Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Ash Pond

Last Minute makes it harder

Blart called me today and asked if I’d like to Q.  He was worried  he might not make due to work, so I agreed and because of the short notice I made the workout harder. I guess that happened out of not thinking too much.

11 Paks (1 Rucked) showed expecting Blart to Q, but ended up with a lot less running.

The Thang:

Warm Up: SSH, MNC’s, Imperial Walkers, IC x something and 5 Burpees OYO

Mosey to small soccer field. I know right, already out ran my last Q.

Line up for Rugby Sprints w/ Merkins, flutters, Mtn Climbers, LBC’s, Freddie Mercuries,  with American Hammers on the end

Mosey to the Turd Shack, I know right:

Wall sits and squats while each Pak ran around

Mosey to closest bleachers for Dips

Mosey to playground for a little Dora 1 2 3:

100- pull ups. 200 Merkins. 300 Squats

Mosey to the flag for some MARY

Announcements ( I missed getting water)

Prayer, COT, Pledge

Thanks Blart. It is an honor.

What Did you expect

The warm Up: Partner up and grab a block

The Thang:

Like Dora 1:2:3

100 Curls….25 AH’s

200 Tricep Press…25 LBC

300 Shoulder Press…25 Flutters

switch to

100 AH…25 curls

200 LBC….25 Tricep Press

300 Flutters… 25 Shoulder Press

To the wall:

100 HS….25penquins

200 Merlin’s…25 Crunchy Frogs

300 Baby Dips….25 WWI’s

to the playground

50 pull ups: 100 Merkins…..25 SSH

Squats for a minute….back to flag.

Announcements: BBQ at Venture ask MW

Rooster, CSAUP, 2nd F at Wild Wings (ask Rodie) I can’t remember dates and it’s been so long since I’ve done a back blast I’m afraid to leave this screen.

COT: Prayer:Pledge


Im honored to lead thanks for the EH Blart.

Peace Out

How I heard it anyway

  1. As I was contemplating on my wienke, one from the past kept coming to mind. Though not one of mine, one I enjoyed very much. It was from nine other than our Nantan himself….Tool Time. Christmas Day 2017…..and it goes a lil’ somethin like this:


1 Burpee then exercise SSH 50 SC

run to next light pole (slight modification)

2 Burpees, cotton pickers 15 IC to next pole

3 Burpees, Monkee Humpers (addressing the road) 15 IC to next pole

4 Burpees and so on…increasing one Burpee at each pole exercises were as follows:

Merkins 15 IC, Squats 15IC, Toy Soldiers 15 IC, Morocon Night Clubs 60 IC (yep), CDD’s 15 IC, Peter Parker’s 15 IC,

I left out the 10 Burpees OYO ( in the crease of the wienke won’t happen again), but a train came by and we did 5!!!

Mosey to Turd Shack for a little Turd Shack wall sit shuffle, and in true Midoriyama fashion the sequence and order got off so front side of the wall began just going to mess with those on the other side…..”Recover”…..Mosey to flag

Core Work: We didn’t get em all in, but gave it a good effort.  In/outs 25 arms up: Freddy Mercury’s 25 forward, 25 reverse, 25 Crunchy frogs, 25 WWI, 25 Fifer scissors, 25 Hip Rock n Raise, 25 Vup Rollins, 12 ea side Vup Roll ups, 12 ea leg climbers, 50 American Hammers (count one side)

mosey to bleachers 15 Arm Squats IC

to curb for 15 Mike Tyson’s (Blart Led) IC

22 for the VETS and…..time.

What a time right now with the events involving the Self family. I’m shaken and I don’t know them and so many of F3 Gashouse do. Prayers up for my Brothers,  and the family.  Other brothers spoke and I prayed us out.

Announcements: Forge Wed 6:30 at Grits and Greens: I put it out there tonight I think we should show up tomorrow and begin the Q at Forge with prayer for the Selfs so even if u can’t stay for the whole thing drop in and pray with us. F3 has been Asked to come out to Harper Park in Stanley to support Caleb Self Thursday Night at 8:00 for a baseball game.


What an honor to lead a workout with such an awesome group of guys.

Get Off My Wienke


It was suggested to me by Blart that he and I should co-Q today, and by the time I realized he was serious it was Wednesday. So, thank you Pizza Man for giving up your Q sir.

Quick warm up mosey to kill time for Sparkys arrival.
Warm Up: SSH, Mtn Climbers, Hillbillies, and grass pickers. All IC and we did 10 each….maybe (Midoriyama)

Since as twins we have grown accustom to sharing things. We figured we’d Q together (Our M’s refer to this quality time as Twin Time)

The Thang:
Blart’s Turn: Colt 45’s: Curls, Upward Rows, Tricep Presses 45 Reps each w a lap in between. Mosey to the Tennis Courts for Indian plank w 5 Burpees

AshPond’s Turn: Rugby Sprints 3 courts long. SSH. MTN Climbers. Flutter Kicks. Hillbillies and something I don’t remember count doesn’t matter.

Blart: Mosey to the Amphitheater for…..yep, wall work. Step Ups, Mike Tyson’s, Hip Slappers 10-IC. Rinse n Repeat.

AshPond: Called Dora 123, but with time running out I had to Omaha to AB work. Some Pax got in 50-100 CDD’s though.
Ab Work: Flutters, Sandy V’s, Rosalita’s, Leg Climbers, Homer Marge and my favorite. 50 American Hammers (counting only one side) way to push through guys.

