Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 17, 2024

White men can’t shoot

11 HIM showed to know at the Fighting Yank on a perfect morning for pain. This is what happened…

Pledge of Allegiance

Count off


We arrived around the corner on the street that runs parallel with the railroad tracks. We did some warmup type stuff highlighted by the patented Right Over Left. From there the first routine was explained.

Bearway to Heaven – Bearcrawl the street, stopping to do 5 squats at each line. Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin was played for the enjoyment of all. YHC threw in random trivia questions and name that tune type stuff for the remainder of the workout.

Mosey from there to the alley beside Nelly’s for some wall sits and donkey kicks then to the small parking lot behind Cherry Wealth Planning for some 11s. I think we did Mike Tysons and Big Boys  with a lunge walk in between but it was too long ago to recall for sure.

Head around the corner and up the street to another wall where we did more wall sits and donkey kicks.

Back to the front of the old Suntrust branch for a round of ATMs. 15 Alternating Shoulder Taps, 15 Tempo Merkins and 15 Merkins then take a lap. We did a couple rounds of this before it got boring and we needed to do other stuff.

Mosey toward the start, picking up a random traffic cone along the way for what lay ahead.

Traffic Cone Basketball shots – just like what we tried at Midoriyama earlier in the week with a trash can, only this time we used the cone. Would the PAX improve on our totally pathetic performance from Tuesday. HELL NO!!! We suck at shooting these shots and we did a whole bunch of exercises as a result. However, we put work in and everybody had fun. It was great!

Move Mary to the front of the line

Sister Act requested Q’s for May. Why not help a brother out? Plus, I needed a good excuse to get up in the gloom. Last Friday on May 10th I was in the center of 13 PAX at the Downtown Rotary Pavillon. It went like this:

Warm-up: 5 Burpees OYO, Seal Jacks, Imperial Walkers, Side to Side Lunges, and Toy Soldiers all IC x 10, 5 more burpees OYO

Thang: stay in the circle and get into plank for a Core Starter all IC x 15

  • Mtn Climbers
  • Knee Touches
  • Knee Taps
  • Plank Jacks
  • Reverse Crunch
  • Freddie Mercury
  • Raised Penguin Crunch
  • Turtle Crunch
  • Opp Hand / Opp Knee
  • Regular Penguin
  • Legs 90 degrees, alternate R hand, to L foot & L hand to R foot
  • Genie Elbow to Knee
  • Genie Knee to Elbow
  • Ski Abs
  • 5 Burpees OYO

We said the pledge. PAX didn’t like the IC to 15 – I’m sure their core felt some burn from it. Mosey toward York St and to the intersection of York/Main for the Route 198 – 3 exercises beginning at 1 rep and increasing to 11 using the light poles on the left side of Main. Exercises: HR Merkins, In/Out, Plank Jacks. Bullwinkle led the charge. Def Leppard was in the bat flippers – way to push Leppard. We did a 10 count once everyone was finished.

Move to the second level of the parking deck. School is finishing with exams so time for a test. Q set the clock for 0:20 seconds for two rounds of Merkins, Jump Squats, and LBCs. Take the average of the two sets and subtract 2. I know math is not some of your strengths so example: Set 1 of merkins in 20 seconds SA completed 20. In Set 2, SA completed 17. Divide 37 by 2 for 18.5 and subtract 2, round down for 16 required reps on the merkin segment. Each PAX had their individual goals (You vs. You, right?) for the 3 exercises. Now it’s time for the test – Every Minute on the Minute, complete the 3 different exercises at the individual rep limit. Most everyone finished with 15-20 seconds to rest. Then we ran to the other end of the parking garage and returned for the next round. I know, I know – it sounds complicated but really it wasn’t. The PAX managed fine.

COT – Extinction Run; Prayers for Turtleman, family, and guys on IR.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Short Sale

I Promise This is Really a Bootcamp

This workout started with your standard warm up, but when we took off on a mosey down to the ballpark with no stops along the way, the mumble chatter started with grumblings of this being a boot camp AO and not a running AO. We are so used to stopping at every silly light pole for some Mike Tysons or Burpees that we forget that a non-stop 1/2 mile run is perfectly acceptable at a boot camp!

ANYWAY we made it to the ballpark for a round of 4 corners on the outside parameter of the stadium. At each stop we did 10 Merkins, 15 American Hammers, 20 Flutters, 25 Imperial walkers, and 30 LBC’s.

When we finished up with that we did a “partner-timed Dora” where one PAX did AMRAP of an exercise while his partner ran the sidewalk to the end and back. Exercises were: Big Boys, Freddy Mercurys, and Squats.

Easy Rider started “clock checking” at this point, and rightfully so as we were “so far away from COT” (see above complaints). I’ll admit, I did alter the Wienke at this point to start us back in that direction. We made a few (5 to be exact) stops where we would revisit the exercises from the 4 corners but we’d drop one exercise per stop until we got back to COT! We did get 2 miles in but still think anything under 2.5 is boot camp mileage. I mean, Sargento had us at 3.5 a few Mondays ago and it was still called a boot camp!

Thanks Sister Act for the oppertunity to lead!

Why do this?

9 HIM showed up for defib warm afternoon beatdown at Midoriyama. Pre-start discussion was held about my patients who continually do not do what they need to do to improve their heart health.  This kiinds got me worked up so …Not so typical disclaimer was made – I had a rough day and was ready to take it out on someone.  Groans were heard far and wide –


SSH, 5 burpees

Hillbillies – 5 burpees

Grass pickers, 5 burpees

The thang – mosey to retrieve blocks and mosey to parking lot where pax paired up and  –

You know what – what we did wasn’t as important as the interactions and conversations that were had.  F3 is not Crossfit where exercises are the raison d’ etre.  I’ll tell you what happened Thursday afternoon at 5:30 at Poston park – 9 men gathered and yes they sweat and exercised.  Truth be told most pax probably did not really want to exercise.  But they showed up anyway  – We pushed each other physically but more importantly, spending 45 mins outside in the heat led to strengthening emotional and social bonds.  We learned how to interact – sometimes with little maturity other times with deep respect and admiration.  Self actualization cannot be achieved in a vacuum . 9 men showed up yesterday not for themselves, not to “workout” but for the betterment of someone else.  I learned from them and I hope I contributed something for them.



Freight’s dad

Thank you men – Defib out


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