Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: August 2021 (Page 10 of 12)

Coconut Coolness

Five runners on a cooler morning at the Horse.

Defib, DDC, ShortSale, JJ, and Flintstone all ran the route with YHC and Tube showing up for QSource and DDC leaving for church.

A reminder for those PAX that are on IR or are just fartsacking the 1st F…you are still welcome to stay engaged through leading or showing up for the other F’s!

Announcements:  Labor Day combined Mt. Hollywood and Sandlot McAdenville workout starting across from the Spruce Goose.

Prayer Requests:

Whoopee’s 2.2, Linus Dad, Turtleman, Flintstone’s Grandmother, and the PAX with kids going to college.  Praise:  Congrats to Dr. Feelgood and Hot for Teacher as their 2.0’s are recognized for earning their Eagle Scouts this morning.

Q Source continued covering “Cowboy Ethics”.  4.  Do what has to be done  5.  Be tough, but fair  6.  When you make a promise, keep it  7.  Ride for the brand

We discussed how the F3 culture keeps us accountable for living third, although we sometimes fail.  Riding for the brand….who are you representing?  Your family name….F3….your employer…..and the church as a Christian.  Go forth and represent!


4 of us avoided the fartsack and made it out to the bunker.

Our playlist was a nice mix of nerd music from a couple of artist

  1. Code Monkey – Jonathan Coulton
  2. Re: Brains – Jonathan Coulton
  3. Skullcrusher Mountain – Jonathan Coulton
  4. I feel Fantastic –  Jonathan Coulton
  5. Mandelbrot Set – Jonathon Coulton
  6. Tom Cruise Crazy – Jonathon Coulton
  7. Inner City Pressure – Flight of the Conchords
  8. Robots – Flight of the Conchords
  9. The Most Beautiful Girl in the Room – Flight of the Conchords
  10. Peaches – Presidents of the United States
  11. The Distance – Cake
  12. Another Irish Drinking Song – Da Vinci’s Notebook
  13. The Gate – Da Vinci’s Notebook
  14. Hurt Feelings – Flight of the Conchords
  15. Think About it – Flight of the Conchords

Orangeman with the best comment of the morning with: “If you don’t like the music than Q!”

The Thang

  • 25 to 1 with a kettle bell of
    • Curls
    • Chest Press
    • Squats
  • 1 to 25 of:
    • Merkins
    • Right Hand and Nolan Ryans
    • Left Hand Nolan Ryans

We made it about half way before time ran out.  Then with aligned back up with The men from the Yank for COT.


Big Pappy

Is this a run or bootcamp?

So after some miscommunication between YHC and the 2.0 a missed Q was avoided at the last minute. There were 2 other HIM ready to take the challenge of the day. This is what happened…

Roscoe led a warmup that seemed like some deranged combination of one of  Short Sale’s overly complicated routines mixed with Roscoe’s love of trash metal. It did get us warmed up, even if it was a little ridiculous. Let the record show that YHC doesn’t have the worst taste in music in our region!

After the Pledge of Allegiance, the brave few bootcampers headed off in a mosey to destinations unknown. We ended up at the base of Mount Orthopaedica for the first set of instructions.

Triple Nickel – Do 5 Merkins at the bottom, NUR up to a tree YHC designated and do 5 WWI situps. Repeato x5.

After that appetizer we made our way to the top for The Thang!

11’s – Do American Hammers at the bottom, bear crawl up to the top and do Lunges there. We had plenty of good mumblechatter during this session.

Mosey back toward the museum on a meandering trek. We ended up at the from of First Pres and YHC decided for a short detour.

Dora 1,1 – No partner work here, just have one guy run while the others do work, taking turns to run around the center island. Each of us did 100 CDDs and 100 LBCs.

Mosey back to the start for the finish bell.

Roscoe took the guys out while I high tailed it to the South Point High School football parent’s meeting! Go Raiders!!!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead men. Aye!!!

Coconut Horse SHAME

YHC wished to publicly apologize for the delayed BB.  YHC deserves all the shame from the PAX and makes no excuses for not meeting the standard.

YHC and JJ ran 5.  Flintstone ran as well but was solo and if I recall got more than 5.  JJ went to church and Flintstone and YHC were the two left for QSource where we previewed Cowboy Ethics and if you are reading this we are still covering that book.  YHC will be on Q tomorrow so be sure to make it.  You will be better for it!




