Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: November 2017 (Page 2 of 6)

Thanks are given

The regularly appointed time for today’s workout was delayed until 7am due to the fact that it was Thanksgiving! Hope you guys enjoyed the extra sleep. This holiday can be minimized or overlooked sometimes but it is a important day to reflect and recognize all that the Lord provides us. We should never take all of our blessings for granted, especially one as awesome as the opportunity to work our bodies. Let’s get it on!

Pledge of Allegiance


Goofballs x15IC

Shoulder Presses x15IC

Grass Pokers x10IC kind of

Mosey up the road but then a quick about face down to the bridge to Goat Island.

Thang part one

Bear Crawl the wooden span of the bridge to the other side. Once the six arrives perform about 10 Fairy Jacks IC. Then karaoke to the bridge at the other side of the island. Crab Walk the span of this bridge and plank for the six. Mosey across the bridge then karaoke to the other bridge, cross it for more Fairy Jacks. Bear Crawl the length of the bridge again and plank for the six. Skip (yes like when you were a kid) all the way to the other bridge.  Crab Walk this bridge again then mosey down to the parking lot.

Thang part two

Doracides – Partner up and do cumulative 100 World War II situps, 200 Peter Parkers, 300 Dying Cockroaches and 400 LBCs. While partner 1 exercises the other does suicide runs to the first light pole, then the second, then to the end of parking lot (not the next light since there wasn’t one!). This six pack maker should help with the mega meals we were sure to indulge in later on.

We finished with just enough time to mosey back to the start.

Announcements and Prayer Requests

Great work today men. I’m still sore. You are all awesome and I am Thankful for you friendship!

Getting those legs warmed up!!

7 HIM blew back the covers of the fartsack to show on a cold brisk morning at the Yank. Our resident mumble chatter (Tool Time) getting over his sickness, I was sure to get a laugh or two. Orangeman showed with a surprise FNG, his twin brother, up from the Atlanta area. The morning was sure to be fun! With Broke, Slim Shady and DR Seuss ready to go as well we started.

Warm up. All in cadence

10 x goofballs

10 x SSH

10 x Cherry Pickers

10 x Flutter Kicks

10 x WW1 Sit-Ups which I found that our PAX didn’t want to help with my in cadence count

Mosey to the corner of Woodrow and North Main and stop. I found myself telling the PAX that the next few exercises would sequential.  starting with the honor of the 12 disciples.

12 x Hillbillies

Mosey to the corner of Woodrow and North Central and stop. In honor of our veterans we did

22 x Merkins

Mosey to the corner North Central and West Myrtle in front the school and stop. In honor of my favorite book. The Bible. Which is made of 66 small books.

66 x LBC’s

Now that my sequential part had taken a hit by our shy PAX we moseyed down to the ball field behind Belmont Middle School for some ab work. Robbing some moves from Tool Time’s back blast we completed

10 x Oblique V-ups each side

10 x American Hammers

10 x WW1 Sit-Ups

10 x Crunchy Frogs

10 x Freddy Mercury

10 x Dying Cockroaches

Rinse and repeat. After more sarcasm about my sequential remark I asked for anyone to guide us on some yoga to help stretch us for the 5K. Slim Shady stepped up and guided us through some yoga plank moves. Being halfway through the workout we devided into teams and played some Frisbee rules football. Not keeping score we had a blast chasing a slippery and hard football around. 15 Min. to go, we mosey to the picnic shelter for some merry. Everyone took a turn calling out an exercise. A few Burpees, Al Gore, Step-ups, Derkins, Diamond Merkins, Cherry Pickers, and some Dips, we mosey to the statue for the COT and naming our FNG.


Speed for Need tonight 5K if you are not running, please come support

Christmas party Dec 1st

Convergence at the Shield Dec 2nd. Bring toys for Operation Sweet tooth

Pizzaman is collecting shoes


Prayer request

Slim Shady and M on new baby

All our PAX and traveling family members.

That we can spread the message of God’s will. That we can impact more men in our area.


Thank you brothers for helping me everyday and for letting me spend time with you for an hour of your day. Aye!!



5 Principles

14 showed at Midoriyama on Tuesday. I figured since we had a SFN race coming up we might as well get in some more running.



I asked one PAX to give me a core principle of F3.

We did a few warmup exercises and then we started the mosey.

