Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Clavin (Page 5 of 12)

Not stinkfist too!!

Whoopee arrives follows by Watts up … although neither will participate in today’s main event …. Whoopee wants to run ( what is up with that!?) he will join us by the frozen banks of Lake Whoopeegonnagetcha before heading off for warmer(?) climes. Watts up believes he may have been Covid exposed and wishes to ruck safely by self … good to see both men.
Today’s players arrive just in time with Defib excitedly moving around ( doubt that the 27 degree temp had anything to do with that!)
JJ and Captain Stubing round our numbers off and away we go!
Defib had right idea …. I had no intention of giving disclaimer and reciting the pledge without a quick warmup to get some blood flow going.
Ssh IC x 20
Seal jacks single count of 20
Hand release Merkins 20 oyo
Plank jacks IC x 20

Now we can pledge and very brief discalimer

And away we go ….Whoopee exit stage left …
We mosey to park
At entrance 20 merkins oyo
Mosey to light for 20 more
Karaoke to next WHOOPS… light. Comes on we didn’t see , motion sensor! So we stop for 20 squats then lunge to next … we would Continue to each light using differnent previously called exercises usually traversing 2 lights but being “pulled back” one space (light)
Next to play area … swing s for suspended derkins and jump lunges and flutters all to the tune of 20 for 3 rounds
Now find a chilly icicle ridden bar to dead hang from for countdown from 20
Mosey long way to concessions where we pull up the the counter for 3 rounds of alternating calf raises 20 per
10 Australian men climbers and 10 suspended derkins
7 hand release merkins 13 monkey humpers 3 times I think
3 rounds of 20 dips, derkins and American hammers
Mosey back to play area for Indian run back to gates for 10 big boys and 10 crab crunchers quick run back to start
20 IC flutters called by JJ
Suddenly JJ yells “Squirrel !” And we all look into the sky where he says he saw the ISS go by

20 IC dying cockroaches called by Defib

Lastly Captain Stubing gives us 30 (? ) what the what ?!?    Squats oyo!

announcements Xmas party coming up

Shelby Convergence this Saturday

prayers for Watts up health and job interview

and for Captain Stubing job

moleskin is that I like so many others am so done with this double numbered year and seek to throw anything and everything at the wall until something sticks to turn the dial on that clock ….. this morning my free Sirius Xm ran out at 5:15 during Stinkfist!!!! Oh the humanity !!!


Very brief disclaimer

Warm up of new routine I called Lungeabout
It was quickly renamed the Clavin Pokey ( and you shake it all about)
The Lungeabout …sorry Clavin Pokey is you put your right leg forward or lunge forward and back , lunge right and back right leg back and back, left leg back, left leg left and back finally left leg forward and back. We performed these 5 times.

5 burpees
10 hand release merkins
20 mountain climbers
30 lbcs
40 flutters

Mosey into park over to concession area and reperform previous 5 exercises except that now the 20 is now Australian mountain climbers using back of dugout

Mosey over to parking lot where we start at area near play area
Each of us had a turn calling an exercise until that person calls a halt and we run hard to driveway opening and walk back then tell all assembled what we are thankful for ( despite the hard ships of this year )
I started us with burpees and I’m thankful that even after losing my last and favorite uncle, my mother and my M battling breast cancer life continues on … we witnessed His majesty in the birth of our nephew and his wife’s first child a month ago …. Colt Allyn!
Next up was JJ with SSH and he’s thankful for his church moving into new facility the church itself has been able to continue and indeed thrive despite all going on …. and their Covid exposure is quite low!
Dry Rub with squats thankful for his family and job …. they were hardly affected during this tumultuous time!
Linus gave us crab crunchers and thankful for family especially those coming for holidays!
JK2 had us to perform “correct form” squats and he too was thankful for family and new job which as he started , we went into lockdown so he enjoyed time with family!
Defib gave us merkins and stated thanks for son and his counseling to help battle depression!
All great stuff ….. next we would call exercise and try to keep in mind time but this round thinking forward to 2021 and what we hope for
I began us with monkey humpers ( starting us facing play area) and looking forward to son who too battles depression due to these bizarre times but has finished drivers Ed zoom meetings and I look forward to his learning to drive and continuing to move towards adulthood!
JJ and calf raises on curb ….family cleaning out closets and realizing that time flys by …. the need to enjoy the times you are given!
Linus and heels to heaven spoke of promise of new year!
JK2 had us do 509 air presses give or take …. he is looking forward to spending more and more time reconnecting with his M now that the kids are getting older and can spend time by themselves in the house!

