Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Clavin (Page 2 of 12)


Truth can be fictioner than strange….. or maybe it’s something close to that …. We’ll see….

here’s some fun Gastonia facts:

did you know there’s at least one ( I’m  told 2, but can’t confirm other ) ….. bunker house…. There’s also a house on Hoffman road that half of the first floor is underground ( mucho  power savings)…. Also there is a tree planted 50 years ago that the homeowner says is a Redwood ….. house very close to Publix!


Just how BAD can it get?

The warm up:
Plank …shoulder taps….merkins, LBCF’s, Mahktar N’Diayes, Smurf Jacks , jump lunges, Kneetar N’Diayes ( from Lake Wylie folks) yes these REALLY suck …. Use Kees instead of arms, hand release merkins, burpees, man makers, and brought back Skywalkers… and added new exercise …. The Mandalorian ( thought this up last night …. Squat all the way to the ground and “waddle” distance called just as if you were the Foundling, Child or whatever you want to call IT) patent NOT pending!

lastly let’s add a hand release merkin and a jump into the Man Maker….. truly suck worthy!


mosey to old abandoned bank for hip slappers


lots of queries about whether or not I hated the knees ( I certainly hate mine for the meniscus tear a few years back!) my vertical went from an impressive 4 inches to now 2 1/2 centimeters!!


  • over to Gastones hill where I inform  the masses of Gastones latest,, seems he tried to move a refrigerator by himself and dropped it on his foot breaking his big toe ( maybe it was really his tibia).

so to honor him we would hop on one leg at every mailbox up 10 times alternating feet at each box since I neglected to ask which toe.

the really bad thing is instead of calling on ANY pax he called his old friend Turtleman to help who very sagely gave HIM directions on where to go and how to get there!

since I believe that Gastone threw out his back as well we now performed 5 HRM at each box up ( Purple Haze was amazed at how many boxes there were …. I think he lost count about 12)

lastly we had to nur and do 10 flutters count only one side up to first road ( now on right)

return home and as it is suicide prevention/ awareness month perform 22 single count merkins for the vets.

now it needs a to be told that Watts Up ( after a very lengthy stay away) has returned to the Labyrinth only he had a very wet CVS receipt that he proceeded to beat me mercilessly  with for neglecting backblasts and told me to pass this message along to Hipaa and Sledge and all the others that he will not tolerate this disrespect any longer … violators will receive the same “message”

and Watts Up also deserves credit for rucking prior to this morns beatdown

earlier in the workout there was talk about Slick being a station manager of Catawba station ….. I’m curious how he wound up with such a vague colloquialism ( why not go with dude, bro, fella or hey, you!) Do we already have a Mr. Burns? Smithers? Meltdown? Fusion? Fission?  Homer ? Anything ? 
Tool Time once called for a name change ( Braveheart) ….. perhaps, again?

announcements: snowbirds, jj5k, convergence, others

also…. Won’t you help me locate our next site Q for Labyrinth? Perhaps it’s calling out to you!

prayers Hushpuppys M, Watts Ups boss’s sister-in-law recovery, Big Pappy family




Last week on Slack, Slick sent query out about the use of acronyms and what’s up with all the different names etc of F3. This got me to ponder just how to use this in an educational Weinke that would challenge my knowledge, that of all who post as well as help to bring junior members of our group up to speed. Unfortunately Slick did not post today but hopefully others benefited and perhaps if Slick is one of few brave souls would to read this …..
Begin by disclaimer spelling out who I am as Q and what that  entails …. Moving into part of the core principles which I would elaborate in further detail as the workout progressed. I begin our exercises with Morroccan Night Clubs and then Toy Soldiers afterwards in order to keep us moving whilst I talked hoping to not be struck down as I was once not too long ago while talking on …. Never mind, water under the bridge! 
I then introduce the Imperial walker explaining that exercises can have single count ( call on one side, count both sides as single ….but that these instructions must be made clear to pax ( explains who and what the pax are then giving an OYO count explaining this too. Somewhere in this mumble chatter begins and I elaborate on how we are not professionals ( indeed I also point out how we should and do represent our community in that we are a cross section of all regardless of age or background … and that we all are here to improve ourselves and add something to the community ). Mumble chatter can help relieve tension or seriousness and even be used to “rattle” the Q in a fun manner. Nothing we do should belittle others … that is not the goal. Now I move us on into the realm of the cadence count explaining key differences in exercises using one motion twice ( merkin) as opposed to the flutter of each leg counting once in count.  Also that raise voice to single end of exercise. We then perform a small number of merkins, wide merkins ( or werkins), plank jacks, mountain climbers, diamond merkins, Spider man ( of Peter Parker’s) . Along the way explain how we are to remain in plank ( as in board plank) until released to “ Recover!” I explain how we meet in the gloom before sunrise or just before sunset and that we concentrate on three Main areas of focus being the legs, upper body and the core and that there are multiple workouts to help you achieve any goals you may have either with rucking with a weighted vest, running exclusively, workouts with coupons ( that these are bricks or cinder blocks) and that there is also Pain lab ( forgot to mention  That is when we use “toys”). I also point out how F3 is exclusive to men only that we do not tend to bond as easily as women but that this is a great vehilcle to move each other into role models for our families or in the community.  Along the way I also point out how we have now covered two of the three Fs  … fitness and fellowship and that we end with a circle of trust coming together in Faith.

