Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2020 (Page 3 of 10)

Birthday Celebration @ The Goat

Well, today YHC is another year older and no better way to celebrate other than lead a workout. In honor of my birthday, I decided to take Q three days in a row. Very tiring for an old man, but YHC managed.

It’s 5:30am, the PAX are here ready to go to work.




  • SSH
  • Don Qs
  • Imperial Walkers

The Thang:

Mosey up main street going uphill to the church parking lot. YHC already had the cones staged for what was next to come.

Once we all gathered in the parking lot, there were 5 orange cones spaced out about 15-18 yards apart. It was time for some suicides. YHC is not a very creative person and will borrow very proudly, which I did for this workout. Thank you Tiger!

With the cones in place, PAX ran to 1st cone for 5 reps of called exercise, back to starting point. Next cone for 10 reps and so on up to 25 reps. Rinse and repeat for a total of 5 of the following exercises:

  • Mountain Climbers
  • Lunges
  • SSH
  • Merkins
  • LBC

Bonus round was with burpees, except we started with 2 reps and worked out way up to 10 reps.

Not much time left, so start the mosey back for COT.



Prayer Request

Welcome FNG, Buckshot!

Thank you men for celebrating my birthday Q! It was an honor to lead this morning.

Breaker Breaker


Dang it’s Cold!

It was a really cold Tuesday and it would have been an excellent day to stay in that super warm cloud of a bed (Chiropractic Certified lol), butI knew someone would be out there so I needed to be there.  Side Note: I  got a message that The one and only Sister Act was going to be there with an FNG…he said 50/50, but unfortunately it didn’t happen…keep EHing SA.  I also knew  that whoever it was, we were all going to be better from being there!  Right after I pulled up, there was DryRub, followed by Outhouse and Tube soon after.  We got going with the Pledge and here is the rest of the story…


SSH x 15 IC

MNC x 20

Merkins x 15 IC

Thang: No rest between exercises, 30 seconds rest per round

Snatch swings 5 each arm

KB Thrusters 5 each arm

Goblet Squats 10

Single Arm Swings 5 each arm

3 Rounds…that sucked!

Intermission:  Lap around the parking lot

Halos 10 each direction

Curls (single or double: 10/20)

Pullovers with Big Boy 10

Rows 10 each arm

American Hammers 20

3 Rounds



Windshield wipers

Out of time:

Announcements: P200, Rooster Ruck

Prayer Requests: Time Frame and DryRub’s Ms

YHC with our prayer! Thanks for making me better fellas.  Makes getting out of the fart sack a lot easier!


Secret to F3 at the Pub

JJ asked for Q’s at the Pub so I chimed in for today, partly to help him out but also to be sure I got in a much needed run. On my drive down to the Pub I passed the Planet Fitness gym which had a good crowd (maybe due to New Year’s resolutions) but I started thinking about what all of those men in there were missing out on. I have heard Dredd talk about why F3 is outdoors, rain or shine, hot or cold. This prepares you for tough situations. Yesterday at the Prison Break run it was 21 degrees and today I read 28 degrees and thought to myself how much warmer this run would be compared to yesterday. Whether it is 95 degrees in the afternoon heat of Midoriyama or 31 degrees and freezing rain in Shelby last year (the coldest I have ever been),F3 men can handle it. That is one great thing about F3 I noticed today.
Smaller crowd today than usual but Roscoe comes rolling in after doing some EC and then here comes Gump who ran from his house. We were running down to Martha Rivers park and back. Roscoe and I ran and discussed F3, Whetstone, families, injuries, jobs, etc. He had to do most of the talking as I was trying to keep pace. It is always great to get to talk to F3 men. This is another great thing about F3 I noticed today.
JJ and I lamented the latest Tarheel basketball loss and then he sprinted ahead to get close to his 8 minute per mile pace. I was thinking about how I used to be one of the faster F3 Gastonia guys and how so many guys I have seen accelerate in their fitness and running. “The list is long and distinguished.” (Top Gun movie quote Slaw could recite exactly) I always appreciate when a guy accelerates. This is another great thing about F3 I noticed today.
Back at COT, we discussed prayer concerns. Dry Rub’s M, Timeframe’s M, Slaw’s health, Gump has students going to the March For Life in Washington, Roscoe’s son is having knee surgery, Breaker talked about Lynn Hamm and her struggle with cancer. Each man had a concern for our COT. Each man helped lift these requests up. I always appreciate how other F3 men are lifting up others. This is another great thing about F3 I noticed today.
I know there are probably no non-F3 guys reading this, so it is up to us F3 guys to keep EHing and help other men realize the great things about F3. It is also a reminder for us keep posting and keep connected to our guys.

