Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2020 (Page 8 of 10)

Run Run Rudolph!

8 for the Pub.

To Pelican Snoball’s and back. Some go the entire distance and some shorter.

Diva ran it twice.

Rudolph showed up confused on his location.

Stinky Bird we are still worried he might throw up on us. But had to leave right after the run because of a potential run.

Gastone Out!


The Goat – 1/9/20

7 men at The Goat this morning to put in some work.  No FNGs today, so time to get to it!

Warmup:  SSH 20(ic)

Gravel Pickers 10(ic)


The Thang:

Short mosey around the corner to the main road in front of the Masonic lodge.  First exercise here is the Hero WOD called “DEE”.


4 Rounds

40  Squats

30 Hand Release Merkins

20 Burpees

400 Meter Run

We used 8th Ave to complete the 4 rounds of this.  Start at the corner, perform exercises, then run to church.  Perform second round of exercises in parking lot in front of the church, then run back down.  3rd round of exercises, then back up. Finally the 4th round of exercises, and back to bottom.  Good work on this one men, way to keep pushing.  HR Merkins  straight into Burpees is no joke!

Next is a short mosey to the Gazebo area.  The first exercise took longer than expected, but we still had a little time for some more work. Here 5 exercises are called.  Perform the exercises, then run a lap.

5 Burpees (Pull-ups were initially called, but I was told we are not allowed to do them at the gazebo anymore, so more Burpees were called)

10 Diamond Merkins

15 Big Boys

20 Jump Lunges

25 Peter Parker’s

Run a lap

We were able to complete 3 rounds of this before we ran out of time.  Nice work men. Mosey back to the flag.  Time!



Prayer Request


Appreciate the opportunity to lead today.  This one had me smoked early on, but everyone was working hard which encouraged me to keep pushing.  Awesome group of pax this morning.  Thanks men!

Sister Act


Dealin’ with the Deck of Death after Wild Card Weekend

It was pretty cold for the first Monday of the new year but that didn’t stop the 10 HIM that showed up to push major rock. After a practically nonexistent disclaimer YHC led some warmups and moseyed the PAX over to the elementary school entrance area for some smooth pavement.

Has anyone every noticed that the Mount Holly Middle School parking lots is absolutely terrible? I digress.

Today the lucky PAX would have the chance to explore some Deck of Death surprises. Rules were that we’d do what each card says but on the aces we’d have to run a lap and any number card was to be increased by 10 reps. The PAX was in good spirits today and we went about the workout as planned.

It was funny though that it seemed most of the exercises ended up being of the leg or running type. Any way, we didn’t get through the whole deck but we did good work just the same.

I appreciate the opportunity to lead. You men are awesome! AYE!!!

Announcements: Brand new AO “The Ricky Bobby” each Wednesday at New Hope Elementary, Rice & Beans Tuesday the 14th

Prayer Requests: Time Frame’s wife, Whoopee’s 2.0, Gumby, Lil’ Sweet, Tiger’s dad, SA’s family on loss of his grandmother, Stroganoff

Substitute Slaw

Blart was scheduled for the Q at Midoriyama. He gave me a little notice saying he might not make it due to work. By lunchtime, it was confirmed that he couldn’t make it and he asked YHC to pick up the Q. I had a few hours to whip up my Weinke, so I headed to the F3 Exicon and the crossfit bodyweight WOD website. I rolled in, changed my clothes, and walked into the typical gauntlet of Midoriyama mumblechatter.  When Gold Digger realized I was subbing for Blart, he compared me to Josh McCown being subbed in for Carson Wentz in the Philadelphia/Seattle game this past weekend! One thing I love about the Midoriyama boys is they tell you how they feel!


20 Seal Jacks IC

15 Don Quixotes

20 Moroccan N/C’s

Stretch Right leg over Left 10 seconds

Stretch Left leg over Right 10 seconds


Mosey to long parking lot on the other side of the playground for The Longest Mile:

4 rounds of:

10 Burpees

100 Meter Run

10 Hand Release Merkins

100 Meter Run

10 Squats

100 Meter Run

10 Big Boy situps

100 Meter Run

Next, we headed to a small hill for some 11’s with Squats at the top of the hill, run down the hill, Mike Tysons at the bottom, then Joe Hendricks (reverse bear crawl up the hill). All PAX were doing great until the Q realized everyone had Omaha’d to Nurring up the hill instead of Joe Hendricks. Even Gold Digger modified after round 4!

