• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 11/06/2021
  • AO: PainLab
  • QIC: Tube
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Hermie, Castle Rock, VooDoo, Pacer

What are you giving your M for Christmas? How about 6pack abs! 5 Hims showed up in the cold gloom. We grabbed our kettles and some bricks and met in the center of the parking lot. Kicked up the heat with some Pyromania. Lets get it on.
Set 1: Core 50/10
crunches, American hammers, baby makers, reverse crunches and heels to heaven. R&R
Set 2: Arms 50/10
burpees, curls w/bricks, single arm row w/kettle, up right curls w/kettle, concentration curls w/ kettle. R&R

Set 3: Core/Arms 50/10

Why is it giving me an extra line? kettlebell swings, alternating kettlebell pushups, squats with overhead kettle press, clean press w/kettle and kettle L-sit toe reaches w/kettle. R&R

This was a good solid workout. Good work men!!

Shout out to Easy Rider for running 50 miles the week of his 50th Birthday!👊