Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: July 2019 (Page 2 of 10)

Saturday at Folsom

19 PAX posted for a Saturday pizza delivery at Folsom.  6:30 is upon us so let’s begin…wait…there’s a FNG from work I EHed…disclaimer and now let the fun begin.  It went like this:


SSH x 20 IC

Don Q’s x 10 IC

The Thang:

Let’s mosey to the tennis courts…wait…they are locked??  Well let’s mosey to the newly paved parking lot at the new soccer field.

First exercise is the 555 Standard:

15 Squats

15 Burpees

15 Hand Release Merkins

5 Rounds of this

With that complete let’s mosey to the lower parking lot but stopping at the newly paved area on the hill for Dora 1-2-3.

Partner up and complete:

100 – Mike Tysons

200 – LBC’s

300 – Squats

Good work by all but let’s keep it moving…up to the front entrance to say the pledge and Route 66…the exercise is Burpees…with time lurking we moseyed back to the shovel flag (or where it should be) to finish up with 22 for the VETS….TIME!!!!


Once again, strong work by all that posted!!  I discussed that everyone that posted got stronger today because they resisted the fartsack.


Psalm 112:7

They will have no fear of bad news: their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord

I discussed how bad news will always show up unexpectedly in our lives but when you trust in the Lord you know he has a reason for everything and is the all knowing!!


8/3 – Sargento’s

8/17 – Remembrance 5k Run/Walk at Rankin Lake 10am-2pm (Pre-Blast to come)

9/14 – Uptown Stair Climb

9/21 – Stop Solider Suicide w/ SFN Looking for 2 VETS to push in this event, reach out to me (Pre-Blast to come)

9/28 – JJ5K


As always, it’s a honor to lead a great group of men!!  Welcome Chi-Chi…strong work on your 1st post!!  Until next time Pizza Man is OOOOUUUUUUTTTTT!!!




KISS workout

Keep it simple stupid.  Thought about just humping it for 4 miles at a good pace but 5 minutes in I realized that would be pretty boring.  We got to Gastones hill and humped it up the hill.  on the way back down we did 5 merkins at every driveway.  We humped it up the hill, across Union road, down past the school and over to Robinwood road.  Along the way we stopped and did some Merkins, some Squats. . . then some more Merkins, and some more Squats.  We got to the Vet hospital and did some more Merkins.  Then at the Pharmacy parking lot we did some heel raises on the curb.  Then down union, through the neighborhood, back around and to the Sammich shop for COT.

kept it simple.  We hustled, we squatted and we did merkins.  At one point Voodoo may have wined about the pace.  Oh, and there was some conversations about septic tanks.



Dobby’s Doomsday Device

So my son Hank said now that swim team is over, he wanted to make sure he was keeping up with exercise.  I’m proud of his constant go after athletics, but I’m also hesitant to bring him to F3 at times (man spot).  Anyways, I said since the Q was open, let’s try a little man lesson, and have him Q it!

After almost an hour of him writing down exercises, ideas and a plan, I knew this would be good.  He made his plan around “60 seconds” being a theme.  We worked on it together and here it was:

Warm up with Bootcamp (thanks JJ for letting Dobby help lead); then continued WU to hit muscle groups that we knew would need a little blood:

Low Slow Squats – 10

Morroccan Night Clubs – 10

PHASE 1 – each exercise gets 60 seconds regardless, but some are to a certain number, and some are continuous:

  • 20 Low slow squats

  • 15 Burpees

  • 40 LBC’s

  • Calf Raises – continuous

  • Plank – continuous

  • Lunge Walk – continuous

  • Downward facing dog – continuous (rest time….kinda)

2 circuits of that in the books, now for the harder version:

PHASE 2 – just like phase 1, just different

  • 20 Burpees

  • 25 WWII sit ups

-60 SSH

  • Goof balls – continuous

  • High Knees – continuous

  • Mountain climbers – continuous

-50 Plank Jacks

-Cobra pose (with variations, rest phase)

We got 2 circuits of that down, and decided to head back for 5 minutes of Mary.  The gang showed up, and we were grateful.

ANNOUNCEMENTS – Gaston Residential Services is having a charity casino night on September 7th, would love to have some of you join my wife and I there.  GRS does great work, help support a local charity (Least of These, Family Promise, GRS…there’s a lot of opportunity for this peer group)

*check with JJ for more

MOLESKIN – proud of my boy, and the Pax.  Great full body workout, and I got gassed a bit.  But when he told his Mom that he threw up in his mouth, and swallowed it back down to tough it out, that’s when the Dad hairs got raised up.  Thanks to this group for helping me raise another #HIM.

Rudolph & Dobby


Six runners and one Rucker showed up for the Coconut. Queeeeeesh and Golddigger ran 5-6 EC miles before the rest ran the normal 5. Hush Puppy rucked the route and listened to a podcast. It was a nice balmy morning for a run, and YHC found an Allen wrench in the middle of the road and saved countless tires from being flattened

ToolTime going away party at Sargento’s next Saturday  please rsvp.

