Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Brown Streak (Page 3 of 3)

Ladders and Sprints

Waking up this morning feeling excited about today’s episode of Goatisland. The 3rd of 4 short story series. As I arrived at the island I notice and different aroma.  It was a smell that took me back to childhood. Family trips to the mountains and……. Tweetsie!!! With the tracks nearby it wasn’t  unusual, it was just more defined this morning. With the crisp cool air and the smell of railroad ties the PAX started filling in. Excitement was building and they all started to talk and looking for the goats to arrive with the u-haul. I greeted the PAX and our visitor from Summerville-Splinter. We all welcomed him and then it was TIME! I welcomed all with a “I’m an idiot and you’re an idiot too for following me” speech. This is what was delivered……..

Warm up:
SSH 25xic
Imperial Walker 20xic
Mericans 20xic
LBC 15xic

Pledge (thanks Whoope)

Mosey to the community center. Planked up and waited for the 6. Thank to all the pax for tailing back and picking up 6 and encouraging. Here’s the THANG

The Thang:

5-10-15 ladder
Run to top of driveway (exercise)
Run down driveway (exercise)
Set 1-Mericans/WWII
Set 2-Mt. Climbers/squats
Set 3-Burpees/LBC

Mosey to top of driveway:
Sprints- 20yards after 6 reps of exercise and mosey back to start.
Exercise list looked like this:
Flutter kicks
Freddy Mercurys
Jump squats
Apollo oh no’s

Mosey back to the island…….

Russian twist
Hello dollies
Dying cockroach
Slow v-ups
Plank side raises(both sides)
And a new one to the group…the drone (thanks top hat)


Great workout guys. Thanks again for allowing me to lead this group. All was well till Juliet stepped out on to her balcony and said to us “stop being so loud there are people trying to sleep!” All’s well that ends well….. Right? BB&T don’t like us, the boot camp chicks mock us, and now the community is yelling at us from balconies!?!? Stay tuned don’t turn the station now…… Who knows what’s going to happen next week. Maybe a police chase?!?!


Whoopee has a challenge for the PAX. He has labeled it #marchmadness . He will give $50 toward BRR fees to anyone that post at more workouts (Gashouse) than him for the month of March.

Remember myself, Dolph, Defib and Whoope as we are at the YETI.

Be mindful and pray for the prayer request of you F3 brothers.

99 Reasons to Stay at Home in Bed…. Apparently!

As promised there was NO RUNNING. The goats brought 99 packages to off load. More of a dump and run. Guess they didn’t want to stick around….. Much like all the fartsakers not showing. I kid, I kid….. Or do I? Any way here’s what went down.

9 sets:

99 LBC, 9 Burpees, 99 high knees, 9 mericans, 99 min squat holds

88 LBC, 8 Burpees, 88 high knees, 8 mericans, 88 min squat holds

77 LBC, 7 Burpees, 77 high knees, 7 mericans, 77min squat holds

66 SSH, 66 LBC, 66 min plank, 6 mericans, 66 lunges

55 SSH, 55 LBC, 55 min plank, 5 mericans, 55 lunges

44 SSH, 44 LBC, 44 min plank, 4 mericans, 44 lunges

33 LBC, 3 Burpees, 33 min squat hold, 3 mericans, 33 high knees

22 LBC, 2 Burpees, 22 min squat hold, 2 mericans, 22 high knees

1 min plank, 2 min bridge, 30 sec one hand plank, 30 sec other hand plank.


Always a pleasure gentlemen. Thanks for toughing out the cold weather but you are better for it. Tune in next Thursday and see what’s next……..or read about. Whichever you can live with yourself with. AYE!

Two Goats and a U-Haul

Season 1, Episode 1 (of 4)

Much like two men and a truck the goats of #GoatIsland were waiting for the PAX to arrive to get us moving. I arrived first and wondering which side of the island we was suppose to meet on. Sorry Bandit……

Dolph and Mayor was next and was excited about pulling the BIG tire (but not as big as the other one) from the bed of his truck. Maybe it was because they wanted to see if they could flip this one……. As the other PAX started rolling in the goats were getting anxious to reveal what’s in the U-Haul. The PAX was getting concerned we were doing something with the huge tire, but I eased their minds and told them not today. TIME…. YHC called it and we circled up…….


Windmills ICx15
MRNC ICx40…..ish?!?!
Freddy Mercuries ICx15

Still not loosened up we took a lap (1/4 mile).

We met up at the gazebo. There the goats revealed what was in the U-Haul…….

10 pull ups
Sprint 200 yards
20 dips
Sprint 200 yards
25 ‘Mericans
Sprint 200 yards
30 LBC


Russian Twist ICx15
Flutter Kicks ICx20
Ring of fire V-Up style


Pledge (sorry for not doing it first guys)

The two goats closed the door of the U-Haul and smacked hooves knowing the delivered a good one for us. I appreciate all the pax for allowing me to lead. You all are a fine group… Namaroma and cleared up the confusion of FNG names from Tuesday’s workout @ THE STORM……. He shall be called Private Benjamin. Thanks again for the chance to lead this group. Great work guys!!!