Announcements: P200 Meeting Sunday, Jan. 26th at 3 pm
F3 Gastonia Advisory Board Meeting Sunday, Jan. 26th at 4 pm
Rooster Teams on Slack if interested Feb. 29th
New AO at New Hope Elementary on Wednesdays at 5:30 am with Sargento as Site Q
Whetstone Program – It is a great thing to be involved in.
Site Q’s looking for Q’s at most AO’s. Broke recently challenged us to Q somewhere new and Co Q with a new guy to help get others started Qing.

COT requests discussed above and Breaker Breaker took us out.

Downtown 1/17

12 men strong at Downtown this morning.  No FNG, no disclaimer needed.


5 Burpees

The Thang:

Short mosey to the parking lot at the tax office building.  First exercise called here is the  “7 of Diamonds”.  We used the 4 corners of the building for this exercise.   7 Rounds performing the exercise at each corner of the building, with a mosey in-between the corners.  Exercises used:

“7 of Diamonds”

7 Burpees at each corner

14 CDDs at each corner

21 Flutter Kicks at each corner

28 Monkey Humpers each corner

21 Peter Parker’s at each corner

14 Hand Release Merkins each corner

7 Burpees at each corner

Nice push on this one men.  Next we took a short mosey to the parking deck.  Exercise called here is BLIMPS, with some added work.  Start out on bottom level, perform exercise, sprint length of parking deck, Joe Hendrix up ramp.  Then perform 1st exercise, 2nd exercise, sprint, then Bear Crawl up ramp.  Continue this cycle until you finish at top with last letter exercise of BLIMPS.  Went as follows:


5 Burpees, Sprint, Joe Hendricks

5 Burpees, 10 LBCs, Sprint, Bear Crawl

5 Burpees, 10 LBCs, 15 Imperial Walker Squats, Sprint, Joe Hendricks

5 Burpees, 10 LBCs, 15 IW Squats, 20 Merkins, Sprint, Bear Crawl

5 Burpees, 10 LBCs, 15 IW Squats, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks, Sprint, Joe Hendricks

5 Burpees, 10 LBCs, 15 IW Squats, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks, 30 SSH, Sprint

With time running out, start our way back to the flag.  Stopped at the bottom to knock out 9 more Burpees.  This would bring out total Burpees to 100! Then finish the mosey back to the flag. Time!!



Prayer Request



Honor to lead today men.  Nice work, way to finish strong.


Sister Act

Watch Where You Walk

After the past couple of mornings it felt like a heat wave was moving through Cramerton today. Maybe not a heat wave, but definitely warmer temps and 10 PAX took advantage. Sister Act and Dr. Seuss made a last minute call to change their plans and post at the Goat to support a Kotter that SA has been trying to get back out. Welcome back Pink Floyd!

Quick disclaimer, warmup and pledge then off to the fire department to get things started.


Ab Work Rd. 1

10 American Hammer’s IC

10 Flutter Kicks IC

10 Big Boys OYO


Let’s head up the hill to First Baptist with a stop at each power pole for 5 Burpee’s. Get to the top and….

Ab Work Rd. 2 (see Rd. 1)

Back down the hill and this time replace the Burpee’s with 5 HR Merkins. Get to the bottom and….