And lastly we have defib who gave us Rocky Bs …. he is looking forward to the days when we no longer need to wear masks all the time!!!

we walk cross the parking lot stopping at the last light on the left for 10 hand release Merkens quick mosey up to the gate where we bear crawl from the gate to the barricade rest a moment before all out run to the finish!

announcements are 1212 2020 Christmas Christmas party party

Shelby convergence hopefully no ice storm and no more ghost flag

thanksgiving morning tripled beat down if you’re up for it or not just choose one

lastly take time to smell the roses give thanks to the one who is above us all!!!

happy Thanksgiving

Neither snow nor rain nor gloom of night…

Many view this as the postal slogan …. however are you aware that it ONLY is on one postal facility in New York City downtown?
Why title today’s beat down with this? Well, it was raining and gloomy …. and since it was anticipated that ETA was to bring us buckets of water I had a seperate game plan for us in case the pax wanted to safely to a Murph ( my choices were to be dips or burpees and diamond merkins or derkins as well as the squats and do these under th shelter, but thankfully the pax led me and the rest into the play area after the one mile run …. so thank you men for helping make the better choice ! Rain would actually relent while we performed our workout and I called out to the pax that for me personally I always reflect on the tireless service our men and women perform protecting this great nation . I also said  to call out if anyone knows of other pax that have served such as Oompa Loompa (marines), Slaw (navy) , and Toto ( national guard) . I was pleasantly surprised to hear that Doodles was in the National Guard as well.
Today has many meanings and I will not bore you with a recital as Roscoe very eloquently already beat me to it…. please read his BB for Ricky Bobby!
I also had an impromptu food drive of which many thanks go to JJ for remembering.
I also read Philippians 4 as it’s meaning is greatly needed now and in the lead up to Thanksgiving and it was part of Pastor Dickie Spargos message sSunday and in an interesting turn of events , JJ mentioned its use at his Church this past Sunday as well (Calvary N Charlotte )
pT test Saturday
Prayers for nation and service people

Thank you to all

This one goes out to the one…

Styx coupon front we from
Music building Wide Diamond Covid
Of only if  and said along   was once attempted pledge 20 20 20 20 20 20 mosey circle counting School the nur ten merkin overhead round extensions swings mosey down without around once tricep curls to finished the arm tricep squat disclaimer diamond home stay   after coupon today’s goblet each one Disclaimer truck to warm up coupon exercise up for a collect up a from end to 5 merkin merkin 5 5 5 merkin additional

Early in their career these boys from Athens, GA were told by record execs that liner notes and lyrics needed to be provided so fans could understand and sing along ….. the choice was made to incorporate ALL words into a jumble …. execs were NOT amused if you are still unable to decifer today’s workout then perhaps you should have posted … if you don’t know the band I reference then perhaps you should listen to the Murmur in the So. Central Rain …. or just give up believing that It’s The End Of The World As We Know It


10/31 convergence Martha Rivers

11/14 PT test ( Yank?)

Give to Give still plenty O time


Watts Up son


Hermie and his M

lastly there’s only one person who religiously claims to read my BB …. I hope you enjoyed BB!

