lot more lifting

YHC rolled in hot to 8 men standing in the gloom. After unloading the coupons in the lower lot, we jumped right into the warmup

SSH x10 IC, Mericans x 10 IC, Squats x 10 IC, CDD’s x 10 IC, Windmills x 10 IC, Toysoldiers x 10 IC. The Pledge. Mosey to the lower parking lot. Gomer was notified that the first man to bottom of the hill has to flip the tire back up the hill.

The Thang;
3 sets of hill sprints 30yds, top of hill 5 burpees.
Mosey to bottom of parking lot where there was a Kettle bell in one corner and a training sand bag in the other, and yes the tire was at the top of parking lot, approx 50 yds away.
Round 1; Sandbag clean and press x 10, run to kettle bell for 10 curls, run to tire for 5 flips. One man start at sandbag while the Pax perform flutter kicks, once man 1 finishes at sandbag man 2 starts and so on. Pax perform flutter kicks till last man starts. That was a lot of flutter kicks medicine woman. Round 2 starts at sandbag with Merican pulls x 10, Kettle bell swing x 10, 5 tire flips; Pax performing Russian twists. Round 3 sand bag shoulder throws x 10, Kettle bell snatch x 5 each side (muble chatter), 5 tire flips. Mosey over to wall at picnic shelter for 10 donkey kicks IC and 10 Hip slappers IC. Mosey back to COT at upper parking lot.

Hill sprints definitely got the blood flowing, Huckleberry with false start and won the first set. Next was the heavy lifting which got the mumble chatter going and kept it coming. I think the sandbag weighed as much as Gomer. It doesn’t get any easier you just get stronger. AYE! Nice work men. The ab excercises were a bit lenghtly but good. We busted a sandbag but nothing a little duct tape can’t handle. Thought this would be a good mix up and the Pax seem to enjoy it as well. #DRP

COT; Namorama, Announcements (Hank mentioned a wood spliting work out at his place, he will provide the wood) Prayer requests.

BOM; Thanks Sparky for taking us out. Nice job men.

Parking Lot Race

3 Men showed up in the gloom. Light crowd but we got the work in. We started with the pledge and rolled into the warmup. SSH x 10, Mericans x 10, squats x 10, CDD x 10, LBC x 10. Mosey to lower parking lot.

YHC picked approx. middle of the spaces and numbered 6 spaces with 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60.

10 Burpees run to end of parking spaces and bear crawl to other side of spaces, run to end of spaces, bear crawl across the short end and run. Back to middle spaces and complete 20 mericans and run, bear crawl, run, bear crawl, run. Back to middle for 30 CDD’s and run, bear crawl, run, bear crawl, run. Back to middle spaces for 40 squats, R, BC, R, BC, R. Back to middle spaces for 50 SSH, R, BC, R, BC, R. Back to middle spaces for 60 LBC’s. R, BC,R, BC, R. Rinse and repeat.

Nice work Huckleberry and Mary Lou as we discussed the several fartsackers. We tracked about 2 miles. #DRP

BOM; Prayer requests, no need to namorama. Huckleberry took us out. An honor men.

#Folsom BlockBuster

It was a slow start to the morning. YHC spotted a Mustang at #Folsom entrance and thougt we had a FNG, little did I know. There were only 3 of the #Folsom regulars discussing strecthing when YHC showed up. With about 2 minutes left and the #Ghostflag up for grabs, 4 cars came rolling in hot with 777 bringing up the 6. YHC knew it was gonna have to be a tough one. The plan was the Blockbuster, however we had no blocks yet. Introductions between the #SOB 5 and the Warm up began. The whole time YHC was trying to figure out what to do. Circle up, no FNG’s, short disclaimer.

Warm up; SSH x 15 IC, Don Quixote x 15 IC, wait what is that noise, Sparky had trouble getting the trailer with the blocks hooked up in the dark makes his arrival. CDD x 15 IC.

– Run from Tennis courts down to lower parking lot, 2 laps around parking lot, back up hill to Tennis Courts; 1/2 mile
– All pax grab a block from the trailer and circle up; 6 exercises; curls x 10 IC, french curls x 10 IC, squats x 10 IC, front raise x 10 IC, squat press x 10 SC, good mornings x 10 IC.
– Repeat run.
– Repeat exercises.
– Repeat run.
– Repeat exercises.
– Repeat run.
Total reps; curls 60, french curls 60, squats 60, front raise 60, squat press 20/ 20 Allen Tate’s aka Monkey Humpers; Huckleberry made the request for the substitution. Good mornings 60. 2 miles. Nice work in 45 mins. #SOB 5 strong work. #Folsom men Strong as well. It was a pleasure leading you men today.

Moleskin; Wanna give a shout out to Sparky for saving the Q’s spinning mind. #SOB glad you guys made the drive and hope you felt the BlockBuster!!! YHC did and still does. It was a pleasure to meet you guys. Allen Tate coming in hot but pushed the rock, TClaps to you Huckleberry. #DRP. Medicine Woman hope you feel better sir. #Gaspains are no fun!!! Nice mumble chatter on set 2 and 3 men.

COT; Pledge, Thanks for the reminder Garfield; Namorama

BOM; Announcements; Prayer requests; Sparky took us out.
#Ghostflagstole, Nice job #SOB, It was an honor to lead you men.

