Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 17, 2020

Folsom 6/13

19 men at Folsom this morning.  FNG, so disclaimer was given.  Time to work!!



Slaughter Starter (20 Burpees)


The Thang:

Stayed at the COT area for the first exercise.  Here we would do the WOD, “Fat Amy”.  Goes like this:

50 Squats

10 Burpees

40 Big Boys

10 Burpees

30 Lunges

10 Burpees

20 Merkins

10 Burpees

10 SSH

Break to give the FNG the 5 core principles of F3.

10 SSH

10 Burpees

20 Merkins

10 Burpees

30 Lunges

10 Burpees

40 Big Boys

10 Burpees

50 Squats


Mosey to the tennis courts.  Everyone lined up facing the entire length of the courts.  Exercise called is the Triple Nickel.  Exercises used are Wolverine Burpee and Hand Release Merkins. Wolverine is when you go down for regular Burpee, but add left knee to chest then do a Merkin, right knee to chest then a Merkin, then jump up.  That’s one! Start with the 5 Wolverine Burpees, run to other end, 5 Hand Release Merkins, run back.  Do that for 5 rounds.  This was pretty awful!!

Next line back up on sideline.  Use the width of one tennis court for some 11’s.  Start with 1 Mike Tyson.  Bear Crawl to other side of court. 10 Imperial Walker Squat.  Lunge walk back.  Then 2 Mike Tyson, bear Crawl, 9 IW Squats, lunge walk.  Continue until you flip the numbers and finish with 10 Mike Tyson and 1 IW Squats.  

Still time left, so let’s do a quick 4 corner escalator using the entire tennis court area. First corner 10 Diamond Merkins.  2nd corner 10 Diamond Merkins, 20 Jump Lunges.  3rd corner 10 DM, 20 JL, 30 Peter Parker’s. 4th corner 10 DM, 20 JL, 30 PP, 40 CDD


With some time still left, mosey back to sideline of first tennis court. Exercise called here is Rugby Sprints.  Call out an exercise, pax perform exercise until I call out go.  Then it’s sprint width of 2 courts, sprint back, then walk.  I called 4 different ab exercises.

Head back to COT.  Still with a couple minutes to go, Slaw had a great idea.  Might as well finish it off with a Slaughter Stopper!!  20 more Burpees to finish it off.  Good work men!!


Prayer Request


Honor to lead today men.

Sister Act

The missed puddle

8 Men gathered but one of them was seen in the distance of the parking lot. Hushpuppy went for a run, he was awake and running while you were sleeping along with the rest of us.

The Thang:

Seal Jacks 20

Imperial Walker 20

CDD 20

Mosey to bank lot across the street.

Blip kind of workout. We did 10 Seal jacks, 20 CDD, 10 Imperial Walkers, 20 Hand Release Merkins, 20 Flutters, and 20 Wide Arms.

Then we ran around the building back to start. We repeated 3 times only changing the 10 counts to 20 and the Wide Arms to Diamonds.

Mosey across the street to the Funeral home. 2 Medians along the entry. Start with 20 Mountain Climbers, Middle do Sumo Squat Jumps 10 (Constant), other side 2 Big boy sit ups. Rinse and repeat. We stopped a little early to run behind the building for Lunge Walk and Karaoke both  ways.

Mosey back tot he front for a backwards run to the entry.

Mosey back through neighborhood street. Stopped for 20 CDD, 20 CDD, and 20 Hand Release on the way back.

Finished just on time.

The Moleskin:

Mubble Chatter was higher due to slowing the pace of running and keeping the group together. Seal Jacks were comical due to the off beat clap sounds of our workout. We all had a good workout and burnt the arms up some.

Clavin attempted as the video shows to Whoppee puddle splash me on the Name-O-Rama. He failed greatly by missing the puddle by 20 yards. He tried to make up for this but at this point he ran over by himself to do this and got his shoes wet. Oh, the humor.

Prayers up as always for the family members.

Gastone Out!


The 300 Introduction

4 showed early to partake in The 300

It’s pretty simple. We ran 5 miles and we did 300 Merkins.

Started with 30 at the beginning and then did 30 every half mile.

Whoopee suggested we do this. I had came up with the thought last year but suggested we do Burpee’s.

I will say that Merkin’s were tough.

Gastone Out!

Prison Break 6-17-2020

The rain held off and a strong group of 19 PAX and a 2.0 showed at Prison Break to get in a run. Multiple routes were taken, multiple paces were run, all got stronger. Great work!!!



Annihilation workout at Folsom on June 27th at 0630. Folsom regular boot camp will be open.

PT Test at Gashouse on July 18th at 0700. Regular Gashouse boot camp and Pain Lab will be closed. Yank and Folsom will be open.


Prayer Request

Round Up and family

HIPAA upcoming surgery

Big Pappy’s mother

SA’s 2.1

Our Nation


YHC took us out.


As always brothers, it was a pleasure to lead.


I’m Broke

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