Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: May 2019 (Page 3 of 10)

Mt. Mitchell to Midoriyama

Kudos to Def Leppard who allowed me to hijack his Q today – I was talking to him last week and complaining that I have not been very good at Qing Midoriyama lately so he graciously allowed me an opportunity to lead today


9 brave Pax posted in the heat and humidity this afternoon – Several pax were just coming off the Mt Mitchell hike and were excited to exercise away their soreness (!)


10 each:  SSH, Imperial Walkers, Don Q LBC and Merkins (with ascending Burpee count between each starting with 3)


Mosey to parking area next to playground and line up for 11’s with Squats and Mountain Climbers, then quick round of Dora with 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs and 300 Squats.  Finished off with some Murph training. As many sets as possible of 10 pull-ups, 20 Merkins and 30 Squats then run in parking lot approximately 200 yards.  Finally moseyed back to start for “Cool Down” in which we repeated the warmup but did decreasing Burpees between sets starting with 7.  Oompa took us out with 22 for vets



Freights Grandmother, Def Leppard’s Aunt recently passed, Def Leppard’s son with Kidney stones, and Broke’s Daughter with GI problems.

Thought for the day – After giving yourselves 45mins to become better – take that strength and give it back

Philippians 2:3-4  Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.

Thanks to all who posted and allowed me to torture them in the heat today – It was my honor to serve


Until next time Defib – out!



Blocks again

Warm Up- SSH, Toy Soldiers, Hillbillies, all 15ic


Partner up for some Block work on the tennis courts.

100 Blockees

200 Curls

100 Triceps

200 Squats

300 LBCs, partner 1 started exercise while partner 2 ran, alternating until finished!

Announcements- 5k this weekend, Memorial Day Murph

Prayer request- kids EOG testing, teachers, all pax


Welcome to Bulldog

Today marks the beginning of my reign at the Bulldog as site Q.  To be honest, when I first joined F3 I had no intentions of ever Qing, but now I am proud to be this involved.  It is actually a great honor.  I have met some great men during this journey and I am looking forward to growing the pax.  As for this beat down I wanted to add in a little cardio to the mix of slinging weight so here it went.



SSH x 15 IC

Merkins x 10 IC

LBC x 10 IC


Start at one end of the parking lot:

10 burpees mosey to light pole, 10 American hammers, mosey to barricade 20 kettle bell swings , mosey back to pole 10 crunchy frogs IC, mosey back barricade 20reverse grip curls, mosey back to pole 20 merkins, mosey back to beginning… We repeated this way mixing in various exercises.  More burpees, more Mary and more work with kettlebells .  We ended up going through these stations for approximately 6 rounds.  We left some sweat angels  on the ground and some wear and tear was done to our bodies.  It was an honor to lead  today, and even though I was slightly discombobulated I felt everyone got their money’s worth.  We even had a VIP first timer today as Short Sale joined us.  I ‘m not sure of it, but I think I even saw a drop of sweat roll off his forehead.  Thanks for coming out! 

Announcements:  Community 5K, collections for Pizzaman’s friend, and Monks party .


YHC took us out with a prayer.  Hope everyone has a great week.  Voodoo out


JVPALOOZA visits The Pub

10 men this morning.

We ran.



Annoucements: Speed for Need race this Saturday, Memorial Day Murph, half marathon in October, Christmastown 5k in November, upcoming Ragnar race.

Prayer requests: teachers and students, Breaker Breaker’s daughter for safe travels, Broke’s family, each other.

BOM: YHC took us out in prayer.

Philippians 4:13


monk’s ankles

It was the same day as the Mt. Mitchell hike so we expected low numbers. Turns out we had 3. There were 6 for Mt. Mitchell so there may have been a few fartsackers????? Monk and I had a good run while Breaker Breaker took on some hills. Monk was kind and stayed with me until the gut check then he took off. He opened up to me while we were running and said he really hated to run. He said it hurt his ankles and he has some sort of inherited ankle-itis issue that skips every 3rd generation. At night he has to soak his feet/ankles in warm milk and wrap them in feminine napkins soaked in vinegar to help relieve the pain. For whatever reason, rucking does not bother him so plans to ruck full time in DC. At least that is what I remember him saying during the run….

