Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: June 2019 (Page 7 of 9)

Love B.O.M.B.S.

It was just about 4 years ago this week that I first posted to an F3 workout, at Gashouse. I remember staring down at the Grier MS track thinking I hadn’t done this many burpees in a few decades. Ouch! Memory #2 was namOrama, thinking I’d better be careful how I introduced myself and not flinch at any name, or that would be the one I’d get.


Warm Up: SSH, Merkins, LBC, prayer squats, Morocans, Freddie Mercs


THANG! They didn’t like it. Read on.

Mosey to Grier MS hill between bball field and track for hill running (Bernie Sanders + 15 LBC + 15 Derkins) * 5

Mosey across street to library lower lot for Absolution = ( Groiner + Mahktar N’ Diayes + Chilly Jack) * 5. They grumbled. 

While PAX were recovering from Absolution, I gave them a thought nugget on Love. Not a feeling, but the spirit that should lead what you do. We can be motivated by many things: fear, desire, self-interest, good will, and love should be in the mix and accelerating. I recalled a go-to verse on love, 1 John 4:9, to paraphrase ‘act so others live through what you do’ and gave a few examples: children literally come into life through (what should be an act of) love, then cared for, educated, encouraged. Similarly, act so friends, colleagues, etc live better for your actions… With that thought, I introduced the idea of ….

BOMBS/Blueberry Biscuits (Burpees* + 100 overhead claps + 150 Merkins + 200 Big Boy Sit Ups + 250 squats. *Runner runs around p lot and does 5 burpees halfway through run). After my brief B.O.M.B.S explanation, Roscoe confessed gravely sinful and wicked thoughts about YHC, so I promised more Absolution at the end of the workout … if he were sincerely repentant until then. Tool Time received good theology despite his best efforts to twist it to his liking (=heretic). I’ve done my best. Jesus saves.

Mosey to woods behind Shiele for a couple rounds of howling monkeys then  Boo Boo Bear Crawl or Lunges up the hill back to the parking lot. 

Working out with Gastonia PAX has brought me great joy for 4 years. Thank you. I regret I won’t be able to post at the 6/29 convergence at Gashouse because I’ll be delivering my kids to camp that day, but I’ll probably see a few of you here and there at workouts during the next couple of weeks. I have no doubt I’ll see some of you in the DC area, the BRR, and elsewhere.

Announcements: F3 dads on 6/22; float trip same day? (somebody post about this)

Prayer requests: Stones & Blades in our Whetstone program; relaunch of Whetstone in F3 Nation;


52 card pickup

Started with what I thought was going to be a thunderstorm morning… ended up just being miserably muggy.

1 FNG joined this morning. Welcome SCAG to F3

Mosey to lower parking lot for 3 rounds of

Partner 1 bear crawls the parking lot while partner 2 does SSHs




Headed up to the tennis courts for some F3 deck of pain (or something like that)

3 separate 5 minute rounds of your cards exercise

circled up for whatever exercise was on the card each person had (contrary to what Bedpan wanted)


22 for the vets

Bedpan got some revenge with burpees


I can take a hint

After a small showing for Prison Break yesterday, YHC was confident that today would produce a better turnout. Well, I was wrong. I’m beginning to think Folsom just don’t want to post at my Q’s. I’m not going to take it personal by no means, after all, we are talking about Folsom.  That being said, 4 HIM are ready to clock in.


SSH, Gravel pickers, Hillbillies, all x10 IC



short mosey to the tennis courts. Q calls four corners. This is a pretty well known routine, but I made some changes. Mosey to corner 1 for 10 Merkins, then continue the full lap around the tennis courts. Once you arrive at start, 5 burpees. Mosey to corner 1 for 10 Merkins, continue to corner 2 for 10 Merkins and 20 squats, then finish the lap back to start. 5 burpees. Mosey to 1-10 Merkins, 2-10 Merkins and 20 squats, 3-10 Merkins and 20 squats and 30 LBCs. Finish the lap and grab 5 burpees. Continue the order up to corner four adding 40 American Hammers. Grab 5 burpees and make a final lap around the courts. Line up for some screw you buddy or whatever you call it. PAX calls an exercise then mosey a distance while the rest perform said exercise AMRAP. This routine went a total of 8 rounds with 8 different called exercises. I know seal jacks, Michael Phelps, mountain climbers, SSH, dying cock roaches, penguins, and a couple more. Time.