Absurd Recurd

No, Dude Perfect was not present and neither was a proctor for Guinness Records, but all in all it was a truly amazing morning as we said the pledge while Stinky Bird flew in from his summer vacation ( or wherever he spends time during warmer days)
No disclaimer
Told all that they were ready for the warm up , let’s go ( our run to Gastone Hill will suffice! All were amazed and jubilant, in fact a leftover elf from last week kept singing Christmas Carols ( that was last week)
Told all that for our first attempt ( suddenly great shouts of Hallelujah and pleasure erupted from ALL in anticipation of today’s beat down!) we would do 1 burpee per mailbox on the way up!
Each time we would wait and call upon one of the pax for a 10 count ( yes miracle of miracles even EZ rider finally gave a TRUE 10 count!)
Next time run up  to top and on the way down derkins 2 at each box now on left and assemble at bottom

3 merkins on way back up ( since all enjoyed these)

4 plank jacks

5 squats

and the moment the fabric of time split wide open …

6 mountain climbers

much jubilation and had to calm residents as there was TOO much celebration even a deer poked its head out at one point ( although only JJ witnessed this…. hmm … hallucinations maybe??)

announcements for

Give to Give ( make Freight run 5 K a day …. hey! We did today!)

PT Test November 14

convergence Martha Rivers 10/31


make it back just in time!

prayers for

JJ father

Gastone Father-in-law moving in to nursing center today

Defib son

EZ Rider son

Orangeman family member with upcoming surgery (son?)

praise for Stinky Bird son

moleskin: many have attempted this charge up the hill … Turtlemans record was 5 1/2 …. EZ Rider correctly guessed that  If there was one more charge it would be a NUR …. sorry to say we ran out of luck and time but it was a great day to run, a great challenge and I’m proud of these HIMS! Great work!

Peehaps next week if I can arrange it maybe Tyler will come out with “WHEEL UNFORTUNATE”!



It’s beginning to look s lot like…..

So, Covid happened this year, duh! It truly messed up a lot of things. Perhaps that’s why there’s a station playing Christmas music! I always planned on using today’s workout in the summer just at that moment when you are seeking a cool down!
Low slow squats
Plank jacks
Mountain climbers
Toy soldiers
All of these IC x12 ( also the idea is that those few of us who were present Sunday on the Mt Mitchell climb should enjoy stretching their aching joints again)

Cue the music …. yes Christmas music for the 12 days of F3 Christmas!
After each day we mosey around Snoballs ( Snow anyone)
Day 1 hand release merkins burpee ( no, I did not sing …. I cannot sing and do not will this voice on any ….. some did sing this morning …. that was better )
Day2 crunchy frogs
Day 3 Bobby Hurleys
Day 4 sumo jump squats
Day 5 monkey humpers
Day 6 SSH

a present of 5 burpees for the train excited ALL as they unwrapped this unexpected last minute gift!

day 7 Michael Phelps ( instead of swans a swimming)
Day 8 pickle pounders ( instead of maids s milking)
Day 9 Rosalitas ( instead of ladies dancing)
Day 10 jump lunges count one leg ( instead of lords a leaping)
Day 11 diamond merkins
Day 12 Mike Tyson’s

Enough of that !!

cross street and nope ,,,,, can’t use the wall … it’s being watered … mosey to atm at bank and very low derkins, dips monkey humpers , Freddie Merck’s, ssh and assorted exercises starting at 12 …. until we drop to one burpee

now we escort Stroganoff across the street and continue down and at each light pole begin with 2 burpee 2 merkins 3? Plank jacks 4 something something

and 5 burpees Because we have arrived

20 big boys  in honor of Turtleman

bunny hop to pole for Island

and time for a rerun of this

assemble in back lot for a circle where pax picks an exercise for all to do while he runs around until returning to his place and hand off to next
there were flutters American hammers Lbcs ….. then this horrible gas cloud erupted from Gastone …that was ALL we could take of that !!! Abandon ship!!!

race away from toxic methane fumes and finish with 35 flutters led by Gastone

prayers for Gustavius  son of Stinky Bird who was bitten on face as he petted A dog In neighborhood



