Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: September 2018 (Page 6 of 7)

Coupon Work

13 showed at Folsom on this fine Saturday morning ready to push the rock.  It’s 6:30, time to go to work!  No FNG, so no disclaimer really needed, most already know that I’m an idiot.

Warm-Up:  Toy Soldiers, Grass Pickers, Hillbillies



The Thang:

I always try to make sure that the PAX attending my Q get their moneys worth, so why not break out a coupon inspired workout.  Each PAX was told to grab a coupon from Slaw’s truck and head to the tennis courts.  Here we lined up facing the length of  all the courts with your block on the ground in front of you.  Realizing that we are at Folsom,  the first exercises were carefully explained in detail, hoping for minimal confusion.   We would do a Route 66 style workout with Burpee Block Jump Overs (BJO), with a twist.  First off, a Burpee BJO is when you perform a normal Burpee, then jump over the block and go straight into a second Burpee.  So we started with 11 Burpee BJO.  Then to confuse the heck out of everyone, I included 3 different exercises and a short run after each set of Burpees BJO.  It went like this;

11 Burpee BJO,   25 Hand Release Merkins,  Run 25yds and back (approximate distance of width of 2 tennis courts)

10 Burpee BJO,   25 Goblet Squat w/ Coupon,  Run 25yds and back

9 Burpee BJO,   25 Leg Lifts with Coupon extending above your chest,  Run 25yds and back

8  Burpee BJO, 25 HRM,  Run

7 Burpee BJO,  25 Goblet Squats, Run

6 Burpee BJO,   25 Leg Lifts, Run

And continue this until you did 1 Burpee BJO, 25 Goblet Squat, Run.  Mumble chatter was at a minimal this morning.  Pretty sure the presence of a couple 2.0s, saved me from some unkind words about my choice of workout.  Anyways, this one was a challenge, time to move on.


Thinking that we needed to continue with the block work , the  next group of exercises called would all involve the use of   blocks.  5 different exercises were called.  The exercises called were;  Kettle Bell Swings, Thrusters, Tricep Extension, Curls, and Chest Press.  Start with 25 reps of first exercise, and then increase the reps by 25 for each exercise there after. Also run 25yds and back after 25reps were performed.  Went like this:

25 Kettle Bell Swings w/ coupon, run 25yds and back

25 Thrusters, Run  –  25 Thrusters, Run

25 Tricep Ext, Run  –  25 Tricep Ext.  Run  –   25 Tricep Ext.,  Run

25 Curls, Run   –   25 Curls, Run  –  25 Curls, Run  –  25 Curls, Run

25 Chest Presses, Run  –  25 Chest Presses, Run  –  25 Chest Presses, Run  –  25 Chest Presses, Run  25 Chest Presses, Run

Most were able to follow instructions, but there were a few that didn’t listen and did their own thing.  With time running short, we still had several minutes to get in some work.   PAX were told to line back up on the sideline, this time holding your block.  Then PAX were told to do 2 lunge steps forward, then do a Blockee,  Another 2 lunge steps forward and a Blockee.  Continue this until we traveled the width of 1 tennis court.  Now time to go back to where we started.  Except this time increase the Blockee to 2 reps.  That would be 2 lunge steps forward, then 2 Blockees.  Continue this until the width of the 1 tennis court is traveled.

Time for one last exercise to be called.  I know this one is a favorite to a couple PAX attending today’s workout, so we might as well work it in.  PAX lined up in the plank position with about 3-4ft of space between each other.  A little Bear Crawl Slalom to close out Folsom.  First PAX is to start the Bear Crawl in and around the planking PAX. Then the next PAX to follow and continue this until each PAX had the chance to Bear Crawl the length of the line.  Time is up!


Announcements:  9/22 Stop Soldier Suicide 5/10k, 9/22  JJ5K , Burpeethon 10/6

Prayer Request


It was an honor to lead today.  Appreciate the opportunity!

Sister Act


11 PAX posted at Midoriyama last Thursday. This is a little late but I’ve been busy with a little mosey in the hills. I had a brutal workout planned but on the eve of the BRR it was decided I would be filling in as a runner. So I left the fate of the workout in the PAX hands. You choose option 1 or 2? They chose 2 thank goodness! Def Leppard isn’t convinced there ever was any other option. He has trust issues.

Warmup: The usual

The Thang: option 1 will be saved for another day. Option 2 was let’s run around and I’ll make stuff up as we go. Usually these are the worst kind!


Announcements-JJ5k,SFN race, Burpeethon Oct 6


Prayer Request

Moleskin: YHC talked about training and always being able to step up when called upon. No matter if it is something physical or mental we shouldn’t need a reason to train. We should always be preparing for when something happens. Always Be Training! ABT! If you are you will be ready!