So it was a big day for Folsom, we had an out of towner coming. He goes by the name Slim Shady and he had been to Folsom once before so YHC invited him back… anyway enough about that. Sparky, Hacksaw and Bed Pan were going to put some road work in to train for their 1/2 coming up. ( y’all are going to crush it!”. 6:30 hit and YHC took control of the crowd and with two FNG’s I went through the 5 core principles of F3. Then started with a Westside approved warm up.


MNC’s ICx10

Monkey Humpers ICx10

Toy Soldiers ICx10

Merkins x10 OYO

Mouse out of the parking lot stopping at each light doing 10 Merkins 20 Squats 30 LBC’s

at the flag we did 3 Rounds of Mike Tyson’s x10 and 10 Freddie Mercuries count one leg

Caught the pledge then headed to the horse arena

4×4 Merkins up the steps and Dips IC x12

4×4 Merkins up the steps and Incline Merkins x10

Moseyed to the bottom parking lot

Dirty 11’s Burpees w/ 1 squat in the middle and BBSU’s

Indian Run back up the hill to the second light pole

then headed to the tennis court

Iron Hulks 9 Rounds

finished up with some Mary

Prayer Request:

Spackle’s grandmother, Westside’s mother-in-law, Big Pappy and his family, Sister Act and his family, Turtleman and his family, Whoopie and his family, Ozark and his family


50 miler, Snowbird Men’s Retreat, JJ 5k

Way to work hard this morning men!

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love.”
‭‭John‬ ‭15:9‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Wichita out and on to the next one ole son



Old School Playlist

Knowing today would likely be a light crowd due to Grow Ruck, vacations, injuries, pretending to have to work, Sandy V and many others reasons I decided to bring some music to liven things up a bit. I borrowed the 2.1’s bluetooth speaker and decided to hit Shuffle on the playlist. First song was Man of Constant Sorrow by the Soggy Bottom Boys. I arrive with Slaw having run EC all by himself. Sorry Slaw. That guy has been killing it lately. He even had to work on a Friday a while back.
Warmup: SSH, Cotton Pickers, Right over left, Left over right, Hillbillies, Low Slow Squats x 10 IC.

Grab the speaker. Mosey out to Trade street, right toward the courthouse and arrive at the courthouse steps. I saw my bro Pizza Man did a WOD this week called Blackjack so I borrowed the concept for this. Starting about 20 feet from the courthouse steps, 20 merkins run/walk the steps, 1 squat on the other side. Back across the steps, 19 merkins, steps, 2 squats, etc. All the way to 1 merkin and 20 squats. Broke and Gumby leading the way with Slaw and Mayor following and myself bringing up the six as I have become accustomed to doing.

Mosey around the court square back to the gazebo for some ab work. Flutter kicks, Freddie Mercuries, American Hammers, LBC’s and Penguins x 15 IC mostly counted by Slaw.

Mosey back to the picnic shelter for Lindseys. 30 dips, 10 Step Ups (probably should be Derkins but I have heard “Don’t Q it if you can’t do it” and I wasn’t sure I could do it). 25 dips, 15 step Ups, etc. until time ran out.

We discussed a few verses that help you when your struggling.
“Who by worrying can add an hour to your life? Why worry about the rest?”
“For God didn’t give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.”
“I know what it is to be in need and to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any situation. I can do all things through him who gives me strength.”
Then a note from Sarlacc’s devotion this morning which I like to be reminded of as much as possible. “A cheerful heart is a good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” I have been struggling like many of us to feel better and get back to my normal self and get frustrated that it isn’t happening faster and these verses help.

Announcements: F3 Dad’s Workout at Folsom on 8-21
Service Project Items: Tuna with crackers, Breakfast bars or Granola Bars

Prayer Requests: Turtleman, Stroganoff, Blart and Slaw’s cousins family, Covid situation.

*NMM Thanks to the guys who came out today. I have been to a few workouts with music where, due to age discrimination, I didn’t know a single song. You know who you are. My Playlist included, The Beatles, The Police, Van Halen, AC/DC, U2, Various 80’s bands, Casting Crowns and Cathedral Quartet (the greatest gospel quartet of all time as most people of a certain age know). The Mayor said he had heard of the Beatles since his mother was from England but I don’t think he approved of the rest. I was kind of glad it didn’t get to my Adele or Taylor Swift songs as I am sure that would’ve caused a stir.