Cameos by: T-Square, Swimmer, Tadpole, Excite Bike, and Madden


COT: I love my big brother, he’s a rock and my best friend. Nuff Said

Prayers for: Injured Pax, Family who lost everything in fire, Rooster Runners


No Running Tonight

Had planned for the rain but she held off long enough for a good cool misty workout. 14 Pax braves the evening gloom with one FNG….

Disclaimer: It was short

Warmup: Nope

Mosey: Sike….stopped at Turd Shack for the following…

  1. Merkins. 2.  SSH. 3. MNClubs. 4. Cherry Pickers. 5. Hillbillies. 6. Mtn. Climbers. 7. Plank. 8. Arm Squats. 9. Durkin’s. 10. Incline Merkins. 11. CDD. 12. American Hammers (like I would forget). 13. In/Outs. 14. LBCs. 15. Rosalina’s. 16. Homer Marge. 17???  18. Phifer Scissors. 19. LBCs. 20. Diamond Merkins. 21. Wide Merkins. 22. Shoulder Taps. 23. Plank. 24. Mike Tyson’s. 25. Burpees. 26. Lunges. 27. Imperial Walkers. 28. Plank Jacks. 29. Squats. 30. Wall Squats. 31. Hip Slappers. 32. Wall Squats. 33. Hip Slappers. 34. Lunges. 35. Step Ups. 36. Plank. 37. LBCs. 38. LBCs. 39. (Lost 3 Exercises Somewhere) 42.  Dan Taylor untilL the Bell.

Each exercise, except for the last, was done for 45 seconds w 15 seconds of recovery.

Yep  the number was supposed to be 42 in honor of Blart’s birthday.


Announcements: Forge 6:30p Wednesdays at Grits and Greens, Tigers men’s group on Wednesday’s at 7:15am  TSquare is collecting $ and stuff for the family whose house burned

COT: Accountability by showing up and keeping in touch with your F3 brothers….Missing IR dudes Def Leppard Canteen and the bros we haven’t seen in a while…Side Car, Coach K, Powerball, Lil Sweet, Huckleberry, and the regulars who weren’t here (you know who u are)


It’s Been A While

It’s Been a While since my last Q, but the heat sweats the rust off. Nine pax endued the afternoon gloom at Midoriyama. No FNG’s…

Warm up: Reverse people choice, i.e. Everyone’s least favorite. Lots of burpees, others I don’t remember. My turn Let’s mosey to the soccer field

The Thang:

40 Minutes of Hell

partner up : P1 NUR’s across field does Bobby Hurley then runs back. P2 does the exercise and switch untilL desired number is reached.

Exercises: 150 Burpees (Omaha’d to 100)Luckily my partner was slaw, 300 squats, 150 big-boy sit-ups, 300 little baby arm circles, 150 Merkins, 300 imperial walkers.

A word of encouragement in between. Mosey back to flag for COT, BOM and Prayer.  Great work by all. Thanks for the example of leadership,integrity and accountability. RESPECT. UntilL next time. Peace Out.

Keeping it Simple

First of all let me apologize for the delay in posted this BB. I had to reset my password….no excuse.

It was a nice evening at Midoryama with 7 pax (it’s been so long I couldn’t remember all names. Anywho….The Thang

W/U: Chumbawampa (SSH n Burpees)

mosey to soccer field for Dora 1-2-3 with 100 Merkins 200 Dips 300 LBC’s. Mose to TurdShack for hipslappers, wall sits w/ steps(thanks Spider-Man) Mosey to playground for a Mini Murph: 5 Pull ups 10 CDD’s 15 Squats run a little ways then back. Mosey to flag for Mary, 22 for the Vets, pledge and announcements and prayer requests.

Moleskin: It’s an honor and privilege to lead these men in exercise. You guys have no idea how just being around y’all has made me want to be more accountable and a better man/husband/father. Thanks is not enough….Peace Out.

Six Halves

It was a cool 88 degrees at Midoryama, and it was a welcomed change. No FNG’s present so short disclaimer.

Quick warm up: CDD’s 20 or 15ish IC. Hillbillies 18-20. I think we did 20 SSH’s (it’s really hard to count at Midoryama) MNC’s 20.

Being that Romans 12 is one of my favorite passages in the Bible I attempted to work in all 21 verses throughout the workout. Using the scripture to give time to catch our breathe.

The Thang: Mosey to the Turd Shack for 20 Flutter kicks IC. 15 Hipslappers IC. 15 Mike Tysons. Mosey to soccer field for some coupon work. We carried coupons to the first corner 5 Block Burpeesthen up the side line to midfield holding coupons overhead 10 Block Merkins the Lunge to next corner 20 Tricep Extensions. Blocks out front then 30 American Hammers (mumble chatter). Lunge to midfield for 40 Shoulder Press. Again blocks overhead to corner 50 Curls. Reading through Romans alone the way (suggestions for longer passages from PAX) To the bleachers with coupons Dips 20 IC  Curls 21’s

Mosey to other Turd Shack for: 20 Flutter Kicks  20 V’ups and Homer n Marge. Reading scripture was becoming difficult due to sweat in the eyes. The PAX was hanging in. Then, Ascending Testicles and HandStands for 30 seconds.  Mosey to playground for some pull-ups, chin-ups, Merkins and LBC’s

Back to start with some MARY and about 15-20 Burpees, 22 Merkins, other ab stuff.

COT: Prayer requests, recap of scripture, second prayer lead by Hushpuppy for Floppy’s wife.  Love you guys. What an honor to lead

Rom: 12:1-2….present your bodies a living sacrifice holy, acceptable to God which is your reasonable service. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.





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