Gashouse Late


Warm – Up:

Goof-Balls – 20 in cadence

LBC’s – 20 in cadence

Merkins – 15 in cadence

Squats – 10 in cadence


Painlab and Bootcamp split:

Mosey, up Garrison, wait at Grier, collect all Pax, cross street to FPC safely, mosey to back corner of church parking lot.  Stop short, think the road bumps suffice for a ‘jump over box’.  30 minutes, AMRAP, stopped at 20 minutes.

The Thang:

Iron Pax Challenge – Week 3 – The boy’s really loved this one.

15 Burpee block jump overs

50 Hand release merkins (this was awful)

Broad Jump 10 yards out and back in (round 1 complete)

14 Burpee block jump overs

50 Squats

Broad Jump 10 yards out and back in (round 2 complete)

13 Burpee block jump overs

50 Leg raises

Broad Jump 10 yards out and back in (round 3 complete)

12 Burpee block jump overs

50 Hand release merkins……………..

Mosey to Sherwood, missed my turn somehow, had to go back and reroute with short cut.

Repetitions of Absolutions, Alabama Butt Kickers (Tooltime fav) and eventually some Mary (LBC’s, Flutters, Box Cutters, Leg Lifts, WWII’s, etc.)

Back to FPC, Tooltime hung up on low balls for some reason.  Mosey back to catch Dodgeball game with aging Rudolph and Pax.

Hunka Junk quite the player catching his balls between his knees.


BRR 9/8 – Time Passed

Habitat for Humanity Builds going on month of September, see Roscoe or Linus for details

10/6 Burpeethon, sign up by 9/18 to guarantee t-shirt.  2 man teams, 100% of proceeds go to Special Olympics of NC

9/1 – Murph at Martha’s – 7:00 a.m., Roadie Q – Time Passed

Rudolph – respect?, Aged 40

Welcome FNG Mike Moss (Teddy Bear)


Sly in Afghanistan

Stroganoff’s father passing

Nickki Bailey battling cancer

Hushpuppy will find out additional information on how to proceed with his back

Sorry so late……

Aye.  Linus





BRR 2018 Straight Out Of Gashouse

Straight Out Of Gashouse

14 Men went out on an adventure, 2 drivers and 11 runners.

The Thang:

Van 1: Driver and 5 runner’s

Van2: Driver and 6 runner’s

If you don’t know how this works I will explain briefly. We have 12 positions for running. We go through 1 through 12, 3 times.

We conquered.

The Moleskin:

First, I would like to thank all that participated in this and how much of an honor it is to participate in this event with each one of you. We have many stories from the event and as a matter of record they should be recorded on this thread. So please respond with any stories that your feel need to be added in the comments section below.

Quick Highlights:

Both Madoff and Monk had dogs really mess with them on runs. Madoff makes mention of that he got a 2 minute delay on his leg which messed up his timing. Monk saved a girl from dogs and took a spill on the ground while doing so. Next years thought is that we bring some pepper spray. We don’t want to hurt the dogs but we do need to protect ourselves.

Burning Car: This was spotted in Van 2 and they stayed at location for 30 minutes. Confirmed today that someone was dead at that scene. Van 2 will have to elaborate on this story.

Boudan, seemed to enjoy the Grandfather Mountain run. He almost seemed euphoric after the run.

Marissa: She not only was the nice girl that Monk saved and was very gracious but also ran with Madoff later and she ran very well.

Stonecold ran his first big race and really made it happen. Kudos to him for the gut check out on the BRR.

Freight had mentioned something about his leg 31 being bad and Tyson said to him “You signed up for this”. Perfect.

Tyson drove for van 2, he is down with an injury and we all hope he is better real soon.

Freight, Took Tyson’s spot on the relay on Thursday before the event. He ran better than average, I know he is sore but it is unbelievable how well he did on this runs.

Defib, took the Mountain Goat like it was flat land. Observation from me was he had used his arms so well to assist up the mountain he looked like a body builder.

Tooltime approaching: Gastone checked with van 2 to see how much sleep I could get. We had figured that Tooltime would make it around 2 am to me, but after talking to Van 2 they said around 1:30am. So I set my clock for 1:07am. I got up and Roadie told me that he should be to us in 20 minutes. This meant Tooltime was flying fast. But, then within 3 minutes they told me he would be to us in 10 minutes. I started to hurry, and could not get my socks on because my feet were wet but almost ready all of another 2 minutes and the tell me that he could be arriving in a minute. I start quickly still putting myself together and got to the start line to notice that he has already arrived and is eating a potato. Good gracious, he gives me grief and then tells me to give him 25 Burpee’s to make up for it. So I could not do this for him on that run but I got them today since he is the boss.

Whoopee, he says he hates to run. But, he ran like a champ and put together some great times. He is ready to go again next year.

