Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2024 (Page 10 of 12)

Sometimes you gotta give the pax what they ask for

Mumblechatter was already going strong at 0530 as I joined the circle of pax.  We started with the pledge and a mosey to the front of the school to get out of the rain.  (It wasn’t raining too hard, but that could change at any time.)  An ideal Q, maybe a “professional,” would have scoped out the terrain and conditions ahead of time, but I didn’t arrive early enough to get that done.  Fortunately, the walkway wasn’t saturated with puddles. 

Warm-up commenced with a quick count-off and disclaimer and side-straddle hops.  Then we see headlights in the parking lot.  Once we confirmed Tesla’s unmistakable figure approaching, we did burpees until he joined us.  Next, on to The Thang:

  • 5 core exercises, 10 each in cadence:  Star crunches, American hammers, Mountain climbers, Dying cockroaches, Big Boys (OYO)
  • 11s:  Hand release merkins / Bobby Hurleys
  • 5 core exercises, 15 each in cadence:  Star crunches, American hammers, Mountain climbers, Dying cockroaches, Heels to Heaven (OYO)
  • 11s:  Scorpion merkins, (merkins with one leg in the air, just to mix it up) / lunges
  • 5 core exercises, 20 each in cadence:  Star crunches, American hammers, Mountain climbers, Dying cockroaches, Big Boys (OYO)

Lively mumblechatter kept going with all manner of criticisms and grievances, but we worked through it.  During the last round of core work, mumblechatter gave way to grunting and groaning, so I knew something was right!  There was no giving in on those reps, even though it was tough to keep the cadence going.  But, every Q is a leadership learning experience.  As some pax were wondering why we had stayed under the covered walkway the whole time, the next set of 11s was an opportunity to give the peanut gallery what they wanted.  So, we went out in the rain with step-ups at the posts / benches followed by CDD’s in the middle of the parking lot.  We ran out of time halfway through and got back to the flag for COT.

Announcements:  2nd F lunch 17th at Whiskey Mill

Prayers:  Mayor’s M, Turtleman, others

It was awesome to have strong attendance in lousy weather – including a rare bootcamp appearance by Alma Mater and Cheesesteak’s first post at The Storm!  Thanks to all you  HIM’s for coming out and for the opportunity to lead.

– Nutria


Skipping Rope

A baker’s dozen for the first Midoriyama Beatdown of 2024, and we all witnessed the majestic skipping of a former Nantan.  Here’s what I remember:\

The Thang:

We started with

  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)

I don’t know why.  Had something to do with the Site Q.

  • 10 x SSH (IC)

Time to scratch the itch again

  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)

Ok, enough of that, onto the regularly scheduled Weinke

  • 10 x Don Quixotes (IC)
  • 10 x Hillbillies (IC)
  • Tesla Stretches
  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)

Quick stop at the Turd Shack on the way to today’s location.  We weren’t going far from the flag today.

At the Turd Shack, we found some wall space and did

  • 1 Minute – Wall Sits/Dwight Howards

Where the PAX would hold the Wall Sit as long as they could (or chose to) and whenever they stopped they did Dwight Howards until they started the Wall Sit again.  We would come back to this.

Quick mosey to the nearest parking lot, beside the cages, where we had all the playground toys:  chalk, jump ropes, a speaker, cinder blocks.  The usual stuff.

For our circuit, we would do 50 seconds on and 10 seconds to switch of the following exercises:

  • Jump Rope
  • Perfect Form Merkins
  • V Ups
  • Crab Marches
  • Block Merkins
  • Jane Fondas

The first circuit, and first exercises, there it was.  A creature, gliding effortlessly as the jump rope turned.  A running gallop, that can only be described as “skipping rope”.  The PAX were amazed and clapped and cheered and we all knew we were in the presence of greatness.  Or something like that.

We finished the circuit, then ran an oddly shaped lap around some parking lot and went back to the Turd Shack for round 2

  • 2 Minute – Wall Sits/Dwight Howards

The thing about the Turd Shack is that there are corners, and people facing different directions, and YHC had no idea what was happening on the other side of the wall, so who knows what work was being done.

Back to the circuit, for round 2 of:

  • Jump Rope
  • Perfect Form Merkins
  • V Ups
  • Crab Marches
  • Block Merkins
  • Jane Fondas

Another lap, but this one shorter, and we just kept moseying this time to the Footmobile, which was strategically parked at a parking lot not far from where we were, and was where the next round of beatings commenced.

