Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 1, 2020

Convergence 12/28

Our 4th quarter Convergence was held at the Gashouse on 12/28. Awesome time, as 58 men showed this morning.  2 FNGs with us this morning, so a short disclaimer was given.  No warm-up, Pain Lab pax stayed with Sledgeomatic, while Pizza Man led the bootcamp guys to the track.

On the field at the track, Pizza Man called the first exercise.  He always likes to deliver a Hero WOD beatdown.  So for his portion of the Q, he called the MA3 Oscar Temores.  This is 11 Hand Release Merkins, 30 Walking Lunges, and 18 Sit-Ups.  We did this as many times as possible until it was time to pass on the Q.

I would take the second part of the Q for the bootcamp.  With my time, we would also be doing a Hero WOD.  The chosen exercise is the Marine 16.  Basically do 8 exercises AMRAP, 2 minutes each exercise.

0-2:00  16 Burpees, Run width of field, 16 Burpees, Run, etc, continue cycle entire 2 minutes

2:00-4:00 16 Merkins, Run, 16 Merkins, Run, cycle for the 2 minutes

4:00-6:00 16 Squats, Run, 16 Squats, Run……

6:00-8:00 16 Mountain Climbers, Run, 16 MC, Run…….

8:00-10:00 16 SSH, Run, 16 SSH, Run……

10:00-12:00 16 Jump Lunges, Run, 16 Jump Lunges, Run….

12:OO-14:00 16 High Knees, Run, 16 High Knees, Run….

14:00-16:00 16 CDD, Run, 16 CDD, Run….

Time to pass the workout off to the final Q of the bootcamp portion.  I wanted everyone to be together on this, so Sledgeomatic agreed to work his guys toward the field and meet up with 15-20 minutes to go.  Here Broke would take things over.  Broke is the 2020 1st F Q, so I wanted everyone together and let him take us to the end.  The mumblechatter was pretty high during this portion.  A lot of ab work was done, and it was pretty chaotic.  Either way, Broke pushed through until time to mosey back to the flag.


Nameorama:  Welcome 2 new pax, Hot Lips and Chain Gang

Prayer Request

Honored to be a part of a great event today.  Awesome to see the large crowd.

Sister ACt

Midoriyama 12/26

9 men putting in the work at Midoriyama.



The Thang:

Short mosey to smaller parking lot next to turd shack.  5 exercises are performed here.  Went like this;

50 SSH

40 LBCs

30 Jump Lunges

20 Peter Parkers

10 Burpees

Run a lap.

Do this for a total of 5 rounds.

Next mosey to parking lot at the flag.   Here the exercise called is 11s. Start with 10 Mike Tysons on curb, mosey to far side and do 1 Tiger Squat.  Next 9 Mike Tysons and 2 Tiger Squats.  Continue until you finish with 1 Mike Tyson and 10 Tiger Squat.

Next short mosey to bleachers next to horseshoe pits.  We would do 3 different exercises here for 3 rounds. Start with 30 Dips, 30 Steps, 30 Incline Merkins.  Then 20 Dips, 20 Step Ups, 20 Incline.  Last round was 10 Dips, 10 Step Ups, 10 Incline Merkins

Time running low, head back to flag.  Exercise called here is the Iron Hulk.  This is 1 Merkin to 4 Air Press.  Start with 1 Merkin, then 4 Air Press.  Next pax calls 2 Merkins, 8 Air Press.  Then 3 Merkins, 12 Air Press.  Continue this until we completed 10 Merkins, 40 Air Press.

With a couple minutes remaining, called on a few pax for some ab exercises. Time



Prayer Request

Honor to lead you men.

Sister Act


A New Year

9 PAX and a 2.0 started the new year with a stroll through the streets of Big D. One rucked and everyone else ran. Some ran 5, some ran to the toilet and some ran away in a hurry to double post for the Murph.


Kingpin brought his 2.0 who is now known as Penny. This is a reference to a cartoon that Medicine Woman knows way too much about.


Christmas Party this Saturday at Lewis Farms @ 7pm.


Be be in prayer for Hollywood prayer list, Whoopee’s 2.0 and each other.


YHC took us out. (And forgot the pledge, 1st Q fail of 2020)


I’m Broke

A New Vision

The park opened early in anticipation of either our planned Murph or maybe it was for the sultry 34 degrees ( until Gump came along to point out the temps had dropped a little to the freezing mark!!).
Twenty great HIMS would assemble to start the New Year off with a bang so we pledged I led a brief explanation of the planned workout advising all to modify as needed as always but today’s workout sounds simple, but in actuality Is a little tougher than some may expect : one mile run along perimeter trails assemble in play area for 100 pull-ups, 200 merkins and 300 squats and complete circuit with another mile run . Many would modify the count to 5-10-15 and a few did 10-20-30 but none did this workout as Michael “Murph” Murphy would do each morning as his routine, A Navy Seal who lost his life in Afghanistan.
It should be noted that some double dipped ( having attended Folsom at 5:30am for a run that according to Broke was slightly brisk and a few ran the last runners back in completing an additional mile run, Gump ran from and back to home (Su-San Farms area) and Round Up gets the over achiever award for Chuck Norris Merkins!!

Last years Christmas party this weekend at Lewis Farms at 7pm
Gump will be sending out info to add more to Spartan roster …. April 4 9:00 wave time

Prayers for Time Frames M in ICU at CMC MAIN, Whoopees M recovering from recent surgery, Dry Rubs M who has returned home from hospital stay and Sporks grandmothers passing
Def Leppard prayed us out

Many also went to Starbucks for coffeeteria

Thanks to all for coming and starting out the new year in excellent fashion! As the new year is 2020 … perhaps we should LOOK with better vision at how we lead, impact others and improve ourselves in all aspects of our lives! Until next time …

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