Mosey back to the parking lot closest to the flag and do some Ascending Curb Crawls. Feet up on the curb, perform 1 Derkin. Bear Crawl across the parking lot, 2 Derkins, and so on to 5. The Exicon calls for 13 rounds of this, but time was getting short and the Grantan was giving me Eat $h!t looks.

Back to the flag for a Slawter stopper (20 Burpees) for the finish.



New AO at New Hope Elementary (a.k.a. The Ricky Bobby). Sargento is the site Q.

Freight is starting GoRuck training. This Saturday he will be at Folsom. They will start 2 hours before the end of the workout (which is 1 hour before the beginning of the workout if my math is correct). They will be starting at 5:30 at Folsom and finish up to join the bootcampers at the COT. He will be at Gashouse the next Saturday, then The Yank the Saturday after that. If you’re confused by now, just ask Freight.

Prayer Requests:

Swimmer’s Father-in-Law, Timeframe’s M, Tiger’s Dad, Gumby’s upcoming surgery this Friday, Lil’ Sweet (possible surgery), the situation in the Middle East with Iran.

YHC took us out in prayer.

Love ya, mean it!



Hump Day

9 showed for some work at The Labyrinth. 3 Showed for extra credit at 5am.

The Thang:

20 SSH

Wall Sit with arms in the air, 2 minutes.

Plank minute, elbow plank minute, 20 Plank Jacks on elbows, Plank Minute.

Wall Sit with arms in the air, 2 minutes.

20 Mountain Climbers, 10 Merkins

Wall sit with arms in the air, 2 minutes

20 SSH, 20 Smurf Jacks

Wall sit with arms in the air and right leg for 30 seconds in the air. Then Left.

20 CDD, 50 Monkey Humpers.

Mosey toward’s Gastone’s Hill

Stop at light poles on the way.

1st, 50 Calf Raises

2nd, 50 Calf Raises

3rd, 50 Monkey Humpers

4th, 50 Squats

5th, 50 Mountain Climbers

Lunge to the next pole

6th, 50 Seal Jacks

Mosey to the bottom of Gastone’s Hill.

Backward’s up the hill. (This was harder for me than normal)

Back down the hill

Stop at every mailbox. Do 1 LBC at the first and then increase by one.

Bottom of the hill we were at 11.

Turn left to go back to start. Stop at every pole.

first pole continue increase on LBC’s 12



Add 1 push up with increases as well.

Ended with 21 LBC’s and 11 Merkin’s.

The Moleskin:

EC was good, Defib made a turn and ended up going faster and further that I was thinking. (The Push cause disruption and is appreciated)

9 men for the bootcamp on the same day Ricky Bobby started. Kudos to Sargento for starting another AO, add more people, keep it growing. We are part of something bigger than us.

Calm morning, a little Mumble Chatter but nothing to crazy.

Gastone Out!



With the launch of a soon to be named AO on the other end of town, PrisonBreak was a little lighter than usual. That’s ok, cause we were able to welcome an FNG, Evinrude, to the scene. He works with Wichita as a lineman, but his hobby is building outboard race motors for boats, along with many other hobbies. Anyway, there were six total; 2 ruckers and 4 runners. When all made it back to start, we got the pledge in.

COT; Wichita’s dad, Gumby, Volts 2.0

YHC took us out in prayer


It was Monday. Whoever was Q had something come up. Not sure who it was but did not matter. This is F3 and that is not a big deal. Hope whoever had Q is ok and nothing big happened. Gastone tried to take the Q but Defib and I wrestled it from him. Been there before. I have regretted getting on that train before and it does not end well.

Defib and I decided on the fly I would take the first half and he would take the second half. This was 100% based on the fact that he had a watch and I did not-we need to finish on time and it was just that simple.

