Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: January 2020 (Page 2 of 10)


13 posted at Crossroads on Sunday. Strong showing, Strong group!

You know what we did? We did work! We ran, we rucked, and we got better. Well maybe not Pizza Man. It was a rest day for him since he decided to run with me.

After words we discussed Leadership Development Processes. Don’t know what that is? Show up at one of two Q Sources held in our region every Sunday.

Kobe tribute and my 1 year anniversary

It is my first Q in January,  my 1 year anniversary in F3 was January 8 so I wanted to celebrate with a block workout because that was my first f3 experience.

Sadly on Sunday we learned Kobe Bryant, his daughter and 7 other people passed away in a helicopter crash.  So I wanted to pay tribute to Kobe as well.


This is what we did:


Warm up:

8 cherry pickers in honor of the #8 jersey

24 Moroccan nightclubs in honor of the #24 jersey


The thang: blocks

I’m still using the #8 and #24

8 curls

8 squats

8 shoulder press

8×3 =24 and we did 24 rounds of this with a 24 second break in between rounds.  I didn’t actually use a timer though, but we’re still calling it 24 seconds


After this was completed, we had 13 minutes left.

Am rap.

1 pax calls an exercise for fellow pax to do while he lunges to the first light pole and jogs back.  I know we did merkins, flutter kicks, lbc’s and big boys…. There was a couple others but I can’t recall.


Time: circle up

Prayer request:  each other because we all have things we want to improve in our lives.

Announcements: LMS 5k, the rooster

Mole skin:  like I said in the beginning,  I’m 1 year into F3 and it’s great!  I feel better, I’ve made some great friends, I’ve participated in 4 5k’s and I’m signed up for another.  That being said, Kobe Bryant’s death is reminder that we can go out of this life any minute. Love your family, love your neighbor, and be kind to each other.

“whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.”

James 4:14 NKJV



Title has nothing to do with the workout. But now that I have your attention, here is how it went down at Ol’ Stinky Bird’s Place this AM:





Candy Corn (Grady Corn) – 100IC: Four-count exercise that begins in a standing position with your arms together, straight out in front of you. Swing your arms back to a “T” formation, then over your head to form a triangle, then back down to a “T”, and then back to the starting position. 25 reps makes for a good shoulder warm up. At 50 reps the mumblechatter starts to dwindle. Groans of pain begin at about rep 75, which should be taken by the Q as encouragement to keep going to 100

The Thang:

Men Makers – 2 – 15 pound dumbbells. Basically do a Man Maker but then add Bear Crawl 5 steps with weights. Rinse and Repeat until you have have completed 5 Man Makers. Other PAX Bear Crawl in single file line behind one with the weights. We ended up bear crawling a total distance of about 215 yards

Route 66 – Groiners.

Q Fail: I forgot we have 11 islands not 11 light poles. So get to the last light pole and go back 3 more for total of 11

Captain Therkins – Captain Thor modified with 5 merkins between each set. 1:4, 5x merkin, 2:8, 5x merkin, 3:12, 5x merkin, etc. until you finish with 10 BBSU:40 American Hammers.

Route 66 – Merkins

Route 66 – Squats

AYG (Jailbreak) from Martha’s entrance to SnoBalls. There is a Strava segment for fastest time. Stinky Bird was determined to get the record today. However, looking at Strava he must have stopped for coffee along the way… FWIW Gold Digger currently holds the F3 Gastonia record with 22 seconds.


Announcements: Ruck Training at Folsom 2/1 0530

Prayer requests – Dirt’s co-workers wife, families of those who lost loved ones in helicopter crash in CA

YHC took us out

Thanks for the opportunity to lead this morning. Hope you got your money’s worth.




Proverbs 27:17 at the Sword

Had some runners and some ruckers this morning. Couple of guys just showed up for the Word. Most of us struggled to get out of bed on a Monday, but 8 of us ultimately resisted the fartsack.

Proverbs 27:17 (ESV) “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.”



a short pithy saying in general use, stating a general truth or piece of advice.