While waiting on Defib at the top of the Goat. A local pick up truck must not like vistors. He came real close to taking out myself, Dolph, and Tooltime. Then went down the hill and almost got Defib. What a jerk.

Dolph is Dolph, just a regular beast that probably did not train and just did this in his spare time. But a great job he did.

Roadie is the best driver we could have asked for. He gave encouragement to our team and other runner’s on the coarse. For us in van 1 we could not thank him enough for being who he is and for what he added to all of us during this race. On a side note: Roadie is going to start taking the red pill now, expect big things. Thanks, Roadie.

Defib and his M had us stop over at the lake house on the way back. They had food and drinks and were very awesome for doing this!!! You guys are great and we all really liked the house. We definitely look forward to swimming  at that spot one day in our Speedo’s.

So much more happened so be sure to add stories to the comment section, we need to have all this down.

It was an honor to run with you guys and I look forward to the next adventure.

Gastone Out!





I didn’t realize I had put myself on the Q schedule until lunch with Shortsale yesterday. It was settled and time for an oldie, but a goodie. The HUNDO…
Circle up and grab the weights. On the journey to 100 with said exercise, if you stop, you count the number of stops and multiply times two and that’s the number of burpees we do at the end of the set.

Exercises: Squats, Merkins, Crunches, Calf Raises, Curls.

Funny thing is Hushpuppy was late and when I announced I stopped five times during the Merkins, he said he stopped seven times and we did 14 burpees. No one ever spoke up after the first person said their number from then on.

Now we laid on our backs for a round of neckies, courtesy of BA. It was determined that the Pax had not worked out their necks since 9th grade. Then 10 Booyah Merkins. There was a group of three so Hushpuppy call that the booyah-a-trois. Next up was 25 straight leg deadlifts.

Grab your weights and go on an Indian Ruck down the trail and around the pond. This is where YHC had to stop the line and quietly discipline Sargento and Sledge-o-matic for their failure to move to the front as they were talking. To learn a lesson, they had to hold their weights over their heads and the rest of the pax had to alternate arms for farmers carry.

Meet up at the end with the boot camp boys for the end.

Moleskin: Great time today. I heard some words from a guy I work with that does CrossFit. Funny thing is if you know someone who does CrossFit or is a vegetarian, you will know it within five minutes. What he told me though, was that a famous CF trainer discusses the thoroughbred and the bumble bee. The thoroughbreds life is built to race. Eating, sleeping, every facet of their life is about racing. They also don’t show up and worry about the leg size of another horse, they run their race. The bumble bee by all rights, shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn’t know that. Really thought provoking, or at least it was for me. We all learn so many different lessons from each other. It was my pleasure to be there. Ill leave the rest for Timeframe to finish.

Goat Island Fun

YHC arrived to find Pac-Man already in the parking lot and wondering if he was in the right place.  He is visiting from the Rock Hill region and we had met on a previous Nomad trip.  He discussed he had an FNG from the Belmont area coming out this am. As we chatted, Pax started rolling in.  5:30 hit and it was go time.

Disclaimer given.

Warm Up – SSH x 20 IC, Toy Soldiers x 10 IC, Mericans x 15 IC, LBC’s x 15 IC.

Mosey up hill behind the resturant for 30 squats, Mosey to upper lot behind buildings for 20 mericans, mosey to corner at VFW for 10 Burpees, Plank for the 6.  Rinse and Repeat.  Mosey to tunnel/bridge for 10 Hipslappers IC.  Mosey to Basketball court for modified crab walk/ burpee suicides.  Start on baseline, crab walk to half court for 5 burpees, crab walk to opposite baseline for 5 more burpees.  Rinse and repeat back to starting point.  Mosey to tunnel/ bridge for another round of 10 hipslappers IC.  Mosey to bridge and circle up for 6.  Big Boy sit ups x 10 single count.  Lunge to start of wood planks on the bridge.  Partner up for wheelbarrow across the bridge.  If you stop both pax perfrom 5 burpees.  Plank at the end of the wood plank.  Switch pax and go back.  Mosey back to flag for Mary.

Moleskin – Strong work by all Pax this am, including FNG, Robbie Smith; aka Tiny Tim.  It was nice to see Pac-Man again this morning as well.  Thanks for making the trip brother.  All pax pushed hard, #TClaps to Anchorman, Tesla, Buckeye, Sister Act, Dr. Seuss for conquering the bridge on the wheelbarrow.  Impressive!!  #DRP.  It was a pleasure men.  Thanks for oppurtunity Dr. Seuss.

Dr. Seuss wrapped this one up for me this am.  Appreciate your help sir.

Q vs Q!!! Whoopee and Short Sale 9/15/18

What:  Q vs Q!

