• Post Type: Backblast
  • When: 07/28/2019
  • AO: Coconut Horse
  • QIC: Roscoe
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Smokestack, Stroganoff, Sargento, Quishe, Golddigger, Hushpuppy

Six runners and one Rucker showed up for the Coconut. Queeeeeesh and Golddigger ran 5-6 EC miles before the rest ran the normal 5. Hush Puppy rucked the route and listened to a podcast. It was a nice balmy morning for a run, and YHC found an Allen wrench in the middle of the road and saved countless tires from being flattened

ToolTime going away party at Sargento’s next Saturday  please rsvp.

PRAYERS for Trooper Wooten and his family.

It was great seeing Smokestack for two posts this weekend!