South Street Circuit

EZ Rider needed a Q and I needed to get my ass out of the bed. Coming off vacation (2 weeks ago) I extended the sleeping in routine. I really am not a morning person and old habits die hard. Most of the summer I’ve used Friday as an off day to break between the weekday workouts and prepare for the Saturday and sometimes Sunday opportunities. Much easier to set a target with a Q knowing I had to be there rather than talk my way out of it with a quick hit of the snooze button. Eight other men fought the comfort of their individual beds and joined me for the following morning activities.


Toy Soldiers IC x 9 (Q-fart), Imperial Walker IC x 10, Side to Side Lunge IC x 10, Cotton Pickers IC x 10, MNC’s IC x 10


5 minutes of Mary all at 30-ish seconds by my stopwatch:

  • 3-hole punch crunch (what they hell you say Willis?) – flat on back, knees up, hands together like a butter knife; crunch with hands knifing outside left knee, down, up & between knees, down, up & outside right knee; repeat
  • Suitcase Right side only – now we’re getting cra-cra. PAX were confused, JK2 started mumble chatter quickly. Both legs straight out – fold right knee to 90 degrees while crunching forward with both arms extending to shin/ankle area; go back down and continue right side only.
  • Suitcase Left side only – this is where the burn began flap-jacking.
  • Freddie Mercury
  • American Hammer
  • Crunchy Frog
  • X Crunch (flat on back, arms above head extended out, legs extended out (like an “X”); bring arms down to mid-section, legs come together (like an “I”) and extend back out to an X – got it? good.)
  • Downward Dog Parker Peter – oh now this is just getting f-ed up by the minute. Lots of bitching. Get in yoga pose of Downward Dog or an upside down “V”. Motion into a high plank then PP drawing right knee under chest to left elbow; go back to DD, then plank and left knee under chest to right elbow.

Enough of that – PAX were getting burned out on ab work. Short mosey to the entrance of the Rotary Pavilion where all the brick statues are. This is the top of the circuit. We would mosey down the right side of South Street stopping at the beginning and end of each block for exercises, going over Franklin (watch for cars Seuss) and down to Second Street. Cross over and make our way up the hill, now north on South Street for exercises at the beginning and end of each block. Upon arriving at start – add 5 burpees to your previous total and start again. Only the burpees at the top added 5 reps, all else stayed the same.

  • Park entrance: 5 Burpees (+5 each round)
  • Bench area: 10 Dips + 10 Derkins
  • Old Courthouse: 15 Monkey Humpers + 15 Sumo Squats
    • (here was some discussion about proper form of Sumo Squats we agreed legs wide and fingers touch the ground, but is there a jump or not? If curious click the link and they can be performed both ways)
  • Cross Franklin to McQuitters wall: 10 Box Jumps + 10 Turtle Crunch (legs bent 90 degrees with calves resting on top of the wall – crunch forward with hands touching top of wall)
  • Down the block by the apartments for 20 regular squats + 20 Mtn Climbers
  • Cross the street: 15 Hand Release Merkins + 15 Plank Jacks, mosey up the hill
  • 30 SSH
  • Cross Franklin to Webb Street Steakhouse – 10 Diamond Merkins + 20 Burps
  • Up the street to Main/South – 20 Flutter Kicks + 20 LBCs
  • Repeat

That was the workout. First round we went through as a group. Once demonstrations and general understanding was learned, the workout became an OYO with Seuss and SA leading the way, Slaw giving chase. Not sure why the other group allowed Blart to stay with them – the boy was farting up a storm. Best to stay ahead of him, away or upwind.

We only made it three rounds this time. I say “this time” because I first tried this workout about 3 or so years ago but the exercises and reps were different and I don’t recall adding 5 burpees to the top. It’s an easy Q but very effective mix of running and exercising. I may adjust the reps to see if we could get 4 or 5 rounds the next time. Show to know.

Raining Blood

YHC is rehabbing a bad leg (again) so running is off the table so YHC decided he needed to do what he can and signed up to Q the Painlab.  Tube graciously allowed it to happen and here is how it went down.

