Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: February 2019 (Page 7 of 8)

Train your weakness, race your strength

Dr. Seuss made an appeal last night for a fill-in Q and I was happy to have the honor.  There’s a nasty bug going around so stay healthy brothers.

With not much time to prepare, YHC had each HIM call out and lead a warm-up exercise.  There were 5 of us, so it worked out well.  We did the pledge and found our way to the parking lot on the other side of Goat Island via some mosey, bear crawl, Dan Taylor’s, karaoke, crab walk, and more mosey.  While on the journey I asked each PAX to think of an exercise that they wanted to improve on and get better at doing.  We partnered up at the lot and with one running up one side, sidestep left, nur back, sidestep right……the partner did the exercises we chose as needing the most improvement.  100 Merkins, 200 American Hammers, 100 Protractors stopping at 10, 45, 90, 45, 10 = 1 count.  We then moved to 11’s with the final two exercises that were called out, Burpees & V-Ups.  Mosey backed to the start and did some ab work to fill out the time.

I left everyone with one thought, when I was competing in triathlons it was important to train your weakness and race your strength.  That is why we picked exercises today that we wanted to improve upon.  It’s comfortable to do the things you are good at and the things that take the least amount of effort, but to truly grow and improve we need to do the things that challenge our bodies the most.  Of course the same goes for all aspects of our lives.  Find the part of your life that you want to improve the most and focus some extra time in that area.  And if you have a strength or something you are really good at, share that with those who might need it the most.

Prayers for Top Hat and his family after the loss of his father this week, for the family that Tiny Tim knows that lost their 19-year-old girl after being involved in a head-on collision, and for the leaders of our country who we pray remain focused on serving their country and not their personal gains.

Enjoyed the warm 60 degree weather and my brothers who joined me this morning.


Round & Round

14 HIM’s Showed on a glorious 50+ degree winter time morning.

Borrowed the gist of this weinkie – figured some of this would be a crowd pleaser. Big shout out to Breaker Breaker…

Moroccan Night Clubs X 10

Imperial Walker X 10

LBC’s X 10

Mosey down to old Harris Teeter parking lot for the main event.


Round 1 – 5 burpees, run lap around parking lot

Round 2 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, repeat run

Round 3 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBCs, repeat run

Round 4 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 dry docks, repeat run

Round 5 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 dry docks, 25 squats, repeat run

Round 6 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 dry docks, 25 squats, 1 minute elbow plank, repeat run

Round 7 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 dry docks, 25 squats, 1 minute elbow plank, 35 American hammers, repeat run

Round 8 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 dry docks, 25 squats, 1 minute elbow plank, 35 American hammers, 40 flutter kicks, repeat run

Round 9 – 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 dry docks, 25 squats, 1 minute elbow plank, 35 American hammers, 40 flutter kicks,  45 monkey humpers, Omaha the run.

Somewhere around Round 6 or 7, my weinkie was threatened to meet an untimely death, but it stayed safe for the remainder…

Meander / Mosey back to wall at bank for Dips X 15; Step-up X 15 – count right leg

25 calf raises in bank parking lot.

Back to start.


CSAUP Feb, sign up by Feb 16

Hike up Mount Mitchel – May 5 – see Gastone


Everyone sick with flu or all the other sickness going around.

All with family issues

LKN PAX who passed

JK2 Friend having surgery

And all others I forgot.

Gastone took us out.

Gastone – thanks for pushing me to Q, it’s an honor to lead all these HIM’s

Who me?

Talking with Montross last night, I said “hopefully I’ll see you in the morning, im gonna try to run “ he said, “I hope so, you the Q”.

With that being said, I rolled into ingles a couple minutes before start, 530 hits and we get started! WE RAN!

CSAUP February 23! Sign up!

Pray for one another, those with sickness, those with family issues!

God is good! Have a good day!

