Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: November 2017 (Page 4 of 6)

Just another day at the Storm

10 HIMs showed up for a beatdown at the school yard Tesla’s way. Went like this:

SSH X 20

2 burpees OYO

IW X20

4 burpees OYO


6 burpees OYO

Mountain climbers X

8 burpees OYO

Merkins X 15

10 burpees OYO

Mosey over to baseball fields

count off by threes.

1s -bottom of the hill

2s running

3s top of the hill

Round 1

top: Jump squats

bottom: LBCs

Round 2

top: flutter kicks

bottom: merkins

Round 3:

Top: Flutter kicks

Bottom : SSH

Mosey over to main entrance.

bear crawl between “obstacles”

step ups, 10 each leg

Run parking lot lap.

Repeat 3 times.

Mosey over to side for triple nickel

dips, dirkins, parking lot lap, 5X each

Back to flag for Pax led circle of Mary featuring IWs, SSH, flutter kicks, LBCs and others.



NMM: Great group gathered fro the Strom today and we welcome our Granite Falls brother Taterhole! Glad to see you here brother! Looking forward to Goat Island with you Thursday! Many prayers for many men today. Lots of positive energy to back ’em up though! Ran 2 miles and did great work.



Smothered, covered, with ketchup

4 brave PAX arrive in the gloom for yet another MW show. YHC was sceptic that any would ost in the cold, nasty rain. 5:30 hits so let’s clock in!


some good breathing exercises

tha thang

bunch of mumble chatter, something about wet clothes, something about smothered, covered. More mumble chatter…… much happened, So little memory……….show to know!

Nice work men, way to push……………..

YHC is always honored to Q and my next one will be even more Epic!

Quality, not Quanity – 3 Pushed the Rock!

As I pulled in to Pelican’s there was only one car in the lot… was Clavin.  In the next 1 – 5 minutes, Timeframe pulled in and we waited…….nothing.  No worries, at F3 we just go.  We would have an impromptu Stroganoff beat down.  There must have been an epidemic of fartsacking that hit the normal PAX overnight but we 3 had the cure.

Quick Warm Up


Appalachian Americans X 10 IC

I was so flustered with the unexpected Q that I forgot the pledge… apologies gentlemen.

The Thang

Mosey to the center of the baseball fields for some improvised work:

Merkins IC X 15

LBC’s IC X 15

Squats IC X 15

Mosey around the baseball field and back to where we started

Rinse-Repeat above for a total of 3 sets.

Round 2:

Derkins IC X 12

Flutter Kicks IC X 20

Run to end of one of the spokes and back to the start

Rinse-Repeat once for a total of two sets

Mosey to the covered picnic shelter for some picnic table work:

Dips IC X 15

Step Ups IC X 20

Dips IC X 12

Step Ups IC X 20

Dips IC X 10

Mosey back to Pelicans – Short Plank and we’re done.

Simple workout…..but somewhat painful.  Great way to start a Monday.

Short COT with several announcements and prayer requests, especially for Clavin’s family.

The Moleskin

Occasionally there is a workout where a much smaller number than normal show up (like today).  However, this goes right to the heart of F3 in my opinion, we do the work anyway.  As usual, I was awake before my alarm ever buzzed and the thought briefly crossed my mind to stay right there as it sure was warm and cozy.  Something spurred me to get up and get after it.  As Roscoe put it so well yesterday at the F3 Dad’s event, F3 has helped me develop some ‘better’ habits and getting up this morning was a great example.  As usual, Clavin and Timeframe inspired me and pushed me to work hard this morning and I am grateful.  Keep it up, you never know when showing up might keep someone else from going back home and not putting in the work.

Until the next one.



Folsom serves Stroganoff for Breakfast?

10 gathered in the Saturday morning gloom at Folsom not sure what to expect.  YHC had not Q’d at Folsom since the launch many moons ago so I was excited to get after it.  Not sure what we would do but let’s do it.  It was cold.

Def Leppard showed up in a UNC sweatshirt which required him to perform double reps of everything.  Q’s prerogative.

We did a quick warm up before the main event:


Appalachian Americans X 10 IC

No flag for the pledge so we moseyed.

The Thang

We moseyed to the far parking lot near the baseball fields for some bear crawl-merkins-lunge work.

