Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 13, 2020

6 studs

Six studs showed this am for some Diablo. We started with the Pledge then took off at lightning speed headed for the dreaded Hill de la Gastone….once we got there instructions were given: every mailbox on right do 6 exercises of your choice-any exercise, 6 reps, every mailbox. We got to the top then did some flutters then headed back down and off to the right, then up to Food Lion. We got to the parking lot by Planet Fitness and did some 6 corners, barely avoiding a single guy in a fast car getting some $$ at 6am at an ATM. We also saw a lone Pubber that looked a lot like Roscoe. As much as we see him during Diablo, he should be given credit for posting with us. We had some deep discussions about some hot topics-lots of opinions and perspectives were both shared and discussed. We headed back to start and hit the wall for some dips and step ups, circled the bank a few times with some other exercises, and made it back in time for COT.

It was only after completing the workout we were notified it was Les Nessman’s 45th birthday….I guess he didn’t want to do 45 reps of anything.

This morning was really good-I enjoy hearing others’ opinions especially when it comes to controversial topics. Although I (sometimes) get a little passionate (read: loud and obnoxious) when discussing these things, I really enjoy hearing why other people feel the way they do….except Freight. He doesn’t really have an opinion so  much as he wants to argue the other side of whatever topic is being discussed. The fact that he can argue either side and still enjoy it is even more frustrating to me. I wonder if he realizes that…….probably not. He would never do something like that just to irritate someone.

We ended with COT. Happy Birthday Les Nessman. Glad we have you out here to share your opinions and experiences while we all try to get a little better each day.


Pinch Hitting at The Goat

So YHC comes rolling in about 3 minutes prior to start at The Goat. Asks who is Q for the day. No answer. Then we find out the Q is not ‘AO present” at start time. YHC warns the pax what is coming if no one steps up. So it happened. Went like this totally on the fly:


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Grapevine Stretch

Merkins x 20

Time for four corners action on the green. Count pax off by four.

1st corner: HR merkins

2nd corner: Big boy sit ups X 10

3rd corner: CDDs X 10

4th corner; Jump Squats X 10

Game goes like this: Do your called exercise, run back to center, 5 burpees. Run ot next corner. 1-2-3-4-1 rotation. 2X repeats.

Form a line at the bottom of the green for 11s.

Bottom: Mike Tysons (start 10)

Top: Plank Jacks (start 1)

mosey over to the Gazebo.

Merkins, LBCs., Mtn Climbers in Q cadence and lead.

Round 1, 10X each, run a lap around the green.

Round 2, 15X, Bear crawl rom bottom to top of the green.

Round 3, 20X, Burpee broad Jump from bottom to top of the green.

Form up beside the flag and 5 burpees to close out. Pledge.


All pretty much thrown together on the fly but 7 years in the program teaches you to handle it. so YHC stepped up. Looked like we all got a beatdown. Maybe a little extra credit buttermilk maybe? Could be! Pax worked hard today. Humid morning.  don’t forget events coming up. Broke has a CSAUP planned for Saturday after this. JJ 5K and Mount Mitchell hike in September. See if you can make at least one. YHC is probably in for Mitchell. Can’t pass that one up.

Glad to lead today. Not a problem.



The God of All Comfort

It was a good morning for a short mosey and the Word. The verse of the week was…

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭1:3‬ ‭ESV‬‬

If you continue reading through ch. 1 Paul tells us that God comforts us in a ALL our afflictions so that we can comfort others in ANY affliction. We’ve all heard it said “you can’t understand because you haven’t been through what I’m going through.“ Sure that may be true, but as believers in Christ we don’t have to go through the same afflictions as others because Jesus has been through it already “Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people. For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭2:17-18‬ ‭ESV‬‬ this is the reason why we don’t have to go through the same things to comfort one another. This is one of the mysteries of the God we serve that He allows us to be partakers in His work. How amazing it is that the Creator of the cosmos indwells His children by His Spirit so that we may comfort others. As believers we are not called to seek comfort but to seek out others to comfort. If we seek to comfort others God will see to it that we are comforted. Brothers I pray that we would be diligent in our comforting. We all need each other and our Father in Heaven has given us each other. Don’t waste your opportunities! Who can you reach out to this week and comfort?


announcements: Site Q swap at Folsom Saturday 8/15, JJ 5k 9/26

Prayer Request: Sister Act’s daughter and family, Sparky’s nephew and family, teachers and students starting back to school, Stogie’s dad, our community, and first responders.

once again thanks for allowing me to lead!

Wichita out and on to the next one!

Clever title here

12 men joined YHC this fine and humid morning.  Hacksaw and Roundup put in about 10 miles while the rest of us enjoyed some 2nd F.  At 0530 we circled up for a warmup that Whoopee would be proud of.

Warmup: SSH x 2IC

Short mosey to the tennis courts.

Modified Nordic Challenge.   We had a board with all the exercises listed.  After each exercise we ran.  The exercises were as follows.

10 – V Ups
20 – Toy Soldiers
30 – Squats
40 – Monkey Humpers
50 – Merkins
60 – AMERICAN Hammers
70 – Lunges
80 – CDDs
90 – LBCs
100 – Moroccan nightclubs
110 – Flutter kicks
120 – Hillbillies
130 – Freddy Mercury’s
140 – Overhead claps
150 – Calf raises

Once complete we circled up for three rounds of Ring of Fire.  1) merkins, 2) squats and 3) LBCs
We then stayed in a circle for 8 minutes of mary.  This includes: wide arm merkins, burpees, wolverine burpees, SSH, 22 for the vets and what felt like 400 moroccan nightclubs IC.  Thanks for that, Pappy.


announcements: JJ5K, CSAUP, Shooting day, 2nd F opportunities, 5k at the Whitewater Center.

Prayer requests: Pappy’s M, Stogie’s dad, Tater Hole, Westside’s mother in law, Sparky’s nephew, Sister Act and his family, our 2.0s and all the teachers/administrators.

BOM: Pappy closed us in prayer.

Philippians 4:13



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