Stay tune and see what the goats have in the U-Haul next Thursday………

Gas House Back Blast 100 – 1 =

9 PAXclimbed out of the comfy warm bed to battle the bitter cool air. They showed up slowly 1…….then 2………. 3,4,……. I was starting to feel bad thinking it was me. NAH! It has to be the weather…… Right?!?!? Anyway here’s what went down.

Mosey to the church……. No the other way, across from the school. There you go…. Mosey to lower parking lot…… It was the breakfast we smelt cooking that attracted us there. I told the 9 strong but cold pax “ok that was the warm up!” They looked surprised. I then repeated the math problem I posted on Twitter as my pre blast. 100-1= …. Surprisingly we have some math majors. That’s right! The 99 workout!!!! I could type it all out for you to read but it’s best as a hands on workout. So…. Look it up or scroll down to earlier in the year. We did it at the goat once before. After the workout we played “chutes and ladders.” Ok, well it was like it but not….. We moseyed up the zig zag parking lot doing burpees at each turn 15 in total. Then once at top of parking lot sprint down to the beginning. 10 mins left. We slow mosey back to museum for 5 min of Mary!

At the end of the hour the 8 strong men and I did this:
319-high knees
308sec- air squats
351sec- planking

Thanks for allowing me to be apart! Strong work guys!


For those that was there…you remember and for those that wasn’t…. Here’s what you didn’t do

Warm up: mixed exercises ( you all know the routine) followed by a mosey to the bridge (modified) fellowship mosey, butt kicks, right side steps, left side steps….

I introduced “The Lindy” to the unafraid guys of Gastonia. Special thanks to Arizona of Mtnisland for allowing me to bring this exercise to you. Thank you Sir….much respect to You and all the Quarry Men!

Set 1
25 Jump Squats
25 Burpees
.1 Mile Lap

Set 2
25 Jump Squats
25 Burpees
200 High Knees
.1 Mile Lap

Set 3
25 Jump Squats
25 burpees
200 High Knees
200 Mt Climbers
.1 Mile Lap


Marching Wall Sits x 25 SC
Marching Wall Sits x 25 SC
Continuous Mericans 30/20/10 Secs

thanks Men

BackBlast: Saving Private Bonnie – Man Down / Tow the Line

As 21 (22) PAX convened at the GasHouse AO it was quickly apparent that a mission awaited to save a fallen PAX. This would require team work and the extra effort of the KOK (@Dolph) and top chasers.

Warm up (Mission prep):

30 Side straddle hop in cadence

20 Goofballs in cadence

15 Mountain climber merkins in cadence

25 LBCs in cadence

GasHouse Men’s Choir (Stroganoff and Wimpy) led the PAX in a group lament over the loss of our compatriot, Bonnie. If only we could Bring Back My Bonnie To Me. In squat formation the group did it’s best Uumpa Luumpa impersonation by going up and down with each B-word sung. The voices cracked but the resolve to bring Bonnie back deepened.

Final Mission Prep – Pledge and farewell to the usual AO


The PAX saw what was left of Bonnie lying without arms or legs in the shadow of the wind blown Stars and Stripes. (One Everest Heavy bag). A 50 foot rope was held in one hand by all PAX with a solemn vow to “tow the line.” The rope would not drop, nor would Bonnie. Some said they were used to a bigger rope. Not many believers. The PAX stood unified as they resolved carry Bonnie through the terrible, horrible that was ahead.

Dolph assumed his KOK role by hoisting Bonnie across his shoulder and the extended Mosey began. The PAX was surprised as a right turn was taken away from the normal AO. Quads bulged as the PAX charged up the Garrison Blvd. hills to the waves and horns of oncoming traffic. The eyes of passer-bys told a story of encouragement and a wish that they could shake their own sad clown feelings … and the pounds from last night’s super-sized combo.

The continued cadence of men giving maximum effort woke many of the Roland Park neighborhood as the PAX held on to the line. Pain stations along the way included:

Pain Station 1:
10ic Mericans
25ic High Knees

Mosey to

Pain Station 2:
Ladder exercise: (3 sets sprints down and up hill)
Set 1: Bottom of Hill 5 Mericans/ Top of Hill 5 WW II sit ups
Set 2: Bottom 10 Mt. Climbers/ Top 10 Sqauts
Set 3: Bottom 15 Burpees/ Top 15 LBC

Bonnie seemed to get heavier but the PAX shared the load and kept moving. Another surprise turn took the PAX across barbed wire and chain link fortifications and deep into the forrest. Without weapons the PAX picked up rock “coupons” and entered a primitive outpost previously occupied by little people. Everyone traded rocks and a series of team improvement exercises which included:

Front weighted arm raises – in cadence
Tricep extensions – in cadence
Concentration bicep curls
Raised arm squats
French fries
Modified Freddy Mercury – Slow with both legs extended to 6 inches before the other leg bends forward

After returning coupons the PAX circled for a ring of fire. The PAX held plank position as a pond perimeter was visually inspected via sprint. The odors from the pond provided many with memories of childhood ordeal, and Brownstreak with thoughts of home. It is always a boost for morale to see old guys try to sprint with Double Hate Shrimp Boat. Audible was necessary to complete the ring as planks for more than a few minutes become rest breaks.