The original plan was to bear crawl across the parking lot, get in 10 Merkins, lunge back across the lot and rinse/repeat for a total of 6.  It didn’t take YHC very long to realize my mistake so we modified:

Bear Crawl halfway across the lot – Mosey to other side – 10 Merkins – Lunge Walk back to start

Rinse-Repeat for a total of 5 revolutions.

Somewhere in the middle of this we dropped and did 10 burpees (this would be a theme at every 10 minute interval)

Next up was a set of 22’s (Just like 11’s except the reps add up to 22 and we count up/down by 2’s to complete the work)

Merkins & Squats

Run to opposite side – 20 merkins; Run back to start – 2 Squats  (Repeat until the last set is 2 Merkins & 20 squats counting up/down by 2)

This was somewhat more difficult than it looked on paper, partially due to the 8 burpees in the middle at the 6:50 am mark.  Good work here by the group.

Mosey back toward the car location for the 7:00 am mark for 6 burpees.  Let’s keep moving down to the far end of the lower parking lot near the covered picnic shelter for some modified Wolfpack Grinder work:

The Wolfpack Grinder includes an In-Cadence exercise – a short run – an OYO exercise – planking for the 6

Round 1:  10 IC Squats – Run around the full dimensions of the lower parking lot – 40 LBC’s – Plank

Round 2:  10 IC Squats – Run around the full dimensions of the lower parking lot – 40 Flutter Kicks – Plank

Round 3:  Repeat Round 1

Round 4:  Repeat Round 2

Round 5:  10 IC Squats – Run around the full dimensions of the lower parking lot – 30 LBC’s/30 Flutter Kicks – Plank

We crossed the 7:10 am time and got in our 4 burpees.

Meander to the picnic shelter for some IC work:

Dips X 15

Step Ups X 20

Dips X 15

Step Ups X 20

Meander back toward the vehicles, but wait….it’s 7:20 (slightly later)…..time for the final set of Burpees X 2

Mosey back to the beginning parking lot to get in one more set of Flutter Kicks X 51

Good work men.

Announcements:  F3 Dad’s Event at Martha Rivers (yesterday); Kings Mountain/Crowder’s Mtn Hike/Ruck – November 19th; F3 Christmas Party – December 1st

Several Prayer Requests



As always, it was my honor to lead the group through the motions, especially at Folsom, a terrific AO that I have not posted to enough.  I was taking my M, 2.0’s and Mother-in-Law up to Western Carolina on Saturday to see my son who is a Freshman in the Marching Band.  In the past, even early on after starting F3, I would have used that as an excuse to skip the Saturday workout.  I delayed leaving to get in the workout to get my Saturday started off properly.  Guess what, we made it on time with no problem and I had a great day with the family.  This is another example for me why F3 is so great.  I was able to do both the workout and have some great family time on the same day.  We can do both, in fact, F3 allows me to be better when I’m with my family. I appreciate it greatly gentlemen.

Until the next one.



F3 Dad’s at Shelter #1

So the pre-blast said that the high temps should be in the high 40’s.  It was supposed to be 49 to be exact.  Instead it was 43 degrees with constant rain and yet 52 showed up for F3 Dads at Martha’s House!  The PAX began showing up and the kids kept coming in with footballs, soccer balls, volleyballs, and lots of snacks and beverages.  Whoopee brought a gallon of chocolate milk and lots of waters.  Hush Puppy brought the S’more’s bar with a bag of charcoal and some organic lighter fluid.   Who knew there would be such a thing as organic lighter fluid?  It was definitely not as potent as the lighter fluid of old.  It was very slow to burn.  I poured some directly on an open flame and it didn’t do anything. Amazing.

Guts brought his double burner propane stove with two of my pots and three gallons of water for the hot chocolate bar.  Little did we know how popular the hot chocolate bar would prove to be.

