Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: June 2018 (Page 7 of 8)

Run/Ruck, your choice

Ok, before YHC forgets, which Folsom won’t allow it, here’s the back blast for Wednesday’s Prison Break. So I roll into the gloom debating wheher or not to run or ruck as usual. To my surprise, there were no PAX on site? Well, guess I’m going solo, wait, here comes some headlights. Ok, well now we have 3. It’s 5:30 so time to roll.

All are going to mosey this time. As we head out from start Sparky rolls in as usual 5 minutes late. Not sure how he can be that consistent? Anyway he will catch up. So, we continue on the normal route around the college and as we are returning by the prison Pastor Clever catches up with Sparky in tow. Today felt lazier than other runs for some reason, but any pace is better than no pace. All return to start with between 3-4 miles of work logged.

COT, Self Family, all requests lifted up

YHC took us out in prayer.

Thank you men for the opportunity to be a part of such a great group. Folsom has really taken off since I started back over 2 years ago. Keep at it and let’s not stop growing. EH every chance you get.

MW ooouuut!

One Year Stronger

June 6th was my 1yr. Anniversary of F3! I decided a couple months back that I wanted to Q at Midoriyama on or near my anniversary and chose 6/7. Here is how it went.

Quick word about my F3 anniversary and how thankful I am for everyone and everything it has brought into my life. Also, mentioned that I may break the rule of “dont Q it if you cant do it” because of a recent hamstring strain.


SSH x 10ic


Mosey to large soccer field.

The Thang:

We grouped up in the shade to get out of that infamous Midoriyama heat. I talked about my first post was a Q by Freight where he brought a ball named WILSON. The entire workout was exercises beginning with each letter in Wilson. I came up with my own WILSON exercises to pay tribute to my first post.

W – Werkins x 10ic

I – Imperial Walkers x 15ic

L – LBFC’s x 15ic

S- San Antonio Shuffle (Lunge, Lunge, Burpee, Plank Jack) across the field, LBC’s waiting on the 6 then jog back. REAL CROWD PLEASER!

O- Outlaws x 10ic ea. direction

N – Newton’s Cradle x 20ic

After this is was definitely time for some running drills!

Cant remember them all but I know these were included:

Butt Kicks, High Knees, Bounds, Form Run, Carioca, NUR, Bear Crawls

Of course we had to end the day with a Wojo Relay, and since I couldn’t sprint I changed it up a bit.

Split into 2 teams of 7, all start on same side of field, Run the field long ways then a San Antonio Shuffle at other end, Synchronized Burpee with next guy as the “tag”.

Everyone pushed hard on this.  It was pretty tough. With about 6-7- minutes left we decided to do it again because Slaw loved it so much. No San Antonio Shuffle this time though.

Mosey back to flag. LBC’s for the 6.


Mentioned again how thankful i am for F3 and all you guys.



Prayer requests

YHC lead us out in Prayer

Sound the A.L.A.R.M.s

As Summer vacation gets semi underway, it was a privilege to Q at the Goat.



Warm Up: First round of ALARMs (Arms, Legs, Abs, R exercise, M exercise)

A- Burpees  5 oyo

L-Lunges 10 oyo

A-Peter Parkers 15 oyo

R-Rocky Balboas 20 oyo

M-Merkins 25 oyo



Second round of ALARMs: with a partner, Pax 1 performs the exercise, Pax 2 runs a lap; flapjack

A-Dips   100

L-Squats   150

A-LBC’s   200

R-Russian Twists   250 (You really feel it round about number 100)

M-Mt Climbers   300

Third Round of ALARMs: alongside partner-accumulated

A-Alternating Shoulder Taps   25

L-Jump Squats   50

A-Flutter Kicks   75

R-Reverse Crunch 100

M-Moroccan Nightclubs 150 (just for you, Tophat;)


Friendship Mosey to street for:

Nerd up the hill/Zombie Walk

Nerd up/Nerd down

Nerd up/Duck walk down


Round of Mary back in parking lot. 

Announcements: Convergence on Saturday at 7:00 am at Midoriyama

Prayer Requests


Remember, in our words, actions..who we are in Christ if we know Him. We are now new creations, and that by His grace alone, we don’t have to-and can’t-work for our salvation. If we have a relationship with Him, God sees us as righteous-not my righteousness, He sees the righteousness of Christ.

