Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: March 2024 (Page 2 of 15)

Second F

Today I had to impromptu Q and it turned out pretty good. I had an even group of 10 and couldn’t let that opportunity pass so almost everything had a partner component.

Warm up

Mosey to upper lot 5-10-15-10-5 at the light poles of CDD and Big Boys. Pledged at senior center.

Dora: 100 squats, 200 merkins, 300 LBC, 400 dips

The dips got a ton of grumbling but I could care less.

Went to horse track and did 11’s of Squat x Inv row.

Pallbearer called me a douche but I think he was just missing his friend and was thinking about him.

Ended with a plank hold while partner did a run down the gravel road and back, switch roles.

Moseyed back to COT just in time.

Everyone got a thorough beat down and it was a great push from all PAX.

Apr. 13 Convergence where the honey hunters used to play. 7am, stay for Community Foundation run or ya mom’s a hoe.


Toothbrush with a pick on the end

5 HIM showed for a Good Friday FRC opportunity. We did a new variation of an old route now called the “toothbrush with a pick on the end route”. It was great. See strava for the map if you care.

Announcements – see other backblasts

Prayer requests – Huck, Turtleman


YHC took advantage of the CMS workday schedule to post at 8@8 for the first time in a long time. Solid crew out to enjoy the perfect running weather.

“20 seconds is all it takes to get the job done.”

7 HIM’s gathered at Bulldog on a perfect day for a beatdown.  There was a multitude of gripes and grievances expressed by the pax, and Flintstone will undoubtedly be haunted for the rest of spring break by the electronic voice calling out “3-2-1-Exercise 1.”  Here’s how it went down.  We started with a quasi-disclaimer followed immediately by Seal jacks, Abe Vigodas (super-slow), Low-slow squats, and merkins (all 10xIC).  I set up music and moved on to The Thang, 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest (“Tabata”).  4 rounds of each set of exercises:

Set 1 = KB pullovers, Thrusters, Lawnmower rows (L), Lawnmower rows (R)

Set 2 = KB swings, Flutter kicks, Mountain climbers, Heels to Heaven

Set 3 = KB pullovers, Curls, Bulgarian split squats (L), Bulgarian split squats (R)

Set 4 = KB swings, American hammers, Star crunches, Scissor kicks

10 seconds of rest is usually an ambitious transition time, especially if changing positions or weights.  However, I really wanted to avoid pauses that extended the rest time.  At the same time, the “Tabata” concept (20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest) requires you to work hard to make your 20 seconds of work count every time (more on that below…).  In the end, we all put in good work and got better.

We took one farmer-carry mosey around the parking lot between Sets 2 and 3, and after Set 4 there was just enough time for a down-and-back lunge walk.  Hunchback helpfully posted a permanent American flag on the post that used to have the “Turn your engines off, kids breathe here” sign which curiously got replaced by a “No smoking” sign, so we said the pledge and continued with COT.

Montana VQ Saturday at The Yank
Convergence 4/13 at CaroMont Park downtown, followed by Community Foundation Run with Speed for Need, all other AO’s closed
Extinction run to be rescheduled.
FCA Golf tournament on April 15th – see Hot Corner to participate or help sponsor

Latte, Huck, Kool-Aid and Pax on IR, marriages.

It’s an honor to lead this morning – thanks to all the pax who showed up and expressed their honest feedback.
– Nutria

Lagniappe:  In case you’re you’re curious about whether or not 20 seconds is REALLY all it takes to get the job done, here’s a brief history (from

Tabata training originated from the world of athletes, as many of our workout ideas do. Dr. Izumi Tabata, a professor at the Faculty of Sport and Health Science at Ritsumeikan University in Japan, along with the head coach of the Japanese speed skating team, wanted to find out if very short bursts of high intensity exercise, followed by even shorter rests, would improve the skaters’ performance.

