Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 28, 2020

Sword/ 2 Corinthians 9:7

I pulled to Ingles around 515, I wanted to take off a little early. I ran by myself, this gave me some good alone time to spend with the Lord in prayer, i don’t always take advantage of those situations! While I was out running, I got the chance to say good morning to my friend pizza man as I passed his house. I got back to the truck about 5 minutes till 6, I waited a little bit, no pax showed this morning. I’m figuring everyone was tired from the weekend, if anyone understands, I do!

The scripture for this week is 2 Corinthians 9:7- Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

We should be “cheerful givers”, God loves a cheerful giver!

For us to be truly cheerful givers, or hearts have to be right with Christ! Knowing and excepting the ultimate gift the he has given, himself!

I prayed for all of you guys this morning, hope y’all have a good week!

Merkin 55’s – Something Else that Stroganoff has Made Up

It was kinda gloomy but still a nice morning.  Not very cold.  Still warm enough to get a good sweat on.

8 overcame the Monday blues to partake in the sharing of some fine work at The Sandlot.

There was a quick warm up of 10 Imperial Walkers; no FNG’s; the pledge.

The Thang

Mosey to the farthest point in the parking lot at Martha Rivers for some Merkin 55’s:

Similar to 11’s but the reps each round add up to 55 (instead of 11) and in the middle of each mosey across the parking lot, we dropped and did 8 Merkins.  Hence the name, Merkin 55’s.

The exercises included Flutter Kicks (counting right leg only) and Moroccan Night Clubs.  This took a while but was handled well by the PAX.  For those counting, that’s 275 ea of Flutter Kicks & Moroccan Night Clubs plus 160 merkins.

We then took a quick mosey around part of the parking lot back to where we started the 55’s.  Time for some 22’s.

Squats on one side of the parking lot with CDD’s on the other.  Well done again.

We headed back up the main road out of the park stopping 4 times for some Mary along the way:

LBC’s – 15 IC

Freddy Mercury’s – 15 IC

LBC’s – 20 IC

Freddy Mercury’s – 20 IC

Race back to Snoballs where Watts Up and Stinky Bird finished it off with some IC work of Crunchy Frogs and Jane Fonda’s.

Announcements:  Sparky’s kids school with an upcoming 5k; Christmas Party sometime in the next 12 months; Golf Tournament fundraiser from Buckshot and Young Life.

Several prayer requests.

This was my first Bootcamp Q in a while (I have done several running workouts and Q Source recently) and it was great to get back out there and lead one to start the week.  As usual, I was pushed by the entire group and felt great to start my week off in the gloom with a bunch of HIMs.  Thank you men.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Fighting Yank 9/26

YHC first Q in a while at the Yank, good to be back.  Brought along a couple of FNG’s.  Welcome to Adam Lee and Will Kiefer, forever to now be known as Snookie and Geezer.

7:00, let’s go.  SSH, Toy Soldiers, Grass pickers, all 10X and IC.  Wait, here comes Sargento on his own time.  Let’s get 10 burpees for him.  He didn’t even do them.  Oh well, you against you.

Mosey behind Sammy’s and turn the corner, come back to corner of the park.  Stop.  Suicides up the hill.  Begin with 10 hand release merkins at start.  Run to first utility pole and 10 LBC.  Back to start for 10 hand release, next utility pole for 11 LBC, adding one at each pole.  Continue from each pole to the start until make way to the end of the road at Central Ave.  11 poles total.  Plank for six.  Recover

Cross road to First Baptist.  Everyone get some wall.  10 step up each leg, 10 dips, 10 Derkins, 5 burpees for the train.  Three rounds.  Stay at wall for suspension planks.  Three rounds, first is 30 count, 40 count, 45 count.  Mosey behind middle school.

Partner up.  100 big boys partner style.  Partner one starts, other runs down drive and back.  Mosey to fountain for few minutes of mary.  Mosey to Yank.  Time.

Good work by all, and welcome to FNGs.

Had a quick word on taking some quiet time and listening for God to speak to us.  We often think that God’s direction is hard to discern, but it may be that we don’t allow God the chance to speak.  Give HIM the chance.

Announcements: JJ5k that would be starting soon, Mt Mitchell hike

Prayer requests: Stephanie McMahan, Double Stuf friend who passed family, Banks family from Gastonia

YHC took us out in prayer

Always an honor


Pre-JJ5K Folsom

Volunteering to sub for Oompa and knowing many of the PAX were doing the JJ5K later in the morning, YHC tried to put together somethings to get some work in, but also leave some in the tank.  Here is what we did….


0630 hits with no FNGs.  We knock out The Pledge of Allegiance.


Warmup consisted of some stretchy-things.  Too hard to describe, but afterward we moseyed to a lit parking lot.

11’s – HRM and Shoulder Taps (Count each Tap)

22’s  – Squats and Monkey Humpers with Lunge/Backward Lunge as locomotion.

At some point in the count we visited a city in NE and moved on to something else…

Circle-up for some ab work.

50 LBC, 50 Flutters, 50 Sec hold 6″
40 LBC, 40 Flutters, 40 Sec hold 6″
20 Big Boys
30 LBC, 30 Flutters, 30 Sec hold 6″
20 LBC, 20 Flutters, 20 Sec hold 6″
20 Big Boys
10 LBC, 10 Flutters, 10 Sec hold 6″

22 Merkins for the Vets followed by 22 Air Presses

YHC doesn’t remember what was done next, but after it was done, we moseyed back to start for a little Mary.   Not exactly sure what was done here either , but it included some burpees and more merkins along with some other stuff.


  • JJ5K later that day.
  • Mt. Mitchell hike  was on Sunday
  • Young Life Golf Tournament 5-Oct.  Details here.  Reach out of Buckshot


Prayer Requests were noted and Hacksaw took us out.


Thanks to all that came out.  Good Work!

Hope you got your money’s worth.


Watts Up Powering Down.

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