Today’s workout was to be set at an increased tempo with myself the Q asking forgiveness for this before we begin. While the warm up and subsequent workout are important, they pale in comparison with the message I set out to present at the conclusion of this morning seeking to impart a message that’s been on my mind for some time , you see. I had to wait until the passing of my mother for it’s proper release.
Just over five years ago, I lost my father. It was a difficult struggle on many fronts because my father was unwilling to acknowledge anything nor offer help …. I had to plan his current care as well as moms ( both living in Charlotte) maintain my family and work , juggle in preparations for his imminent death, muddle through all his financials, plan for moms move to assisted living, sell their home and possessions and do this with a brother who is the polar opposite of me in many ways. He offered no help unfortunately.
To make matters worse, dad was the easier one to love and at his passing my brothers resentment for her truly came out.
I have always understood the hazards and dangers and evils of an unchecked mental state where one does not seek or attain medical attention as well as addiction( a dangerous cocktail)… our mother suffered from these. The alcohol addiction ended in my early twenties when in a rage I challenged dad to remove the temptation , which amazingly he did. The side affect was that it soured mine and moms relationship until I had to move out.
Through the years, my brother would never move too far from them due to unfortunate life choices, And he was reliant upon their help in raising his girls.
At our fathers passing my brother told me the WORST thing I’ve ever heard someone say ….

He told me that he was not sure if he was an atheist or an agnostic, but he had no faith in God but hoped there was a Hell and that our mother would spend all of eternity there and that he was willing to spend it there with her if that’s what was required!!

I was at a loss.

Over the coming 2 1/2 – 3 years I would try often to make him understand that she is a much different person than when we were children, explaining that IF she asked our forgiveness that would be wonderful but ultimately it’s not for us, we must concern ourselves with her spiritual well-being and her soul …. she needed to ask Gods forgiveness.

Despite all she had said and done, I learned long ago to forgive her and move on. The weight of that baggage was not for me to carry.

One day approximately 2 years ago while on my rounds at work I received a call from my brother.

It was so amazing I had to sit there in silence and weep for joy

You see, even now as I write this, it still affects me ….. he told me … I prayed to God and forgave our mother.


In the past 2-3 years I’ve only uncovered what my brother and I always suspected, our mother was also abused in many difficult ways, so for her, much of what we experienced was learned behavior.

When I got the call from Peak Resources the other week allowing me to come in and help her pass I prayed over her telling her of our forgiveness and asking her to ask Jesus for his …. knowing that she needed that comfort to know that her heavenly reward was at hand . I would also ask her forgiveness of me for not trying to see her more often than I had ,,,, finding it a struggle in today’s Covid world only to view her through a window and I hoped for a swift passing to ease her and our sufferings. She would pass in just over an hour, the staff said that she was restless until I arrived and settled as I left.
I thank God that we had more time with her to heal these deep wounds.

I hope that this message reaches anyone who needs to hear it …. seek me out, reach out if any of this resonates with you. I can and wish to help any that struggle.

Life is too short.

for those who were wondering about the 80 lbcs …. mom had just turned ……

much thanks and heartfelt love to the Oompa Loompa and Time Frame families at this difficult moment of our lives and humble gratitude for all who prayed over and for us

An elderly blind lady on my route has this message on her outer door: Collect moments, not things.

Exodus 20:12 Honor thy mother and thy father,

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

John 23 Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you withhold forgiveness from any, it is withheld.