After some goofing off and socializing we circled up for a disclaimer and warm up.  However the warm up couldn’t start until a certain unnamed PAX went back under the dry shelter to put on gloves or something while the rest of us stood still and got wet.  However it was all worth it as Whoopee came across the center of the circle and accidentally tripped (actually a highly executed stunt fall for the kids) and really sold it including landing on his face with his arms behind him.  Classic Whoopee move that I haven’t seen since a certain cold and rainy day at the Grier Track when he went face first into a deep puddle.  If you saw the Ric Flair 30 for 30 this week the Nature Boy does a similar move in the ring.  The warm up included Moroccan nightclubs, squats, Merkins, and then some Flutter Kicks which were popular because everyone had to get on their six in the cold, wet grass.  I had asked for some help to Q the workout and several #HIMS stepped up to let me know they were ready to lead.  Defib suggested we split the 2.0’s into age groups since we had such a large number.  Defib and Gastone took the older kids and Freight and Hush Puppy led the younger ones.  YHC and Rudolph also took a turn leading the youngsters but the point is that the Gashouse PAX are always ready to step up.  I heard from my older 2.0 that their workout was fun and included wheelbarrows, Bear crawls, step ups, derkins, LBC’s, WW2 Situps, and some game involving holding a ball between your legs and running.  The younger group of PAX did a variety of exercises like relay races, follow the leader, partner squats, Duck, Duck, Goose planking game, and irkins and dips.  Hush Puppy showed some mad skills like someone out of Sesame Street leading a rhyming/movement game that involved a lot of burpee jumping type moves with an ever increasing speed.  Sort of felt like a combination of a kid’s game and football drills.

After a solid kid friendly beat down, it was apparent that most kids couldn’t feel their fingers due to the relentless cold rain.  It was time to head to picnic shelter #1.  We gathered round the flag for a group photo and then had to do it again because Monk was MIA the first time.  After the pics many 2.0’s gathered around the charcoal grill to try to get warmed up.  Guts had fired up the double burner and we got the water heated quickly.  Whoopee, Guts, Time Frame, and YHC started a hot chocolate system of production that would make any assembly line supervisor proud.  We had a consistent line of customers for about ten minutes and had to keep adding water.  In the meantime Hush Puppy had the S’more’s bar rocking and kids started appearing with the chocolate face.  When it was apparent that we needed to wrap this thing up before the hypothermia set in, it was time for a count off and name the new kids.

We counted off about 48 but Rudolph and his 2.0 and M were just leaving along with Pockets so 52 is the number which totally exceeded expectations considering what felt like a Nor’easter blowing in.  It was time for a quick lesson in F3 and explanation to the kids about why F3 is important.  It was great meeting a few M’s that came out as well!  The name-o-rama was age appropriate without a lot of the usual doozies that so many of our Q’s like to dish out.  They were…Tiny Dancer, Oingo Boingo, Luigi, Cowgirl, Little Caesar, Cap’n Crunch, Flipper, Monet, Swish, Jungle Gym, Smash, Hershey, DMC, Spike, Quidditch, Handspring, and Cheeks.

We closed with a Ball of Kids, prayer, and then the pledge of allegiance.  We are all praying for Brownstreak who lost his father this week.


Remember that a week from today (November 19th) we will hike the 13 miles from Kings Mountain to Crowder’s Mountain.  I will have a pre-blast later this week but prepare to meet early for breakfast and coffee before parking at the Linwood Parking lot and dropping off a car before heading to the start point at the Boulders Access in Kings Mountain.  If you have ever seen Mountain Men on TV you know that you can’t brave the wild without a huge breakfast.  You will need a partner to stay with for the hike since some will be faster than others.  I got a hard commit yesterday from a Kotter so hopefully this will be a memorable event.  Get a partner and show up!


Moleskin:  I apologize for missing some of the PAX that posted.  Since there were frozen children we skipped recording the names of the younger PAX who already had names.  It is possible I missed a regular adult PAX too so sorry in advance.  If I left you out hit me up so I can include you.  I want to thank all the PAX that attended and helped by bringing good things to share.  Don’t ever be intimidated to step up and lead because the PAX are always there to help.  All I had to do was set the date and reserve the picnic shelter and the rest happens.  I took my phone out to take a few pictures during the workout and saw Short Sale with a professional camera already taking them.  This group of men enriches my life and I am sure that is true for all of those that showed up today.  When we are good physically and mentally we are better leaders in our homes and communities.  Thanks for the opportunity!


6 men gathered in the cold at Gashouse on Saturday to put in some work. Not being used to the cold yet it was hard to get out there. Obviously it was harder for those that didn’t post. We missed you! Upon the request of the Weasel Shaker I made a Christmas theme workout just to poke at Whoppee as we approach the Christmas Party. I think he went to Folsom so this BB is the poke.