PRAYERS for Trooper Wooten and his family.

It was great seeing Smokestack for two posts this weekend!






There was just one rucker this morning. I thought about running but with a few nagging injuries, I thought better of it and stuck to rucking as planned. It was a good opportunity to multitask though….I had ti new songs to play at church this morning and rucking solonwas a good opportunity to listed to the songs and get in some “mental reps”.

  • Montross

Encouragement on the Run

Eight PAX showed up on a cool July morning that felt more like Spring than mid-Summer.

After a quick review of the route, it was 0530 and time to go.

First, the pledge.

Then, the mosey. The route this week was towards Snoballs, and the search was on for the mysterious Diablo Sambriches.

One of the great things about an F3 workout is the encouragement you get from the PAX. YHC ran with Roscoe this week, and little did we know about the encouragement we’d get to offer. As we moseyed, we came upon a group approaching from the opposite direction. Could this be a group of Sambriches? But wait, this group is approaching much too quickly, and they don’t appear to have satchels on their backs. Nope, it was the group of lady runners. We then came across another group of men this time. They were also moving too briskly and had no satchels but were walking a dog. Still no Sambriches.

As we approached Harris Teeter, we saw another group approaching in the distance. They were approaching at a fellowship mosey pace. They appeared to be geared up with their backpacks. Could it be? What do you know… it was the Sambriches. We quickly made the decision to run across to the HT parking lot to offer them encouragement. They must have been exhausted from their trip because as we approached most of them had stopped, bent over, and were appearing to be catching their breath. We moseyed through and wished them well.

We moseyed through the Snoballs parking lot to ensure their vehicles were safe (you’re welcome) and made our way back to the The Pub.

As we neared HT, we passed the Sambriches again. Still exhausted, they once again bent over to catch their breath. Bless their hearts.

We finished the mosey back to The Pub with some extra distance due to our good will divergence.

Def Leppard was clad in his hard-earned medal from the Tronmoss 5k. Well done sir.

QSource – Sundays after Coconut Horse and Crossroads
Tool Time going away @ Sargento’s
911 Stair Climb – 9/14

Prayer Requests
Lynn Helm
Trooper Wooten

Prayer to take us out.

Until next time…


Well it’s another Thursday at the best afternoon workout in F3 (Midoriyama).  8 PAX posted for a Pizza Man delivery and it went like this.



Don Q’s (for my brother ToolTime) X 10 IC

The Thang:

Let’s mosey

5 Humpee’s (Burpee at a speed bump)

Continue mosey to large soccer field

First thing is called 555 Standard and it goes like this:

15 – Squats

15 – Burpees

15 – Hand Release Merkins

5 Rounds of this

Let’s mosey around the soccer field and halt at the second one for some ab work:

LBC’s X 15 IC

Flutter’s X 15 IC

Big Boy Sit-ups X 15

Rinse and Repeat

Let’s mosey to the playground…for most that know me, know that I do a Monday Murph EVERY Monday so with the perfect amount of time left let’s do a 1/2 Murph with some extra burpees.  We already got our mile in so it went like this:

5 Burpees

10 Pull-ups

20 Merkins

30 Squats

5 Rounds

Mosey back to the Flag….TIME!!!


Proverbs 3:5-6

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding;

6 in all your ways submit to him,

and he will make your paths straight.

-After reading this verse I discussed how you should ALWAYS “Trust in the Lord” and surround yourself with people that are accelerating like you.  My family and I have gone through some tough times recently and I have reached out to several of you for spiritual help.  I am very thankful and appreciative to have people like ya’ll that can help keep me strong!!  By talking with each of you it helps me to understand and see where I need to work and accelerate more in my life.  I challenge each of you that read this to think about areas that you need help accelerating in and reach out to your F3 brothers to help you.  This is the reason we are together!!!  Not everyone is at the same level but we should be accelerating towards the same ultimate goal!!!

Strong work by all that posted!!!  It is ALWAYS a honor to be able to lead.



8/17-Remembrance Run/walk at Rakin Lake from 10am – 2pm (Pizza Man w/ Q)

9/14-Uptown Charlotte Stair Climb

9/21-Stop Solider Suicide w/ SFN (More info to come)

9/28 -JJ5k

10/6 – Ragnar


Thanks again for the opportunity to lead!!  Until the next delivery Pizza Man is OOOUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTT!!!

Folsom Had A Date But Was Stood Up!

We had a date this morning with this firey lil’ thang we know named Short Sale but, as our luck would have it, 5:30 rolled around and S. S. was no where to be found! We, being the HIMs we are, we wiped our eyes, manned up, and threw a 45 minute party to work through the pain! YHC took the lead along with lots of suggestions from the PAX to help fill the gaps.

