• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 05/23/2024
  • AO: Midoriyama
  • QIC: Dr. Seuss
  • FNG's: NA
  • PAX: Wikileaks, Slaw, Chili, Purple Haze, Blart, Def Leppard

7 Pax came out on a warm Midoriyama evening. We beat the rain, worked our core (thanks to Shortsale for the inspiration to do more core), and kept moving.

Warm Up: Imperial Walker Squats, Gravel Pickers, Toy Soldiers


Stack at Each Pole:

2 burpees

2, 4 squats

2,4,6 CDDs

2,4,6,8 Moroccan Nightclubs

2,4,6,8,10 Bobby Hurley

2,4,6,8,10,12 Crunchy Frogs

14 LBCs

16 Flutters

To shade for one minute of core:

American Hammers


Reverse Crunch

Genie Elbow to Knee

Genie Knee to Elbow


100 Big Boys

200 Merkins

300 Flutters 

Descending Route 66 at each light pole with Big Boys

End with a round of Mary.



Memorial Day Murph

Clean-up day after Yank-June 22

Blood Drive-June 26;17 slots to fill

F3 Dad’s resuming-see Slack

Prayer Requests:



Gavel’s family/nephew

Grandpa Leppard took us out.

Good times! Thanks guys!