Simple & Sinister – your personal kettlebell guide

Hi everyone, do you want to have steel cable arms?  Would you like to be able to squat a house?  Would you like to have a musculature like that of an iron wall?  Have you ever seen a runner and thought, you’d better run, because if I catch you I’ll crush your spine with my bare hands?  No?  Just me?  Uuuuhhhh…..

So the Kettlebell is a great tool, ain’t no doubt.  I hadn’t Q’d the mighty Bulldog yet, much to my shame.  I travel a lot, and while it’s easy to say “find a workout”, it isn’t that easy.  And it’s hard to get out of the hotel bed and get inspired sometimes.  Enter the Kettlebell.  I’ve been working with these since Painlab was created, and it is a simple tool that can yield great results.  Charlotte F3 uses them as well, here are some facts:

  • we lose muscle rapidly as we get older, men.  You can have a baboon-cardio heart, but without some weight training I fear for the long-term.
  • learning form is absolutely necessary.  Discipline is involved, but very rewarding….just like F3!
  • there are many programs out there, and after researching and performing many, here’s what I reviewed with the guys today, and a program all of you can implement:

SIMPLE & SINISTER – I bought the book and am involved in a the r/Kettlebell thread on Reddit pretty heavily.  I’m going to break this program down for you, but if you want to borrow my book it’s about a 1-2 hour read.  There’s much more to things than what I list, but here’s what we did:

  • Disclaimer – no sue me, if it hurts stop, I’ll drive you to the hospital but you can’t get me to pay for the ride
  • F3 W/U (we had an FNG, wanted him to get the full experience of F3.  Otherwise we would have gone straight to S&S warm-up)
    • SSH, Low Slow Squat, Moroccan NC, Imp Walker, Merkins, LBC’s (about 10 of each)
  • Simple & Sinister W/U (this is what the program says to do:
    • 5 reps x 3 sets of Prying Goblet Squat (grab the horns, squat, flex hips to open at bottom, take your time, show to know)
    • 5 reps x 3 sets of Hip Bridges (raise hips, flex and squeeze, repeat-o, show to know)
    • 5 reps x 3 sets of Halos (around the skull one way, back around the other.  Get your breathing right)
  • Squat Test – I noticed some form was off on the squats, and I will ALWAYS remember Gastone posting in a backblast about form:  hunching over and swinging your back up in the air is NOT a squat.  Form is important.  I’ll take 3 good ones over 10 ### ones any day.  So if you want to get proper form, stand 6 inches away from a wall, or less.  Squat.  Your nose nor your knees should touch the wall.  Simple.
  • Swings – we taught everyone the form (good work HIPAA), ultimately I wanted 10 reps per arm, x 5 sets.  In SIMPLE, you have 5 minutes to get this done in perfect form with a 24 KG (50 lb. ) kettlebell.  I told the guys to get a weight they think is heavier than they can handle, work on double-handed swings, but to get the form right.  Everyone pushed.  GOOD WORK.
  • Turkish Get-Ups – we taught the form, which is serious work.  Turkish Get-Ups eat Burpees for breakfast.  There is no substitute, the hardest exercise on the planet.  To teach, I showed them the shoe-method (show to know), and asked for 1 per arm, for 5 sets.  Take your time.  To complete SIMPLE you must get 10 (total) in 10 minutes with perfect from.  Everyone pushed hard.  GOOD WORK.

SINISTER is completing the above, but with a 96 lb. kettlbell.  My goal is to get to using a 96 lb. bell by 2020.  I’ve missed some F3 time because the program says to do it about every day.  Don’t be shocked if I incorporate this into the gloom.  And since this program can be done in 20-25 minutes, it left a lot of time in F3 land.  So I showed some other Kbell exercises:

  • low halo
  • figure 8’s
  • mid halo
  • half-moons (these are nightmare fuel if you get in the teens…)
  • snatch
  • press

Time for some Mary, VooDoo said “oh boy, I can knock out part of my 5000” or whatever, so I said to hell with it and we did 50 consecutive in cadence, then added another 10 because I hate everyone.  Enjoy your 120 being done VooDoo.  TIME.