When:  Saturday September 15, 2018

Where:  Gashouse (Schiele)

Time:  7:00 am – 8:00 am, normal time

Q’s:  Whoopee and ShortSale

Open and Close Q:  Roscoe

Who Should Attend:  You

What is at Stake:  Bragging rights and your overall health

Why Attend:  Great time, body sculpting, Pax engagement, lifetime memories

Summary:  Pain and fun are encouraged, merlot expected, attendance counts 50% of your overall cumulative grade, Fartsacking will absolutely be denied for this event.

Brought to you courtesy of Roscoe Productions, an LLC partner of Gashouse and Hippa Enterprises, Introducing our First ever Q vs Q!!!

Whoopee is a beatdown monster, a land Leviathan.  Short Sale is a creative master, a calisthenics Virtuoso.  But wait, Whoopee has been known to have a suggestion or three, and Short Sale has whooped the best of the F3 Pax.  Who would win a Q contest between the two?  Who will win the right to say they are the Q Champ?

This is your chance to find out.  All that is required of you is to post.  Well, and to follow their suggestions, and then vote!  Your voice counts, where else can you say that?  In your home?….Come on, get real boys’……..

Criteria as follows:

  1. Best Beatdown
  2. Overall best Pax Engagement
  3. Overall best Creativity

Each Q will get two intermittent ten minute increments.  Roscoe will lead us off and finish.  Voting will be online, will post link later.


Admission is free of charge, there will be absolutely no refunds or exchanges

Must participate to vote

Q’s are not professionals, nor will they be staying in Holiday Inn’s the night before

Verbal beatdown between the Q’s by Twitter and Slack and in person is heavily encouraged and should or should not play a final factor in your voting decision, I don’t care

There is no trademark or patent pending here

Hippa is a genius

Everything Short Sale, Whoopee, and Roscoe suggest, will just be a suggestion.  I suggest you use acute judgement in deciding how to follow their suggestions

I also suggest you Post!!!

There were no Short Sale’s or Whoopee’s harmed in the promotion of this production

We want you to attend, but if not here, post at Folsom or The Fighting Yank, be a part!!!

Whoopee Defecating on my Weinke should not play a role in your overall voting decision


Humidity Storm

Warm Up:


Morrocan Night Clubs 20 IC

Merkins 15 IC

Grass Pickers 15 IC


The Thang:

Mosey around the practice field back to the tennis courts.

Run to the end complete excersise the run back and plank for the 6.

100 Squats

90 LBCs

80  Alternating lunges

70 Merkins

60 second plank

50 Mountain Climbers (count each leg)

40 Jump Squats

30 WWI

5 Burpees for train

20 Burpees

10 Hand release push up

Time for some tabata.  20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds.  We completed 2 rounds of each of the following exercises.


Monkey humpers


Mountain climbers

Mosey around parking lot near school and return to starting point

Enough Time for another round of Tabata


Monkey Humpers


Mountain Climbers

Second round Omaha to Merkins to LBC and Mountain Climbers to Flutter Kicks

Announcements: JJ 5k September 22nd, Stop Suicide 5k, BRR needs a runner.  Q vs Q on September 14th.


Thanks for the opportunity to lead men.  Great push by all.  Boudin with the Q next Tuesday.



YHC arrived a little early to finish preparing for the workout. While  waiting on the pax glanced at the radar and realized we would probably get some rain . So on with the show.







LBC’S 10


Partner up for some block work

Set 1 50 thrusters

Set 2 100curls

Set3 150 tricep presses

Set 4 200 chest presses


Next we got In 3 Groups of 2 and had 2 stations so we did 1 exercise and went to next station while odd group ran a lap around feild.

1st station jump lunges

2nd station step ups

2 rounds of these


Repeat with new exercises

1st station dips

2nd curls

2 rounds of these

Back to turd shack 1 minute of walk sit to recover

Then Iron hulk

1 merkin 4 airpresses

2 merkins 8 airpresses

Up to 8 then wallsit for 1 min then we finished 9 and 10



Not a huge crowd for this one but it was still a pleasure to lead. I spoke a bit about our relay we had a few weeks ago, and how I saw men step up and really push themselves as well as pushing others beside them . You men of F3 never cease to amaze me with your leadership.



Several running events coming up BRR ,JJ 5K,  and one in Belmont


Sly, Long family, those in BRR for safe travels ý

Pledge and YHC took us out


Prison Break

Two Rucked and others Ran.
Thank goodness no skunks, but I did see a raccoon running beside of Sister Act for second the raccoon just couldn’t hang with SA.
Prayers for the Long Family as they mourn the loss of a family member (stroganoffs Dad).
Prayers for those running in the BRR this weekend.
JJ 5k
Soldiers run 5k
Bed Pan is full!

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