Choices.  As a benevolent Q, I presented choices to the PAX.  On one hand, there are guys that don’t want to do block work, but want to run.  On the other hand, there are those that just want to do block work.  Well pick.  Today, we did dueling filthy “Sevens”, though they could’ve been dirtier.  Seven minutes on the clock to do the work.

So think Triple Nickel, but with 7 reps and for 7 minutes:

  • 7 x Burpees (OYO)
  • 7 x Jungle Boy Squats (OYO)
  • Run between


  • 7 x Thrusters (OYO)
  • 7 x Block Swings (OYO)
  • Block Carry between

It was a grind, but everyone did it.  Seems like the block group was pushing harder than the runners, but maybe the Q was biased.  Anyways, back to the turd shack, again.

  • 2 Minute – Wall Sits/Dwight Howards

And back towards the stations, but not to the stations.  We close with the core.

Cora Por Dies

  • Partner 1: Alternate between 10 reps of American Hammers & LBCs until Partner 2 returns
  • Partner 2: Run to the end of the lot and back
  • Switch and repeat

Then Round 2:

  • Partner 1: Alternate between 10 reps of Freddie Mercuries & Flutter Kicks
  • Partner 2: Run to the end of the lot and back
  • Switch and repeat

Do it all over again.  Another round with Hammers & LBCs.  Another round with Freddies & Flutters.

And that was it.  Another Midoriyama Beatdown in the books.

Solid start to the New Year.   This year, as every year, may we work towards being the men we need to be for those that need us, in our fitness, our fellowship, and our faith.

We’ve got a whole year of pages to write in.  Let’s make em count.

Thankful for the opportunity to lead.

Yabba Dabba Doo

Yesterday, Today, & Forever

“Therefore my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” – 1 Corinthians 15:58

As consistent as we think we are, we’ve got nothing on eternity.  Do the work everyday.



Even when you feel otherwise.

We get to choose how we’re going to act, so choose wisely.

8 of us put in work this morning at The Sword to start the week off right #NeverMissAMonday

Yabba Dabba Doo

Members Only 1/07/24

Stellar group of HIM’s showed at the first Members Only of the year.  Large ruck group, elite runner group, then Gavel and me.

Convene after the run/ruck.  Pledge.  Mission of F3 to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Announcements: prayer walk at Young Life schools, upcoming Rice n Beans opportunity, 2nd F lunch

Prayer requests: Pax ill, Jackson Curti has marrow donor match but still has a ways to go to be health enough for transplant, Turtleman, Huckleberry, Montana, Jackson Hall,  new school superintendent announcement

YHC took us out

Convene for Q Source – Team Accountability

Always an honor


The Dragon’s Lair

It’s my first time Q at the Sandlot for me and I know exactly what I’m going to make them do. From beginning to end this is how it went. First things first we started out with the Pledge just to make sure I don’t forget it later. Next was the Warmup and it was pretty run of the mill so I’m not going to harp on that. We then set off towards Martha’s Place. Once in there we went down to the playground for an escalator strength training session and since the only workouts I’ve ever participated in here were Memorial Day Murphy that’s what exercises we did. I found a good prep program for the Murph several years ago and it goes like this.

  • Round 1 – 1/2/3
  • Rpund 2 – 2/4/6
  • Round 3 – 3/6/9
  • Round 4 – 4/8/12
  • Round 5 – 5/10/15

Pullups/Merkins/Squats in that order naturally. This escalator is continued as many times as possible until failure. Today we stopped after 5 rounds just for time of course. Then we exited the playground area (or the Dragon’s Lair as my kids used to call it) and stopped at the entrance for 5 rounds of 5 Mike Tyson’s, 10 Heels Up Sissy Squats, 15 Mtn. Climbers followed by a short run around a portion of the parking lot. Once finished we resumed our position back inside the Dragon’s Lair for a 5×5 set of Hanging Knee Raises and Jungle Boy Squats. Back to Pelicans we headed with @10 min. to go where we finished up with some sandbags and partner work. One PAX did 10 curls, 10 rows, and 10 extensions while other PAX ran down to the bottom of Pelicans Parking Lot did 3 Burpees ran back and swapped. After @ 3 rounds my partner was bored with this so he swapped to squats while I ran. This was fine by me as I’ve never been one to miss an opportunity to criticize squat from we all switched to AMRAP squats when our partners were running. After about 2 rounds of that we were finished.



