Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 7, 2023

Core’n More @ The Labyrinth

I think the bootcampers heard I was coming so they ran somewhere, just not here. That’s right, no running at my camp. We start with a a warm up with Don Quixote’s, Squats and Gravel pickers. 

Let’s mosey to the gazebo, runners head to the grounds keeper’s edge of the park and meet us there. Timing was perfect. 

Round 1&2: 50 sec’s of work, 10 sec’s to transition. LBC’s, R-LBC’s, Star Crunches, Flutters, Baby Makers (Time Frame said we were doing it wrong?), Jack Knifes, Superman Pullups. Ruck/Run the lot and R&R

Round 3&4: 50 sec’s of work, 10 sec’s to transition. Squat Boxing, Step ups, CDD’s, Mtn Climbers, Merkins. Ruck/Run the lot and R&R

Announcements: 2ndF around the corner

Prayers: school in VA, fires in Canada and all the people affected by it, Ukraine

Good work men!


Prison Break Rides The Lightning

The summer challenges have been floating around for a little over a week now. Several AOs have hosted Thunder, but not quite as many have hosted Lightning. Lightning is designed to focus on speed and includes a lot of running. That being the case and considering we have a nice track just down the street, I figured it made a lot of sense to run the challenge during Prison Break. I did a little prep to mark the course before the workout and everyone met up at Ingles at 5:30. Rabbit Ears and EZ Rider took off on a solo-moseys and the rest of us warmed up, and moseyed over to the site of Old School.

The Lightning challenge was a burner. It took most of us 21-30 minutes to finish. Ball Joint finished first with a 21:10, edging out the People’s Champ SLAW at 21:41. GearWrench finished 3rd at 23:18. Here’s the link to workout: Summer Challenge – Lightning

Nice work by all. We made it back just in the nick of time.

Prayer requests: Wirenut’s mom, Steve Alexander, 2.0s going to BootCamp, Huck, Ratchet’s family, Haze’s foot. YHC took us out in prayer.

Space Cowboys on Route 66

It was a beautiful morning here in Little D. The sun was shining. The birds chirping. We’ve finally got ourselves a Saturday without rain. I pulled into Old School and the first 2 PAX I saw were Oompa Loompa and Def Leppard. Welcome to Really Really Old School guys. For a moment I thought some of the geriatrics from the old folks home across the street had escaped. Anyway we’re all here and after a quick warmup we headed out about the town stopping at various intersections to knock out some HR Merkins and Squats along the way. We made our way over to the Old Jailhouse where Oompa once spent a night improper/malfunctioning equipment on his horse and buggy. Man the law was strict back then. While we’re here we got in couple of rounds of Route 66. The first round being Bear Crawls and HR Mike Tysons at each parking space. With the second being Walking Lunges and Squats at each parking space. We then picked back up with another mosey stopping at various intersections for HR Merkins and Squats. We ended up at the Old Courthouse where I think Ol Man Leppard submitted his first Presidential  Vote back in the day which was for Good Ol Woodrow Wilson I’m assuming. Anywho while we’re here we might as well get in some more work so we did 20 single leg calf raises on each step on the way up and then back down. Let’s get back on the road again with stops at each intersection once again for you guessed it HR Merkins and Squats. We were all moving right along getting in some work. Then all of a sudden while rounding out of Kotters Korner a Post Malone Clone came up out of nowhere and started talking to us about our running and asked what were we working out or training for. I answered as best I could at the time. Then he started in talking about our beautiful water tower and how NASA and SpaceX put those satellites on the side to talk to space aliens and control the weather. We got the heck on out of there ASAP. Whew that was something.  We finished back at the flag just in time to let the old folk’s home know that we’d brought Def and Oompa back and that they could call off the search party now.

Pledge; COT; Announcements; Praise; and Prayers

So I guess you could say I took the Space Cowboys down Route 66 and now they’re ready to blaze up and blast off with Captain Post Malone. That’ll be one small step for old man and one giant leap for old mankind.

All the old man jokes aside we got in some good work out here. I was the youngster at age 43 out here. Also I was never at the front of the pack. So that being said thanks for the push and inspiration guys.

Now which one of y’all gonna bust out that AARP Card and get me a discount on my breakfast.


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