getting onto our butts or 6 I now explain what the six is and that it can also refer to those in the back of the pack who need some assistance as we should never leave anyone behind. From here we would perform flutters, Lbcs ( or little baby crunches) Freddy Mercury’s, also the Bug boy which also is known as the WW1 and that if you lift your knees you then are performing WW 2 s.   Next on agenda is the S S H ( side straddle hop) or jumping jack. I showed two versions , one using a standard count and another speeding up the count. I also tell all that sometimes we can perform HIIT ( high intensity interval training ) doing as many of an  exercise in a prescribed time.  We would complete this round with 2 burpees as some exercises don’t need another name as they suck no matter what!

now came the fun part as I would have Folgers to call an exercise as I remember he has only led once before … he would surprise me calling out First American hammers and then Hello Dollys, neither that I had used up to that point. I then had him to choose an exercise in cadence for which he chose SSH.  
next I called on Cougar who gave us merkins In cadence along with flutters I think. 
both men did well and as I explained this was a teaching moment as we should strive to grow our newer recruits into the leadership roles that they will assume later on. This whole workout was created primarily out of a need to help the newer recruits as we have not had very many new bodies , in fact we have many absent faces and even lower numbers. 
niw we run over to gym behind Harris Teeter where a young lady last week planted flags spelling out never forget 9/11 . We planked for approximately one minute of silent reflection and then completed 25 merkins.  Mosey to Robinson Elementary ( no more light on track …. Take note!!!!) go to covered awning to do 2 rounds of dips, derkins and step ups and return home! 
there were of course many other things I explained on F 3 but just hitting much of the highlights…. Realize that this only scratches the surface !!!

prayers for EZ Riders family

Cougars Grand mother

Forest view high school situation 

A swift kick in the nut sack

  1. Arriving as lightning flares and flashes across the sky …. Perhaps a portent? Couple of ladies out early …. No EC runners/ Rucker’s or other anywhere in sight .. in fact the parking lot looks almost as gloomy as 2 weeks ago.
    Then a flurry of activity as Whoopee, Folgers, Slick and Captain Stubing arrive followed by someone else I’ve not met yet … Maybelline! Pledge and give 3/4 disclaimer …. More than I’ve done in a while.
    Today was really surprising ( isn’t it always) as the mumble chatter almost was non existent ….yes, Whoopee stayed with us the whole time! Perhaps he’s in no nonsense mode just like me…

we would reminisce of Toto , discuss where the name Folgers came from , splashing merlot, why Maybelline,  I would realize that Slick lives on my route, and that he very craftily won the piggyback at the pool award on Labor Day! Then Professor Captain Stubing regaled all with knowledge of the Joyce family feud from the 1800’s(Slicks other name as well as Stubing)  asking whether he was a “possum” or a “raccoon”. He was unaware of this information. And we must not forget Bone Frog which my boy and Time Frame and his boy will be doing this weekend. folks may or may not remember Padre from about 3 years ago, he also will be there along with 19 others ( some of which are OC veterans ) he was the one who started me with this passion.


prayers were for folks battling depression, Turtleman, Flintstone family and boy whom we refer to as our .5 as he is mostly with our family and at vacation most often ….. last week he lost his main caregiver …. His grandmother.



