Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: July 13, 2020


Some ran! Some stayed at the truck and did 500 merkins! For real 😳, everyone got better!

Todays scripture is 2 Corinthians 5:21

” For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

Wow!! God is truly that good, and sooo many times I take the sacrifice he made for granted!

I found some words from Piper describing this verse.
“ How will you worship your redeemer if you do not know what he has done for you? “

God laid our sin on Christ and punished them in him!

God credits to us what we don’t deserve, through Christ obedience!

Christ is Gods answer to our greatest problem!

👆that’s the gospel!

Announcements- PT test this Saturday at Gashouse for all of those who want to attend!
Prayer request- Purple Haze friend, Newtons friend, each other!

Fake P200

9 Pax, with Broke and Goldigger on return from vacation, pushed themselves at Mt. Hollywood today.


Warm Up: IC x 10:Toy Soldiers, SSH, Don Q’s


Escalator-In school lot

10 Burpees, 


10 Burpees, 20 Dips IC 


10 Burpees, 20 Dips IC, 30 Flutters (Count Right Leg only)


10 Burpees, 20 Dips IC,  30 Flutters (Count Right Leg only), 40 Werkins


10 Burpees, 20 Dips IC, 30 Flutters (Count Right Leg only), 40 Werkins, 50 Big Boys

Mosey to top of Hill

“P200”- Three exercises that begin with “P” . YHC made this one up. Maybe we can add it to the new Exicon, but I think Freight is still waiting on “Wojo”. And, no Pillager, that does not mean you can skip the real P200. You need to be there.

Partner Nurs downhill, runs back while other partner continues 200 of each:

100 Pretzel Crunches-IC

200 Plank Jacks

200 Prisoner’s Squats

Triple Nickel in Rankin lot– CDDs/LBFCs

Mosey back to flag.


Word (which I forgot to share): Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Ground yourself in the Word, God’s truths and promises. Do not let the world and the media conform you to their ways and ways of your thinking. The Lord wants a relationship with You. Get with Him, get with each other, and let’s encourage and build one another up in God’s truths.


PT test this Saturday at Gashouse-7am. No regular Gashouse workout or Painlab. YAnk and Folsom will still be going.

Annhilation- the following Saturday at Yank-7 am. Regular Yank workout will still be taking place.

Getting organized for Oak Island Half or 10K in November.


S A daughter and family

Pillager’s aunt broke collar bone

Seuss’s dad cracked ribs

Name-o-rama: Thanks for the assist SA! Leppard and I will get this eventually. We were raised in the time of rotary phones and Kodak film cameras (I almost hate to reference that because it sounds old to many of you, but I still think of myself as in my 20’s or 30’s:}

YHC took us out.

Keep coming out, men! Don’t let the fartsack get ya..I am encouraged by you guys and am thankful for ya!

Seuss out (and Backblast in, Watts up..same day;)

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