Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: December 2018 (Page 5 of 9)


Editorial note:  Not that Rudolph – as in the one who was jamming on the karaoke machine Saturday.  But the Rudolph with the red nose.   Funny thinking about 9 older men jogging at 5:30 in the am singing Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.   More on that momentarily.

As I write this watching the Panther’s Monday night game, I must say, I hope Tepper blows that whole team up.  Coaching staff, front office, trade away Cam and cut the guys who have lost a few steps.  Did see Roscoe in the stands celebrating a TD.  This team is like watching the Wolfpack, gives you something to get you excited, only to break your heart.   Anyway, I digress…

The Pledge



  • SSH x 30 IC
  • MNC x 100 IC (Original plan was 30, mumble chatter (Hush Puppy – I think) said bet you can’t get to 100.   Nice way to loosen up
  • LBC x 20 IC
  • Merkins x 10 IC

The Thang

Mosey towards Park, head fake and circle around Snoballs to the bank, stop by the teller line for WWI Sit ups x 20 IC

Frogger across Neil Hawkins to the coupon stack.  YHC encouraged everyone to get a heavier rock.  (Some found rocks heavier than others).

Cusak mosey towards old HT (arms above head with the coupons)

Run to  loading dock,  jump up, Crab Walk down the ramp, run to the parking lot, complete 2000 American Hammers with coupon – Rinse and repeat x 3

Line up and take off on a Reindeer Run (pretty much an Indian run).  Head towards the ATM, we started singing Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.  Can’t say that it was 9 PAX strong, however, heard some tenor and bass.  Ran around the HT and back to starting position where we had ditched the coupons.

Next exercise – Run to loading dock, jump up, Bear Walk down the ramp, run to the parking lot, complete 20 Mike Tyson’s.  Rinse and repeat x 3.

WWII sit ups x 20 IC

Next exercise – Run backwards to the first lighted pole, complete 5 worst merkins ever (1 wide armed merkin, 1 normal, 1 diamond), run back to the start complete 10 curls per arm (omaha’d to 30 due to coupons being so big).  Rinse and repeat x 3.

At this point, our arms were starting to feel pretty good.   Figured we needed a meander, so did the Cusak again to the far wall by the old HT.

Wall sits with overhead coupon press x 10 IC followed by 10 donkey kicks IC.  Rinse and repeat x 3.

  • There was some mumble chatter during the 1st set.   Next thing YHC knows, Hushpuppy was exchanging coupons with me.   The dude had picked up an iron ore core that must of weighed 100 pounds.   Wasn’t that large, however, was quite heavy.   Believe Gastone grabbed for the 3rd set.

Time was running short and still have a number of exercises left on my weinke.

Chest presses x10 IC with coupon rinse and repeat with a count of flutter kicks

Mosey back to coupon stack

Jail break to SnoBalls

Made it back on time.  Way to push men.   It was a great morning with temps above 32.


Prayers for Toto and family.  Stonecold’s Dad

Hush Puppy with the Q next Monday

Stay tuned in for details about Christmas morning workout schedules

Merry Christmas  all



Just wing it

YHC did indeed order a Mount Hollywood shirt so of course in order to earn the right to wear it, one must Q the site. I took Tiger up on his offer to Q an open slot in the cool month of December. Never posting before at this AO I wasn’t really sure what to do or where to go. All I’ve been hearing is “it’s dark”. This being said and me not doing any surveillance of the area prior to my Q, I decided to wing it for my first time ever. I did wear my wrist Q so I had plenty of items on there I could incorporate into the workout once I came upon the appropriate spots in town. Arrived at the site a little early. 1st one there. Slaw roles in then Sister Act who decides to blind me with his high beams. I guess he was letting me know he was there after I called him out on GroupMe the night before. He was complaining Sunday night about his Sandy V, I mean legs, due to running 12 miles at Crossroads that morning. So I challenged the new 1st F and he showed, now that’s leadership! Tesla let me know we’d have an FNG, he was present. Everyone else finally arrived and we began.

Disclaimer for the FNG. Core F3 principles announced




Mosey out of school parking lot and head down Central Ave.