doubtful anyone cares what happened but we did multiple stuff adding in Skywalker routine I’ve used before and bear crawl at pool ramp/ stairs ( don’t think anyone’s ever used this …run side to side touch curb and escalator/ de escalator but with a serious twist reverse the numbers so that each exercise sucked ( four corners 25-50-75-100 ….. do exercises in reverse but do same numbers as above attached to different exercises!!)   Lastly I also had pax to try this ( not so easy, but you should try if you’ve read this far!)  when on your six having finished any routine…. Roll up onto feet and stand up …. Do NOT USE HANDS  to push up !! Good luck .
Timed perfectly 

Air you can wear

This statement came from Timeframe who heard it from a meteorologist the night before.

that was about the extent of mumble chatter this morning ….no nonsense here 

very strong group of HIMS working on becoming stronger tougher and certainly sweaty





announcement that anyone seeking Q should ask me directly at WO or reach out 

prayers for EZ Riders family and nation and esp All In Afghanistan as well as our leaders














Be sure to post if you wanna know WO details 

Absent faces

On my drive in this morning came across bicyclist on Kendrick at 5:20, what are you thinking, man?!? Then on the return trip home after WO there are two women walking along same path …. I have often pondered whether it would be advantageous for sidewalks to be placed here or even a bicycle lane, or would the cost be too extreme to warrant the necessity. Certainly Coconut Horse and The Pub would benefit. 
I wonder Also if Covid continues to strangle the region as to the diminished numbers , or are we still dealing with Sandy V’s as many still taking advantage of shark infested waters seeking to feed unruly children to them. Also of note, even though some have used the prayer channel on Slack and even mumble chatter to post of injuries or being on the IR there are still some not  on either who deserve our prayers such as Gastone and I saw mention somewhere of Rudolph. The other day while delivering to Bandits neighbor, Bandit came over and told me of possible Achilles troubles 😳! Glad to see that Turtleman is now moving into the next phase … recovery! Look forward to his return. 
There’s also the good news like my family meeting Big Pappys newest addition ( while we were vacationing in Savannah no less!) and what of new additions? Remember Island ? He went from 1 child to now 4!! We met the happy family at church this past Sunday! Much congratulations as their son beginning  high school they now get to “ restart” with baby, toddler and a 4 ( or 5) year old!! Soon There will be another Stinky Bird in the nest as well …. A girl this time! 
As I arrived this morning I pondered whether or not the flag would resurface …. And lo and behold ….. Captain Stubing pulled it from where it nestled safely in the back of his truck …. A light came down from heaven at some point and choirs of angels…… nah! 
i actually  expected a scathing letter from Whoopees HOA about damages assessed, but thankfully I hear that he will only lose cabana privileges at YMCA Robinson’s Lake for next year. Today was also great to have had one on one time with Captain Stubing who informed me of his First Mate ( brother whom he introduced the other week to F3 ) and also of his M taking on duties at a smaller church in their band !! Great stuff!




coupon day

Take it EZ

Fresh off vacay pulled out slides and regaled the throngs with all our adventures as well as passing out souvenirs. Even had a phone call during workout ( who calls at 5:40am??) turns out … silver alert)
Traveled down Route 66 and even stood on the corner …


prayers Whoopee, Turtleman, Gastone, EZ Rider, Stroganoff 

Woody’s Hill

Served up meatloaf …..

Rehash of last weeks warmup

Then ….. Surprise surprise!! Open tailgate exposing the tiny coupons spaciously nestled in bed of truck …. 8 bricks and 2 sets of dog bone weights … thankfully also had a set of “light” dumbbells
Mosey to pool area of Subdivision for 5 brick assisted ( or not) burpees
Mosey to previously names Gastone’s Hill but since Gastone hasn’t posted in over 3 years AND seeing how Woody now owns 1/42 of that road …… the pax voted unanimously (240 sealed and unsolicited mail in ballots ….. I can personally vouch for their integrity)
First trip up ten squats per box on right
Second trip can be with or without nur up and each box now on left 8 flutters with arms extended up count one side
Third trip was 6 American Hammers count one side
Pax enjoyed story time where I spoke of current read “ WWII Last Man Club of Gaston County Stories of the Honor Guard”
A family member of one of their service men compiled these stories, recollections , reminiscences and anecdotes. Anyone unfamiliar with the term Last Man Club … it was begun with WWI and the last survivor would be the last man …. As their numbers dwindled WWII vets recognized the need to continue for their group and the last survivor passed a few years back. If you know of any vets … esp that serve anywhere during any conflicts or war speak to them …. Not only will you be enriched by what they say but certainly many would love the opportunity to recollect.
Prayers for E Z Rider family, Turtleman , friend in Rock Hill of Captain Stubing with heart troubles and praise to the doctor he spoke to for praying over him after
Also prayers for those traveling vacationers

the less stinky choice

25 IW IC
25 mountain climbers IC
25 Freddie’s IC
10 jump lunges count one side

25 reverse crunches oyo
10 hand release merkins
25 Flutters IC

Mosey to short hill for 11s of hand release merkins at bottom and bear crawl up for monkey humpers , mosey down

Mosey around park until below picnic shelter and nur up hill
25 dips IC ( since it wasn’t raining ( Let it go !)

