Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: February 2018 (Page 5 of 6)

Tophat’s Backblast…by Mayor

Sing the title to the “by mennen” tune.

Since Tophats refuses to get on twitter, F3 Gastonia for backblasts or slack, we are forced to do it for him so give him the push to get on there.

When I pulled in and was waiting I saw Boudin getting in some work trying to push it.  I also witnessed tophat putting out his trademark cones and placed workouts.  He takes the extra effort and laminates them.

Time came and 10 men were waiting.  He started with a mosey around the school lot and over to the cones.  Each  Pax picks a place and does the stated exercise and runs a lap when finished…Oh, and with two bricks (ALL THE TIME).  Some exercises had blocks and dumbbells.  Here’s what I remember.  Dumbbell chops, squats, seal jacks, overhead presses, merkins, curls and some others.

Finish, grab the coupons and mosey to the wall.  Different exercises called while pax partners run around the building.  Balls to the Wall, wall pushes, shoulder taps, electric chair.  At some point, halfway around the building we had to do five burpees.

Mosey back to cones and pick two exercises as a team pair and knock them out.  Mosey back to start.

2nd F Bowling is coming up next Friday 2/16 at Lake Wylies Bowl and Bounce.  Roscoe is getting together the F3 Dads (all family included) snowless tubing at Crowders Ridge.  See his backblast for more information.

Pretty good Q with some mumble chatter.

Prayers for Hippa and Abba coworkers.  Kiwi is doing better.  Teslas sister.

Sparky’s Revenge

17 PAX posted at Midoriyama  on Thursday keeping the monthly average right on track. Before the workout I received a call from Sparky requesting that I put a real hurtin on everyone. He also asked that I make sure they knew it was from him. I’m not sure who made him mad but I probably owe him one so I had to do it.


I didn’t have anything planned so we just did Don Q’s while Tooltime mumble chattered.

Let’s Mosey down the road to pick up our blocks.

The Thang:

Everyone has a block. Some are bigger than others(that’s what she said). Partner up.

Starting at one end of the parking lot run in opposite directions and meet at the other end for partner hand slap merkins. Run to the other end and do burpee’s. Always carry your block with you. We did these as 11’s but the merkins were actually twice that. Don’t tell the Midoriyama guys….you know they can’t count. Mummblechatter was strong at the beginning of this. Sometimes we talk too much and fail listen to the Q’s directions. Sometimes we have to pay for it! Eventually the only thing I heard was heavy breathing, talk of merlot and sore nipples! I have to admit this one hurt! Thanks to everyone pushing me and each other.

We put the blocks up and hit the hill for NUR up and NUR down x 5. Oompa had some scary moments but made it through. We sure don’t want him to have to hit the life alert while we are working out.

Mosey to another parking lot for the newly and pre-maturely named Victory March( we’ll get it next time). Victory March is a zombie walk with Bobby Hurley’s instead of squat.

The Nantan tried to call time but thanks to the PAX I have a fancy watch that keeps up with it. We’ve got time to do a few rounds of Joe Hendricks on the hill!

Mosey back to the flag for the Pledge.


Announcements- No Forge next Wednesday due to Valentine’s day. The week after come out for Def Leppard’s discussion on marriage. Bring your tissue’s.  Family event at Crowders Ridge and Bounce and bowl.

Prayer Request-Me, those battling addiction, Def Leppard


Basically we ran.

YHC started Wednesday putting the word out that he had the Q at The Pub.  When I showed up Whoopee was already getting some EC with a ruck sack on.  7 HIMs showed up eager to get some fresh oxygen into the system.   YHC offered a 3 and 5 mile option, but everyone signed up for 5.  We came , We ran,  We finished

Pledge (Clavin has a flag on the back of his truck if you ever need one)


Great work today! Always a pleasure to lead HIMs.  Keep posting and getting stronger. See you in the gloom.

I believe Spiderman has the Q at Downtown tomorrow.


Birthday Q

YHC showed this warmish morning on his 45th birthday.  YHC took the Q spot early so no one else could get it. The PAX didn’t disappoint as 8 HIMs showed for the Birthday Q. Nice to see the numbers getting up from the 3 or 4 that Folsom had been seeing. We have some consistent HIMs that are getting better each time some are putting in 2 a days. T claps to everyone of you. Keep it up!