They are the only part of the Bible that is meant to be taken out and studied on it’s own, out of context.


A Principle of Relationship

When iron blades are rubbed together, each becomes sharper and thus more effective. Likewise, when believers are involved in one another’s lives, mutual edification occurs. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 is a similar passage:

Ecclesiastes 4:9–10 (ESV)

9 Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. 10 For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!

The concept of “iron sharpening iron” obviously implies at least two pieces of iron. It would be impossible for one tool to become sharper without the presence of the other. So, this proverb implies that we can become better… and Ecclesiastes further explains, that we can even lift each other up!

God-honoring, inter-personal connections are designed to help both parties grow in Christ-like maturity. Relationships should be genuine, and uplifting.

The process of sharpening someone else requires a positive concern for someone else. Earlier in this same chapter (Proverbs 6:4) it says, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the kisses of an enemy.” We know this concept to be true. It is much better to accept Godly advice or even constructive criticism from someone we have got to know and we understand they have our best interests at heart. We all need people who can help us rub off the hard edges and who honestly have our best interests in mind when they do it. There are times when these sharpening conversations, even from loving friends, can come across as harsh, mean, or judgmental. But it definitely helps to know that these people care and that they have a genuine interest in helping us improve.


A Principle of Accountability

God expects us to live and serve in a community of other believers.

Hebrews 10:25

“not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

Spending time in community will give us opportunities to encourage and edify other believers through mentoring and discipleship.

One person can be used by God to help the other. There will always be a give and take, but the incentive here was to be mutually beneficial. Both pieces of iron work must work together to accomplish the desired intent. That is the motivation. Both items needed sharpening.

He desires for us to build loving and growing relationships with others

1 Thessalonians 2:8

“we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well”


If we aren’t involved in a church that is glorifying God and discipling brothers and sisters in Christ, we are missing the blessings God has for us.


“Iron sharpening iron” also requires a level of accountability – or a personal inclination to allow significant others look close enough into our lives so that they can see the specific weaknesses or problems areas.

These first two principles are important to apply together. We need the close relationships with other people we trust and respect – to give them the consent to identify weak areas of our lives and then to address those areas with us.

The principle of accountability must mean that helpful and real conversations grow out of growing, loving, and constructive relationships.


Iron Sharpens Iron: A Principle of Willingness

Yes, both parties should want what is best for each other; but to build on that concept, there is an additional step. Whenever a good friend sincerely wants to help us grow and it is obvious that they truly want what is best for us, then it is imperative for us to accept their counsel, advice, or constructive criticism with an attitude of willingness and acceptance of what they are telling us.


The Holy Spirit Convicts and the Word of God Sharpens

God can use the “wounds of a friend” to sharpen us, motivate us, and to provide some accountability for our lives.

However, true victory and lasting progress comes only from God Himself.

Hebrews 4:12 says, “The word of God is alive and activeSharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

God can and will use the “iron sharpening iron” process of good friends to help us in our walk for Him. But, most certainly God will use the convicting power of His Holy Spirit and the word of God to rebuke us of the sinful and harmful practices in our lives.

The “iron sharpening iron” process that Proverbs 27:17 provides is indeed a helpful and maybe even convicting part of a believer’s life. We must highly value and build Godly and growing relationships with other Christ followers who can exhort us to a closer walk with Him, but these relationships and the resulting conversations and discussions must drive us back to the Word of God where our loving and gracious Heavenly Father gives us true life-changing strategies.


Praying for Wichita’s Dad as he’s recovering.

Praying for our communities and how we can sharpen and encourage the people around us.

Another Trivia Session

When 0700 hit the ruckers were already an hour into their workout.  So a quick disclaimer and we we off.

Mosey to parking lot by Nellie’s for some corewood.  25 of each of the following:

  • Windshield wipers
  • Crunch Frogs
  • Freddy Mercuries
  • Dying Cockroaches
  • American Hammers
  • One other one – but I can’t remember what it was now

Mosey to the pit for a variation of four corners.  We did six exercises and in corner 1 we did 5 reps, corner 2 we did 10 reps, corner 3 we did 15 reps and corner 4 we did 20 reps.  The exercises were:

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • Werkins
  • Jump Squats
  • Diamond Merkins
  • Bobby Hurleys

Mosey to the pavilion in Stowe Park.  In any order the pax wanted to do them in we did 5 pull ups, 10 step ups, 15 dips and one lap around the track.  Rinse and repeat 2 more times.

