Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: September 2019 (Page 2 of 10)

Nothing special

7 Guys came out for a ruck workout. I did not have anything special planned. We went to the park, did a bunch of exercises, lot of ruck on, ruck off exercises. I didn’t really have time to be here this am-lot of stuff to do at work and really thought about wimping out and asking someone to cover for me. Glad I did not do that-in the 4-ish years of F3 GasHouse I don’t regret posting even once. Well, maybe when I posted at once of those “running” AOs. I don’t remember what we did, but got the BB posted so my brothers would get credit.


Neverland – bootcamp or running AO?

It was a gloomy Monday morning at Neverland, but oh so perfect for a fine tuned Weinke workout.


SSH x 30IC

MNC x 20IC

Big Boys x 30 OYO

4×4’s x 10 OYO.  A demo was requested and YHC quickly demonstrated my lack of coordination (or intelligence) when Whoopie corrected me after doing the 4 merkins and standing up instead of 4 x mountain climbers.  Then he didn’t let me count that towards my 10 reps!  Thanks Whoopie!

Mosey 20 ft to see the flag; PLEDGE

Mosey towards Gastone’s hill.  Lunge Walk between two light poles.

Mosey to Gastone’s hill.  15 Merkins @ the bottom.  JK2 questioned YHC whether AO is bootcamp or running?  Bootcamp, but… Run, I say! Run up Gastone’s hill!  Aaaaaaand then do 40 LBCs OYO.

Fellowship Mosey turned Mosey by Gastone.  10 count at the bottom by…. one of them PAX.

Yes, more Mosey.  Turn right, mosey up hill to church parking lot.   Flutters 50? OYO

Mosey to the stairs behind Robinson.  Elevens!  Start 10 BigBoys up top, 1 Merkin @ bottom.  Pax crushed it.  Mosey back to pelican’s.  Seasoned PAX who shall not be named thought YHC would return us to pelican’s late….  YHC called end at 06:14:40!  I won’t tell the PAX that I brought a 3/4 complete Weinke and was planning to improvise after the Elevens……

Nice work, men!  We got in right around 2.5 miles!  Some PAX got in some EC beforehand too!

Prayer requests:

JK2 travel to NYC with daughter, Watt’s Up M ,  Outhouse to start new job soon


Raise money for the Downtown potty- YHC forgot to ask for donations, let’s collect this coming Monday (Island has the Q with some fresh ideas!)

JJ5K on Saturday

On another note, I enjoyed talking to Ocho Cinco briefly on the run back.  I realize that I don’t know much about PAX outside of our meetings in the gloom.  I encourage all PAX to try to get to know each other on more of a personal level.  I realize it’s hard when we are sweating profusely and gasping for that extra little bit of oxygen, but let’s strengthen this F3 community that much more and make ourselves more approachable on a personal level for those PAX, old or new, who may need to open up or need somebody to ask them how they are or what’s going on.

Until next time!

Stinky Bird

You vs You!


.25 Mosey around downtown Cramerton

Halt!!!! at the field of dreams!

In honor of Week 1 Pax Challenge….20 min perform as many rounds as possible “The Killer B’s”:

Broad Jump 10 yards to station 1 and perform 10 Burpees, 10 Bonnie Blairs, 10 Big Boy Sit Ups

Rinse and Repeat to Station 2 and 3….After station 3, Bear Crawl all the way back to Start Line and Rinse and Repeat through all stations again until 20 min Q time is called.

After 20 min.. social mosey for 10 second Tesla count and pick pace up..aka slow mosey to the Fun Time Stairs.

At the Fun Time Stairs it’s 11’s time!   1 Burpee at bottom, go up stairs and 10 Burpee Mountain Climbers at top.   You know the drill, time to flip em or go for 15 min Q Time Recovery which ever comes first.

Pax dominated, so Pax moves to the one way bridge.   Time to Wall Stand in honor of Buckeye.   Wall Stand as long as you can, once you drop do 5 Merkins.   Rinse and Repeat until Q Time Recovery called.

Down the stretch….pick your mosey gear and mosey from bridge to Cramerton B-Ball Cage.   Once there OYO 50 Reverse Crunches.   Time to head back, so gear it up a notch and mosey back to Pax Circle in downtown CramerTown USA!

