Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 14, 2019

VQ: You’re gonna hate it, but you’re gonna love it


Pledge: done

Disclaimer: I’m not a professional, but I play on one TV

Warm Up: 10 Butt kicks (IC), 10 High Knees (IC), Lunge with a twist (down parking lot), Kareokas (down & back)

Mosey: Snoballs to Clavin’s Hill (that’s what I’m gonna call it from now on) Watch out for those walkers! At least they wore headlamps. (0.4 mi)

Something like 11s: Started with 11 modified Lt. Dans (with a Jiminiy Cricket) instead of a plain ole merken. Bear crawl up the hill, 10 modified Lt. Dans. Bear crawl down the hill (didn’t realize how hard that was going to be…) And so on. This killed all of us.

Mosey: Clavin’s Hill to the Playground. Dodge more night walkers. Surprise! There are climbing ropes next to the monkey bars! (0.3 mi)

Obstacle Fun: All Pax do step ups on benches while one by one each does the monkey bars and rope climb.

Mosey: Playground to this service road (0.4 mi)

More Obstacle Fun: Spear throw at road signs (is this considered vandalism?) All Pax in plank position while each Pax attempts a successful spear throw. For each miss +1 burpee. Proud to say that we only had to do 3 burpees.

Mosey: Service road back to Snoballs (0.2 mi) Indian run with spear (pass spear back to last Pax who runs it up to the front)

Mary: 10 LBCs (IC), 10 Starfish crunches (OYO), 10 Plank March (IC)

NOTE: Realized that I did NOT follow protocol in properly announcing exercises in cadence. I’ll get it right next time. If there is a next time…

Scripture: 1 Jn 3:18 … let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. (Thank you HIMs for your great example in this. And strive to keep it up!)

Announcements: Rankin Lake this Sat 10-2, Charlotte Stair Climb in Sept, Sign up for Christmastown and JJ 5K

Prayer Requests: Kids going back to school, Island’s foot, Outhouse’s sister-in-law delivered a baby but is in NICU

Name-O-Rama: video

CoT: Stinky Bird closed us out


three’s company


Warm Up:  

SSH – 20 IC

Merkins – 10 IC

Squats – 10 (I think) IC



Crosswalk between Grier and FPC, jaywalk to get to the stairs, guess we were excited.  FPC, building affectionately known as The Pad.  Borrowing a page from Gastone’s playbook we were stationed at the top asphalt parking area at The Pad.

Modified 11’s:

Run down to 3rd lightpole on the drive and do 20 squats, back up to station; drop and perform one merkin, back up and down the stairs with one merkin.  Set of 21’s I suppose you could say.  Did this for a certain amount of time, did not finish but occupied large amount of time.

All Flutters:

3 stations.  Station 1 is the mobile.  Pax 1 completes 100 flutterkicks.  Pax 2 at station 2 does amrap merkins.  Pax 3 at station 3 does amrap merkins.  Pax 1 relieves Pax 2.  Pax 2 relieves Pax 3.  Pax 3 goes to station 1 and completes 100 flutterkicks.  Continue on……………  The amrap part was supposed to be merkins, squats, SSH and just continue in that order.

Hushpuppy a bit woozy from headrush, back to Painlab………….then there was two.


Partner one holds plank while other runs up steps to the Pad while Partner two holds certain position.

Round 1:  Plank

Round 2:  6″

Round 3:  Al Gore


Approaching 7:45 ‘ish, off for a mosey run to the Garrison/New Hope stoplight, turn from there and head back to the Schiele.  Arrive Schiele at exactly 8:00.


Rankin Lake – Run, ruck, etc. event – 10:00 – 2:00 Sat. 8/17, Pizza Man for details

Painlab – May still need Q for 8/17, hit Watts Up up for details

Gaston Residential Services (GRS) – fundraiser (Casino style), Friday 8/23 – see Rudolph for details

Concerns and Prayers for: 

Pizza Man

Dry Rub and family (M in hospital for bronchitis)

Rudolph (friend with mass on kidney)


Runnin Down A Dream

with so many of the pax recently tagging or challenging each other to post an album cover I thought this was an appropriate title. Think about it, we are all dreamers of some sort. If we did not dream or plan we most likely would never come out to be a part of a group such as F3.
Just this morning I was talking with MW he and his family are dreaming of the new home and location they are moving too. Ive been dreaming of a new job, Sparky is training and dreaming of running a half marathon. Just before I started this BB I seen on Group me that Watts Up has now lost 75Lbs! That’s not only a big goal but a huge dream! “way to go by the way” If I sat here and listed all of the dreams I have heard become reality over the last year or so I would turn this into a motivational speech vs a Back blast.

Always be dreaming, also we all ran this morning in the thickest humidity this side of the Congo.
If F3 doesn’t make you tuff the weather will.
Todays Jam list
Brandy your a fine Girl
Aint No Mountain High Enough
Pina Colada Song (If you like Pina Colada’s)
I want you back
The Chain
Pump up the Volume
Let the Music Play
Drop the Bass
Magic Mike Cuts the record
3 AM Eternal (KLF is gonna rock you)

Announcements: Come out to Pizza Mans event this Saturday at Rankin Lake 10-2pm but come closer to 10.
Abunch of 5ks so get running.
CSAUP is on its way in the future so get ready.

Prayer Request:
Each other this stuff in Hong Kong and all of the shootings lately.

The Bed Pan is Full!

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