We started with a quick warmup:SSH, Merkins (good form), and LBCs. We then started to lunge to the park and (officially) I made it to the edge of the park border and then we started a slow mosey. We did a little plank or something else to let the 6 catch up then headed over to Clavin’s Hill for some work-5 squats at the bottom and Jack Webb to 7 at the top in escalating fashion (5 squats, up hill, Jack Webb 1, down hill, 5 squats, up hill Jack Webb 2, down hill, 5 squats, up hill Jack Webb 3…). We then moseyed toward the picnic tables. On the way we stopped for some plank (I think). When 6 caught up, we headed to picnic tables for some step ups……this was the point at which I started to erupt. I had been thinking about something for a few days and being the Q today was just what I needed to unpack this “thing” I was thinking about.

On Saturday I could not make the workout-family stuff that I needed to be home early to take care of-so I went in early for some EC. I got there at 420 am and did some stuff on my own until Anchorman and JJ showed up at 6 am for some ruck stuff. When we got back for start of GasHouse at 0700 there was a big crowd, probable about 20 or so. Out of that 20, about 15 went to PainLab-you are probably thinking “Where is Whoopee going with this?” or “What’s wrong with 15 guys in PainLab?” or “What the heck was Whoopee doing at 420am at the Schiele Museum by himself?” or “What were Anchorman and JJ doing riding together to the Shiele at 6am still in there PJ’s?” Oops, I told them I wouldn’t tell anyone. Please forget that last part. Well I’m gonna answer some of those questions right now so just hold onto your hypothetical horses.

Of those 15 guys, I could not tell you how much they have been posting during the week. Now, part of that is my fault because I don’t post as often as I used to and we have a lot of AOs to choose from so in their defense, they could be posting other places that I am not aware of, HOWEVER, I do not think that is the case, which is the point I am going to eventually make…..It is my opinion that many of the Saturday PainLab folks are just that: Saturday PainLab folks. If we are F3 and our mission is what it is, then our goal should be ACCELERATION-whatever that means to you is fine, but to me it means I not only need to get myself better, it also means I need to sharpen those men around me and help them accelerate. I told our group that I thought we all, but particularly the guys that have done a GREAT JOB with Painlab, needed to help get these PainLab folks out to some other AOs during the week. My words were something along the lines of if you are going to PainLab then you should be giving these guys a friendly earful…..get them to be accountable and post at some other AOs during the week. Maybe you can’t run (now) but you can mosey and you can do Bulldog or Diablo Sammich-get their butts out here. In the Gloom. With the other men. And get better-ACCELERATE. Look at Watts Up-Last year at this time he was a different man. Now, he can post anywhere, anytime, and keep up with every single one of us if not stay ahead of us. We should rename him Jules’ Wallet (from Pulp Fiction) because he is a bad mother………..sorry, got a little carried away. I’ll try to keep this rated PG. Again, don’t get me wrong, PainLab has been phenomenal. It has gotten a lot of men into F3 that would otherwise not even consider it. My point is DON’T STOP THERE! Take this to the next level. Get them to explore 2nd F and 3rd F and post more often. Remind them it is You vs You.

I got a pretty good rush from this rant so what else could we do but head across the way to the Turd Shack for some Hip Slappers. After a few sets Defib took over. We did a quick mosey to get in place for 11’s with Mike Tysons and Squats. About number 8 on the Mike Tyson’s I blacked out and don’t remember anything else. I think they carried me back to start for the COT. Not sure if we did the pledge at the beginning or the end (pretty sure we did it at some point-heck I could have sung the French national anthem for all I know). After everyone left I called 911 and an ambulance came and got me. Apparently I got some IV fluids and the paramedics dropped me off on my front steps. My wife found me a few hours later and brought me inside. Guess that will teach me to open my mouth.

Thanks for the fun-Whoopee


No Regerts

There was only one chance to post for the first mosey at The Pub in 2020. 9 PAX started out 2020 at The Pub with No Regrets.

PAX arrived

PAX said The Pledge

PAX moseyed (Armstrong Park Rd to Perry to Lee to New Hope to Armstrong Park Dr to Armstrong Park Rd and back to The Pub)

F3 Gastonia Christmas party (too late for that)
New AO on Weds at New Hope Elementary (not too late for that)

Prayer Requests
Time Frame and M
Lynn Helm
Whoopee’s 2.0
Gastone’s father-in-law

Prayer to take us out.

Just because you missed the first one, that doesn’t mean you can’t post and mosey at any of the other 52 chances in 2020. Your distance. Your pace.

Until next time…

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