Over to the field of dreams for a Dora 1-2-3.  100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBCs.

Mosey back to The Yank to catch the pledge.  Still had about 60 seconds so Sargento had us end with flutter kicks.

By this time the ruckers were finishing and met up with us in time for announcements and prayer requests.

Like most of my Qs I had 10 trivia questions sprinkled throughout.  If the pax got the question wrong we all had to do 5 burpees.  Luckily, this was a bright group of guys and they got 6 of the 10 questions right, so we only had to do the burpees 4 times!

It was an honor to lead, men.

Stinky bird’s place

Fourteen high impact men cane to the Coconut Horse. If you count Compass who we passed on the Greenway you could make an argument that it was fifteen. We had nine stay for Q-Source.
HIPAA got 8 miles rucking. Outhouse also tucked the route. All the rest ran at various paces and a few did some EC before.

I heard HIPAA announce that he had the Q tomorrow at “Stinky Bird’s place” and it struck me that the Snoball’s AO has had so many different names that Stinky Bird’s place is as good as any of them.

Lots  of guys setting themselves up to do dumb things like the Dam to Dam relay, the P200, the Rooster, the Mortimer 100, and a triathlon in September. Keep up the dumb work!

announcements:  P200  mtg at 3 today at Cavindish: Leadership meeting at 4


prayer requests: Lyn Hamm, breaker’s coworkers who lost their house in fire,  Breakers Uncle, Hipaa’s wife’s grandmother,  Gump’s sister in law’s dad.

Test Run

I’ve been working on an idea for a fitness challenge that would be inclusive of all PAX and needed a chance to test part of it out. Today seemed like the perfect day and this AO works for what I want to do, so let’s get after it. 17 total PAX gathered for the pledge and warmup and then we split off into two groups, seven headed off to Painlab with DaVinci and 10 poor souls made the decision to follow YHC for boot camp.


After a short mosey up up to the track at Grier I laid out the plan for this first part of the workout :

400 meter run

400 reps (100 each of Merkins, LBC’s, Squats and SSH’s)

400 meter run

200 reps (50 each of Merkins, LBC’s, Squats and SSH’s)

400 meter run

100 reps (25 each of Merkins, LBC’s, Squats and SSH’s)

400 meter run

This was the portion of the workout that I was using to help me with planning the future challenge. Keep a lookout for details coming soon. It won’t be easy, but it’s you vs. you and the goal is to help you push yourself to get better.


Next up was a mosey over to First Pres for some “extended” suicides.

Run to the first island, perform 5 Diamond Merkins and then back to the start for 5 Burpee’s. Continue in this manner increasing Diamond Merkins to 10 reps at second island, 15 reps at third island and 20 reps at fourth island. Rinse and repeat replacing Diamond Merkins with Big Boy sit ups and Burpee’s with Imperial Walker Squats.

This was the portion of the workout where the mumble chatter really got going. Sister Act began to question everyone’s form, JJ said something about this being his first (and last) time attending one of YHC’s boot camp Q’s and Short Sale was being Short Sale….encourager, antagonizer, etc.


We’ve still got a little time left so let’s mosey around to the back of the church and get in a few more reps. Bear crawls across the parking lot with 25 plank jacks at the opposite side, then lunge walk back with 25 jump squats (x3 rounds). At this point the MC has been ramped up a notch. YHC is accused of being too much like Tesla and The Nantan halts the workout to challenge Sister Act to a fight. I think the elder statesman may have stunned the bat flipper as the challenge was not accepted to my knowledge.


Time’s almost up, so it’s back to the flag where we finished up with 22 for the vets called by Pizza Man. Painlab guys joined us for the COT.