Sargento was the Q at the Gashouse but both groups combined for a new warmup that YHC put together.  Disclaimer given with no FNG’s so we got right to it with a brief explanation about the exercises in the warmup.  When the music starts you will hear a triplet drum beat and that prompts the Pax to do a burpee.  Q the music of Slayer’s Raining Blood.  Every time the tempo changes you change the exercise.  4 minutes and 13 seconds of the following:  Burpees, Air Presses, Morrocan Nightclubs, calf raises, LBC’s, Flutterkicks, Burpees, Squats, Mountain Climbers, hold a plank until the song ends.  Sargento wishes he had patented this warm up first, especially the musical selection as everyone knows he is a HUGE thrash metal fan!

The groups split with six going to the Painlab with YHC and three choosing the lesser of two evils for Sargento’s Q.  The Painlab PAX moseyed to the statue at the Schiele for the Thang.  Everyone had a kettlebell but YHC.  Here is what we did…

Captain’s Choice

100 reps of exercises…the first Pax to finish calls it out and we move on to the next exercise for 100 reps of that.  Here are the exercises:

100 merkins

100 LBC’s

100 Overhead press w/weight (YHC used a chair)

100 Squats

100 Dips

100 Flutters

100 KB swings (Tube grabbed YHC a rip/rap rock to use)

then 75 of all exercises in order, then 50, then 25.

Castle Rock was playing name that tune with the playlist and recognized Dream Theater and Pantera.  Duke left a little early due to not feeling well just before Pantera’s “WALK” played on the JBL 5 Bluetooth speaker.  The last line is “WALK ON HOME BOY”.  Coincidence?

The Thang took most of the time and here is what we learned…
Sledge is the master of the fast LBC and the OHP.  Tube was crushing both the dips, squats.  Castlerock was first at squats and the aforementioned name that tune.  Hermie was putting in the work as well and everyone did great at knocking all the exercises out.  It was a sweat fest.

With five minutes on the clock we regrouped at the flag for Mary.  The bell sounded and we were done.

Pledge of Allegiance

Announcements:  Be on the lookout for the Green River Tubing pre-blast for the trip planned for this morning.

Prayer Requests:  Whoopee’s travels and his 2.2’s upcoming surgery, Linus dad, Tube’s cousin Levi, my FIL and M, Queso returning to football after being on IR.  Boudin, Bubba Sparxx.  Special Praise for Turtleman who returned home yesterday to a large group of friends and family.  It was fantastic!

YHC wants to encourage the PAX who are on IR to show up in the Gloom and do what you can or at least hit the Q-Source or SWORD 2nd (Coffeeteria) and 3rd F events.  Some PAX disappear for times when there are many things to do in F3 besides posting to workouts.  Do what you can…there are men that need to see you.


Hump Day


Warm Up


10  Merkins IC

10 Grass Pickers IC

20 Squats OYO

Mosey to back of school

Round 1

30 SSH

20 Squats

10 Merkins

Mosey to side of school

Round 2

30 Mountain Climbers

20 Lunges

10 Pushups

Mosey back to front of school

Round 3

30 Pulsing Squats

20 Burpees

10 Merkins

Mosey back to side of school

Round 4

30 Freddie Mercuries

20 Plank Jacks

10 Merkins

Mosey to back of school

Round 5

20 Russian Twist

20 Flutters

20 Reverse Crunch

20 Plank with side dip

We were able to get through all rounds 2 times and through round 2 on 3rd time around. Finished up with a round of Mary and time.




Sparky had to “💩”🙄

I was fresh off vacation and looking forward to delivering a good beat down at Folsom. I searched the exicon and found some new ideas and scribbled out a weinkie. Here’s what went down.

warm up:gravel pickers,SSH,squats,mountain climbers,merkins,burpees all x10

mosey to the play ground for modified triple nickel 5 pull-ups at the play ground then 15 dips at the stage x5

next moseyed to the good asphalt by the ball fields for wave of merkins this was my first time trying these and it was awful I highly recommend them👍

next we moseyed to the baseball field for vicious circle we did 2 rounds and ran out of time the exercises were burpees/run ,jump squats/lunge walk this and the merkin wave were made much more awful due to the bigger crowd this morning but it was worth it. Then we moseyed back to the parking lot and ended with announcements and prayer I took us out there were many prayer requests so I won’t try to list them all. Pallet jack bailed out on us during the triple nickel the rumor was he hurt his shoulder so hopefully he heals up soon. Sparky bailed on us during the wave of merkins to “poop” the pain always seems to strike him during the hardest exercises 🙄 but it was a pleasure to lead these rockpushers this morning hope to break a sweat with them again sometime soon .

Westside over and out

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