Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: December 20, 2019

QSource Review at Crossroads

Please review the questions below for QSource on Sunday December 22nd at Crossroads

  • What is one Big Idea, or concept, that you took away from the study as a whole?


  • What is one application you made (are making) in the way you lead, or relate to another pax or family member, as a result of the study?


  • Is there one of the studies, in particular, that stood out to you? In what way?


  • What do you feel is your toughest area, one in which you need to continue to accelerate?

Joy and Peace and Cold

11 strong showed up a cold 26 degree morning in Downtown Gastonia. Here is how it went.
Warm Up
5 Burpees OYO, Goofballs x 10 IC, Don Q’s x 10 IC, Calf Raises x 10, Squats x 10 IC
Mosey across bridge past Courthouse to the DSS parking lot stairs.
Partner up for SPAM (Stairs Partner Ab Merkins) I made the name up but “borrowed” the routine from Stroganoff.
Partner 1 runs up the stairs and does 10 Merkins and runs back down while Partner 2 does Flutter kicks until each partner does 3 sets. Switch the exercise to Squats for 3 sets each, then Freddie Mercuries for 3 sets each.
Mosey back across the bridge to the parking deck top floor.
Set up cones and the bluetooth speaker for Reducing Time Sprints. Starting with 10 second intervals with 8 seconds of rest for 3 sets then reducing time to 9 seconds for 3 sets then 8 seconds (lost a few guys) for 3 more sets then 7 seconds (lost a few more) and then 6 seconds with only Orangeman and Virus still beating the timer. Virus was rolling. While we caught our breath on the top floor of the parking deck I talked about two words that are used frequently around this time of year. Joy and Peace. I had to admit that I haven’t been too “happy” lately about several things but I am trying to keep an attitude of Joy and Peace. It has been said often that being “happy” is based on your current circumstances whereas Joy and Peace are deeper feelings that aren’t shaken by your current circumstances. I shared of people I have seen who had the Joy and Peace in absolutely horrible circumstances. I am striving to be that kind of person and we all should. Mosey back to the flag.
A few minutes left for Lindsays on the benches (I said benches):
30 Dips/10 LBC’s
25 Dips/15 LBC’s
20 Dips/20 LBC’s
15 Dips/25 LBC’s
Stopped for time.

Announcements: Not so CSAUP CSAUP Saturday December 21st at 5 am at Folsom, 5:30 at Yank and Gashouse.
Convergence on December 28th at Gashouse at 7am
After Christmas F3 Gastonia Party on January 4th at Lewis Farms.

COT: Dry Rub’s M, Orangeman’s mom, special request for Easy Rider’s son. You don’t always know who may need lifting up but Easy Rider shared with us about his son needing prayer and also he and his M needing it as well as they deal with their son. It was great to have a group of guys lift up their brother as he deals with some of the things this world throws at us. It is also great for a big strong guy to be willing to say he needs some help. Thanks Easy Rider. Bedpan took us out in prayer. Thanks to all of the guys who showed on this cold morning. It was a pleasure!

Christmas Memories

I’m trying to get in the Christmas spirit and it seems like everything is fighting against me this year. So since I had the Q at the regions premier JV afternoon workout, I decided to make a Christmas playlist, hook up the Bluetooth speaker and celebrate the Christmas season.
SSH x 10 IC, Toy Soldiers x 10 IC, Hillbillies x 10 IC, Squats x 10 IC

Mosey to the small soccer field for the 12 Days of Christmas while listening to some traditional Christmas music (Manheim Steamroller, Transiberian Orchestra, Charlie Brown Christmas and Porky Pig). Some claimed the music was too loud but most enjoyed the sounds of the season.
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me “A lap around the soccer field”, etc., etc., etc.
2 Decline Merkins in cadence on bleachers called by Freight
3 Dips in cadence on bleachers called by Sister Act who is new to Midoriyama (great to have him)
4 Step Ups each leg on bleachers
5 Burpess OYO
6 Low Slow Squats called by Blart
7 Merkins in cadence called by Tater Hole
8 Dying Cockroaches in cadence called by Swimmer
8 Little Baby Flutter Crunches in cadence called by Tiger
10 Big Boy Sit Ups called by Dr. Seuss
11 Mountain Climbers in cadence
12 CDD’s in cadence
After each lap around the field I asked each guy to tell a Christmas memory from their past and we had some great ones. My Mamaw Wells after dinner would always say, “Get the Elvis album, It’s time to dance.” Here are a few from the guys: One of Freight’s family members always brought another family member an unwrapped six pack of Schlitz beer. The recent Slaw Christmas tree incident at Sister Act’s house where somehow the tree limbs gave Slaw a wedgie as SA’s M and girls were driving by was a fun one. Tater Hole wasn’t allowed out of his room on Christmas Eve so a bucket was necessary for “bodily functions”. Seuss had to help clean up his grandparents house and this sometimes required scaffolding. Tiger and Swimmer had some mischievous activities going on with some cousins and of course Blart and Ash Pond fighting over Casio watches.
Back to the flag

Announcements: Not So CSAUP December 21st 5 am at Folsom, 5:30 at Yank and Gashouse
Convergence December 28th 7:00 at Gashouse
After Christmas Party at Lewis Farms on January 4th

COT Remember Tiger’s dad, Stroganoff’s MIL, Broke’s wife, My son Logan had Mono but is feeling a little better. Oompa Loompa took us out.

** It was great to be out with the guys today. For some reason, I seemed to be laughing most of the workout. The mumblechatter seemed extra funny today, even the CDD jokes! Guys telling funny Christmas stories about friends and families. Guys saying the wrong ages in Nameorama. Guys calling me and Oompa old. Guys making fun of exercise form. It was a fun time!

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