Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 5, 2021

Sparky had to “💩”🙄

I was fresh off vacation and looking forward to delivering a good beat down at Folsom. I searched the exicon and found some new ideas and scribbled out a weinkie. Here’s what went down.

warm up:gravel pickers,SSH,squats,mountain climbers,merkins,burpees all x10

mosey to the play ground for modified triple nickel 5 pull-ups at the play ground then 15 dips at the stage x5

next moseyed to the good asphalt by the ball fields for wave of merkins this was my first time trying these and it was awful I highly recommend them👍

next we moseyed to the baseball field for vicious circle we did 2 rounds and ran out of time the exercises were burpees/run ,jump squats/lunge walk this and the merkin wave were made much more awful due to the bigger crowd this morning but it was worth it. Then we moseyed back to the parking lot and ended with announcements and prayer I took us out there were many prayer requests so I won’t try to list them all. Pallet jack bailed out on us during the triple nickel the rumor was he hurt his shoulder so hopefully he heals up soon. Sparky bailed on us during the wave of merkins to “poop” the pain always seems to strike him during the hardest exercises 🙄 but it was a pleasure to lead these rockpushers this morning hope to break a sweat with them again sometime soon .

Westside over and out

Gettin the Rocks Off!

It was a day you just don’t get to experience often in August… 77 degrees & overcast!  6 PAX showed & were ready to go.  Here’s what we did:

Warmup:  SSH / Abe Vigoda / Left Over Rights (patented) / LBC (all IC)

The Thang:  We mosied to the Lakeside Turd Shak for a quick round of Dirty Hookups IC.  Then split into 2 teams and lined up along the lake access road.  From there we stopped at each pile of rocks along the drainage ditch for 25 of the noted exercise that YHC placed prior to today’s workout.  Each exercise was completed utilizing one or more rocks from the pile (your call on how heavy or light… Really Slaw!).   Squat-to-Overhead Press / Bent Over Row / WWI / Tricep Extensions / Pinch Grip Moroccan Nightclubs… again, really Slaw! / Crossover Rock Merkins / Rock Slams.  We then finished up with a true Bear Crawl through the remaining rock-lined drainage ditch.  Next we moved to the shelter for 25 more Step-ups and Dips.  Finally, we mosied down to the lake and back up the zig-zag to the top for a short horizontal handrail crawl.  We assembled on the v-ball court keeping our teams for a “sandy-V… I mean shoe-filled game of volleyball.  We mosied back to the parking lot for the pledge and COT.  YHC prayed us out.


  • Tubing trip this Saturday (call Broke)
  • Service project items: tuna-crackers packs
  • Snowbird
  • Bourbon Chase


  • Gumby’s Mom
  • Turtleman
  • Uranus
  • Sarlacc
  • All PAX w/ Kids
  • PAX traveling
  • Stroganoff post surgery

Excuse me while I kiss the sky!

Always Finish What You Start

I made Watts Up’s naughty list. I had time Sunday to do this but time management is my jester (one of the main ones) so I pushed this to the side. So much for my word of the year (now!). Always room for improvement. I had the Q Sunday morning at the Coconut Horse. I knew there were some regulars on vacation and injured list or working. At 0628 no one was waiting on me and I didn’t recognize any cars with F3 stickers – not that I looked real hard either. As what appeared to look like a solo act, I must admit the thought crossed my mind to head back home or go inside for an extended coffee-rama, maybe drop a deuce and get a road win? 0631 and Sargento hasn’t showed (yet) so I figure it’s time to Nut Up or Shut-up, wait, that’s on Saturday. Oh, well start the clock and let’s get mov’in.