Dr. Tabata took study subjects through a high intensity (170% of VO2 max) 4-minute Tabata workout using a stationary bike. A second group of athletes followed a different workout, working at an even higher intensity (200% of VO2 max) for 4 to 5 bouts of 30 seconds, followed by 2 minutes of rest.  The results, published in Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise in 1996, showed that the Tabata athletes improved their VO2 max, which is the body’s ability to use oxygen more effectively. That translated into improved performance on the ice.

Midoriyama 3/26/24

It’s YHC’s 51st birthday, so he grabbed the Q to celebrate. The forecast called for a chance of rain, but with Slaw at the helm, the chances are 95 – 100% chance of rain. Sure enough, steady rain started at 17:20. Luckily, the rain subsided by 17:30. No problem. YHC had an easy Wienke laminated and ready to go!


  • 5 Seal Jacks, 1 Low slow squat
  • 5 Abe Vigodas, 1 Low slow squat
  • 5 Morrocan nightclubs, 1 Low slow squat
  • 5 Goofballs, 1 Low slow squat



Circle up in the parking lot. YHC asked the PAX “Which 3 consecutive integers add up to 51?”. You should’ve seen the guys struggle. Haze quit after he ran out of fingers and toes to count. Leppard screamed in protest “I need my Excel spreadsheet!”. Smoke was billowing out of Dr. Seuss’ ears. Sargento just looked at the Q as if to say “Really, man? I went to N.C. State. I didn’t need math to graduate!”.  Chili blurted out “I don’t give a $h!t!”. Oompa just stood in the corner picking his butt/nose. Montross rolled in about this time unaware of the question that was asked. After a long, awkward silence Wikileaks finally says “16, 17, and 18!”. Outstanding, kid! Hopefully we’ll get through this workout. We performed the following:

  • 16 Merkins, 17 Squats, 18 Reverse Crunches
  • 16 Werkins, 17 Imperial Walker Squats, 18 Flutter Kicks
  • 16 Diamond Merkins, 17 Big Boys, 18 Jump Squats
  • 16 Ranger Merkins, 17 Lunges, 18 CDD’s
  • 16 Mtn. Climbers, 17 Tiger Squats, 18 Derkins

Numerous renditions of Happy Birthday  were sang by the PAX to derail the Q. YHC didn’t care. We weren’t going to get in a hurry today.

Next, we stopped at each light pole on the right for 5 Mike Tysons and 1 Flying Squirrel. Once we arrived at the rear parking lot, we circled up and performed EMOM for 10 minutes:

  • 5 Burpees
  • 1 Mike Tyson

This was relatively easy, so mumblechatter and more renditions of Happy Birthday abounded. We then headed back and stopped at each light pole for 5 LBC’s IC and 1 Mike Tyson.

Circle back up for 16 Flutter Kicks, 17 Dying Cockroaches, 18 LBC’s (all IC)

Finish up with 51 SSH to complete the workout.


  • 4/13 Convergence/ Community Foundation Run at the FUSE ballfield. Purple Haze has the Q
  • Extinction Run will be rescheduled to a later date.
  • 5/4 The Goonie. Defib has the lead on this one.

Prayer Requests:

  • Broke (back issues)
  • Blart (back issues)
  • Huckleberry recovering from his procedure
  • Turtleman
  • Anchorman
  • The Hall Family
  • The families affected by the bridge collapse in Baltimore

YHC took us out in prayer


Even though the recurring number in this workout was 51 (YHC’s age), half of the PAX failed to recognize the significance until Happy Birthday had been sung 15 times! The Midoriyama boys have a reputation of being crazy and having the best mumblechatter around, but as Foghorn Leghorn said, “The boy is about a sharp as a bag of wet leather!”. We sometimes fall short on being the sharpest knife in the drawer. YHC is proud to be numbered among them! Thank you for the birthday wishes! YHC holds a new Gashouse region record – he had Happy Birthday sang to him 15 times in a 45 minute period! Dr. Seuss is jealous! Thanks to Sargento for leading the crappiest men’s choir around!



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