Warmarama:  SSH, Gravel Pickers, Hillbillys all x15 IC   start the mosey to the flag and hear comes Sparky in  hot.  Morrocan Nightclubs till he gets out of the truck.

Thang: Mosey to the flag for the pledge, then on your 6 for Big Boys and Merkins x20 IC.

Mosey to the little parking lot that Sparky loves for some reason. ( he says bad things happen in this lot) Burpee Long Jumps across and Bear Crawl back.

Mosey to the Shelter for some Arm Squats, and Step Ups x 15 IC. Run a lap of the parking lot. Next was Derkins and Incline Merkins x 15 IC. Run a lap.  LBCs and American Hammers x 20 IC.  Run a lap. Back for 1 more set of Arm Squats x 15 IC. Run 2 laps. On the Hammers Huckleberry renamed his French Hammers as he lay on his back and moved his arms to each side for the first few counts.

Montross was also quite the talker this morning as he and Huckleberry took jabs at each other. From where YHC was I couldn’t hear all that was said but most of the ones that could hear were getting a good laugh from it. Hate I missed the chatter.

Mosey back to start and somewhere Sparky heard a train/redneck truck horn, maybe in his head as YHC or Medicine Woman didn’t hear or blocked it out. Anyway we put our 5 burpees in regardless. Times up.

Announcements: Snowless tubing at Crowders Ridge Feb 18th 17:00 to 18:00. Get tickets online (see Roscoes preblast), Men’s Retreat at Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters in March. (See Sparky for details) YMCA trail cleanup date TBA (see Whoopee)

Prayer Request: Each other, unspoken, Medicine Womans sister and brother in law.

COT: YHC took us out

BOM: Great work by each of these men, several of these men doing 2 a days and good work sticking to the 40 day challenge. That takes discipline. You will be stronger for it. As always a pleasure and an honor to lead today.


“That’s not a train, it’s a redneck truck horn!”

It seems like only yesterday YHC had the Q at the prison palace called Folsom. A little chilly walking out to crank up the patty wagon to head into the gloom. I’m  sure the PAX will be prepared. As I leave my neighborhood, I get overwhelmed with the smell of a skunk in the air. Not exactly what you want to wake up to. The thing is, today is about the tenth  straight day of that smell. It has been several different dead ones I’ve noticed all along this eighth mile stretch. Is it mating season for these things or is there just a high concentration of them right outside my hood? Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Rolling into Folsom, I see Allen Tate in the patrol car runnng radar, wait no, that’s not Allen Tate, he would’ve been parked at the very back of the park. Roadie then sends a text out to watch out for the PoPo. Ok, park and set the shovel flag. Here come the rest and it’s 5:30.


ssh, toy soldiers, x15 IC

pledge, wait train 5 OYO, ok now pledge

long mosey up and around by the ball field through the lower shelter and up over to the amphitheater. 8 tenths of mile not bad! Ok, grab the short wall for some dips x20 IC, Rocky Balboas x20 IC (this was exciting), rinse and repeat x3. Ok, balls to the wall for some ring of Fire burpees. All on the wall, Q calls go, PAX one drops and hits 5 burpees, resumes position on the wall then repeat til all PAX are finish. Mumble chatter picking up, so let’s hit the wall for some hipslappers x20 IC, donkey kicks 20 OYO, rinse and repeat. That can’t be the same train? Roadie says nah, it’s a redneck truck horn, either way 5 OYO. Hank says I wonder if the run back the same path would be the same distance. Well, physics I believe would say yes, but that was where YHC was headed anyway. Long mosey back making a brief stop by the pond for you guessed it, Route 66 with Bobby hurlys. It’s become a given at that particular lot. Ok, mosey on up to the park entrance flag pole for some LBCs, sandy V, Flutters all x20 IC. Running out of time, lets mosey back to start.

announcements: Snowbird March 16-18,

COT, prayers lifted up

YHC lead us out in prayer

thanks again for the opportunity to Q. You Men and the vision of F3 are why I’m out there. Thanks for the push, accountability and encouragement. Nice work men!