Prayers, announcements, etc.  My $.02 was short and sweet, just like me.

MOLESKIN – I’ve given all my brothers a program in the above.  I truly believe that HIPAA has given our region an unique advantage.  You lift weights at least twice a week, you will be better for it.  You NEED it.  Then go run Rooster’s and Blue Ridge Relays.  I miss lifting weights, but I’m not a youngster and my body is wrecked.  Kettlebell work enables me to get strong.  Add it to your life.

It’s an honor to be a part of F3 and lead a workout.

Comrade Rudolph

Q-ing 101 with Professor Montross and Dr. Huckleberry

Warning: This post is pretty lengthy and it may be hard to find all the exercises. As I put the backblast together, I decided this I’d add in a lot of discussion and notes from my weinke to serve not only as a backblast, but also a little source material for those getting ready to Q at other AOs.

Through December and January, we have several new guys who have quickly become regulars. These guys are pushing the rock nearly every day and it’s motivating to see. With all the new faces, there’s also new opportunities. When reading about the Leadership Development Process in Q source 2 weeks ago, I started thinking about finding a day to do some “Q School” for the new guys. I asked Huck to join me in as a co-Q today not only to have a second voice who may add things I forgot to say, but also to encourage guys to get a co-Q the first time they lead a workout. I used this page as a guide for this workout:

Other notes: Sparky got there late and Allen Tate fartsacked.


Disclaimer – each Q should be familiar with this. There is a copy for you to read and learn on the f3nation website. It’s good habit to give the disclaimer at each workout, but particularly important when there is a FNG. So, ‘I am not a professtional. These are suggestions, it’s you vs you, modify as needed. You should see a doctor if you have concerns about doing this type of activity’ (thanks Huck for not letting me forget the first item on the agenda!)

SSH – 15 IC
Toy Soldiers – 15 IC

Before we get moving too far, we need to discuss the 5 Core Principles of F3 – 1) All F3 workouts are free of charge 2) They are open to all men 3) Held outdoors, rain or shine, hot or cold 4) Led by men in a rotating fashion without any certifications or training necessary 5) End in a Circle of Trust

Plank and Nolan Ryans (right arm up, left arm up). This is a great opportunity to talk about warm-ups. For all the PAX, this gets the blood flowing, gets the body moving, and gets the muscles loose. Muscles can be like taffy, the warmer they get, the smoother things work. This sets a tone for the workout.

5 Burpees OYO 🙂


YHC took the first portion of the workout. Let’s mosey, right out of the parking lot, up the hill to the 2nd light pole. Sparky leads a round of Mountain Climbers IC while YHC picks up the 6.

Pearls on a string – as you put pearls on a string and pull them together, they can be a become a beautiful necklace. As you let the string go, the pearls become separated and eventually can fall off the string, scattering in many directions. As the Q, it is your responsibility to help keep the pearls (PAX) on the string. You can accomplish this in several ways – 1) Pick up the 6…whether it is the Q, Site Q, or one of the PAX, someone needs to go pick up the ‘late arrivers’. 2) You can break up runs with intermittent exercises designed to keep front-runners active and working, but allowing others to catch up. 3) If you are going on a long run and you know there is a guy or two in the group that can’t make that run due to injury or otherwise, you could consider planning an alternate route and giving them a heads up before the workout ( i.e. – when we mosey from the parking lot, we’re going to end up at the picnic shelter. You can join us or take this alternate route instead). I’d also suggest getting someone to join them…we don’t want to leave that guy alone but I’ve also been the guy battling injury who didn’t want to slow everyone down.

That being said we took a long mosey around the park, behind the pond, and to the lower shelter. Huck took a few guys on an alternate route that was a little shorter. Hank reminded me it is skunk mating season. I could smell them as we rounded the pond, but none were spotted. Be careful out there fellas!

