• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 06/01/2020
  • AO: The Sandlot
  • QIC: Whoopee
  • FNG's: Packerooney (Josh White)
  • PAX: Whoopee, Dry Rub, Jar Jar, Watts Up, Easy Rider, Stinky Bird, Dirt, Time Frame, Sargento,

Well it’s been awhile since I have Q’d at Sandlot….heck, been awhile since I’ve Q’d period. Got into a slump…whatever. It was good to be back out here with a little responsibility instead of fartsacking or just posting. I was not nervous, more embarrassed that it has been so long. I got over it and showed up almost late….forgot my gloves and had to run back to truck to get them. Howdy FNG, let’s get started.

Introduction, 5 rules of F3 for the FNG compliments of Sargento then PLEDGE and  warm up: SSH, Merkins….don’t get up yet……mountain climbers, big boy situps, then we are off. Mosey to 7/11 for 7 elevens: 11 Merkins on 1 end, mosey through the gas fumes to the other side then 11 Big Boy situps on the other end for a total of 7 sets of exercises. Plan was to mosey to the dilapidated pharmacy but too much traffic and not interested in Frogger this am-OMAHA to the Planet Fitness parking lot and mosey around half way, lie on the ground and feel how comfortable the new parking lot it (take that Folsom, it. felt. GOOOOOOOOOD.) Get up and mosey around to the wall for some (thank you Watts Up) HIP SLAPPERS!!! 3 rounds of 10 reps with mosey across the lot between sets then heck, why not? Do a 4th set of hip slappers then mosey on over to Food Dawg for some 3LB…..what is 3LB you ask????? Why let me tell you…3 Lunges (right, left, right) then a burpee. 3 lunges then 2 burpees, 3 lunges then 3 burpees…..We went to the 3rd light pole thanks to Sargento. After hitting 5 burpees we Omaha’d to 6 lunges because I was almost crying. We moseyed back to Planet Fitness for some Bulldog Merkins (legs on the wall like a Dirty Hookup straightened out then 3 merkins) then mosey across the lot and back. Think we did 3 sets: note to self-put hands back a little or else it is a problem. Next, mosey to the loading dock for Sumo Squats X 10 then run to loading dock, up, then mosey back with plank until 6 arrives. We did this 3-4 times I think. Time was running short so we headed to the walls for dips and step ups then back to start for some Mary.

Time up-named our FNG: Packerooney, nice guy. Hope he comes back Sargento. I think he’s got a lot of potential.

COT then hit the road.

Gotta run, not much time for my usual BS in the backblast. Enjoyed it and been too long