Stopped at the first Decorative Street Lamp. 5 Burpees then Bear Crawl to next Street Lamp. Rinse and Repeato until you reach Main St. (6 Street lights total = 30 Brupees BC .07 Miles uphill). Asked Tiger for 10 count “1,2,10 lets go”, My Man!! Frogger across Hwy. 27 to the corner of 27 and Main. Wall sit March 9 IC, Wall Sit, Wall sit March with Air Presses 10 IC. Recover. Next on the list, Walls of Jericho. 7 Exercises called were: Diamond Merkins, Bobby Hurleys, CDD’s, Derkins, Hip Slappers, Plie Squats & LBC’s. Recover. Frogger back across Hwy 27 to Central Ave. Let’s NUR to the last decorative street light then Mosey back to home base. Circle up for Mary, PAX Choice. Orangeman calls 6 shooters (YHC liked this exercise), Tiger calls WWI’s. Sister Act let out a smelly flatulent and re-positioned himself in the rotation but we will skip over him. Tesla calls out Oblique crunches. Time!


Announcements: Yank being relocated Saturday 12/22 due to Marathon downtown Belmont. Starting location will be at Glenway Pub at 0700



FNG Naming

Prayer requests – Freon’s family dealing with loss, Def Leppards Daughter having surgery, Families around this time of year & others spoken and unspoken.

YHC took us out.

It was a pleasure leading this group of HIMs this AM. New faces for YHC to meet. Glad to see this AO growing. I encourage you all to continue to explore this AO. There is lots of area to cover and downtown is only .5 miles away. I’d like mention 2 things, 1) Freon, hard strong work this morning! I know you said you were not feeling well but I honestly could not tell! 2) Welcome FNG Guts (I guess we now have 2???)! USC Med Student home on break. He’s a 20 something year old cat and let us know at the end of the workout that we really get after it!



Improv @ The Goat

Goat Island itself is a great venue for a boot camp, and usually the weinke is created with the expectation of the gates being open. However, this morning the gates were locked, causing YHC to improvise. So improvise we did.

Warm up: SSH, IW, toy soldiers, and some slow Don Qs, all IC. Start a mosey, and begin the task of adjusting the weinke. Turn left (instead of right), and head up the short hill to front street. YHC sees a nice long straightaway and calls for a karaoke. After a couple hundred yards, flap jack and karaoke back. Now the real improvisation begins as the island was going to provide a nice area for my 12 days til Xmas thang. Think YHC, think… where to lead the pax for this gift… tennis court area down the street!! So we mosey to the courts.

The thang:

YHCs version of the 12 days of Xmas will start with 12 reps followed by a run, then 12 reps/11 reps/run, 12/11/10/run…

12 merkins, 11 squats, 10 CDDs, 9 monkey humpers, 8 single leg calf raises, 7 flutter crunches, 6 big boy sit ups, 5 diamond merkins, 4 burpees, 3 Bobby Hurley’s, 2 standing broad jumps, and a final run across the parking lot.

The train came through, so 5 burpees.

Mosey back to downtown, stop at the gazebo for some core Mary, pax called. Time was called, took the super short mosey back to the start.

Pledge and COT

Announcements: Quichemas on the 15th, 12 days til Christmas, Boudin’s Mom’s birthday -learned of this because it is also Taylor Swift’s birthday (you see, YHC has a 13 yo daughter who knows this stuff).

Prayer requests, taken out by Dr. Seuss

It’s was an honor to lead you men this morning. Way to push the rock!!

Folsom hammy day.

As I pulled in the parking lot my normal 30 min early, I heard Leppard telling SA that he could do the 13 miles, don’t worry he said. They might have been better off. This crappy plan I had put together sucked.

Torn between workouts, I decided to go with my Route 66 ballerina style leg workout. Not popular but very effective in tackling the hamstring and butt area that many of men lack. Remember your M’s like a tight butt as well as you do! If you don’t think so, ask them!

Time to get going and the boys gathered around with one FNG. Disclaimer was given and we started.

Warmup began.

Your Q for the day did do a lousy job on most workout names today. I had to ask forgiveness from the PAX.

Don Q, Hillbillies, SSH, CottonPickers, and Squats all 15 IC.  Then we started Moroccan Nightclubs. We did about 30 or so IC until the last PAX had joined the group. Mosey to the nearby parking lot.

Route 66. We started with

Skater Squats

Salute plank with Bear Crawl between lines

Mosey to the pick nick shelter (Gumby got the lights on) we did some bench work.

Dips, step ups,  Gold digger gave us derkins and box jumps.

Back to the parking lot for more 66s.

Sandy V with Crab Walk between parking lines.

One Legged Deadlift


Toy Soldier

As we head back to the start we do 5 humpees at the speed bump in the road.

At the start we finished up with a round of marry. Everyone got a chance to lead an exercise and everyone did.


Great time as always. Several complaints. I like that, keep them coming.

I told the guys a story of an abandoned child. How there was rejoicing at her birth. The take away is, when you submit your heart and life to Jesus, the Heavans rejoice!!! It’s your new birthday!!