The Thang:

We moseyed across the road to the new loop. Stopped and done some core work while we waited on the 6. Moseyed some more. As we came to some of the fences we did lunges(forward and backward) and some bearcrawls. We also stopped a few times for more core work. During some of these stops I would call on another PAX to tell us another core principle. We made our way back across the street to the shed for stepups and dips. We moseyed back to the main drag. Starting at one end we moseyed to the other stopping at each light pole for 5 jump squats. Once complete we made our way back to the flag.


Announcements: SFN Christmas Town race, Christmas party 12/1, Convergence and OST collection 12/2. Pizza Man is collecting used shoes to donate. Be on the lookout for him.

Prayer Request and Prayer


5 core principles

  1. Free
  2. Open to all Men
  3. Held outdoors, rain or shine, hot or cold,
  4. led in a rotating fashion by the men that participate
  5. Must end in a COT




It’s Much Colder than Whoopee Expected

It was nice to see Whoopee tweet asking if anyone would be in the Sunset Beach area over Thanksgiving since I would be at Ocean Isle Beach with the family at the same time.  I immediately responded that I’m in……..not sure it was the best idea.

After some early recon, we agreed to meet at the Sunset Beach park near the Sunset Beach bridge on the mainland side.   Can you tell I’m stretching out the text of the backblast?

We arrived at the exact same time.  It was dark.  Whoopee immediately declares, “It’s colder than I expected.”  Hmmmm…..there’s an app for that.

Having only driven past this park in the past, I was not sure what we were getting into as it was not lit at all.  Regardless…..let’s get after it.

Short mosey around the walking/running path for some warm up:

SSH X 10

LBC’s X 12

The Thang

A photographer shows up about this time (apparently to take some pics of the sunrise), it was still dark and I think we scared him pretty good, especially in my F3 Ninja gear.

Mosey over to a memorial for local veterans for the Pledge and our first round of IC work:

Merkins X 15

LBC’s X 25

Squats X 15

Rinse & Repeat

Mosey around the length of the path back to the Memorial for round 2:

Dips X 15

Flutter Kicks X 25

Lunge Walk along the path for….I think about 20 miles

Rinse & Repeat

Mosey around the length of the path plus some to get to the other side of the park near the waterway for Round 3:

Derkins X 15

Freddy Mercury’s X 25

Step Ups X 15

Rinse & Repeat

Mosey around the length of the path back to the waterway side location to finish off with a set of each of the previous exercises IC:

I believe it was during this Mosey that we realized the  photographer was dressed like a Teletubby, specifically Laa-Laa (the yellow one).  He really was decked out like this.  If you are not familiar with the Teletubbies, Google it… will be amazed and probably creeped out as I was when my kids briefly watched the show.

Merkins X 15

LBC’s X 25

Squats X 15

Dips X 16 (lost count)

Flutter Kicks X 25

Lunge Walk another 20 miles

Derkins X 15

Freddy Mercury’s X 25

Step Ups X 15

I believe it was just before the last set of Freddy Mercury’s that the photographer’s phone started ringing, it was some glorious bagpipe music and I asked him if he was Scottish.  He replied no and that he just wanted a ringtone that was loud and obnoxious so I replied, “Oh, you mean like Whoopee?”  Whoopee proceeded to count out the reps in a ‘not very accurate’ Scottish accent.  All I could envision was Fat Bastard from Austin Power’s fame.

One last Mosey around the park path and we’re done.

I just realized we did not officially do the COT even though we did have an informal prayer request section.

The Moleskin

Not sure I would have ever imagined getting in a workout such as this during a Thanksgiving Holiday trip to the beach with the family.  I have ran before but not really gotten in a workout like this before gorginig myself with food.  Thanks for the push Whoopee.

I have said this before, but I am very grateful to F3 Gastonia, F3 Nation and all my F3 brothers.  You guys have changed my life in a positive way.

We all have the struggles of leading families,  work, community, etc. but we also have a lot to be thankful for.  I know I do and I do not remember this enough.

I’m looking forward to the next workout.  (Probably tomorrow)

Until the next one.



Anybody got a dime? Kings to Crowders Backblast

I apologize for the delay but since this was a pseudo CSAUP event the 24 hour backblast rule is a little gray.

Unfortunately my plans to eat at a decent breakfast eatery  near Crowder’s Mountain went awry when everywhere decent I checked was closed on Sunday except for McDonald’s.  I arrived about ten minutes early and sorted my car out and wondered to myself if anyone would bother to show but I had a good feeling that my hiking partner Stroganoff would and at 0600 hours there he was.  The pre-blast had a 0600-0640 breakfast timelime and no one else showed so I wondered how many would actually come for the hike.  About 0645 JK2 showed up and ordered some food to go so I knew we would have at least 3.