SSH x 6ic

Don Q x 10ic

6/10 was the date of our last Christmas Party

The Thang

It’s cold let’s mosey to the track! I lost my 12 days of Christmas weinke so I looked up the last time Brownstreak did it and used most of his. You do this workout just like you sing the song.

1-minute of plank/Al Gore

2-200 yd dash

3-jump squats

4-cdd’s ic


6-plank jacks ic

7-calf raises ic

8-lbc’s ic

9-Mtn climbers ic

10-monkey jumpers ic

11-Freddy Mercury ic

12-ssh ic

Mosey back


Good work by all today! It was hard to get warmed up even though we didn’t stop moving. It was nice to meet Clavin. Welcome Sir!


Christmas Party 12/1. I will be hitting various morning workouts this week to collect HC’s. Convergence 12/2 at Gashouse bring your OST items for boys and girls club. Advisory meeting Sunday 11/12 6:30 at Cavendish.

Too many lunges

It’s O-dark 30 and YHC was raring to go, but startex was nearly 2 hours away.  What should he do?  Start on the Backblast! After pumping full of vitamins, coffee, and peanut butter I began pre-planning my post-workout activities.

What will we do?

Warmup: Imperial walkers, Low-slow squats, Moroccan night clubs, and plank merkins, then on the 6 for Flutters.

Say the pledge: (forgot at the start, but finished strong with it)

Tha thang: Mosey to 321 and up to Main ave for some Light post zombie walks.  Lunge to each light post, then do a burpee!  We will repeat this until Hushpuppy is no longer cold or until we reach the traffic light.  We ended up going 2 blocks with this, with Block 1 being burpees and block 2 being squats.

Then Mosey down to Franklin and up to the church.  11’s on the church steps, up one side and down the other. Squats on one side, Irkins on the other,  Due to “wanderers around the pavilion and our cars we stayed close by and ended up doing this across the pavilion steps.  Of course, when the train passed we did 5 burpees oyo.

Mosey down the street towards Franklin and NUR back up.  Back to the pavilion for some Rocky Balboas,  run down the hill, Nur back up for some Dirkins called by Spider-man.  Mosey down the hill, do some step ups on the benches, then NUR back up to finish out with some Mary.  10 men, 10 reps of an exercise.  sounds simple right?  Get to Stroganoff and he calls 30 flutters, eliminating all the time we had for the remainder.  Q Jacking in progress.

Sad that I started on the Back Blast 2 hours before the workout and it still took me 3 days to post it!

F3 dads on Sunday, 2:3 pm

Prayers for Brown Streak and family.


SPEEDFORNEED!!!! Gashouse men many of you have seen my Tweets and Retweets for SPEEDFORNEED!!!  TCLAPS to JRR Tolkien for bringing this opportunity to us! If you’ve Never heard of SPEEDFORNEED? Watch this cool YouTube Video “The Making of SPEEDFORNEED” which shows in ~4min what and why F3 Nation is doing this charitable initiative.


  • RACE EVENT: Christmastown 5K in McAdenville
  • DATE: November 25th(Saturday after Thanksgiving) ~ 6:00 PM Start time please arrive at least 1hr earlier ( we will be running through the Christmas Lights so streets will be closed at 5pm and traffic will be heavy allow extra drive time)
  • WHO’S INVITED: F3 Nation PAX, their M’s and 2.0s (spectate & support or register to run)
  • OTHER DETAILS:$30.00 Cost thru November 21st / / No race-day registration (RACE LIMITED TO FIRST 1,200 RUNNERS)
  • MEETING POINT: F3 Nation SPEEDFORNEED tent in front of the Pharr YMCA  (look for the racing chairs!)
  • HOST F3 REGION:F3 Gashouse
  • DRIVERS:T-Square, Dolph, Pizza Man , Edison
  • TRACK COMMANDER (TC):Amy, James, Mason , 4th TBD 



If your region wants to host a SPEEDFORNEED race, please let us know ASAP! We already have  races on the annual schedule and would do our best to enable you to provide the ride of a lifetime for kids with disabilities, while showcasing what F3 Nation is all about to your local community.

Contact: Twitter @F3SPEEDFORNEED or @JRRTolkienF3 or email

SFN… HELP Kids; GROW F3 Nation ~ JRR Tolkien & Tool Time

Remo Runs

The Pub has seen very few PAX post during the last couple of months, and I have been wondering if perhaps this AO has served its purpose and should be retired. But a few HIM persuaded me to keep it going a bit longer. I’m glad they did.