Gastone’s Hill

14 of Gastonia’s finest men showed for Snoballs with some rain in the forecast.

The Thang:

On my Count, SSH and Imperial Walker. (Billy Madison joined us around the end of Imperial Walkers)

Mosey to the bottom of Gastone’s Hill.

We stayed together but did 5 Burpee’s at every mailbox on the way to the top. 12 Mailboxes.

50 Flutter Kicks, count the right foot.

Mosey to the bottom. (Hippa joined us, how he found us I will never know)

Backwards to the top. (I used to be better at this one, it hurt)

50 LBC’s

Using the mailboxes on the way down.

We did a combination of Squats and Monkey Humpers that increased as we went down visiting every mailbox. (This sucked for all)

Once at the bottom just because we had not really done legs yet we did Lunge walks up the hill for 40 yards.

(Whoopee had told me before the workout to get it all in before 6 because he will have to leave, it is now 6 at this point)

Mosey around to the drug store.

Plank, right arm right leg, left. Then elbow plank for 1 minute.

Mosey in front of the Food Lion to the small staircase. We all squeezed in and did 20, 15, 10 calf raises with small breaks between the sets.

Mosey the the wall in front of Park Sterling. 20 Dips then 15.

Move the the grass and we did Jack Webb to 7 and then back down.

Mosey to the start and it is raining good now. So everyone on the ground to end with Flutter to 20.

The Moleskin:

I asked if anybody wanted to Q and people seemed to volunteer faster today for some reason. So next week is covered. Overall a great morning, was much warmer and not raining at the beginning. The rain actually felt good once it arrived. Lot’s of push in the crowd, even a couple wearing weight while we are doing these workouts. Kudos!

Kiwi was mentioned as a prayer request. He was in the hospital for a while in the ICU. He is out now and home recovering. As he is recovering make sure you reach out to him as he was new and make sure he knows we want him back..

Always and honor to Q, thanks for being around,

Gatone out!


Old Faithful

It’s been a while since YHC has done this workout it’s very simple however very difficult and

You get a total body beat down! If your not sore tomorrow you did something wrong….





Don Q (1) IC

The Thang:

This one is real simple

1 mile Mosey

While waiting on the six we did 70 flutters IC

Then onto the “Meat” of the workout

100 Pull-Ups

200 Merkins

300 Squats

Finish it out with a

1mile Mosey

Great work by all PAX today this is a real mother of a beat down. Keep pushing yourselves men! Remember there is no plateau ….we never get to stop ….we must always push ourselves that is the way that we will stay strong!




Prayers: Sly for safe return from Afghanistan, Side Car’s mother grieving the loss of her mother, those battling addiction.



1 Corinthians 16:13 (NLT)

13 Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous.[a] Be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13 (HCSB)

13 Be alert, stand firm in the faith, act like a man, be strong.

Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.


It was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time

Post Super Bowl Slaw Special Coming Up

I started prepping for this workout last week and the Tar Heel vs. Pitt game over the weekend played very well into my plan. With a final score of 96-65 I set out to see how those numbers would fall into my plan. After some thought I sent out a simple tweet saying it would be a “slaw special”.  And anyone who knows Slaw knows he is a bit nuts and likes burpees. So, if you were able to read into it; you were forewarned that a lot of burpees were planned. That and the fact that Hushpuppy tweeted my plan hoping for an omaha due to a Super Bowl chicken wing hangover. But alas, my dear friend, an omaha was not in the stars. So, I started out to Snoballs amid the dense fog ready to start my day and week strong with some like minded men.


At the appointed time I started with a simple disclaimer and begun with a short warm-up:

