Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 23, 2020

From Jupiter to Uranus

There seems to be a lot of talk about drinking buttermilk at The Fighting Yank on Saturday’s and since YHC isn’t a big fan of any type of milk I’ve been staying away. Figured it was time to man up and see what was really going on and no better way to do so than to take the Q. A total of 22 PAX, including one FNG fresh from the far reaches of the galaxy, were ready to roll at 0700.

The disclaimer was continually interrupted by a passing train, so we started off with 5 burpees and headed off to Airline Ave. where we got things started. The regulars at The Yank are well known for their tremendous upper body strength so YHC wanted to make sure the PAX had an opportunity to showcase this early on in the workout. Run down Airline stopping at each power pole for 5 burpee’s, run back with 5 HR Merkins at the same spots and then one last trip with 5 Diamond Merkins. We then took a lap around the town to showcase the guns and ended up at the Pit.


Time now for a 10 to 1. Perform 10 reps of each exercise then run to the far cone and back. Repeat with 9,8….all the way down to 1. Exercises were Dirty Hookups IC, wall jumps and Big Boy sit ups. Finish up with the 6 and take another lap around the town.

Back in the Pit where 5 sets of cones are set up. Perform 1 burpee then run to the first cone for 10 Merkins. Back to the start for 2 burpee’s then run to the first cone for 10 Merkins and the second cone for 20 American Hammers. Back for 3 burpee’s then 10 Merkins, 20 AH’s and 30 squats, then 4 burpee’s, 10 Merkins, 20 AH’s, 30 squats and 40 shoulder taps. Last cone was 5 burpee’s, 10 Merkins, 20 AH’s, 30 squats, 40 shoulder taps and 50 LBC’s and then we worked back down the pyramid. Time for another lap around the town and head to the flag for a couple minutes of Mary.

If serving is below you, leadership is beyond you.
To be an effective leader you must be selfless. The intentional focus on meeting the needs of others is where you find the motivation to influence and lead.


Gashouse boot camp workouts for September will be the weekly Iron PAX Challenge

Annihilation workout next week at Gashouse with Gump

CSAUP on September 19th at 0530 at Folsom

JJ5K on September 26th

Mt. Mitchell hike on September 27th

Shooting event on September 12th

Golf outing in October


Prayer Request

Pizza Man’s niece and family

Sister Act 2.1 and family


Doodle’s cousin – Dale

Doodle’s niece

Def Leppard brother in law

Belmont single mother battling cancer


YHC took us out.

Great group of guys this morning and the numbers for this AO are really growing. I kept looking for buttermilk, but never found it.  Maybe there is a buttermilk speakeasy in Belmont and you aren’t given the location until deemed worthy???

I think we also may have established a new record time for naming an FNG. Welcome Josh Grotke, now known as Uranus.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead,

I’m Broke

We runneded

We ran. Couple fellas ran some EC.

prayers for;

pizzamans niece as she lost her father

les nessman wife after surgery

shorts sale after his knee surgery

sargentos M has knee surgery upcoming




iron pax

mt mitchell




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