His F3 name is Blowjob

I Arrive with about 4 minutes to spare cutting it close…. pax look like bowling pins as I come in hot driving up to pickup area in front and park …. pax start getting excited as to what is hidden in the box ( truck).
Pledge and brief disclaimer as ( at the moment ) there are no FNGs
Let’s do a super abbreviated Iron pax challenge
3 burpees ( I also explain how challenge is meant to go EMOM)
5 hand release release merkins
10 leg raises ( make sure to drop legs back to ground)
5 jungle Boi Squats ( 2 spoon style ) jump squat with x jump
10 big boys
10 lunge steps ( each leg gets count)
The REAL numbers are 50, 100, 150,200,250 with 3 burpees EMOM ( Tabata timer)

time to open truck bed and drop Ms speaker … oops

grab a coupon for 20-1

goblet squat



overhead press

triceps extension

20 reps each then following Time Frames example from last week alternate traveling  exercise to end of shelter and resume 19 and presumably down to 1 …. I’ve never used this and have never been present at a beat down with it …. was not disappointed nor surprised to learn there’s a reason no one finishes this ( although in the cooler weather coming this exercise will return without a warmup or cool down!)

tough exercise

somewhere at beginning of 20 reps we had an individual arrive (  Brian Kerr who knew Outhouse, Time Frame and Tube growing up… and was EHd by Tube …. also had been present many moons ago but could not remember F3 name….

Brian really opened up about struggles with addiction and falling off the wagon only to self admit for treatment in Florida which he has just completed …. fan of Georgia ….. and since he’s truly faced his struggles head on …. and the AO has that name as well as schools mascot …. only seems fair to dub him Bulldog!

announcements for Mt Mitchell, Gastones run with cancer survivor day after, Gump’s 50k

prayers for Les Nessman M ( Shelly) back in hospital

Hermies brother ( surgery today)

Sledges brother-in-law

unfortunately in all the excitement forgot to pray us out so I humbly ask those present to lift these prayers up

lastly we enjoyed STP (Stone Temple Pilots) and I n our cool down I queued up the Hu band ( check them out Jacoby Shaddix (Papa Roach) has brought their brand of metal called Manchurian Metal as well as their singing ( almost chanting ) called throat singing … believe me when I say check it out as well as their video featuring their main instrument … horse head mandolin …  (pretty damn cool)

now why that title?    Well The Bess groundsman came out to leaf blow whilst we worked out and Time Frame called out his F 3 name as Blowjob!!! I had to stop exercising at this point or I would have dropped something on my foot !!


Twilight Zone 2020

After pledge I start video on phone as I talk as if I were Rod Serling and talk about ,” Imagine a year full of many strange weird occurrences like riots, viruses, nasty weather patterns and more …. welcome to the Twilight Zone 2020! I’m your host Clavin, exercised will be called and you can modify…. Let’s Begjn!”
Unfortunately I meant to add video to this post … I just never paused it during warmup!
Ssh IC x 13
Butt kickers IC x 13
Merkins IC x 13
Flutters IC x 13
Called hand release merkins 13 OYO ( but I wound up doing hand release burpee merkins !)
Called out as an overachiever and show boat!
I now call for Waterboy to the center as I move to the ring of pax and have him call an exercise
He calls out jump squats IC and does 20 ( crowd criticizes ruining of the 13s ( I’m fine with it ! Waterboy did an excellent job and has accepted a VQ as of this WO for 9/9)
Mosey to the park and at Clavins Hill we perform TRUE 11s
What’s that? Glad you asked…
11 merkins bear crawl to top for 11 monkey humpers and perform 11 times!!! This is 2020, right?
Next up take short cut to concession area and partner up :
25 burpees
50 merkins
100 Ssh
200 dying cockroaches (q gives confusing commands for counting only one leg and count one leg… oh well!)

oh and since this is the Twilight Zone of 2020 …. all are to complete all called exercises  ( grumbling about no need for partnering and some trying to hand off portions of assignment ….    🙁
In order to give all rest ( other than self I take a moment to climb soap box and talk about how pervasive and easily Satan has affected our children at this time …. as an example my son told me last week of a friend who ( raised in a Christian home) has told his mother that he’s an atheist now, a shy young lady from another family told her parents she emulates Cardi B and wants to become a stripper and our son had some difficulties ….. we as parents had to reach out and love our child knowing that anything else would be detrimental to our relationship and not helpful to resolving this! Satan is at a buffet and our children are on the menu!! This is only 3 examples in my sphere of influence !! JK2 sagely pointed out how we can now bring prayer back in the school now that we are home schooling!