Time!!!!!!!!!!!   Nice calorie burn men!


Announcements – Several Events in and around town coming up,  Radar, Wet Nutz, and Milburn doing Week 4 Pax Challenge New Hope Elementary Friday 9/27 5:30 am.   All are welcome!

Name O Rama

Prayer Requests

Prayer – Thanks Tesla!

Happy Thursday!



Circuits By Montross

It is Thursday and I felt the need to focus on muscle work today. After fartsacking Tuesday, I felt like I needed to get in some chest and arm work. 5 men posted at Folsom this morning for some circuit work.

Warmup: SSH 10 IC, Cotton Pickers 10 IC, Toy Soldiers 10 IC


Mosey to the lower shelter because we will need picnic tables.

2 Sets
Decline Merkins 10 IC
LBCs 15 IC
Low Squats 10
Lap around parking lot

3 Sets
Planche Merkins 15 OYO
American Hammers 15 IC
Bench Jumps 10 OYO

Quick mosey over to the turd shack by the pond for some walls.

2 Sets
Hip Slappers 10 IC
Big Boys 10 OYO
Dirty Hook Ups 10 IC (for my M)
Big Boys 10 OYO

2 sets
Australian Pull Ups 10 OYO
Dive Bombers 10
Dips 10 IC

For good measure, one extra set of Australian Pull Ups

LBCs 15 IC
SSH – 22 IC



COT – prayers for Ratchet, our kids, Montross’s M and her cougar beach trip. YHC took us out in prayer.

Roadie with the Q Saturday! Come out and get in some work before the JJ 5k!

Special shoutout to Bedpan! I was having trouble keeping up with him running around the parking lot. In case you haven’t noticed, BP has really taken his fitness up a notch this summer!!!

Just the 3 of us

Yes, just three PAX came out to PrisonBreak for  some running. YHC was on his own. Gumby and RoundUp were on a mission. Not that I wasn’t on a mission, but mine was at a slower pace. Work was done.


COT; each other, kids and teachers in school.

YHC took us out in prayer

Story Time With Clavin

Actual AO location: The Labyrinth

As always, I start with the Pledge

So this morning there will be NO counting ( well in truth there was one time ,,,, later …. as always moron that later) but it’s all up to YOU for intensity level … your choice. Choose to level up for intensity ( suddenly Whoopee is heard to say that he’s choosing to go for the slower moderation to which I say to all that you can slow it down and join Whoopee with the Ladies workout! That helped get the ball rolling and then I explained that during the warm up ( a song of 3:31) that we would get JACKED- UP! Jumping jack exercises to start , first up SSH and I start the music playing through the Bose speaker on my tailgate …. ANTHRAX/ PUBLIC ENEMY AND BRING THE NOISE!! Whoopee fell over in ecstasy!! These Bois brought their A game today !! Slinging shovel loads at me and about me … and sometimes about the exercise … it was a moment to treasure !! AND that was just the first 4 minutes during which I traded us off into plank jacks then seal jacks and to bring it all home for last 20 seconds …. chili jacks!(lower plank jack ) Pax complained about elbow pads!!
Mosey over to Planet Fitness ( ole HT) and Stinky Bird realizes he needs his hard hat with all that construction … and along the way questions are asked about the plank exercise equivalent of running ? Someone responds “ You don’t know Jack!”Next…..
This will be the only counting component where starting st street side we sprint to and back from first line and perform 1 burpee, the over to next line and back for 2 burpees and so on. The challenge is to give me the correct number of lines/ burpees which was ten. The hope was an incorrect response which would have warranted another 10 burpees! Not today, I think they suspected something!
Mosey to wall for wall sits / wall sits with marching and wall sits with both. There was additional challenge of patting head and rubbing belly from somewhere and JK 2 performs this as well ! He also tells me of not being so worried about personal space which the pax take to a whole NEW level as we move to the next event … Tabata timer … pax in loose circle ,,,, one minute timer, ten second breather…. first exercise I call is merkin and most of pax crowd around/ over/ on top of me and we perform the first MERKIN ORGY. ( at least that’s what I’m calling it)
American Hammers followed by flutters and low slow squats and …. yep wide arm merkins! Pax began calling idea for next exercise and for the most part I obliged and we did more flutters and merkins and more squats …. sometimes I threw a monkey wrench in there and switched up for fun especially at the end where I joined the circle, had all to turn and face man in front, grab ankles and do monkey humpers!! Pax started crowding me asking about Assing me a question, how does my butt look from this angle , how can I make my sweat smell better during a workout, are my pants still torn, etc.
It should be noted that Stinky Bird realizes that laughter does NOT work with flutters!!
We return towards Snoballs , the long way …. since JK 2 likes running so much and then Stinky Bird and Gump take off thinking they know what’s up! I stop pax and someone calls them back . I chastise them to not pass the Q as that’s poor form ( unless he calls for group to do so) !
We NUR to speed hump and then continue mosey back where we complete with Al Gore and finally calf raises ( since we didn’t do any today or last Wednesday!