We meet up on the shelter for some circuit exercises and a guide to counting. We count In Cadence to help create rhythm, which can distract the mind from the task at hand. It also builds teamwork by synchronizing PAX and creating focus. Finally, not knowing the number or reps that are coming discourages budgeting effort. (I will often say how many reps I plan to do before starting an ‘In Cadence’ exercise, I’m working on it.)

I’ve heard several variations (including my own variation) of how to call an exercise, but here is the proper sequence according to

“The next exercise is…” [pause] “Side Straddle Hop!” (or name of other exercise)
“Starting Position…” [pause] “Move!”
“In Cadence…” [pause] “Exercise!” (begin count 1..2..3)

Now let’s practice.
Plank Jacks – 15 IC
Dips – 15 IC
Flutter Kicks – 15 IC
Mike Tysons – 15 IC

Rinse and repeat, but we threw in some silent cadence for good measure.

One more – sometimes the exercise lends itself to single count or other variations.

X-crunches (courtesy of Short Sale) – 10 reps. Huck asks for a “Demo”. Perfect, I had this on the list and hoped someone would ask! Always be willing to demo the exercise, particularly for new people or for new/rarely use exercises. Here’s the demo – start out on your back with the small of your back touching concrete, hands and feet touching each other directly above your body, extend your lets and arms out in to an X (keep ’em off the ground), back in. That’s one. Out-In-1, Out-In-2, Out-In-3…..10 reps, now I hand the reigns over to Huck.

Two more Q tips – the shelters are great workout locations when it’s raining and cold. No one wants to lay in puddles of water all morning. Also, Q to your strengths. Some guys are better ar running, some guys enjoy core work, and jayvee Midoriayama guys do it all! The great thing about this is it can bring great variety to the workouts.

Huck and I both offered some advice on having a ‘backpocket’ exercise…always have something you feel comfortable going to when things aren’t working out. It is going to happen…maybe it’s too muddy and wet, maybe cars are in the way, maybe it was just too hard to explain. For Huck, it’s 4 Corners or Dora 123.
For Montross, it’s 11’s or Triple Nickel. You do you. The key here is something that most PAX will know how to do and doesn’t require any special equipment to do.

Huck begins to explain the next exercise…nur 1/4 of the parking lot, karaokee 1/4, bear crawl 1/4, lunge 1/4. Then lunge walk to the speed bump (a long way!), then run back to the parking lot. Plank for the 6.

We didn’t really speak to this very much, but part of the idea here was to call something that could work us all, but also the exercise itself helps us makes our way back to the parking lot by the tennis courts. However it’s a ‘slow mover’ where everyone can stay together.

As we return to the parking lot, Huck has Montross do a 10 count. Montross struggles to follow directions, but figures it out eventually! Huck’s point here – sometimes you’re a little gassed, sometimes the PAX need a quick break…call on a fellow PAX for a 10 count…just have them count to 10 (at their desired pace) to give everyone a chance to catch their breath. Another option is a ‘Count Off’ where you have each pack count themselves. That probably works better early in a workout when you’re trying to confirm how many you have in the workout, but can also be a breath-catcher.

Practice makes perfect so Huck calls on the newer guys to lead some exercises. We tried to drive home the “proper sequence” above (Next exerciese is….starting position, move, in cadence, exercise), but to Sparky’s point, that doesn’t always have to be perfect. I have seen several different versions and they all work to me….but have a rhythm to what you do.

Rockabilly, Blue, Big Pappy, and Ratchet all called an exercise in cadence and led us.

Huck took us out with 22 for the Vets and talked about the importance of a backblast. That is how we know who made it and who we are missing. It doesn’t have to be a literary masterpiece. It really just needs to list what happened, who was there, and when it happened. Adding some story to it is nice but “get it done” is the main thing.