Nearby benches beckoned for a quick dip-a-thon. Dolph and Pele went into beast mode on parallel bars with dips that either motivated or humiliated all others. With Bonnie hanging on for survival and the extraction site in distant view, Pele led a sling-shot attack on the last hill pulling the rear PAX into acute hypoxia. No one let go of the line!

Derkins, Merkins and 8 minutes of Mary were completed at the extraction site. Whoopee humped the sky and shared mumble chatter that only comes at the end of a brutal workout and should never be written. Thought we were done… Shrimp Boat requested one more ab exercise. That is why we say Hate, hate.

GREAT NEWS … all held the line and Bonnie made it home. Fantastic work men!!

BackBlast: 99 Problems but running wasn’t 1

7 pax showed up in the muggy gloom to face their up and coming 99 problems. We talked smack about the others fartsacking and it being their 1 problem. Oh well we had a lot of issues to face so let me show ya….

The warm up:
20ic SSH
15ic Cherry Pickers
10ic Freddie Mercurys
5ic merkins

The Problems:
Set 1:
99 LBC
9 Burpees
99 High Knees
9 merkins
99 sec squat holds
Set 2:
88/8 of above exercises
Plank instead of squat holds
Set 3:
77/7 of above exercises
Squat holds instead of plank
Set 4:
66 SSH
66sec squat holds
6 merkins
66 lunges
Set 5:
55/5 of above exercises
Plank instead of squat holds
Set 6:
44/4 of above exercises
Squat holds instead of plank
Set 7:
33 LBC
3 Burpees
33 squat holds
3 merkins
33 High Knees
Set 8:
22/2 of above exercises
Plank instead of squat holds
Set 9:
1 min Plank
2 min bridge
30 sec side plank
30 sec other side plank

Great hard work by all the men.

Some mumble chatter during the workout. It was a welcoming distraction from the pain.

Anthrax is a Squat Master…. SUMO SQUATER

Abba, Stroganoff, Anthrax were trying to find their happy place during the bridge…..Abba threw in WORK as a happy place in compare to where he was…… not sure I would agree.

Great workout again guys. Thanks for allowing me to lead such a strong group.

BackBlast: Christmas In July: 12 days of Christmas

‘Twas minutes before launch and all through the goat not a pax in sight except for 1 looking to gloat….. When what to my wondering eyes did appear….10 more pax arriving in fear…..And so the story continues a lil like this…….


Small circle run with: high knees, butt kicks, side shuffle left/right

COP: SSH-20ic, Cherry Pickers-15ic, Merkins-10ic, LBC-10ic

The Thang:
The 12 Days of Christmas
Day 1: 1 Minute of “something”…Mason Twists, Planking, High Knees, Fake Jump Rope
Day 2: 2 Up & Backs (sprint to top of parking lot and back)
Day 3: 3 Squat Jumps
Day 4: 4 Tricep Dips IC
Day 5: 5 Burpees OYO
Day 6: 6 Plank Jacks IC
Day 7: 7 Calf Ups OYO
Day 8: 8 Monkey Humpers IC
Day 9: 9 Mountain Climbers IC
Day 10: 10 Merkins IC
Day 11: 11 Freddy Mercury IC
Day 12: 12 Side Straddle Hops IC


Small talk from everyone this morning: football, school,kids trips etc.

The mosey on to the island was upbeat and energized…… That changed quickly!

Mumble Chatter started with day 1 (Q seemed unprepared)

Day 2 with the sprints was PAX fav as BA lead the Charge with “TAKE THE BRIDGE” followed by yelling and heavy feet crossing the bridge. BA started  to worry the neighbor watch would start complaining.

ABBA started dbl Dutch with other pax with fake jump rope on one of the day 1’s. He also showed off some dance moves (maybe we should change his name to “Ren” from footloose)

Pax got quiet later as the “days” passed by. They was getting winded…. From mumble chatter or the workout. The jury still out on that.

Time started to get away from the Q… fast forward from day 9 to 12. Wanted to make sure to get all the days in.

Between “taking the bridge” and Footloose all the pax showed to be strong.

Thanks men for letting lead this am. Nice work it was and always is a pleasure.

~the end~


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