• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 10/31/2023
  • AO: The Storm
  • QIC: Tiger
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Sargento, Anchorman, Pilgrim's Progress, Tooth Fairy, Ocho, Cherie Berrie, Picolo, Dr Seuss, Elf, Defib, Goose, Montana, Doodles, Sunshine, Flintstone, Fannie Mae, Virus, Termite

Big crowd to celebrate a start to Halloween festivities, 15 for bootcamp and four runners.  Pledge.  Quick disclaimer and mission of F3 to plant, grow and server small workout groups for men, for the invigoration of male community leadership.  More on that later.

Warmup of SSH, Imperial Walkers, arm circles, gravel pickers and some stretching.  Take a mosey around parking lot and gather in the corner.

Four corners is the call.  Add the previous exercise at the next corner.  Corner one, 10 hand release merkins.  Corner two, 10 HR merkins, 20 flying squirrels.  You get the idea.  Corner three added 30 bonnie blairs, corner four added 40 smurf jacks.  What goes up comes down, stay at corner four and repeat.  Unwind the same exercises at each corner in reverse ending at corner one with 10 HR merkins.  Included a lesson on the credo, “leave no man behind, but leave no man where you found him.”  The group stayed together until everyone completed, and continued doing reps until last man finished.

Go to the nitch where the outside wall dips in toward building.  Line the wall for high knees and donkey kicks.  Begin high knees and on command do a donkey kick.  While doing this, we reviewed the five C’s of virtuous leadership, candor, commitment, consistency, contentment, and courage.

Moved into three rounds of suspension merkins.  Feet on the wall, ideally only one foot up the wall, higher makes it easier.  Hold plank until call for merkins, on call do five merkins.  Really have to engage core to stay on the wall.

YHC took a few minutes to discuss the last phrase in the mission statement “invigorate male community leadership” and how important the leadership virtues are to us all.  We live in a world that is under attack every day.  Attack on ourselves and those near us.  The world is as filled as ever with self-indulgence, greed, lust, gluttony, instant gratification and a general idea to do whatever it is that makes you happy that we as a society are losing  the notion of working hard and doing the right thing.  We are the front line soldiers in the battle.  We must lead with virtue in Godly life, Cherie Berrie recently discussed planting the seeds that allow God to grow and nurture.  Fortunately we know that good wins, but we must do our part until the victory is fulfilled.

Sprint back to the start for a little Mary.

Announcements:  Weekend of Nov 4 Folsom closed due to Roundup leading 24 hour run to benefit No Brainer Foundation – looking to have someone on the course with Roundup and others every hour of the 24 – also accepting donations, trail run CSAUP Nov 18, Dec 2 convergence and Christmas party, Dec 9 beer ruck

Prayer requests; Tooth Fairy daughter to begin further spina bifida testing, Montana upcoming surgery, Anchorman friend to undergo bone marrow transplant, Tiger mom, Turtleman, Huck, praise of Norwood leading the Yank Saturday, Flintstone and Virus upcoming marathon, Ozark injury

YHC took us out

Always an honor