Announcements: collection for supplies for Ignited Minds(Pizza Man)

COT: Oompa’s family, graduating seniors, each other, Rockabilly’s friend with CF

YHC took us out in prayer


Rockabilly, runner in the making

Another great morning to log a few miles at Prison Break. As usual, Volt was on his route prior to anyone else arriving. YHC honestly thought it was going to be just us two, but Oompa didn’t let me down as he pulled in. Just as time hit, Rockabilly drives up. There were no Ruckers this morning, only runners and run/walkers. I was made aware that Rockabilly had been running more during today’s post. He has really come a long way in a short time. Way to push him a little more Oompa. FOLSOM PAX have mentioned it many times how Rockabilly keeps pushing out there. Great work brother!


announcements: Tuna 200 team signups,  toy and supply collections for Ignited Minds to Pizza Man

COT Oompa’s family, Rockabillys friend with CF, each other

YHC took us out in prayer

Blocks and Cooper

Midoriyama 06/06/19
Warm, breezy day at Gastonia’s premier afternoon workout and 12 rock pushers post for some work.
Goofballs x 10 IC
Don Q’s x 10 IC
Moroccan Night Clubs x 10 IC
Grab a Block from Slaw’s truck
Curls x 30
On Your six Chest Press x 30
Shrugs x 30
Repeat then repeat again for a total of 3 sets.
Mosey to the big soccer field at the back right of the park to find some shade.
I announced The Cooper.
10 Burpees, 10 Squats, 10 Merkins, lap around half of the soccer field, then 9,9,9 lap all the way down to 1,1,1 lap.
Defib was a blur and Sister Act right behind him with Slaw, Tiger and Freight not far behind. I think everyone completed it and it was a tough one. I am not a big fan of the Burpee and I am kinda infamous for my Merkin “form” but I know Slaw and Sister Act are fond of these things so I tried to make them happy with the workout today.
While we caught our breath, I talked about a power lifter from Scotland named Stuart Wadley who had an illness and couldn’t compete anymore and got very depressed and thought of ending his life. He eventually sought and got the help he needed and now works with an organization similar to F3 that encourages men to be upfront and honest with other men and get the support that we all need. I talked about how none of us would push as hard without the others to encourage us. Defib reminded us to reach out to the Kotters that we all know need to be around our F3 group. We moseyed back to the flag.
Announcements: 2nd F Friday at the Station in Belmont at 5:00 pm, Tubing on June 22nd, 2nd Team possibility for Tuna 200 in October, Ragnar Trail run teams being formed for October 5th, Supplies for a local school program.
Prayer Requests: I hope he doesn’t mind me sharing this but Sidecar shared a great reminder about patience. He was in a hurry to get somewhere and things seemed to be happening to slow him down. Something tearing up and slow drivers in the way and he took a deep breath and was reminded to have patience. That is a good lesson for us all to remember. Tater Hole going through some things. Slaw, Defib and Stroganoff (and maybe others) have daughter’s graduating high school. Oompa’s family in the loss of his mother. Several of our guys (Lil Sweet and Blart) traveling.
COT Slaw took us out!
*NMM We wound up with 55 Burpees, 55 Squats and 55 Merkins after the block work and over 2 miles. Slaw, myself, Sister Act and Defib doubling up today after running the Pub this morning. You decide who the weak link is in that group (Hint: rhymes with Peppered). Termite doubling up on the Bootcamp workouts today which is always tough. CPAP and Tater Hole have both been pushing hard lately. Great work by all the guys!

We’re All In This Together

12 HIMS came out as we kept things moving at The Goat. Most of the activities were done in cadence with partners. How appropriate- considering that today was the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Tesla shared with us of a family member who was part of that momentous undertaking, and we realize how much those heroes had to rely on and support each other. They were all in it together.




