Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: April 19, 2023

Conspiracy theories and 6-second squats

Another beautiful morning at The Ricky Bobby started out right at 0530. Orangeman and Watts Up were ready to go as I planted the shovel flag. No disclaimer for this group of seasoned veterans (and no time for chit chat). We went straight into the traditional side-straddle hops. Then out of the shadows emerged someone vaguely familiar from the distant past, none other than Buckshot, who joined in like he hasn’t missed a single post in the last 6 months.  We finished the warmup with imperial walkers, merkins and Nolan Ryans (each 10xIC).  Started to mosey towards New Hope Road as J2C pulled into the parking lot – 30 seconds later and he woulda never found us! After dodging New Hope traffic like a real-life game of Frogger in the gloomy darkness, we made it to the parking lot of the Presbyterian church for some classic BLIMPS – “rack’em-stack’em” style from one end of the parking lot to the other.
B = 5 Burpees (even though Watts Up claimed that there are other exercises that start with B)
L = 10 Lunges single count
I = 15 Imperial walkers single count
M = 20 Merkins
P = 25 Plank jacks
S = 30 Squats

At the end of this, Buckshot delivered a silent 10-count (it was as weird as it sounds) while Orangeman mused about 6-second squats. So, we did a few of those 6-second squats (5 in cadence). Then I broke the unfortunate news that our BLIMPS were stacked in the wrong place, so we reversed everything and re-stacked while enjoying some good mumblechatter about the kooky things Watts Up listens to during his long drives to and from Aiken.  With everything re-stacked there were 3 minutes left, just enough time to mosey back to the flag for Pledge and COT.

Announcements:  Convergence 4/29; See Sparky if interested in Wildcat 5k

Prayers:  Radar’s sister, Virus’s 2.0, Orangeman’s cousin Mark Wilson.

This morning was tough but we fought through it together, and I’m glad to be able to start out the day with these HIM’s.
– Nutria

8 corners is too much

I knew I wouldn’t want to post this am. I knew I was going to be tired and blah blah blah so I sent Maybelline a request to give me the Q. His response was to give me the Q but raise me some EC….OK, I’m in. Step ups started at 0500-ish then the PAX started rolling in. Roscoe was there early also with some rucking before Maybelline and I even started the EC.

Pledge, WU, then start into it with 8 corners: just like 4 corners but more. Initial plan was to stack the exercises however that changed quickly. 5 burpees at C1, same plus 10 Mike Tysons at C2, same plus 15 Big Boys at C3, and same plus 40 SSH at C4. Somewhere along the line I realized this was not going to end well. In retrospect, everyone was really quiet while we did the first few exercises. I think everyone (except me) realized this was going to suck big donkey balls. We Omaha’d for the rest. The next round of corners was 25 Merkins that went down in number by 5 for each corner plus 30 squats then 35 imperial walkers, then a bunch of flutter kicks at the other corners.

Mosey to the bank parking lot for hops on the short side and lunges on the long sides of the lot. Before we started, Amazon noticed a flat mouse by the dumpster that was probably a few days old, likely crushed by a trash truck. We finished this then moseyed around to the cameras at the drive thru bank area for some wall sits, dirty hookups, and hip slappers. There may have been an exercise that resembled “balls in your camera face” at one point, but I couldn’t say for sure.

Next we moseyed to the Planet Fitness parking lot. Quick question for Tricycle: lines or cars? Thankfully he chose cars. We did suicides in the lot down each lane with each of the cars on that specific lane. I don’t remember what we did but it was a good combination of constant motion, moderate but consistent work, and good advertising for the dues-paying Planet Fitness peeps who came out while we were pushing rocks.

I think we moseyed back to start and finished with squats until Roscoe came back. The initial plan was continue until Roscoe said something but Defib ruined everything……#shouldhavebeenthere

We finished with COT then Tricycle took us out.

I have learned over the last 25 years of being at F3 in GasHouse (yes, 25 years!!!!) that the best way to make sure I post is to put something out on Slack that I will be there-whether that is being the Q or just that I’ll meet someone at a particular AO. I’ve realized I can let myself down, but I’ll do just about anything to avoid letting one of you down. Maybe it’s because I don’t want to hear guys like Freight give me a hard time about not doing what I said or maybe I just don’t want to get “that look” from one of my Shieldlock guys, or maybe I just don’t want to have an F3 brother think I am not there for him. All I know is this works and I appreciate each one of you….well, maybe some more than others and most of the time Freight. Thanks for keeping this thing going in GasHouse.



World Travelers Have Returned

It was a beautiful morning for a mosey! It was one of those mornings where you are just a little chilly in a short sleeve shirt, but you know you’ll be just right once you get about 3/4 of a mile in. I queued up a little mix of southern hip hop legends and let Jeezy, Outkast, Pall Wall, and others pace me through my 4 miler.

It was good to see Sarlacc and Leppard back at it after spending some time in the Caribbean. Haters are still calling ‘No Rep’ on Leppard’s “shopping ruck” adventure.

Unfortunately I “Seussed” the nameorma so no video for Twitter today. I’ll try harder next time. However, I did get this pic. Does anyone else think Slaw looks sorta like the guy at the kite store at Broadway at the Beach?

Slaw the Stud

Prayer Requests – Huck, Ratchet and family, Virus 2.0, Haze’s dad, Wirenut’s family and coworker, Broke’s coworker, NOGA band as they travel, Mayor. Congratulations to Haze’s son getting selected for a woodwind clinic.


The Hill



Grass Pickers



Mosey to The Hill.

Stops at every light pole , 3 Burpees OYO

Lower Parking lot before Hill, Route 66, Squats and bear crawls!

The Hill- Bench to bench -Triple Nickel , Mike Tyson’s and Big Boys.

Then Dora- Bench to Bench, 100 Penguins, 200 Leg Flutters, 300 LBCs… while other partner ran to bottom of the Hill and back.

Mosey back- Light Poles on the way back , Route 66 … Bobby Hurleys.

Finished at the Flag last 5 minutes where everyone called different Core work 10-20 reps each!!! 💪🏻🤙🏻


Pledge 🇺🇸


Announcements :

Lunch at Papas and Beer tomorrow

Convergence 4/29 – Midoriyama- 7am


Prayer Requests:

Ratchets- 2.0

Purple Haze’s family

Virus’s daughter

Broke prayed us out

Ground Assault – 4/19

Running and Rucking took place.

2nd F Lunch today – Papa’s and Beer, Dallas @ Noon
Convergence – midoryiama, Apr 29th, 7am
5k – Belmont classic
Goat island games – Cramerton
5k at common ground
Tuck fest at WWC – races, other stuff
2:30pm trail run at Poston (Flintstone)

Queso turned 18
Sargento – surgery
Flintstone’s family
Doodles – difficult decision to make

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