Sparky shared a little wisdom as well. Some guys will bring a theme to a workout, share personal info, possibly some wisdom along the way, or even scripture. Def Leppard is one who does this, whether it’s having a few scriptures to speak on or leading his “Be Thankful” workout just before Thanksgiving…you can use it as an opportunity to pour into others and develop relationships. I would personally say that probably isn’t something to try to do on your first Q, but I agree with Sparky whole-heartedly!

As a closing note…and this was mentioned throughout the workout today… it doesn’t have to be perfect. You will mess up, an exercise won’t go as planned, something will happen. Own it, move on, ask for another PAX to assist if needed, and keep getting better.

Huck finished with a few notes about Circle of Trust – This is a time for announcements, requests, etc. We typically end in prayer though that is not a F3 “requirement.” F3 is not a specifically associated with a particular religion. However, that being said, most of our PAX are Christian. If you don’t feel comfortable praying in front of others, ask someone to step in for you. I know that can be intimidating for many….it’s ok, there will be someone willing to step in. (PAX, if someone asks for someone to pray the group out, step up!).

    Circle of Trust

CSAUP coming February 23, sign up (Sparky!), 2nd F event to follow (details to come), Rooster, be thinking about BRR Ruck.

Prayer request: Hush Puppy, Shad Rap, Medicine Woman, and all the pax struggling with health or other issues. Be there to support a brother! YHC took us out in prayer.


I remember what it was like when Sparky first asked me to Q. I was NERVOUS! I didn’t want to do it! I didn’t think I was ready. However, he persisted and he paired me up with Slaw for my VQ and I couldn’t thank him more. Slaw helped me prepare, gave me good advice, and we executed one heck of a beatdown! I try to do the same as guys get lined up for their first Q to pay it forward. With that being said, it was an honor to lead this group today and prep several guys.

Sparky mentioned bringing a little something deeper to grow men during your workouts. I’ve personally pushed myself to try to offer some ‘wisdom’ during workouts and including some scripture into workouts…I don’t feel like I’m “good” at it yet like Leppard and some others, but I’m working on it and that’s what we’re all doing here.

Welcome to the Storm

Dirt and Breaker Breaker with some EC

Let the Music Begin. Started out with some outlaw country.  Johnny Cash, Merle, Chris, Waylon, Willie, and the Boys.

SSH in Cadence, MNC in Cadence, Imperial Walker in Cadence.  Lets Mosey.

3 Rounds

3 exercises – Tiger Squat x 10, Merkin x 15, Crunchy Frog x 20

Sprint to end of row in parking lot, karaoke step to the first brick and back to row, nur to parking island, bear crawl to end of island and back, sprint to beginning.

plank between each set with shoulder taps and various planking positions for the 6

Mosey to next spot

3 Rounds

3 exercises – Mike Tysons x 10, American Hammer 20 each side, 30 squats

Sprint to end of row, karaoke step to first brick and back to row, nur to parking island, bear crawl around island, run to start, side shuffle to brick and back

flutter kicks between,  shady had a ten count in there, TopHat did not enjoy the music so we switched to The Black Keys Radio

Very short mosey.  next round – exercise followed by sprint.

Big Boys then sprint, single leg dead lift then sprint, oblique crunch then sprint, finally protractor called by moses then sprint.

Easy mosey back to the start.

Grabbed the pledge.

Change music to my daughters music channel for some stretching – lucky for us the perfect song for 5 minutes of stretching – Circle of Life – Lion King Sound Track.


CSAUP – sign up by 2-16, event is 2-23 with Stinky 2nd F immediately following at Buffalo Wild Wings

QSource on Sundays at 7:30 am

Prayer Requests

Breaker Breakers Family, the pax, special prayer for f3LKN lost a member recently.  TopHat father passed away Sunday.

Dr. Seuss Took us OUT in the COT aka BOM


The Elixir for the Super Bowl Hangover or perhaps the magic number of 24

10 PAX strong to start the week in gloom on this balmy Monday at Neverland.   Much mumble chatter to start about the boring game last night though I didn’t hear any Patriot fans.  Or Wolfpack fans for that matter.   5:30am on Monday’s come fast.   Let’s hit it

Start with the pledge and typical disclosure

Warm Up

SSH x20 IC

LBC’s x 20  IC

Merkins x 10 IC

The bucket of jelly beans made a return visit.  Someone grab the bucket and let’s mosey.

