Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: June 1, 2020

Just Me

I grabbed the Q at Starkville last minute. It was just me so I thrwlew on my 38 lb Sparky Special and took a few laps around the park. My left foot/ankle has been hurting recently and has really flared up since the V2V so a little rucking to loosen it up was probably a good thing.

  • Montross

Luke 23:43

Pulled into the Sword a couple minutes early to see the Mayor and Purple Haze ready time go, 530 hits and we each get in a couple miles!
600 we meet back at the truck for a verse, and Wichita is there waiting!

Luke 23:43 And he said to him, “truly I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

Those are the words Jesus said to the thief that hung on the cross next to him, who had lived his whole life in sin and disobedience, until this point! In the last hours of his life, he truly repented of his sins and trusted Jesus to save him! And Jesus did!
God is staggeringly merciful!

But… There is a “too late” that is spoken of in scripture. In Hebrews 12:17, it spoke about Esau, it says “He found no chance to repent, though he sought it with tears.”  He could not repent.

And there are there are others who never seek repentance, this life is all the good they will ever see.

Today is the day of repentance, don’t let it pass.

Prayer requests- SAs daughter and family, James Gudlock, our nation!

Some Tired Puppies Done Escaped the Animal Shelter!

Rolled into CR a few minutes early for my VQ and thought everyone must have gotten the word that I was QIC!  But I was soon joined by a trickle of PAX that all seemed to have one thing in common… they were BEAT.  The heat during the prior day’s V2V really took its toll on ALL.  Still, the troops headed out in true F3 style.  Broke claimed his usual “9+ take-it-easy” pace but this time actually held true to his word!  In fact, after a nice mosey to the Square then on to the track along w/ Loveboat & YHC we slowed it down to a walk.  Enjoyed the time spent in the 2nd F!  SA said he still had to put the reigns on Seuss and Round UP and Tyson ran like it was any other day but we all eventually made it back to the parking lot.  Even got to see Round UP break out a pretty snazzy muscle roller.

Announcements: None since the V2V was over!

Prayer Requests:  James Goudelock (thyroid cancer diagnosis), GD’s family, SA’s family, calm for the riots, and I’m sure I’m missing some…

YHC prayed us out.

We Bombed

Where was this weather during the Ville to Ville on Saturday? Seven PAX for almost perfect conditions at Mt. Hollywood this morning. After a disclaimer, Pledge and warmup we headed down the road to the BB&T parking lot and got to work.


Partner BOMBS

One partner performs the exercise while the other runs a lap around the bank.

Burpees x50

Oblique Crunches x100

Merkins x150

Big Boy’s x200

SSH x250


Next up was a quick Route 66 consisting of Bear Crawls and CDD’s before we headed back to the school for a little 3D:

3 rounds of Dips, Derkins and Dirty Hookups all x10IC



Proverbs 24:10 – “If you faint in the day of adversity your strength is small”.

A simple verse, but one that carries a powerful meaning. If you are fearful and discouraged by every trial and affliction that you face you will have no strength and in time become your own worst enemy. Let your faith in God be greater than your fear of any enemy and trust in him to guide you through the adversity you face.


Prayers for SA’s 2.1, Clavin’s M, Gold Digger and his family, our Nation and the Police.


YHC took us out.



Team Momentum-Ville to Ville

A great time was had by all on Team Momentum! Round Up, Slaw, Love Boat, Gumby all expressed their excitement about being part of this relay. Their ability to push themselves, especially in the extreme afternoon heat, was truly impressive!

Round Up- Excited, quick, terrific attitude!

Slaw-His acceleration to the pace he’s at! Thanks for driving and for the humor!

Gumby-Wow! Super-consistent and has come back in a big way!

Love Boat-Truly embraced the whole experience and held his own..especially at the end!! Terrific work!

Seuss-Well, I accomplished at least one goal;) (I can just hear the Jaws theme in my head) and had a great time in the process!

Thanks so much to all Gashouse F3 for being a part of this! It was great to do another group race! Looking forward to more.


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