SSH- 15

Imperial Walkers – 10

Mercans – 10

Burpees – 5 OYO

The Pledge


The Thang

We did a quick mosey to the old Lowe’s Food supermarket. It was where we would spend the next 40 mins making ourselves better. I explained how last week we had to suffer through a NC State themed workout so this week we would celebrate the reigning National Champs victory over Pitt. We started at the far light post and karaoked to the next light post. There we did 5 burpees. This was repeated until we circled around having hit all 6 lights. After a quick halftime with what could possibly be the worst motivational speech ever we hit the 6 light posts again. Giving us a total of 65 burpees at the moment. I told the men that if we were losers like the Pitt team we would have stopped right there. However, we are winners so we pressed on the magical number of 96!  My Tar Heels made playing 4 corners a big thing so I thought we should incorporate it here today. We began at one corner and ran to the center for 5 burpees. We then ran to the next corner where we did 50 LBC’s; followed by a sprint to the middle for 5 more burpees. This was repeated with 50 dying cock roaches in the next corner, 50 flutter kicks in the next corner and ending with 50 Freddie mercury’s.  After each exercise in the corner we would run to the middle for 5 burpees. If you are good with numbers you come up a bit short at just 85 burpees at this point and I was aiming for 96. So a quick 11 burpees was in order to get to the magical 96 number. Fortunately for the men I could not leave us so close to the century mark and not take us there. So, it was 4 more burpees.


We finished with plenty of time to spare. So a short fellowship mosey was taken to the loading dock. There we did 10 squats, run and jump onto the loading dock, 5 mercans and bear crawl out. I made the statement that we’d do these until “mercy” was asked for. I was into my 5th round when “mercy” was called. We were wet, sweaty and tired…perfect time for a quick run around the building. We stopped twice, thank you Gastone, and did 2 sets of 15 dips. Once we made it around the building we completed 2 sets of 10 hip slappers…always a fan favorite of the gang. It was now about 5 till and we moseyed back to the finish line. While waiting on the 6 we did a quick wall sit. Once everyone arrived we did another wall sit with 10 air presses added for good measure. We made it, time was up and it was time to go home.



Pray for Bed Pans M – taking some tests this week

Pray for AZ firefighter shot and killed

And not mentioned but we need to continue to lift up Kiwi


It was an honor and pleasure to lead; thank you for the opportunity.

Got Cussed and Didn’t Care

16 PAX, including one FNG, showed up on a Thursday afternoon for a fun run at Midoriyama.

I sent out a pre-blast about map reading to warn the PAX to avoid the upcoming beatdown.

I showed up early and pasted the AO with maps and symbols. There were 16 stations with either a triangle, diamond, circle, or square. Each symbol instructed PAX to perform 25 reps of the designated exercise. Triangles=merkins; circles=Mike Tysons; Squares=LBCs; and diamonds=burpees.

I told everyone the smartest thing they could do was get back in their cars and go home. Slaw was ordered to grab a “to go” bucket, run to the volleyball sandpit, fill the bucket with sand and return. Slaw also had to carry the bucket everywhere we went and off we go.

One FNG, so brief disclaimer, no warm up as this isn’t FIA. We counted off into two teams with the intent of one team running 16 to 1, and the other running 1-16, but, Omaha’d into individual efforts from 1-16.

Moseyed to Station 1 through Station 16. Ran 2.8 miles with 400 exercises. Q’d from the six. Or close to it. Much fun and mumble chatter was had by all.

It’s okay that two of you cussed me the entire way, and the rest sniped at me on social media. I forgive you crybabies. We will run farther the next time.

COT and a hearty welcome to Padawan.

PreBlast YMCA

OK guys, I don’t have many details, but wanted to get some info out for you to start to think about. You are probably aware of the new Y on Robinwood Road. Off to the side is about 40 acres they plan to turn into a running trail. The proposed trail is currently under construction. Along the proposed route are several areas with trash and overgrown brush that need to be removed. This is where YOU come in. If you are willing and able, I am asking for a few hours of your time on a weekend (likely within the next month) to use those muscles that you have been working on-yes, even soccer arms can help. It will involve lifting some stuff and clearing some trash-bring gloves and some yard work tools (loppers, shears, wheelbarrows, clippers, possibly chainsaws, TNT, flamethrowers…) and be ready to work.

When I get info on the date I will let you know but suspect it will be one of the weekends in Feb, possibly the weekend of 2/24. Think of the impact this YMCA will have on Gastonia. You do not want to miss being a part of helping with this project. Based on what I saw out there, I would recommend NOT bringing the 2.0s. There are a lot of unknowns and think it will be difficult to keep everyone safe if 2.0s are wandering around.

I have been bragging about how much we as a group want to help with service projects in Gastonia. Please try to make it for this community service project even if only for an hour or 2. Again, I will let you know when I hear the date.

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