The Thang

Arrive at the doctor’s office down Riverwood Parkway

Broad jumps up the hill to the light; mosey back to start, rinse and repeat x3.   I’m always amazed at the damn rabbit (Island) that comes flying by.  So graceful in mid air.

Some grab the bucket of jellybeans and lets mosey to the back parking lot.

On your six, form a line, shoulder to shoulder.  AMRAP – Flutter kicks, while the 1st in line completes 20 bucket presses, pass on down the line until the end.  Brutal

Recover, grab the bucket, scale the back retaining wall and mosey to the parking lot by the pizza joint.

Time for the famous Red Barchetta , line up at the start, dash to the far end of the parking lot by the ATM, complete 100 SSH’s OYO (don’t forget the bucket of jellybeans)

Dash back to the start, plank it up waiting on the six, Dash back to the 2nd light, complete 75 mountain climbers OYO

Dash back to the start, plank it up waiting on the six, Dash to the 1st light, complete 50 LBC’s OYO

Dash back to the start, plank it up waiting on the six, from the plank position, complete 20 merkins OYO

Really an improvised Red Barchetta, only 3 lights total across the parking lot.

Whassupp man gave us an inspired 10 count

Next exercise – run to the loading dock, hop up and then bear crawl down the ramp, mosey to parking lot and complete 20 squats OYO

Rinse and repeat x3

YHC took a quick time check and saw that we still had plenty of time

Ran the Red Barchetta again with a minor adjustment

Line up at the start, dash to the far end of the parking lot by the ATM, complete 100 SSH’s OYO (don’t forget the bucket of jellybeans)

Dash back to the start, plank it up waiting on the six, Dash back to the 2nd light, out of the corner of my eye, saw a truck pulling out of the ATM.  Watch for the truck and called 75 monkey humpers  OYO.  Think the guy was amused, though, he hit the horn a time or two.

Dash back to the start, plank it up waiting on the six, Dash to the 1st light, complete 50 LBC’s OYO

Dash back to the start, plank it up waiting on the six, from the plank position, complete 20 merkins OYO

Getting close to time; grab the bucket and head towards Snoballs

Stopped at the wall and called 20 step ups

Followed by the people’s DIPs x  15 IC

Rinse and Repeat x2

Mosey back to the start, still had a few minutes, in honor of Spiderman, who has made a strong return and had to leave, 20 Peter Parkers and ended with 20 big boy sit ups OYO



May 5th Mt.Mitchell Hike – see Gastone

CSUAP – Spelling? coming up

Took us out in prayer.  Big prayers for Hushpuppy that surgery goes well with a speedy recovery, Whassupp man, Easy Rider’s son, Gastone’s dad, Blades and Stones of Whetstone

Great work gentleman.  Always a honor to lead.  Getting challenging coming up with new routines.   Sort of fall into old routines.   If you haven’t Q’d lately, get on the list.  Also, try other AO’s to get some new ideas.

Till next time – Turtleman

Monday Morning Fartsacking

Hope Dark Knight had a good turn out this morning, otherwise Gastonia region had a serious fartsack problem this morning.  Do you think Tom Brady stays in the bed all morning?  Me either

Anyway five HIM showed and got better for it.

Warm – up: Big arm circles, SSH, Imperial Walker, Don Q, all 10X IC. Pledge.

Mosey to entrance to school.  YHC dialed up a self serving Q this morning.  Keeping Quiche theme of 5000 reps, Q called 25 merkins, 25 lbc, 25 squats and do a lap around parking lot.  Keep going till Q says stop.

Time, mosey to flag.  YHC got 14 rounds, Broke a couple more.