I’m not sure about you but when I run, I can hold a thought as long as a fly stays in one spot. But to my recollection must of the thoughts zig-zagging during the first mile contemplated shortening the standard 5 mile route. The Bourbon Chase isn’t until October so on August 1st, I’ve got plenty of time to train (the jester is poking me). I arrive at the intersection of Hudson and Union (Waffle House/McDonalds/Wendys/BK for those needing a landmark) and there is the decision point: straight or right. Turning right can cut off about a half mile or so – seems about right for the running condition that I’m not in at the moment. Then I begin negotiating with my inner conscious – if I go straight, I’ll fartlek the gut-check. So straight it was and then I moseyed to the switch backs and walked up that section (I know, I suck). At the top, I slowly move up the hill. Then I spot two black shirts with “Speed for Need” logos – hey their with me…so I push forward. At this time Whoopee turns onto Robinwood headed to work, no doubt to spread his sexiness like wet mayonnaise all over anyone wanting some. I joking run out in front of his F150 – he blows the horn. Briefly I contemplate if I let him hit me, I’d have a good excuse not to finish the run. I realize the pain of “Ford” imprinted in reverse across my chest might be more hurt than it’s worth so I swerve to the sidewalk and push to meet Ooompa Loompa and BOS. I’m not sure if they arrived before or after me. Doesn’t really matter, they were run/walking so I join them in the walking section, getting a reprieve needed because my stamina is lacking. We finish the remainder of the loop. Had I cut the route short no one would have known but me. I know many of you have those solo runs or workouts where it is truly “you vs. you” and you control the start, the effort and the finish.  More on that in a minute.

Oompa had to take his daughter back to Clemson. Roscoe replaced him joining BOS and I for Q-Source. We began a new series last week on Cowboy Ethics by James Owen. It’s a good study on how an unwritten code kept some level of order in the Wild West. That code survives to this day for those men and women doing some tough work. Owen was a Wall Street guy that studied these cowboys and developed 10 points which he calls Cowboy Ethics. I covered the first three and happy to share some thoughts.

  • Live each day with courage – similar to our military and frontline servicemen and women, there are a lot of tough jobs or circumstances we face in our lives. Cowboy’s jobs present some danger they must overcome. One quote worth repeating: “Real courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway.” (page 56) Most of us don’t face those levels of danger in our daily lives and occupations, but even little things require us to “suck it up” and get things done. Courage comes in all forms and levels measured individually in our minds.
  • Take pride in your work – this is self explanatory and the author quoted a poem to illustrate his point. For the small job to the big job, giving your best effort represents your character.
  • Always finish what you start – herein lies the title and my effort on the run. I had prepared for the Q-source. During my run and contemplation, I was mindful of this phrase. In our youth, we sometimes try different things to dip our toe into the water to see if we’ll jump in, ease in or stay out. Various sports, activities, or organizations. As adults we serve on committees at work, church, or organizations. We have so many competing priorities. Some things are always a work in progress, taking months and years to complete. Others are specific terms we’re happy to hand over the keys at the end (Nantan or Site Q anyone?). So we’re all guilty of quitting something before it’s finished. It happens but if you accept the challenge with the goal to finish, it will push you along even when you try to talk yourself out of it.

Join us for the remainder of Cowboy Ethics. If you happen to be on the IR, Q-Source begins at 0730 Sunday mornings at Harris Teeter. It’s a good 2nd F to visit with your brothers and you can always pick up a nugget of information that can help you along your journey.

Short Sale

Wrong time, wrong day, right place

Pulled into the parking lot at the pub to find two vehicles already there.

Broke slept in the parking lot overnight.

Termite was running EC.

Roscoe, Dr Seuss, Flintstone show up. Like clockwork Sargento arrived with seconds to spare.

It’s the pub. It’s 0530. No Short Sale,  no cooler, no adult beverages. Oh well.

Pledge. It’s the pub. All know what happens here each Thursday morning.

Roscoe attempts to hijack YHC’s Q. One swift kick to his stress fractured shin put an end to that foolishness. He was still lying in the parking lot when the runners started to appear after their runs. True story.

Prayers for:

Roscoe father in law. Broke’s daughter. Whoopie. Turtleman. Stroganoff. Queso. Addiction. Unmentioned but in our hearts.



YHC took us out.







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