• Post Type:
  • When: 04/24/2018
  • AO:
  • QIC: Medicine Woman
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Volt, Allen Tate, Montross, Sparky, Gravity, Gumby, Roadie, Bedpan, Huckleberry, Medicine Woman(QIC)

YHC had posted somewhat of a pre-blast for my Folsom Q yesterday. It was to have a history theme. I probably should’ve clarified what I meant by “history lesson.” PAX were quick to criticize what my lesson consisted of. Anyway, 10 HIMs post on a possible rainy morning at the prison. Site Q, after being ran over by a few busses on our groupme text, was actually on time. Montross with the only tardy.(Which threw off my Q.)

Brief history lesson was given before warmup. Q mentions 2018 being the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1. This is when the mumblechatter/criticism started. There were 8.5 million soldiers world wide who lost their lives in the war. I mentioned a couple other aspects of the war, but quickly decided to scratch the lesson due to said criticism. 9 men ready at clock in.

warmarama………..nope, let’s mosey, well well well, finally Montross pulls in. YHC gets to the first area of exercise. PAX yelling, yet Montross doesn’t hear where to go. Q says, “let’s go pick up the six.” This jacked up the initial plan, but we got to mosey some more, which everyone appreciated.

Stop at the flag for the Pledge

Mosey again, mumblechatter has started kicking in at this point. Let’s get the running in before the bottom drops. We finally settle in the lower parking lot.


After the history lesson, the only thing the PAX had to remember was the number, 100. Partner up, different exercises with 1 PAX running to the opposite end of the lot and back while PAX 2 performs said exercise.

All x100

Angle grinders(much mumblechatter was stirred by this call)


Burpees(option to modify to squats after 50)

American Hammers( this was a math disaster that made Midoryama look good)

22 merkins for the Vets

During this spectacular event, many were discussing the new 40 day diet challenge that was brought up yesterday. “No soft drinks, fine. No beer.”……questionable by a few, etc, etc. Awesome to see the accountability and effort amongst PAX to become stronger and healthier!

Lets mosey back to start. At this point I hear Allen Tate expressing how much he loved the hill back to start and that his heart would stop on the trip, but he made it without such difficulties. Men pushed it the whole time.  Once all were finished QIC calls 5 burpees OYO, once those were completed, I remembered “Train” on Slack meant 5 DQs, so those were also performed. All said and did, PAX logged in over 2 miles of mosey! AYE!

Prayer requests: each other, our families, Allen Tate’s mom n law, Sparkys boys.

With more chatter about the 40 day challenge and time up, I bring the men in for prayer. We can talk afterward. Just before I begin, Bedpan had some great advice as he was closing out his prior conversation. “You can always smoke crack to lose weight if the diets don’t work!” This broke most into laughter, then I had to real ya all back in.

Honored to Q! Thanks for the opportunity to be a part of such an amazing group of men. There’s always a challenge, yet there’s always encouragement. Glad to see Huck and Allen Tate back at it. Way to push the rock men!