”Sword” is now an official AO. Meets at Ingles in Dallas on Monday’s at 5:30am. Run/ruck/walk and be inside Ingle’s by 6am for discussion of a weekly bible verse.

SFN will be at the Community Foundation Run in Gastonia again this year. Reach out to Pizza Man if you can Q.

P200 meeting 1/26 at Cavendish Brewery at 3pm


Prayer Request


F3 Nation mission trip in Peru

Each other


JJ took us out.



YHC issued a challenge in a BB earlier this week for the Q’s to bring a verse, encouraging word, quote, etc. to share with the PAX at the end of each workout. We discussed how something so simple could have a big impact on someone without you even knowing. DaVinci came prepared and shared Galatians 6:2 – “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ”. Strong words brother!


I’m Broke



No Parking Deck? But It is Cold and Wet…

10 HIM’s woke up this morning to a cold, wet and rainy day. They all decided to do the right thing and avoid the fart sack.

Warm Up

  • 25 Hillbillies


The Thang

  • Mosey to N York, but randomly stop a couple times to get a quick of set of  10 merkins (20 total)
  • While at the wall
    • 20 Australian Mountain Climbers
    • 10 Hip Slappers
  • Now on W Main
    • Bear Crawl to South St.
      • Stopping at each light post to do 5 Burpees, but increasing by 5 at each light. (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 Burpees respectively)
  • Quick mosey back to the Pavilion
    • 25 Rocky Balboa’s
    • 5 Calf Raisers on each step (20 Total)
    • 10 Big Boys
    • 20 LBC’s
    • 30 Flutter Kicks
    • 20 Big Boys
    • 40 LBC’s
    • 60 Flutter Kicks
  • Mosey to  MLK Way, but randomly stop a couple times to get a quick of set of  10 merkins (20 total)
  • Now back to W Main
    • Lunge Walk to South St
      • Stopping at each light post to do 10 Squats, but increasing by 10 at each light (10, 20, 30, 40 , 50, and 60 Squats respectively)
  • Quick mosey back to the Pavilion
    • 25 Rocky Balboa’s
    • 5 Calf Raisers on each step (20 Total)
    • 10 Big Boys
    • 20 LBC’s
    • 30 X-Crunches
    • Train!! 5 more Burpees!
    • 20 Big Boys
    • 40 LBC’s
    • 60 X-Crunches
  • Back to the Flag for 22 Merkins for the Troops

We finish up with the COT.  A nice word was provided by Gastone. He plugged the Q Source AO’s and the importance of them.  All PAX need to do your best to get out to those AO’s whenever possible.  It will make you accelerate faster in all the F’s.

It was a morning filled with Rudolph and Watts Up mubble chatter,  crazy Bed Pan stories, and most importantly a group of men giving max effort to become better men.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead.    Happy F3 Anniversary Bed Pan!

Big Pappy

Prayer Request

  • Wichita
  • Gastone

John 11:35  Jesus Wept.

“Wheeler” Hero WOD plus more….

14 PAX posted for a Pizza Man Hero WOD bootcamp at Midoriyama.  Below is a link to the Hero WOD so take time to read about this man who sacrificed everything for our freedom!!

then we did triple nickle:

Mike Tyson’s x 5

Burpee in the middle

Tiger Squats x 5

Burpee in the middle

5 rounds

Finished with Slaw taking us out with 22 for the VETS



Strong work by all that posted today.  I mentioned to the PAX that I really enjoy doing these workouts not because they are strong workouts but because it is the least thing that we can do to honor someone who gave their life for our freedom!!  Always nice to see Slaw back out!!!  Thanks again for the opportunity to lead!!


Until next time Pizza Man is OOOOUUUUUUUTTTTTTTT!!!



Viking Run – Feb. 1st at Midoriyama (5k, 10K, 1/2 marathon)  Let’s defend our turf!!!  Discount code – Club15

P200 Meeting – Sunday

Advisory Board Meeting – Sunday (Let’s get some stuff on the calendar!!!)

Rooster – Feb. 29th (Get with Breaker Breaker)


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