Don Q x10 IC

Moroccan Nightclubs x10 IC

Goofballs x 10 IC



Mosey to Bridge:

With partner IC:

*Lunge bridge/ 10 Big Boys

*NUR/ 20 Crunchy Frogs

*Crab walk/ 30 LBC’s

*Carioca Right/ 40 Flutter Kicks

*Carioca Left/ 50 Dying Cockroaches


Mosey to Picnic Area:

Grab a partner for:

5 Bropees

Partner Forties:

30 Dips/10 Pattycake Merkins





Mosey to back parking lot for:

Jacked Up IC with Partner:

50 SSH

40 Plank Jacks

30 Seal Jacks

20 Up Straddle Hops (hop 10 on each leg while SSH)

10 Smurf Jacks


Mile Mosey

Dominoes: Left and Right Plank x10 Merkins  at Fire station

Donkey Kicks x20 on wall at top of hill

Rocky Balboas x30 per leg on curb at bridge

Long mosey back to flag



Convergence, Gashouse-June 29

Collecting school supplies-June 8

Rafting-June 22



Lynn Hamm -surgery,

Emily- travel

Elenore Myers-friend of Tesla


Oompah and his family



Spoke of faith and how we are not to dig deep to muster up our own faith and strength, but to look to Jesus and rest in His power, a power outside of ourselves.



YHC took us out.

As always, it was an honor to lead and to work out along side of each of you. I would encourage all HIMS to visit various AO’s and get to know your other F3 comrades. Also, look to Christ for your ultimate strength and relationship.



Mike, Mike, Mike…What daaay is it?

It’s hump daaaay!!!

Somewhat warm and humid Wednesday, a worthy crew of 11 of Gastonia’s finest plus Slaw conquered the fartsack and braved the gloom to better themselves and the men around them.  What happened went something like this.




Stalling waiting on Whoopee to finish doing whatever it was that he was doing.

Goof Balls x 20 double count IC

Still stalling in eager anticipation that Whoopee might join us.

Hillbillies x 20 double count IC

Whoopee in a diva-like way shows fashionably late to the group.  Welcome princess.  We can go now.

The Thang

Mosey to the bottom end of the park’s parking lot near the playground for a groovy little number I picked up off of our friend Boudin who is on IR.  We are wishing you the best bro.  Looking forward to your rejoining the regulars.

The Alabama shuffle which is..lunge, lunge, 4 merkins.

Repeat this process from the bottom island to the next…approx 50 yards from my super duper accurate cable guy eyeballing skillz.

Mosey to the next island (not the HIM but the actual natural area in the parking lot).

Karaoke facing right to the next island.  Karaoke left to the last island.


Mosey to the grassy hill at front end of park.

Triple nickel…5 merkins bottom, 5 mountain climbers top, x 5.


Mosey to the parking lot in front of the maintenance shed fro some ab work.

All x 30


Oblique crunches right then left

Leg raises

Repeat entire set x 20 and then x 10.

This turned out to be a very flatulent portion of the morning.  Makes one appreciate the “held outdoors” core principle.


Mosey the long way around the ball fields to the picnic tables in front of the playground.

I announced that this would be the back and shoulder portion of the morning but as Gastone noted, it was kinda not.

Dips x 15 double count

Step ups x 20 each leg

Derkins x 10

Dips x 10 double count

Step ups x 15 each leg

Derkins x 10

Gastone noted that we did not reduce the count for derkins so…

Derkins x 10


Meander to the parking lot for more ab work

Same set as above

All x 30


Oblique crunches right and left

Leg raises


Over to the shelter for calf raises

Feet straight x 20 double count IC

Toes out x 20 double count IC

Toes in x 20 double count IC

American hammers x 20 oyo

Feet straight x 15 double count IC

Toes out x 15 double count IC

Toes in x 15 double count IC

American hammers x 20

Mosey back to the flag and time.


It was as always wonderful being in the gloom with “the fellas”.  If you are reading this and have not posted in a while, we for sure know the struggle of the fartsack.  It’s very real.  However, I speaking for myself have never regretted posting.  It is the very best way I personally have ever started my day.  As a matter of fact, it has gotten to where the day just is a little off on the days I don’t post.  If there is any way for you to keep this in mind at 5 am please do so.  Please know that you are missed.

If you know a Kotter, re-EH them.  Invite someone who you know can use it. This is too good of a thing to not share.

The guys are incredible.  This thing has helped to make me a better me all around (husband, father, son, employee, brother, friend, and servant).  Not to mention the health benefits!   An answered prayer for sure.


It was super cool seeing Stone Cold back out with his weighted vest.

Good to see Slaw on a Wednesday.

I could single out all the guys.  You are all awesome.  Encouraging, inspiring, supportive, and nice.  Aye fellas!



Convergence at the Gashouse June 29…Be there dangit!

F2 Tubing Green River…See Roadie.

Oompa Loompa’s mother’s visitation TONIGHT at Greene Funeral Home 6-8.