Warmups: (as we held out hope that our date would show)
SSH – 15 IC
Grass Pickers – 10 IC
Toy Solders – 10 IC

Let’s mosey…was originally just going to head to the ampitheater but someone said “flag pole” so we head that direction instead.
Slaw calls LBCs as we wait for the six.
Pledge, now let’s mosey to the ampitheater (Volt was not a fan!)

AMRAP 1 minute each
Balls to the Wall
Flutter Kicks
(may have been one more I can’t remember)

Mosey to the playground for more AMRAP
Australian Pull Ups
High Plank
Low Plank

Mosey to the main parking lot.

Route 66 Bear Crawl Mike Tysons. Montross called the Mike Tysons, but it was Slaw’s terrible idea to add bear crawls!!!! YHC was crawling like a toddler at one point, praying for it to end!

Jacked Up!
SSH – 25 IC
Seal Jacks – 20 IC
Plank Jacks – 15 IC
Crossover Jacks – 10 IC
Smurf Jacks aka Lil Gumby in the Woods – 5 IC

25 LBCs on your own
10 Body Destroyers IC
5 Burpees

I may have left out an exercise in the end but that’s how it goes! Time!

Announcements: Pizza Man’s picnic on 8/17 BE THERE!!!!!, SFN in the Stop Solider Suicide and Christmastown 5ks. Prayers: Huck, Allen Tate’s neck, Short Sale (glad all is well), Huck, Slaw and family (college), Stroganoff and family (college), and all the Kotters! YHC took us out!

Moleskin: Sometimes things don’t go as planned. We were a little worried about Short Sale not showing but glad to see it was just an alarm issue. It is unlike SS to miss! Sometimes things happen, life throws you a curve, and you need to adapt and overcome. That being said, we did just that. I took the Q and led us in an overall direction, but the other PAX supported me and called about half of the exercises as well and it turned out to be one heck of a beatdown, IMO. Great team effort today! It was great to share such a beautiful morning with these Folsom HIMs!

Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost
At Diablo Sammich we are Ruckers. We set out to get in some mileage with no planned path in mind. We go off road, climb loading docks and bear crawl across pavement. We never really know where we are going, but in the end we can look back and say we made it and we made it together. We all stayed together and we got better together. We rekindle old friendships with those we haven’t seen in awhile and we welcome new faces that make it seem as if you’ve been known for years. We help pave the way for others to follow in our footsteps in hopes they too will take the road less traveled.
This morning wasn’t about hiking 2 miles, doing numerous bear crawls, performing spontaneous monkey humpers, grinding through various merkins, grabbing some curb for Mike Tysons or lunge walking various lengths. It was about getting to know your brother a little better. As I led the PAX around, I would often look back and constantly see conversation flowing like a fine wine.
As we ended our fellowship hike down the unknown path there was still time to get a little stronger. As we lay on our six on the end of the path we held our packs high above our heads as we gazed into the morning sky whilst flutter kicking our legs in a perfect cadence. We then proceeded to push our packs up to the heavens. Back on our feet we pulled our packs high and again over our heads.
BRR Ruck CSAUP – Spots available. Did we mention there is no entry fee???
Charlotte Firefighters 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb – September 14th
Praise request: Boudin celebrating 21 years of marriage!
YHC Took us out
Thanks for letting me lead this morning men. I hope you all enjoyed the cool morning getting better!

Perfect weather at the Goat

It was near perfect weather at the Goat this morning and 11 PAX came out to take advantage. Short disclaimer given and then the pledge. Quick warmup of 5 Burpee’s and then off on a mosey.


Stopped at the underpass and did 3 rounds of 10 Hip Slappers IC followed by 20 squats. Continued to mosey down 8th Ave to the basketball courts for some suicides.

Start on the baseline, run to free throw line and do 5 merkins then back for a burpee. Continue in this fashion increasing merkins to 10 at half court, 15 at far free throw line and 20 on opposite baseline. Repeat with Big Boy’s and IW Squats.


Head back to town with a stop at the underpass for 3 rounds of Wall Sits with 20 OH press IC followed by 20 American Hammers.


Next stop was the gazebo for 5 pull ups, 10 HR Merkins and 20 Jump Squats followed by a run up the hill and back. Get in as many rounds as you can in 10 minutes.


Six minutes of Mary to finish it out.



When we live right, we leave right.

Are you bringing happiness to those around you, or causing them to worry? Are you helping others, or bringing them harm? When you tell someone you will do something can they trust you to do it?

Are you living a life that others will want to remember after you are gone or want to forget?


Proverbs 10:7 – “The memory of the righteous is a blessing, but the name of the wicked will rot.”



8/3 – party for Tool Time at Sargento’s, RSVP on Slack

Need Q’s for Goat, other AO’s as well


Prayer Request

School starting soon

Epic Church has a group going on a mission trip – Doodles, Scribbles and Headcase going

Get a Grip’s Father in law is in hospital


Thanks to Top Hat for taking us out.


Good turnout on a great weather day for July. F3 is more than a workout and I appreciate the push you guys continue to provide in all aspects of my life.


I’m Broke

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