11 PAX posted at the finest evening AO in F3 Nation, Midoriyama. Since I had the Q, why not introduce the PAX to another hero that lost their life protecting and serving. It went like this….
SSH x 20 IC
Don Q’s x 10 IC
Let’s mosey…it’s always nice to stay in a pack and hear all the mumble chatter that goes on. We stopped at a nice grassy area to put in work.
Tonight we honored “Mark Klement”…please take time to read about him below.
It went like this:
74 – 44 – 11 Reps of each:
- Burpees
- Merkins
- Big Boy Sit-Ups
- Squats
With time still remaining we moseyed some more around the park making our way back to the flag.
Triple nickle was called out:
One curb – Mike Tyson’s x 5
1 Burpee in the middle
Other curb – Squats x 5
1 Burpee in the middle
Rinse and repeat for 5 sets
Finally 22 for the VETS…..TIME!!!

At the time of his death, KHK Klement and his team were attempting to locate and arrest a number of wanted suspects. During a short foot chase on nearby railroad tracks, KHK Klement was struck by a freight train and killed.
- Dec. 20th – CSAUP that’s NOT a CSAUP at all AO’s Saturday http://f3gastonia.com/2019/12/01/pre-blast-not-so-csaup-csaup/
- Dec. 28th – Convergence at Gashouse @ 7am
- Christmas Party – Sometime??
- Pizza’s grandma
- People battling addiction
- Tiger’s dad
- Termite’s mom and family
- Stroganoff’s mom and family
Once again, there was strong work by all that came out to Midoriyama tonight. Way to push yourselves to honor the fallen!! Thanks again for the opportunity to lead and until next time Pizza Man is OOOOOUUUUUUTTTTTT!!!!