Whatever works Monk-good luck.

HushPuppy came for Q Source and Breaker Breaker left to go to church right after run.

Good work men and hope those ankles get better soon Monk. Send us your address so we can send you supplies for your ankles…


Turtle’s at home

11 of Gastonia’s Finest showed up on a Wednesday morning for a Bootcamp.

The Thang:

SSH 25

Imperial Walker 20

Mosey to Sidewalk. About 10 yards.

Form straight line all in a plank. Man in the back bear crawl to the front. Rinse and Repeat.

Mosey to parking lot.

Circle up for one set of Howling Monkey. Everyone grab your ankles while 1 guy at a time does 20 Monkey Humpers.

Mosey around the field and on the way.

Slow Indian Run with guy in the back running to the front after 5 Burpee’s.

Mosey around some more.

Stopping for 50 Squats and 20 Diamond Merkins.

Main Event.

11’s starting at top of the hill for 10 Pull Up’s and at the  bottom of the hill on the track about 100 yards we did 1 Burpee.

Rinse and repeat until you flip the number. We almost made it but ran out of time.

Mosey back to the start after cutting through the woods.

The Moleskin:

Stinky Bird was supposed to VQ but it is postponed until next Wednesday. I did not find out until 8:30pm so I just took the Q but was mentioned that I did not offer it up to anybody. I quickly offered it to Shortsale but knowbody grabbed. They must have really wanted me to do this Q.

Neverland and Mt. Hollywood closed on Monday but Martha Rivers Park is open at 7am for a Murph. Come one come all. Once you do one of these under an hour you are supposed to add a weighted pack.

Prayers, lift the community and each other.

Gastone Out.

Prison Break

6 men at Prison Break.  5 ran, jogged or moseyed and Big Pappy put in almost 5 miles rucking.  Great job.


Annoucements: Speed for Need race on Saturday, Memorial Day Murph.

Prayer requests: each other, our children, those hurting and in need.

BOM: Sparky closed us in prayer.

Philippians 4:13


Looks Better on Paper

Good, solid group of HIMS at The Storm today. If you weren’t there, you were missed. Come next week. Tophat was suppose to have this Q, but had to go out of town, so YHC took it. I think I got a little overambitious, as we were suppose to complete the Stink Bombs, run to Goat, and do another routine across the bridge; but I guess it’s better to overplan than underplan.

Anyhow, things will run smoother when I Q in a couple weeks at The Goat, so come on out. It’s great to see our numbers growing in the Belmont area, and it seems we’ve had a consistent showing of FNG’s at all of the AO’s.




Goofballs x15 IC

Marionettes x5 OYO

Moroccan Nightclubs x15 IC




Stink BOMBS:


Burpees x 100                                        50 LBC’s

Overhead Presses x 200                  25 Merkins-of choice

Monkey Crunches x 300                  50 Dips

Bobby Hurleys x 300 Modified    50 Flutter Kicks

Sweat Angels x 200  Modified      50 SSH




Three -Partner Relays

Pr 1 crab walks across lot while 2 and 3 Hold Plank

Lunge bridge and Squats

NUR bridge and Plank Jacks

Shuffle and Monkey Crunches





Speed for need-This Saturday, May 25

Murph- Monday, 7 am, Martha Rivers

Ignited Childcare School Supplies, June 8

Word: Ps 56: 9 This I know, God is for me. (God keeps account of the tears of His faithful ones. He doesn’t ignore our concerns. He is FOR those who trust in Him.)

Be there for each other; be FOR each of your fellow pax.



Madman’s girlfriend and mom Lynn MRI

Broke’s daughter

Radar’s dad

Whetstone Program




I’m thankful for you guys daily; always an honor to lead!