Injured PAX, Huckleberry, TurtleMan, Hall Family, Easy Rider’s Son and Family, My Mom and Family, Broke’s Mom, and many more


2nd F lunch Whisky Mill Gastonia

Thank you GOD for allowing us to do this and thanks for this group of MEN and what it has meant to me.


Not so bad

12 canoes joined YHC on Saturday in the cold rain despite me pleading for no one to show up. Below 40 and rain is dumb. Thanks a lot Aholes. I put a plan together based off of some ruck and sandbag work I’m doing that would keep us in the shelter at least. It kept us dry and with the wind and cold it was hard to even sweat.


Just whatever came to mind. High knees and whatnot to get warmed up.

The Thang:

Hand Release merkins- 4 sets x 30 seconds with 60s rest between

Butterfly situps-3 sets x 30s w/30s rest

Prisoner Squats-5 sets x 30s w/30s rest

After this it was on to station work. 1 min of work and 45s of rest between. We started in to rd 2 before we ran out of time.

Stations and rds listed below

40# sandbag-OH press/Getup

60# sandbag-Clean/bent over rows

Ruck-high pull/rotations

Slamball-straight down/side to side

Kettle bell-swings/turkish getup

Dumbbells-OH clap/renegade row

25# plate-situp/roller

25# plate-weight to toe lever/curls

step ups



decline merkins

split squats




Announcedments-2ndF lunch at Whiskey Mill, Push the Rocks challenge coming up, need more runner for the P200 you meows

Prayer Requests-Several mothers, People with flu, Stogie’s M with neck problems

Naked Moleskin:

As I was driving in I saw Westside out for an EC run in the cold ass rain! I said he was either a badass or a moron and he said he was both. The sadclown soft side of me says it ain’t worth it. I’ve done some hard stupid shit what do I have to prove? The problem with that is I was a badass moron when I did that hard stupid stuff but like your cardio it doesn’t last. Stop running for a while and see what happens. You have to continually challenge yourself with hard stupid stuff to stay that tough. I don’t like it anymore than you but it’s the truth. So hats off to you Westside for being a badass moron leader and role model. Keep it up.





  • We had six studs show up to the Coconut Horse. Flintstone and Short Sale went for some extended half marathon training. Winehouse and YHC hit the Coconut traditional route, and Whoopee and Hunchback got pulled along on a Scrat ruck through Heatherloch.
    Maybelline asked for a substitute Q for Q source  as he isn’t feeling well  (get better Maybelline)  so YHC volunteered but couldn’t find the book.  Winehouse was prepared to lead Chapter 7 on duty and did his duty and did an admirable job .

second F lunch on the 17th at Whiskey Mill in Gastonia

prayer for turtleman, hunchbacks dad, and kids going back to school

Duty is what we do everyday. Doing what is right and what we know we need to do. Just do it.


Baby It’s Cold Outside

19 Showed up at Tequila Sunrise  17 boot campers and 2 runners.

Clock struck 5:30 a.m.  We did the pledge then moseyed to basket ball court for a warm up.

Warm Up


10 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Merkins IC

20 Squats OYO

Warm up complete we moseyed to the tennis court to complete a pyramid workout

The exercises were as follows: 1. Merkins, 2, Jump Squats, 3. Mountain Climbers, 4. CDD, 5. Flutter Kicks, 6. Monkey Humpers, 7. Burpees.  The reps were completed by time 45 seconds of work 15 seconds of rest.  We moseyed in between each set


1     2

1      2      3

1      2          3       4

1       2          3        4        5

1         2        3         4         5        6

1      2        3        4          5           6          7

After complete we moseyed back to the start for some core work.

25 LBC

25 American Hammers

25 Reverse Crunch

10 Hip dips on each side.

Time  6:15 a.m.

Announcements (Please review slack for announcements and pre blast) and Prayer request

I took us out in prayer.  Thank you for the opportunity to lead.


Out of Region: The Handsomizer

Pizza the Hut and Hunchback posted at the Handsomizer with F3 Nashville on Friday, December 29th. 93 merkins, lots of bear crawls and gloom kickball occurred. Pizza the Hut also EH’d his FNG cousins Trainor and Couch Potato from Kansas City.


PAX can now enter their downrange posts by submitting a detailed or simple backblast. Choose “Out of Region” as location, include N/A as the Q, and do not include other PAX from out of the region.

Out of Region: Valley of Death

Eh Y’all posted at the Valley of Death w F3Clemson on Wednesday, January 3

PAX can now enter their downrange posts by submitting a detailed or simple backblast. Choose “Out of Region” as location, include N/A as the Q, and do not include other PAX from out of the region.

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