Is. 41:13 For I, The Lord your God, hold your right hand. It is I who say to you, Fear not, I am the One who helps you.

Always a blessing and honor to lead!

YHC took us out in prayer



40 Days Part Deux BB

So Hunchback wanted to get some an early update to the 40 Days of Discipline Part Deux so he could use it for his Toastmasters speech he was working on.  I have had a decent showing this go around but have been slack on posting any updates during these 40 days.  (QFAIL)

However, we got a little feedback from the PAX on Twitter and if you missed it I will summarize it.

Here is what we learned:

From Whoopee:  “Discipline.  The exercise part is not difficult-got others to keep me accountable.  The diet modification is my weakness.  There is no one looking over my shoulder at 3pm when I hear the cookies and chips calling for me.  It’s all about discipline with the food for me.

From Roadie:  I am down 12 lbs.  I owe it to running like crazy and hitting at least 6 or more workouts a week.  A good diet helps.  I can’t say my diet is better than any other but it works for me.

From Def Leppard:  “I’m down 8 lbs. while being injured and not being able to run much.  Several guys help keep me honest with my diet by seeing how hard they are pushing.  Trying to post at a lot of workouts had really helped me.

From Sargento:  I’m down about 5lbs.  My key has been cutting down portion size.  Running 109 miles in May helped too!  I’d say everyone should run more.  (Editor’s note:  he would say that)

As for YHC, the original 40 day challenge helped me be more conscious of what I eat.  Being intentional about getting your workouts in is extremely beneficial.  The variety helps.  I got 37 of 40 days, but didn’t count the 100 burpees in 9:32 I did yesterday because it wasn’t a 30 minute workout.  At least I did something.  The themes I shared with Hunchback are what we can all get better at:  Discipline, accountability, self-control, planning, being intentional, confronting your own weaknesses, developing better habits.  I probably lost as much as I want to without being labeled a “runner” or becoming an Ectomorph.

The other parts of the challenge were a mixed bag.  I don’t think we reached our FNG #’s that I hoped.  I put the EH on several but no one came out.  I have to keep trying.  Although I can’t say I had at least two formal “dates” with my wife, I purchased some new cheap chairs and an umbrella for the deck and we had some good times enjoying the outdoors and a few impromptu meals out together.  That works for me.  She probably wouldn’t want to date a guy like me anyway.

What about intentional acts of service for people?  Treating everyone with respect and kindness?   We need to keep trying harder to do this.

I read Way of the Warrior Kid 2 to my 2.1.  I am almost finished with “The Killer Angel’s”.  I have several other books to read when I am through.  Thanks to our mobile library that is Stroganoff’s SUV, you can get a book to read too!

I heard from some people that they had a week or two of discipline.  That is okay, as long as you keep trying to get better.  If you don’t do anything, you get worse.

The Chief Rock Pushers continue to be Roadie, Hipaa, Huckleberry, and many others not named.  Keep getting after it.

I am looking forward to the next challenge and the summer of F3 in the Gashouse.  AYE!


Monk, you or me?

Last week, Monk asked me to Q at the Pub this morning so I agreed and pulled in early eagerly to see an empty parking lot.  Hmmm, I thought to myself table for 1?  After a few minutes here come the HIM’s.   Whoopee barrel rolled out of his truck into the merkin position to knock out his 10,000 for the month.

No FNG’s so we started down Hoffman and I was at the point.  About an 1/8 of a mile I was at the six with Roscoe who was kind enough to hang with me since I am not a runner (but will be someday).  What I failed to tell Roscoe was that I challenged myself to run 4 miles under a 10/min pace.  Well at the halfway point I turned around and Roscoe kicked it into gear to catch up with the others.  We all made it back

During the run, Monk forgot that I was Q and took over, or else he didn’t like where things were going.  )      We said the pledge and he closed out the COT.


Here is what you need to know.  Yesterday at Snoballs, Whoopee mentioned that everyone should challenge themselves, whether it is to train for a marathon or work on pull-ups or lose weight.  The only time I listed to him was then and so this morning was my challenge.   Last week I had to walk several times during the 5 mile run so this week I fought it and won.   Best last was 8:52, for me that’s Usain Bolt like.  Thanks for the push everyone.


No Weight Vest Required

What a beautiful morning to lead a workout at Snoballs.  There were no FNG’s so we started with the Pledge.