No more non rain

Assemble in front of play area burpee suicides
Run pell mell to first island for a burpee and mosey back
As a group start next round going to next island for 2 burpees
See a pattern ( they didnt either) third island for 4 burpees mosey 

fifth island would see 8 burpees and then sixth for 16 burpees

waited for anyone to ask if 32 or 64 to which I was going to respond, “ no, that’s crazy!”

turd shack for peoples chair and marching IC 25

10 hand release merkins 

assume BTTW and 10 hip slappers but count each individual 

flutters IC 25

back to picnic area to pick up derkins which were left off …. Planned on 25 IC but when I only heard BallJoint and self …. Cancelled at 20

mosey back for 2 1/2 minutes of Mary led off by Captain Stubing with 25 crunches oyo

E Z gave us 25 crunchy frogs 

Dirt with the iC reverse crunches x 20

time for one more Dirty Dogs 20 each side courtesy of Watts Up

NEED Qs FOR 7/21 and 7/28 AS ILL BE ON VACATION … step up

Freight downtown Friday 5:00 delivering water and F 3 info

Turtlemans Friday 5:00 to lift spirits and offer encouragement 

VQ for Bob the Builder at Downtown this Friday 

collections of hair brushes , combs, gun and cough drops this month

prayers for Turtleman, EZ Riders family, those in the path of Elsa




Started minute early with some brain teasers … 5 sisters : 1 is cooking 2 is cleaning 3 is playing chess and 4 is doing laundry … what is sister 5 doing? Also, a snowshoe rabbit is being chased by an arctic fox during a snowstorm. How do I know this?
Warmup would consist of merkins, flutters,ssh, monkey humpers plank jacks and others mostly in cadence but to confuse and ( not with this crowd!!) elicit mumble about when warm up ends …. Can we quit flap jacking … let’s cook one side…. But not today!! 
mosey to former doctors office and perform 10 big boys nur into lot and 25 hand release merkins, hop the wall and Al Gore for all pax 

mosey to loading dock, partner up one pax  hops up to dock and bear crawl or lunge walk down ramp while other does accumulation of 100 merkins 200 monkey humpers and 300 flutters

mosey over to building beside Dollar Tree ( across from Walgreens) that has an impressive sway in the center …. It been this way for years … I keep hoping to witness its collapse….. let’s help …

should it fall… I advise all to “ run like hell!!”

we tried with monkey humpers, crab thrusters, crab marches, donkey kicks, sumo jumps and even Bobby Hurleys!!! The invisible basketballs were not enough to tear it down!!! Maybe next time

now over to another wall … at the old empty bank for step ups, Mike Tysons ( what a favorite!!), Bulgarian split squats, dips and even a few derkins some in cadence 

lastly we assemble back for 25 Superman merkins and 10 burpees ( two trains that never came through)

a few merkins , flutters,  plank  and lower plank and time

go to truck and pull out large arrangement of flowers and tell all I’ll explain soon …. The puzzles looks made it fun!! 
announcements … many ….plug in whether blood drive or F3 dads …. Or….

prayers for Turtleman, Big Pappy 

previously been given wrong date for flag setup at Turtleman ….. need them Thursday night as next PET scan Friday morning 

for quite some time I’ve had this idea of bringing and distributing flowers to who ever posts at one of my workouts because we men don’t traditionally think often enough of our better half and this will ensure a Great start to your day when they witness you having brought home flowers for them!! My M personally Loved this idea.  Recently Mayor stated that if something seems like a good idea or something others might want to participate in then do it, don’t wait for him or anyone else to sanction it! Carpe Diem, I say. Or as pastor  Dickie Spargo likes to say, “ Dead roses know no roses and do your giving while they ( and/ or you) are still living!”

still curious about the brain teasers? Chess is a 2 person activity and the other answer is it was daytime





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