Can we run a mile

9 men overcame the fartsack this am to take the red pill. That’s the hardest part of the battle. Sparky came in hot to catch the last of the warmup.

Warm up x 15 IC; SSH, Toy soldiers, Mericans, Squats, Carolina Dry Docks, Trunk Side Stretch. One more round of SSH for Sparky.


Gallop to the lower parking lot and stop at the beginning and turn around to begin the Thang.
– 5 crab cakes each side, sprint up the hill approx 25 yds to speed bump and do 5 burpees sprint back and plank till the six arrives.
– 10 Pretzels each side sprint to top of hill and 10 burpees and sprint back, plank for the six.
– 15 WWII sit ups sprint up the hill and 15 burpees and sprint back, plank for the six.
– mosey to playground for 3 rounds of 5 pullups and 5 twist mericans each side; twist mericans take a little coordination. Nice work men.
– mosey to ampitheater for 3 rounds of donkey kicks x 10 IC and 10 box jumps oyo. Hank asked if we could run a mile, YHC checked the watch and we had a .5 mile in so we skipped the remainder of the pain stations and ran .75 of a mile to wrap it up.

COT- Namorama, Announcements, Prayer requests for our country, Pasour family, friend of Sparky’s wife.

BOM- Medicine Woman, nice job sir. Thanks

Moleskin; Burpee sprints out of the gate this morning definitely got the mumble chatter started early and the sweat rolling. Strong work by all, TClaps to Gomer. Way to push it sir. Next time I’ll suggest gloves for the Donkey kicks. Hank hope we got enough running in for you this am. As always a pleasure to lead you men. Iron sharpens Iron; no better way to start the day. Till the next one.

A punch in the gut!! #Folsom

6 men appeared in the gloom at Folsom this am. YHC came in with 2 minutes to spare. Huckleberry made a comment that the truck hadn’t stopped rolling as I jumped out. After a few second stretch. The short disclaimer was given and the warmup started.

The pax noticed the weinke and the mumble chatter started from there.
SSH x 15 IC, Mericans x 15 IC, Toy Soldiers x 15 IC, Squats x 15 IC, Right side mosey around parking lot, left side mosey around parking lot. The pledge was next as the Q overheard something about being out of breath for pledge. AYE!

Thang; Mosey from parking lot to the tennis court. As YHC though about the workout last night, I remembered the photo that Medicine Woman posted pic from Rocky, where the Russian was landing a punch in the gut. First excercise 10 burpees OYO.
Partner up. P1 wheelbarrow P2 across first court and each pax perform 20 big boy Sit ups. P2 wheelbarrow P1 across next court and each pax 20 big boy sit ups. P1 WB P2 across court, 20 BBSU each. 6 courts total so each pax WB 3 times. Think there were was mumble chatter about staying in the bed and having done enough ab work yesterday with Hank. Well pax we have to make it back to the other side. Bear crawl across court 10 Hells to Heaven. Crab walk across next court and 10 heels to heaven. Continue rotation back for 3 rounds of bear crawl and 3 rounds of crab walk with HtoH at the end of each court. This seemed to be a crowd pleaser. 10 burpees OYO. Partner up again for 50 mericans sprint across 3 courts perform 5 jump squats and back, switch. 100 squats sprint across 3 couts perform 5 wide mericans and sprint back. 150 LBC’s sprint across 3 courts and perform 5 WWII SU and sprint back. This was Dora, so aggregate count. Mosey to the playgound. YHC gave directions to pax to plank up and one pax would perform 5 pullups while pax performed plank with shoulder taps IC till all pax had completed 5 PU. With time running out YHC led the pax back to parking lot and performed 10 burpees OYO. Time.

COT; Namorama; Prayer requests; Announcements- Roadie’s VQ on Saturday. AYE!

BOM; Huckleberry, thank you sir. Nicely done sir.

Always an honor to lead you men. Hard work by all. #DFQ The mumble chatter was great. Floyd speaking a couple of languages this morning, there was a short discussion about a name change. Medicine woman cleary already has a sixpack!! A pleasure to share a little time to cut up, be competitive and have a good time. Great way to start the day. Thanks guys. #DRP

What rhymes with BURN? VERN!!!

10 men showed up this am to find out what rhymes with BURN. After a quick warm up and the pledge it didn’t take the Pax long to figure it out.

Warm up; SSH x 15 IC, CDD x 15 IC, High Knees 30 yds, Buttkicks 30 yds.

The Thang; YHC thougt, Man it has been a while since I have ran the VERN! So that’s what we went with. Simple but Tough.

3 Sets of
Pull ups x 10; run 200 yds
Dips x 20; run 200 yds
Mericans x 25; run 200 yds
LBC’s x 30; run 200 yds

This one definitely gets in the gas tank. U vs U. Push the rock. Nice work Pax. Tclaps to Hydrant for pushing through. To the rest of the Pax, Aye! We ran approx. 2.5 miles and completed the 3 sets of exercises in the 45min. Strong work. #DRP!

COT; Namorama, Prayer Requests, Announcements. MW we lift you and family up; Shingle prayers for you as well sir. Godfather and M also.

BOM; Sparky took us out.

Moleskin; What rhymes with BURN; VERN. Simple but effective. Great work today men. Getting stronger. As always, It is an honor to lead you men.

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