Merkins 10 IC

Moseyed to the small hill next to the shelter and playground for a SSH ladder with burpees.  At the top of the hill we started with 20 SSH then ran to the bottom for 5 burpees.  Back to the top for 19 SSH and at the bottom for 5 burpees.  After 10 rounds we went to Soccer Field #1 and performed lunges, then bear crawls, followed by more lunges.  Then we headed to the pull-up bar.  One at a time we were challenged to do as many pull-ups as you can while everyone else was getting a break with some LBC’s.

Moseyed back to the bathroom house when I heard mumble chatter about the walls.  I thought we needed to take a closer look so we stopped for some Hip Slappers.  After walking to perimeter to make sure the building was structurally sound, Whoopee led us.   Then we moseyed to the front gates for 20 derkins and 20 dips.  With time remaining, we headed to the back wall for 20 Dips IC, 10 step-ups (each leg), 15 Dips IC, 10 step-ups(each leg) and finished with 15 Dips IC.

I normally wear a vest during the workout but since I knew the punishment I left it in my truck.  During the COT, Whoopee talked about challenging yourself and here is my challenge to you.   Get a vest and wear it during your workouts.  You will definitely get stronger by wearing one and you have a place to put your keys and phone )

Thank you for allowing me lead.

Slam Ball

15 strong men at Midoriyama for a Canteen beatdown. Swimmer and Floppy Disk went mountain bike riding. I’ll try to remember what we did.

Warmup SSH x 10

Mosey to the first soccer field. Awaiting were 2 tractor tires and some cinder blocks and we carried (2) 30 lb. Slam balls. We split into 2 teams. First guy on each team lifts the ball over his head and slams it on the ground 5 times, then flips the tire 5 times, runs to the end of the field while the next guy slams the ball until each team is finished. Rinse and repeat except this time adding 5 push ups and carrying 2 cinder blocks to the tire flips and slam balls. Ouch!

Next up was 4 corners with 15 merkins, 15 squats, 15 Xmen crunches, 15 American hammers with karaoke on the longer field lengths and nur (run backwards) the shorter lengths. Rinse and repeat. Some decided to also sing karaoke as they ran it. The guy singing Randy Travis was pretty good! Reba McIntyre and Meatloaf needed some work. Throughout the workout Slaw kept trying to distract the Q requesting burpees but the Q stated firmly, NO Burpees!

Mosey to a hill with the slam balls and split back into 2 teams. Bear Crawl up the hill pushing the Slam Ball and when you got to the top, let the Slam Ball roll back down to the next guy. Rinse and repeat. Several of the Pax had their bear crawl form questioned.

Mosey back to the flag stopping at each light pole for 15 merkins. Back at the flag for 6 MOM. Freddie Mercuries, Flutter Kicks, Crunchy Frogs and some kind of cross over merkins.

Convergence at Midoriyama this Saturday June 9th at 7 a.m.
Forge Bible Study Wednesday nights at Grits N Greens at 6:30 p.m.
Saturday, June 16th at Folsom is the 2.0 workout at 7:00 a.m. followed by breakfast.

Sidecar requested prayer for the Self family. Tiger requested prayer for a family who lost a child to a sudden illness. Def Leppard’s son and there may have been others missed. Lift up each other.
Great to have some newer guys to Midoriyama, Mario and Step Down. They are pushing hard.

Q…Bueller, Bueller

Well, this has happened to me twice. A Pax had the Q and while talking with another Pax on Saturday, it was confirmed. However, when time was close, they were a no-show. A few people started asking and all I had up my sleeve for a backup was the blockbuster. Sargento manned up and said how about the ABC where you do an exercise based on the letter as long as I would do the backblast. It was set and away we went. Apparently when put on chopping block, you cant think of an exercise beginning with that letter. Of course, B was for burpees, but thinking three ahead, when L popped up, YHC said lunges. That was to some shagrin because LBCs were right there. X came around and an extra lap was noted. It was a fun disaster.

Lessons to learn:
1. Always have a spare Q should this happen.
2. If you are on the list and know, SHOW UP. People depend on you. If not, let someone know ahead of time.
3. Follow up with your Qs, regardless if you have heard they are good. I didn’t learn the first time, but I have the second. It wont happen again men and I apologize for the lack of leadership on the part of the Site Q.
4. Its getting hot…..Wear deodorant you smelly rascals!!!! This is not amusing.