Ab Work Rd. 3 (see Rd. 1)

Add 5 Burpee’s for the train


Short mosey around town to the back of the BB&T for…..

Ab Work Rd. 4 (see Rd. 1)


Time now to partner up for a little Dora 1-2-3. Partner 1 performs the exercise while Partner 2 runs up the stairs and around the block.

100 Diamond Merkins

200 Sumo Squats

300 Plank Jacks


Ab Work Rd. 5 (see Rd. 1)


Another mosey around town and back to the start where we finished up with a little wall work.

People’s Chair, People’s Chair Air Presses, People’s Chair March, Dirty Hookups



Workout / 3rd F AO at Ingles’ in Dallas on Mondays at 5:30am

5k’s, P200 and other races coming up

P200 mtg this Sunday at Cavendish Brewery at 3pm

Q Source each Sunday after Crossroads and Coconut Horse


Prayer Request

Gumby recovering from hernia surgery

Gastone’s father in law

Each other


Dr. Seuss took us out



Sparky and some of the other Folsom regulars are testing out a new AO where the focus is on the 3rd F. This is on Mondays at 5:30am at Ingle’s in Dallas. Run, ruck, walk or whatever you want to do until 6am then meet inside Ingle’s where each week a different PAX chooses a bible verse and discusses it for about 15 minutes. This is a great way to get all 3 F’s at once and I encourage you to check it out if you can.

Let’s take what these PAX are trying to do and apply it to each of our workouts. Whenever you Q, I challenge you to bring a verse, inspirational quote or some other type of message to share with the group at the end of the workout. Let’s spend some time in the word as we prepare to Q and strengthen our Faith as we work on our Fitness.


This morning I talked a little about Proverbs 4:26 – “Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.”

Too often we get in a hurry and don’t really take the time to see where we are going. A person who takes the time to deliberately consider where he is headed is far less likely to stumble. Don’t make hasty decisions, discern the Lord’s will and then execute it. Look to him for guidance and he will provide you with the direction you need.


I’m Broke


A Rucking Pop Quiz!?

The Gastonia PAX are training for many upcoming events: The Mortimer, The Rooster, P200, etc. included in this is a GoRuck Tough (and Light). Many times, an army PT test is incorporated into the the GoRuck. YHC decided to incorporate some of the into today’s Sammich.

We have a FNG this morning, so a semi-complete disclaimer and a summary of the core principles of F3 were covered.

We knock out the Pledge, so now it’s go time.

Before we go ruck, let’s do the Army Push-up and Army Sit-up tests. You have two minutes to do as many reps as possible. There are specific rules on form, rest position, etc. The details can be found online.

A perfect “score” would be 200 points. The minimum passing score is a 60 per exercise per the Army. The score sheets can be found here:

Male Situp Standards

Male Pushup Standards

After all had completed the tests, we donned our packs and headed toward Gastone’s hill. Up the hill, stopping at every mailbox on the right for 5 squats. Once at the top, remove your pack and do 25 single count flutters will holding pack over head. 10 upright rows and then put your pack on.

Down the hill, up to the Dollar General, past the Food Lion, over to the wall of the soon to be Planet Fitness. Move your packs to the front and have a seat on the wall.

Recover, 10 upright rows and put your pack back on.

Over to the wall in front of South State Bank for 25 step-ups each leg.

Back to the start for 10 more upright rows to finish it off.

Welcome Peyton Pruitt, now known as Oscar. Hope you continue to come out.

GoRuck training at The Yank Saturday starting at 0600 – Boudin with Q.

YHC took us out.

John 11:35
Jesus wept.

Please read Big Pappy’s BB on this.

Watts Up powering down.

Leisurely Stroll

My favorite day of the week…Thursday.  I believe that Diablo Sammich is my favorite AO because it combines the best of F3.  We workout,  but also have some time and breath for the second F so when Whoopee  needed a Q I was happy to take it.

Pledge…then we were off.  We tucked to Gastone’s hill and did merkins at the bottom. We then did some side lunges up the hill. Halfway through we realized how much that sucked and finished up rucking up the hill. At the top we did some more merkins, squats, upright rows and then continued on. We tucked some more and then it was time.   Great work men.

