Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: September 15, 2020

Voodoo Special

It has been an honor to be Site Q for Bulldog for the past year +.  Watching it grow from the beginning with regulars like…HIPAA, WattsUp, DryRub, Pedal, Rudolph…until is has grown to have a steady 10-15 every Tuesday has been awesome.   F3 has been, as most of us feel, an anchor.  It’s starts my day off right, clears my mind, fills it with positive energy, and lifts me up when I need that little push to get out of my own way.  It reminds me, in the COT, to let God go before me and shape me into a better man everyday. Anyway, enough of that .  I am really happy to hand over the reigns to Timeframe.  He is going to do a fantastic job.  Here’s the fun we put down.



MNC x 20

Low slow squats to stretch it out x 10 OYO

Merkins x 10 IC

Imperial walkers x 10 IC



100 Curls

200 Swings (personal bell)

300 Step ups / calf raises

While P1 goes P2 will (1 lunge walk down/ bear crawl back until curls are done…rd 2 lateral lunge down/ high knees back…rd 3 duck walk down 5 burpees then high knee back

Voodoo Special:

Mary: American Hammers, LBC, Freddie Mercury’s, Crunchy Frogs, plank jacks all x 25

Repeat x 2

Miscellaneous pain: repeat 2x times

Arnold presses x 10 each arm

Upright rows x 20

Over head pulls x 20

Super man presses x 20

Chest presses x 25


Announcements:  CSAUP Saturday, Mt Mitchell

Prayer requests:  Tubes Friends battling addiction and liver disease, Buckeyes Friend and family,

YHC took us out.

Westside block party

It felt good at Folsom this morning the temperature was cooler.But the burn was soon to come in the form of a block party Westside style.

Warm up:10 gravel pickers,10 mncs,10 ssh,10 mountain climbers,10 merkins all IC

The wod:emom 3 sets of 2 exercises back to back recovering every third minute we did

curls/big boys

overhead press/flutter kicks

tricep extensions/squats

vertical presses/alpos

pullups/calf raises

Time! We pledged it up I closed us in prayer.Thanks for the opportunity to lead this morning guys until next time syitg Westside out

The Storm Revisited

YHC was looking through the archives of backblasts for The Storm to try to resurrect/try something new.  Unfortunately, many of the early workouts involved the footballs stadium and/or the weight room.  But  intermingled among all that were a few ideas that came together to make today’s weinke.  So here goes…

12 had joined YHC when 0530 arrived.  No FNGs, so only a brief disclaimer.  No flag as site Q is in MI, so will have to figure that out later.


  • 10 SSH IC
  • 10 CDD OYO
  • 10 Squats IC
  • 10 Merkins OYO

The Show:

Move toward the school a few yards and run old school suicides using the parking entrances.

A quick count off to ensure all were still present (Really it was to give the Q a chance to catch his breath)

Mosey to the roundabout and circle-up.

Plank.  PAX 1 runs around the circle back their spot, completes 10 merkins.  Then PAX 2,   Continue to stay in plank until all have completed the run and merkins.

There was a count off or a 10 count here, don’t remember which…

Mosey on around the school to the parking lot behind the buses.

Time for 11’s.  Jumps squats at one end of the parking lot, plank jacks at the other.

Again, there was a count off or a 10 count here, don’t remember which…

Mosey on around the school to the staff parking lot.

Triple Nickle. – Burpees and LBCs within the parking lot.

Another count off or a 10 count here,..

Up the ramp to the loading dock.

Jump off the dock, run to the ramp and bear crawl up x 2

Mosey on around the school for a form of Mary…

PAX calls an exercise.  Its done for 30 secs.  After 30 seconds, we mosey to the next light pole, making our way to  start.

Exercises included:

  • Flutters
  • Boxcutters
  • Grinders
  • Merkins
  • LBCs
  • Spidermans
  • I think there was one more.  Guess you had to be there.


Roscoe googled up a flag for us, and we complete The Pledge of Allegiance.

And that is time!



  • CSAUP this Saturday @ Folsom.  (Yank is closed unless someone want to take the Q)
  • JJ5K 26-Sep
  • Mt. Mitchell Hike 27-Sep
  • IPC @ Cloninger Park, Dallas – 0530 tomorrow (16-Sep)
  • IPC @ Grier (GasHouse) 1730 tomorrow (16-Sep)


Prayer Requests:

  • Buckeye’s college roommate
  • Sister Act’s family
  • First Responders


Good Work this morning, men!  Hope you got your money’s worth.


Watts Up Powering Down.

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