Announcements: Convergences this Saturday at Midoriyama at 0700, hike up Grandfather on June 23 (get with hot for teacher), 2nd F next weekend.

Prayers: Coworker losing his mother, Abbas shoulder, Flush’s knee, Lynn Hamm, BBs uncle aneurism and stroke, Graduates

This will not be fun

As the pax began to gather for another Monday morning beatdown the air became thick with anticipation.  With the dawn of 5:30 and no FNGs the disclaimer was made  “This will not be fun”.  Lots of disgruntled mumblechatter was sensed in the background but YHC was on a mission – wake this pack of men up and get them a good workout in to start the week – so without further delay…

Warm up:


Merkins x 20IC

LBC x 20 IC

Don Q x 20IC


Warm-up continued:  Mosey to the KFC rock quarry for some coupons.  Mumble chatter was overhead about size mattering and I reminded them that size always matters unfortunately I’m not sure all pax took this to heart as rocks were selected.

Then across the street for 11s – Overhead press and Merkins – a real crowd pleaser

With the pax starting to sweat it was time to mosey to old Harris Teeter parking lot for some wall sits with coupon – overhead press and straight out presses x2

The quads were really burning so it was time to shake them out with some Dora but with a twist – “Descending Dora” – 300 squats (with rock) 200 Merkins and 100 “Rockies” (Burpee with Rock).  This was quite ambitious and YHC was humbled by the rock – so time to Omaha after 50-70.  I felt it was quite the accomplishment so why not take a victory lap around the parking lot before heading back to return rock to its home and mosey back to pelicans. But wait whats this – a lonely little wall – how about some attention for this wall with 2 sets of dips x20 IC.  Astonishingly we still made it back for some Mary with Freddy Mercury, flutters and WWII sit ups.  At this point time was called and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Announcements: – convergence at Midoriyama 7am this Saturday


Prayer requests: T-square’s friend who recently lost her battle with pancreatic cancer

As always it was my pleasure to serve – Until next time


The Folsom Triangle of leg pain

12 Men came out as Gastone to the reins of Folsom for the morning.

The Thang:


(On my count)

40 SSH, 20 Carolina Dry Dock, 30 Imperial Walkers, 20 Wide Arm Merkins, 20 Mountain Climbers, 10 Diamonds.

Mosey up the road to the split in the road or what I will call is a road Triangle.

Position A, Everyone plank and once all were down we began. 20, 3 count to elbows and back up. (This is the exact location that we first might have hear a whimper of arm pain) 50 Monkey Humper’s, Backwards down the hill to location B of the triangle. 50 Squats. Lunge up the hill to Location C for 30 Mountain Climbers on count. Karaoke back to Location A.

A, 50 Monkey Humper’s. Backwards down the hill. B. 50 Squats. Lunge to C for 30 Sumo Squats. Karaoke to A.

A, 50 Gorilla Humper’s, Backwards down the hill. B 50 Squats. Lunge Backwards up the hill. 30 Sumo Squats I think. (Someone mentioned that this was a leg day, but we are just getting started)

Mosey towards the Tennis courts but stop at sidewalk on the way.

Jack Webb’s up to 7 and then back down.

Mosey on to the Tennis Courts.

Balls to the wall with a tiny speech before hand. We held it for 45 seconds.

Back up on the wall but this time we did shoulder taps to 20, on my count.

20 CCD’s on my count

20 Wide Arm’s on my count.

10 Diamonds on my count.

6 Minutes of Mary.

40 Flutters on my count

50 LBC’s

30 Flutters

30 American Hammer’s.

Mosey back tot he start.

40 SSH

The Moleskin:

Folsom, keep on creating a special atmosphere and doing what all of you do at this location. We had a little chatter today but generally quiet. I gave a little words of encouragement at the end on a friend of mine named Snoop and the first time I ran with him. Basically, he checked me on a few things and they were all correct of him to check me on. So it is an example and is mentioned throughout F3 in examples of Iron Sharpens Iron and other people saying leave no man the way your found them. We all in my opinion need each other, in good and bad times. and we need people to check us.

Volt, Pointed out I had 2 different shoes on. Get ready in the dark and this is what happens. Ha.

Everyone worked hard, and I really enjoy travelling to take on the Q at your location. Even if Roadie was scared to come to my Q.

Gastone, Out!






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