Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: March 13, 2024

Leg Day in Mt Hollywood

I was so proud to give the Mt Hollywood PAX a make-up workout since I had missed my weekend leg day…they maybe not so pleased:

After a general heart rate increasing warm up, we hit it off with Route 66 Mike Tysons.  Once complete, we began to mosey out from the lot, but recognized we were light a couple of members we started with.  A FNG was already feeling the pressure and had to break, so we all elected to mosey back to the AO parking lot in effort of not leaving a man behind.  We conducted a ‘turning 50’ workout to include:

  1. 50 squats, lap around the lot
  2. 50 split leg squats, lap around the lot
  3. 50 sumo squats, lap around the lot
  4. 50 jump squats, lap around the lot
  5. 50 calf raises, lap around the lot
  6. 50 count Al Gores, lap around the lot
  7. 50 pigeon toe calf raises, lap around the lot
  8. 50 (4 count) Triple Bears

Announcements, Praises and Prayers included:

  • Bulldog Wednesday to Thursday
  • Welcome to FNG Blow Grits
  • Prayers for Blow Grits family
  • Prayers for Jackson Hall family
  • Prayers for the unfortunate child who died on the Holbrook school bus
  • Prayers for friend Mandy who lost her 22 year old daughter to illness

back on the wagon

I got some EC with a slow mosey and got back to a growing crowd. There was some gentle mumble chatter then we started at 0530 with Disclaimer and Pledge as the site Q arrived with the flag.  We had a quick warmup then moseyed to front of park for some instructions. Today is the 13th so we will do some exercises at 13 reps each: SSH, Squats, Merkins, and LBCs. Next, mosey to the first island. Plan is same exercises, bear crawl around the island, then mosey two islands down. I don’t like quiet workouts so at this point I was only one counting and when I did the 13 reps we would move on to the next exercise. This didn’t have the complete desired effect, however the mumble chatter got a little better. We did about 5 or 6 of these islands then moseyed to the turd shack for some wall work-Easy Rider mistakenly said we would be doing hip slappers, however I had something else in mind and honestly, the HSers would have been better. We did Jackass Burpee Webbs-found this online last night and looked really stupid so I thought it would be good to try. Get on the wall, do a burpee followed by 2 donkey kicks. Next, 2 burpees and 4 donkey kicks, and keep on rolling. We got to 4 then moved back out into the parking lot for a 10 count then moseyed back to near the baseball fields for work on Clavin’s hill-we did Jack Webbs (merkin + 4 air presses, then 2 merkins + 8 air presses, and keep going) to a 10 count. The exercises were at top of hill with a trip back and forth on the hill with each set. Bullwinkle was setting the pace and I didn’t even hear him breathing heavy.  Once we finished, I called for 1 more round to 11 just because I wanted to see what kind of reaction I would get.  Next we moseyed to the picnic area for some Dips and Step Ups. Mosey back to home stopping at the island for escalator squats starting at 5 and adding 5 at each island till we ran out of time and high tailed it back home for COT.

We had a quick talk about being strict with yourself and tolerant with others. Hold yourself to the highest standards and give those around you the grace to stumble occasionally. Realize others will have different standards that likely will not match with yours. I think this is different from Candor, however there is likely a fine line between the two. Candor originates from love with the intention of enlightenment and improvement, and the other situation I think is more about your own mental approach to a particular situation and how your attitude about that situation  is manifested. Honestly, I think I am still struggling with this and not sure I have it figured out completely yet. Bottom line is, I think I probably should keep my mouth shut more often than I do which is a daily, scratch that, hourly….or minute by minute struggle. Being around F3 guys provides a lot of opportunities for me to learn more about both these situations.

With Mortimer behind me, now it seems like I need to get back on track posting again. thanks Maybelline for the opportunity to lead this am. Seems like I have not been posting like I should. I’ve been less strict on myself than I should. I say this with the hope that if you notice this in the future, feel free to point this out to me. Also, how about reaching out to some of the Kotters you know to get them back out? Sometime it just takes a call to let someone know you noticed they are not around. You never now if this is the push they need to break out of the fartsack. Give them the grace they need to maybe not hold exactly to YOUR standards, but the candor to know they can be doing BETTER than what they are doing and you realize they are not around.

Maybe that’s the sweet spot somewhere between strictness and candor……



Ground Assault 3-13-24

Large group of runner and ruckers this morning.  Run route was Loftin park loop, ruck was usual.  Pledge at the end.

Announcements: Food ruck this Saturday 0545 at the Yank, 2nd F lunch 3/20 at Bad Daddy’s, convergence 4/13 at Fuse, blood drive coming up in June (looking for a new venue)

Prayers:  Ratchet and family, Gavel and family, Turtleman, Huck, Anchorman, Golddigger M having surgery

YHC took  us out

Always an honor


500 points I Win

11 points whores joined YHC at Midoriyama Tuesday night(that makes 12). There was lots a math going on before hand to explain Broke’s weekend to Dr. Evil.


Sealjacks x 10ic

Let’s go get a block. Mosey to the small soccer field.

The Thang:

Starting on the end line we did 10 reps of an exercise then rifle carried our blocks about 15 steps out to a cone. At this cone we did 10 more reps. Rinse and repeat 2 more cones. We ended up at mid field. Once the last reps were done we did murder bunnies back to the start then ran a lap around the field. I think everyone loved this workout.  We did this for the time by doing the following exercises. Block swings, alternating block merkins, thrusters, bonnie blairs(5 time Olympic gold medalist speed skater), squat jumps, don q style WWI, squat jumps.




Announcement-2nd F lunch next week, talk of a ruck style CSAUP coming May4th preblast to come

Prayer Request-Hall family, Gavel and family


I received 500 points for this post. I win. You suck. You wasted your time trying to compete but you never had a chance. Loser!

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