Stroganoff and I started the run a minute or so early, figuring that we would be the PAX. As we ran down the parking lot another car pulled in, and we slowed down and looked back, but it didn’t look like anyone we knew.

A couple of minutes into the run Remo caught up with us. I think I’ve posted somewhere with him before, but didn’t really know him. Now I’m impressed. He’s headed off to the marines next August and wants to get his running time down, so he’s started posting at running workouts.

Nice work, Remo. It won’t be long before we’re struggling to keep up with you.


Nice Shorts

Strong crowd of 15 men for beautiful fall weather with the park pretty much to ourselves. There were discussions about certain men’s choice of apparel and that’s one of those “Show to Know” kinda things so we will leave it there. We waited an extra 15 seconds for Asssh Pond, Sidecar and Floppy Disk to no avail. Great to see Pockets back at Midoriyama. Short Sale coming in hot so here we go.


SSH x 10 IC, Cotton Pickers x 10 IC, Squats x 10 IC, despite numerous attempts to undermine the Q’s count, we persevered, except we may have done 11 or 12 squats.

Mosey to the large soccer field near the dog park. Now that Roadie has become a runner, we all tried to keep up with him but it wasn’t easy.

The Thang:

Line up on the end line, run a quarter of the field, 25 Merkins, nur back to the end line.

Run to the mid field line, 25 Squats, nur back.

Run three quarters of the field, 25 Mountain Climbers, nur back.

Run the entire field, 25 SSH, nur back. Maybe a little too much nur in that one.

Mosey to the playground

5 Pullups, 10 Derkins, 3 Sets

Mosey to the Picnic Shelter at this time in the dark gloom.

Circle Up for Fives

Fresh mulch smell was in the air as we began. 5 reps of each of these using full size blocks courtesy of Slaw’s mancave.

5 each of Merkins, LBC’s, Block Curls, On Your Six Block Chest Presses, SSH (No blocks), Squats with Blocks and Overhead Presses, Burpees/Blockees, then run a long lap around the 2 parking lots and back down the entry road. 3 Sets. With a few minutes remaining, Q made a tragic mistake of relinquishing the counting duties to Slaw for Curls. Not sure how many but more than 30 as I recall. Still reeling from the curls, another mistake letting Tool Time call the On Your Six Chest Presses with Blocks and I got woozy around 50 or so and almost lost a tooth but I think we stopped at 75. Ouch! There was a phrase used, not by YHC, to help our muscle definition during this exercise that is NSFW, something like “Squeeze Those …….!” Show to Know! Canteen then commented that he was through with his warm up!

Mosey back to the flag.

22 for the Vets called by Slaw since Oompa wasn’t there.

I recalled a verse Hebrews 10:25 that says something like, “Don’t forsake the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” I related how I was brought up by my mother and I really believe one of the best things she ever did for me as a child was take me to church. I don’t believe I would be half the man, father, husband, brother or friend I am today without that important step in my life so I encouraged all of the Pax to find a church for their family to grow in especially if you have kids. I believe strongly that everyone would be blessed by going to church.


F3 Dad’s Event for the Family, Sunday, Nov. 12th at Martha Rivers Picnic Shelter #1 at 2:30 p.m. with a workout followed by Ice Cream or maybe Coffee. All ages.

Advisory Board Meeting at Cavendish, Sunday, Nov. 12th 6:30 p.m.

Christmas Party at Lotus on Dec. 1st, $30 per person, money to Freight before Nov. 19th, bring the M.

Convergence at Gashouse on Saturday, Dec. 2nd at 7:00 am with everyone bringing toys for Operation Sweet Tooth. All Saturday workouts moved to Gashouse (Schiele).

Prayer Requests: Brownstreak in the loss of his Dad, Pizza Man’s Grandfather is in his last days, Those battling addictions and their families, I asked each guy to try to be available for each other as every man here is going through challenges.




We ran 2.7 miles (6 miles if we had MW’s old watch) and had over 400 reps of various activities. It is a pleasure to lead such a great group. I appreciate the big crowd and everyone pushing and helping everyone else in the group. You guys are a big inspiration to me and keep pushing that rock!

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