Trinity Key, friend of EZ Rider fell and is seriously injured.  Please pray.

Graduates and families.


Until next time.

Its a real honor to be even a small part.




Dry Rub’s Bulldog Roundup

Bulldog 6/4/19
My first Q therefore my first BB.

SSH x 15 in cadence
LBC x 10 in cadence

Split into groups of 3 or 4
Each group went to one of 5 stations to begin exercises…performed exercises as indicated and then rotated to next station. Total of 5 stations with 4 rounds at each…stations and exercises below: sequence was ST1, R1, ST2, R1, ST3, R1 etc…

Station 1
R1 – step ups x 20 each leg
R2 – squats x 50
R3 – sumo squats x 25
R4 – lunges x 10 each leg

Station 2
R1 – merkins x 25
R2 – diamond merkins x 25
R3 – wide merkins x 25
R4. – plank til you can’t

Station 3
R1 – suicides
R2 – bucket carry
R3 – blockees x 10
R4 – choice of one of the above

Station 4
R1 – flutter kicks x 25
R2 – LBC x 50
R3 – WWI x 25
R4 – box cutters x 25

Station 5
R1 – upright rows x 25
R2 – renegade rows x 15 each arm
R3 – overhead press x 30
R4 – tricep extensions x 25

Round and round we went with at least one of each station and round…I think most got through all stations plus!

Circle up for announcements:
Convergence June 29 at Gashouse
BRR ruck meeting 5/4/19 @ Harris Teeter 8PM
Roadie is organizing a raft/tubing trip tentatively June 22…stay tuned for more info

Prayer requests:
Dry Rub asked for prayers for his son who is just having a hard time with school and life etc.
Prayers for Oompa Loompa and his family.
Praise and prayers for recent graduates as they start their future as adults.

Closed in prayer huddle.

Who is Floppy Disk

13 PAX hit Midoriyama for the premier afternoon workout. Recently I’ve heard quite a few people mention they don’t know who Floppy Disk is. This is because he hasn’t posted in quite sometime because as he puts it “we run too much”(he likes to mtn bike).  So today I decided to introduce everyone to Floppy disk. Below is a workout he Q’d back in 2016. We modified a little-blockees were burpees and we added an extra lap at the end. This workout sucked!!!! I think everyone was quite surprised! Below was copied and pasted from that workout.


What is 2 + 2 yelled Floppy Disk, today’s Q. In unison, the men grunted four. Floppy retorted, NO! It’s three and I’ll prove it!

With a round of laughter, no one believed and they knew he was crazy.

Floppy took the pax to the ministry of love to prove to them that it indeed equaled three. Firing up a timer with intervals set at three minutes the first thang was yelled out. “Blockies”!

When that three minutes of horror ended, plank was shouted. Then squats, air jump ropes,  plank jack to sit-ups, star jacks, lunges, LBC’s, merkins and more. The onslaught of three-minute exercises didn’t stop until time ran out.

By the end, all were in agreement. “2+2=3” and love is hate.1

The Thang


  • Mosey a lap around the parking lot
  • Short break to fix the flag
  • Side straddle hop (20 IC)
  • Moroccan Night Club (20 IC)

The Thang

  • 3 minutes of blockies (30 second rest)
  • 3 minutes of low/high plank (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of squats (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of air jump rope  (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of plank jack to sit-up (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of star jacks (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of LBC (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of merkins (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of lunges (30 seconds rest)
  • 3 minutes of mountain climbers (should be renamed to Madoriyama  climbers)
  • 3 minutes of side plank alternating sides every 30 seconds.


Pledge, prayer, and while leaving we talked about some of the places in the bible that mentions the number three. Jonah in the belly of the fish for three days, Jesus’s ministry lasted three years, Peter denied him three times, the rooster crowed three times.



Who is Floppy Disk? FD is a good friend of mine. He is the guy who helped kill Fat Ricky. He got me tracking my food and going to the gym before F3. He was one of the founding 3 that started Midoriyama. He has and does a lot with our website. He covers the $100 server fee for us every year. He’s a great father and husband, a bit of an introvert but will talk to people if they will bother Def Leopard. He loves to ride bikes and hate’s to run. Between motorcycles and mtn bikes he’s broken about every bone in his body twice! You would think he would just give up and run but he falls down doing that too. All in all he’s just a good guy.

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