Hacksaw’s Seal Team

  1. PAIN!!!! That’s one word to describe the beating that Hacksaw handed out! Men screaming,  Burpees flying, snot dripping, a lot of Bear crawling, all I can say is you should have been there!!! It was a light crowd at Folsom this morning, I guess everybody was scared? and Hacksaw was ticked! He thought if nothing else , at least Allen Tate would be there because he is taking F3 serious now, #werk!
    All jokes aside, Hacksaw delivered a beating, some got better because of it!
    SHOW to KNOW!

prayer request- Wichita’s dad, Big Pappy, Gumby, LB’s Wife

Roundup took us out!

Week 2 @ The Ricky Bobby

Another wet morning, when will the rain stop. We did have a window of opportunity for a workout, although it was very foggy and wet ground this morning. This is the 2nd week of the new AO and YHC has the pleasure to be the Q.



  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Don Q’s

Mosey to the track for some Triple Nickle. We started in center of track at the bleachers and did called exercise and then ran around track to opposite side for 2nd called exercise and then back to starting point for a full lap around track, 5x.

  • Diamond Merkins x 5
  • Bobby Hurley’s x 5

Next is more running with a called exercise at each corner.

  • Corner 1:  Jump Squats x 10
  • Corner 2: Merkins x 10
  • Corner 3: SSH x 10
  • Corner 4: Mountian Climbers x 10

Rinse and repeat but x15 reps per exercise

Rinse and repeat with x20 reps per exercise

There were many water puddles on the track, so we had to do some dodging. At one point, someone made the comment that Whoopee would be in heaven with all the water puddles, puddle jumping like a little kid.

Mosey to the school building where it was somewhat dry for a core work.

30x20x10 reps of the following:

  • American Hammers
  • Hello Dolly
  • LBCs

The Pledge



Prayer Request


Hard work by all PAX. Thanks for the opportunity to lead, always an honor.


Breaker Breaker


The Storm; My First Q of 2020

The forecast showed rain, so YHC prepared Wienke with anticipation of rain and the workout would be in front of school where there is cover to keep us dry. On the drive to the Storm, no rain, but it was not entirely dry. Stick to the planned beatdown.


The Pledge


  • SSH x 30 I/c
  • IW x 20 I/c
  • Mountain Climbers x 20 I/c
  • Don Qs x 20 I/c

The Thang:

Mosey to the school and start out with some BLIMPS. Since it wasn’t raining, run around the parking lot after each exercise

  • Buprees x5
  • LBC x 10
  • Imperial Walkers x 15
  • Merkins x 20
  • Plank Jacks x 25
  • Squats x 30

Now for some Tabata; Four 4 minute circuits (20 sec per exercise, 10 sec rest)

Circuit 1 (Repeat each exercise 2x for a total of 4 mins)

  • High Knees
  • Mountian Climbers
  • Merkins
  • Speed Skater

Circuit 2 (Repeat each exercise 2x for a total of 4 mins)

  • SSH
  • Squats
  • Jumping Lunges
  • Burpees

Circuit 3 (Repeat each exercise 2x for a total of 4 mins)

  • Merkins
  • Crunchy Frogs
  • Curtsey Lunge
  • Step-ups

Not enough time to do Circuit 4, so YHC decided to Omaha and get in core work.

Three rounds, round 1, 20x, round 2, 15x, round 3, 10x

  • Crunchy Frogs
  • American Hammers
  • Flutter Kicks

Mosey back to shovel flag….




  • Rice n Beans Tuesday evening
  • Rooster Relay, 2/29/20
  • F3 Lake Wylie Convergence, 2/8

Prayer Request

Lynn Hamm and family

TopHat – Tucker family

Service men and women

People in Australia impacted by fires

YHC closed us out in pray.


Thank you men for the opportunity to lead this morning. Always an honor.


Breaker Breaker






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