There were a few other exercises in there and a dumpster load of mumble chatter!!and let’s not forget Whoopee attempting to sing Islands in the Stream …. actually I’m trying to forget it!!!

Lastly I mention something that Gastone said last week …. today’s title … Story Time With Clavin… as I sometimes ramble on ( as did Cliff Clavin in Cheers) … time to get serious for s moment as I tell assembled that yesterday the M and I celebrated our silver (25) anniversary . A few weeks ago, she and I were able to go to dinner together ALONE ( a rarity for those of us with children) and we ate somewhere in Cramerton ( I forget the name, but she’s been wanting to eat there for some time) and we ran into Def Leppard and his M finishing their dinner ( someone pointed out it must’ve been the early senior special … wasn’t me DL!!) It got me thinking about delivering an EC challenge to ALL present or reading this …. find a sitter and take the M out some where …. any where … just do it!! Reconnect …. and relax.

JJ 5k. ( Stinky Bird )
Isabella santos 5 k ( Hipaa )

Prayers for JK 2 and daughter traveling by plane ( she’s nervous)
Watts Up s M

Mucho Gracias !!!

Bottom Ten Football

Tired of all the horrendous beat downs, Iron PAX challenges, and general elder abuse inflicted upon the PAX and YHC by our F3 brethen, YHC decided to schedule a fun day as my Q. In honor of the local kitty kat’s win yesterday, which saw passes actually completed downfield, YHC borrowed an authentic Jake Delhomme signed junior pigskin and away we went.

No FNG’s present, so no disclaimer.

11 SSH (IC). Mosey. 22 for the vets. (FYI-Never, ever, ever google merkin). Mosey. 33 Squats (count right leg only). Mosey. 44 Lunges (count each leg). Mosey to soccer field. 55 Moroccan Night Clubs (IC).

We split into two teams of 5 to play frisbee rules football. One team’s talent level, to be polite, was historically unevenly matched. Think Buffalo Bills in their four Super Bowls versus the NFC East.  Clemson versus Alabama last year. App State versus UNC Saturday.  It got ugly. Quickly. Passes were completed. Whose guy was that? Passes were dropped. Sorry, my bad. Sun got in my eyes. Balls hit the ground. However, the valiant underdogs rallied to within respectability and by scoring last, kept Def Leppard’s winning streak intact. Best yet, no one went to the ER or IR.

Mosey back to shovel flag. Wait, after booth review, there was no flag. Penalty free game. Q fail no flag. Face an imaginary flag and pledge.

Prayer requests for Def Leppard’s wife and pretty sure there were unspoken ones in the group.

Upcoming races: JJ5K, Ragnar, Christmastown, Santa Hustle.

YHC took us out in prayer.

Today was my F3 three year anniversary. Man, oh man. Where did the time go? Posts. Q’s. CSAUP’s. Convergences. Roosters.  Burpeethons. 50 mile relays. 200 mile relays. Warrior Dashes. Spartan. Ragnars. Christmas parties. 5K’s. 10K’s. Speed for Need.  Wouldn’t of done any of these without the love and support from my F3 brothers. Truly humbled and honored to be a part of this group.

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