Christmas party in a in a couple of hours!!


Pray for our Cotters and  each other!!



Small things can be so impactful

As a child I remember several times going either to nursing homes or other settings to carol at this time of year . it’s been many years since I’ve done it but was very moved today not only to do something meaningful but for such a great man as Bedpan recalled “ has given so much to the community “. As the group was not too large we were all able to enjoy the warmth of Santa’s home even getting to see how he has all the latest gadgets ( only needing to call on “Alexa, turn on the lights !” For when we needed to see our music. My M and 2.0 , Cap’n Crunch along with Oompa Loompa’ s M arrived early to not only ready Bob for our arrival , but also to visit with him ( they stayed until 11:00!)
It was very moving listening to Time Frame tell Santa that his picture with his family is proudly displayed on his wall.
We all sang rather well and as Oompa Loompa remarked “ thankfully no one videoed the moment !” To which someone responded that that was Hipaa’s purview.
As our Nantan was present I asked him to pray us out.

And there was peace on earth , and good will towards men …. all for one moment.

Thank you and God bless all who showed

A Necessary Push

Admittedly, I wasn’t super excited to have the Q at Snoballs this week. Things at work & home have been super busy (& stressful).  I’ve been rising very early and hitting the hay very late at night… just to keep my head above water.  The snow/sleet event over the weekend was awesome for my 2.0s; however, it added to the stress for work as the workweek was cut short. Long story short, I wasn’t chomping at the bit to Q. That said, I was voluntold a few weeks ago by one of my closer F3 brother’s, Gastone, that I needed to Q Snowballs. Gastone has been a great friend of mine since my introduction to F3. He’s EH’d me when my posts were sparse, provided Godly counsel when times were tough, invited me to events outside of F3, and provided a necessary push (more than 1 time) to get me out of my comfort zone (i.e., BRR).  As such, I didn’t give any pushback , and I added the Q to my calendar.

As usual, Gastone tweeted a reminder about Snoballs & invited everyone for EC to “get sum”.  Hipaa replied with a HC to EC.  This meant he publicly committed himself to arrive at 0500 for a 3 mile mosey in the cold & icy gloom prior to my Q.  While Hipaa’s HC didn’t surprise me, I couldn’t help thinking about the positive transformation I’ve witnessed in his health since he started F3 nearly 1 year ago after being EH’d by his cardiologist.  Reflecting on Hipaa’s metamorphosis, I asked myself if I’ve changed for the better or worse over the last year.   This question can go in so many different directions, but for the purpose of this backblast, I asked myself “Am I stronger and healthier today than last year?” Unsure about the answer, I quickly decided that I should take a step in the right direction by joining the EC group.

One of my close friends likes to tell this story about a guy who decided to climb a hill and begin “crazy dancing” in clear site of a large group of people. The crowd watched from a safe distance, thinking the guy was completely off his rocker.  Eventually though, another guy climbed the hill & joined him in the silly behavior. As time passed, another guy joined the two men….then another and another and another until the entire crowd was dancing like fools atop the hill and a revolution was birthed.   Specific to my experience this week, Gastone represents the initial nincompoop who climbed the hill and invited all of us to join him for a run in frigid temps at 0500 when 99% of the population remained in the warm fartsack.  Hipaa represents the second brave soul who sloughed off the sad clown tendencies and decided it was a good idea to join Gastone.  Subsequently, Hippa’s tweet, “HC for EC” provided the necessary push I needed  to join the group for EC.

The point of this missive is to remind us that we need each other. This week, I needed to be voluntold by Gastone that I needed to Q, and I needed Hipaa’s prompt to get out of bed &do the hard work required to better myself.  Next week, it may be you who needs the necessary push.

In summary, I’m grateful for F3 and your positive impact on my life. Thanks for the many “necessary pushes” over the years to be a better HIM.

Warm Up
8 burpees in 60 seconds
9 burpees in 60 seconds
SSH IC x15
10 burpees in 60 seconds
11 burpees in 60 seconds
Moroccan Nightclubs IC x 15
12 burpees in 60 seconds
12 burpees in 60 seconds
Imperial Walkers IC x 15
11 burpees in 60 seconds
10 burpees in 60 seconds
Goofballs IC x10
9 burpees in 60 seconds
8 burpees in 60 seconds
Hillbillies IC x15
The Thang
50 Squats
40 LBCs
30 Merkins
25 monkey humpers
20 flutter kicks
15 CDD’s
10 Burpees
5 lunges
200 meter run/nur
plank for the 6
Rinse & repeat 4x
dying cockroach
diamond merkins
american hammers
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