Now with your partner perform 333 lbcs


sadly it took them a few minutes to realize that when doubling ( because of the partner work) you get the number of the Beast

mosey the short cut ( around the Pavilion down the paths to the shelter for 13 IC dips

and mosey towards Snoballs performing Nur 1/2 of the way

complete all with 13 Ic flutters ( WE NEEDED TO DO SOME MORE AB WORK)

and 13 low slow squats IC


announcements for :

Mt Mitchell

Iron Pax

Annihilation this Saturday Gashouse

upcoming race where Gastone runs 1 mile segment with her as she circuits the country ( end of Sept)

site q hand off at the only Thursday Morning WO at The Pub

prayers for Defibs son

EZ Riders son

Gastones Father in law

Gastones friend from Raleigh with similar business that’s failing due to overextension earlier this year

JK2 friend with family struggling with some of the same issues I brought out this morn

Lastly, I had a bag of stash that I pulled out … last night I prepared kale chips baking them with olive oil Parmesan cheese and garlic salt. It’s been my intention to do this for a while but I burnt up the other batch ….. we always work on our spiritual and muscles …. some like Dr Defib and Dr Whoopee talk about healthful eating … so this was my way of getting some to maybe try something new and different


Have it your way

While shooting the $h@t got sidetracked on time until Watts up suddenly yells at the top of his lungs while backhanding me repeatedly to start the workout since he has paid “top dollar “ for these cheap seats and demands to get something of value ( in truth we were maybev1/2 of 1/3 of 1/10 of a second late ….)
Told pax this disclaimer won’t be as good nor as strong as Hushpuppys( he ALWAYS delivers a great disclaimer …. perhaps our regions best) I tried though …. finished by telling all that If they try to sue …. they’ll have to deal with my M who’ll call them idiots if they chose to follow me!


Tell all let’s do a short easy light warm up ( hehehe)

Lil Gumby in the woods IC x11
5 burpees
Makhtar N’Diayes IC x11
4 burpees
Shoulder taps IC x11
3 burpees
Jumping lunges IC x11
2 burpees
Merkins IC x11
Seeing a pattern yet?

5 burpees!!!

American Hammers IC x11
Yes…. finally 1 burpee

Let’s go ….

Planet Fitness parking lot to hopefully drum up some more future F3 idiots ( if any are out disappointed by PF being closed)

Monkey humpers starting at one end and Mike Tyson’s 10 at building with a burpee twist in middle until you reverse it all!

Mosey to back ramp for 2 sets of bear crawls and mosey back to front lot for BK day … what’s Burger Kings slogan? Have it your way!

11s again but the twist is you choose what to concentrate on for your 2 exercises but keep the burpee in the middle constant … Watts Up tried to change that too …. i gave him the option of 2 burpees …… seems he settled on only one!
We’re in the judgement free zone but I will say all pax chose different exercises …. great work!

Ask Gastone at one point to show EZ rider how to deliver a proper 10 count ( don’t ask EZ rider EVER to …. he calls “10!” )

Over to the ramp for 2 turns of jump up and bear crawl with a single burpee at end

Waterboy amazed all by jumping clean over the dock the ramp AND thr dumpster ….. we thought we were rewatching Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon! This dudes got some serious game!

mosey to the wall and at Gastonia request we relax under the sprinklers basking in the glorious liquid sunshine ( gloom shine?) all while doing 20 IC dips finish mosey and Time!!

PT Test Gashouse this Saturday

Mt Mitchell still in works

prayers for Ez Riders Son

Gastones Family

Stinky Birds Dad (surgery tomorrow)

Pastor Ronnie Bowers ( Flint Groves) upcoming triple Bypass

prayer from Book of James ( the boom of tough love!)

”Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.”


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