Return of The Iron Pax

15 pax showed on a great morning to be at Folsom.  It had been a while since my last Q here, so I was excited and definitely wanted to bring something good for the Folsom crowd.  After several guys put in some EC runs this morning, it was time.  Good size crowd had gathered along with 2 FNGs.  I knew what was about to go down, so I knew these 2 would get broken into F3 properly.  A short disclaimer was given, time to start.


None needed, let’s mosey

The Thang:

Last year there was a challenge sent out to F3 Nation.  It was called the Iron Pax Challenge.  It was a 4 part challenge, with each workout being different.  Each was scored with either being timed to completion, or an accumulation of reps completed.  We completed the first challenge during my Q at Folsom about this time last year.  I remember it well, so why not bring it back for those that may have missed the opportunity last year.  Here is the breakdown of this challenge:

50  Squats

40 Big Boys

30 Merkins

20 Jump Lunges (count 1 leg)

10 Burpees

400 meter run

You do this for 4 rounds.  I knew this would definitely challenge us all.  So I informed the pax that we would move on from this to something else once the first pax completes this challenge.  Each pax pushed hard, with Dr. Seuss leading the charge and completing this first.  Good work men.  We finished this quicker than expected. With lots of time remaining, let’s mosey.

Short mosey to the tennis courts.  Time for some AMRAP.   5 different exercises are given to AMRAP for 2 minutes each. Do this for 10 minutes, with no rest in between exercises.  0:00-2:00  Start at baseline of first tennis court, 10 Burpees, sprint length of 2 courts, 10 Burpees.  then sprint.  Continue this cycle of Burpees and sprints for 2 minutes.  Next exercise is Plank Jacks. From  2:00-4:00 10 Plank Jacks, sprint, 10 Plank Jacks, sprint… Next from 4:00-6:00 is 10 SSH, sprint, 10 SSH, Sprint.  From 6:00-8:00 is 10 Hand Release Merkins, sprint,  10 HR Merkins.  Finally from 8:00-10:00 is 10 Smurf Jack, sprint, 10 Smurf jacks, continue this until the 10:00 minute mark.  Good work on this men.  Going from the Iron Pax Challenge straight into some AMRAP is tough.

Still with some time to spare, another exercise is called.  Route 66 on the tennis courts.  Exercise used for this is the Mike Tyson.  Use the entire length of 6 tennis courts for this exercise.  Run to out of bounds line of first court and back for 11 Mike Tysons.  Run to start of next court and back for 10 Mike Tysons.  Continue this cycle until you finish with a  run to far end of courts and back to complete 1 Mike Tyson, which totals 66 Mike Tysons.   As we waited on all the pax to finish, let’s do 50 Flutter Kicks (IC).  There were some complaints about this, but way to finish strong men.  Quick mosey to the flag.

Announcements:  Belmont Classic 5K SFN 5/25, Memorial Day Murph 5/27 7:00 Martha Rivers

Prayer request;  Each other



Honor to lead today.  Welcome to F3 Mary Kate(Easton Moore) and Ashley(Thomas Moore). Today was about each pax pushing themselves.  I try my best at each workout to not cheat myself, and give it everything I got.  I hope you guys were able to physically push yourselves today.  Make it a point to push until the finish, with no shortcuts.


Sister Act

JV train rolls into Folsom

6 on a nice Folsom morning.   Volt takes off on his customary pre-beat down run and returns to spend the next five minutes calling YHC an idiot.  05:30 hits and we clock in.

Warmup: SSH and Toy Soliders x 15IC

Slow mosey to the tennis courts.  We did core work, running, rugby sprints and a bunch of waves.


Mosey back to the parking lot for Mary


Annoucements: Speed for need run, Memorial Day Murph

Prayer requests: Catamount’s brother and his family, the 5ks.

BOM: YHC closed us in prayer.

Philippians 4:13


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