Announcements: CSAUP and Rooster sign up ongoing, Q source on Sunday mornings, 2nd F opportunity at Station on Main Street Belmont at 5:00 Friday afternoon, BRR team in the making, and hike up Mt Mitchell in May

YHC had a word regarding serving.  Mentioned that the Q today was self serving as I had to catch up on my challenge.  But our ultimate call to service is service to God first and our fellow man.  Take every opportunity, and create opportunity to be a shining light in a dark world.  That is our greatest call.

Prayer requests: Pizzaman M, Hushpuppy surgery, brothers returned from Chimbote, brothers headed to New Orleans.

Pax we praying for this week: Broke, Gold Digger, Roscoe, Linus, Bed Pan, Swimmer, Virus, Anchor Man

YCH took us out

Always and honor


Daddy’s back Home at The Yank!

As many of you may know YHC from mid November to the end of January is fairly well occupied with duck season which usually cuts back on his F3 Saturday activities. Including showing up and leading at The Yank, the best Saturday AO in the Gaston region. We have had outstanding leadership in that time and some killer workouts. But it was time for the old man to come home and make sure everybody understood what a real beat down in Belmont REALLY looked like! Just need reminders from time to time.  Went like this:


Mosey down to the pad in the park for the following:

Stretch -O-Rama! Something we need to do for a minute or so to start with and to end workouts with.

SSH X 1 minute

Merkins X 1 minute

Mountain climbers X 1 minute

Copperhead squats X 1 minute

LBCs X 1 minute


Mosey to the tennis courts, Tiger picks up the six.

1s and 2s

Suicide pairs. 1s run to halfcourt, do exercise, run back to endline and then run to the other endline, do excecise. 2s do a called exercise. Flapjack

Round 1 – 1s, 5 hand release merkins, 2s SSH

Round 2 – 1s, 5 jump squats, 2s, lBCs

Round 3 – 1s,  diamond merkins, 2s merkins

Round 4-  1s, CDDs, 2s big boy situps

Mosey back to the Corner of Knowledge, well over half done by now.

At the corner:

10 step ups (total)

10 inclined merkins

10 dips

Sprint to other end of the school, 10 copperhead squats, sprint back

15 step ups (total)

15 inclined merkins

15 dips

Sprint back to the other end. 15 copperhead squats.

Burpee broad jumps back to 1/2 way.

Frog hop the next half (this was hard!)

Mosey down to the field of dreams with @ 9 minutes left for Bear Crawl Slalom!

Three rolls for each pax.

SSH X 10

IW X 10

All you got back to the start point!

Mosey down to the pad fro 3 minutes of stretching.

Pledge and done.


Great to be back at The Yank this morning. Perfect morning, clear @ 32 degrees, great pax to have present for a little “Kotter” for Tesla as it was. We worked hard and that was the intent. Nobody shows to take it off.

Prayers for Top Hat whose dad appears to be facing his death very soon. Family has some real decisions to make as of tomorrow. Reach out to him if you can and let him know we are here for him.

Tiger has it next week, so I would be thinking this could be pretty hard. Show to know!

Tesla, out.



“Preparedness is for the Birds.. Wing it”

8 Pax ran today.

Q Source on Preparedness was given by Alan Tate. Seven runners were in attendance along with Pizza Man and 2.0, Huckleberry, and Alan Tate (Q Source leader).

Eph. 6:14-15 Stand therefore, having fasten on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.

Preparedness..a mindset or a process?

Don’t leave prayer out of the process, as is the tendency.

4 Quadrants: Get right, Live right, lead right, leave right

Great job, Alan Tate, of preparing and delivering a great Q Source with stories and humor! So, as some feel  more comfortable doing things off the cuff, while others of us need to be more regimented, we all need to be preparing spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally each day.

Prayer Requests:  illness of pax members and families, each other, Pizza Man’s M, Pax going to New Orleans

Announcements:  CSAUP, Rooster

Nice, steady run today everyone! Thankful for the opportunity to Q this great group of men!


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