I pulled out right on time and wondered why Stroganoff wasn’t behind me.  I waited and figured he was being a good wingman for JK2.  Only later did I learn that someone left their phone in the head and had to go retrieve it.

We pulled into the Linwood access at 0658 and the gates were open and there was the Nantan and his crew waiting to go.  Kotter Richard Simmons let me know he was coming since he signed up for a HTL Ruck in 2018.  Once he appeared nine PAX got in two clown cars and off we went to the Boulder’s access at Kings Mountain.  Defib and I registered our vehicles while everyone hit the head and got organized.  Before I could set the tone for “church on the mountain”, Stroganoff ripped JK2 with a quip about his Ron Jeremy mustache.  JK2 didn’t know who that was and some others pretended they didn’t either.  This was the first of many Ron jokes the rest of the day.  I decided we needed to read the “Mile One” verse before we started.  GENESIS 2:15  “Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.”  God intends for us to work and through our efforts we can honor God by fulfilling our purpose to work.

We then headed out on the trail.  It was clear and brisk to start.  We went up a hill and down a hill and I walked past some signage and kept going.  Fortunately the wiser group in the back called to us and said we were heading towards South Carolina so we returned to the sign and made the appropriate adjustment.  It could have been a very long day.

We had a good pace and there was lots of fellowship along the way.  The group of nine all stayed close together.  I learned all about Richard Simmon’s training for the GoRuck in Charlotte next year.  He had a 40 lb plate in his ruck which made the rest of feel pretty weak in comparison.  He also had a feisty female voice on his phone telling all of us constantly to pick up the pace.

Everyone had on a pack of some sort from Camel-backs to  first aid kits and food.  Monk, the stoic that he is, only had his thoughts with him and a few snacks in his coat pocket.  He had a water bottle that probably held about 3 ounces.  Fortunately I had at least half a case so I gladly gave him some of mine later in the day.  At every mile we stopped to read another verse of scripture and share a lesson.  For the first 3-4 miles we only saw one person…an odd man sitting on a bench who seemingly came  out of nowhere.   Both Monk and JK2 had foot problems during the hike.  Monk later declared that his boots were too small.  However between some quality first aid and fresh socks there were no complaints.

On the Ridgeline trail there is an option to climb to King’s Pinnacle.  There was a discussion about whether or not to do this but Stroganoff didn’t hesitate and led the way and the others followed.  We arrived at the top with the mountain to ourselves.  We had a snack break and Stronagoff ate a delicious looking smashed PBJ sandwich.  Then Freight tried in vain to get his phone to take our picture by balancing it on a near vertical steep rock face.  Suddenly two strangers appeared and Monk asked them to take our photo.  When they asked if we would take theirs, I believe Monk said “NO”!  It was a pretty well timed joke but of course we took their photo.

From this point of the trail and we were about halfway and we past many hikers coming from Crowders or the Sparrow Springs parking lot.  At one point near Sparrow Springs the trail was closed as indicated with about a fifteen foot section of Crime Scene Tape.  Someone said, “anybody got a dime?  Somebody’s going to have to go back and get a sh%tload of dimes!”

We crossed another road and had a Mayor of Charlotte sighting.  She was walking her dog and actually passed us twice on the trail.   From this point the elevation increases towards Crowder’s Mountain.  Eventually we made it to the Crowder’s Pinnacle where there were what seemed like  hundreds of people.  After a mosey down the stairs we ended at the Linwood parking lot where we finished with a COT.  JK2 drove Defib and me back to the Boulder’s Access and we called it a day.

During the times we stopped for bible verses, Def Leppard could almost always repeat the verse with just a few hints.  He is a wise sage and I appreciate his impact on me.

All in all it was a great day with all three F’s on the Mountain.  Next time we will start from South Carolina for the whole trail.  I don’t think it would add much distance but at least it would resolve the feeling of unfinished business.

Psalm 1 18:6   “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear.  What can man do to me?”

Live without fear and you can be free knowing that your ultimate destination is in heaven.

I appreciate all the F3 brothers that I have crossed paths with  over the last several years.  The hike was right around the 11 mile mark.  I know that Def Leppard thought this was a CSAUP.  I can’t argue with that especially since the soreness I experienced this week was ridiculous!

It was a pleasure to lead as always.

Walmart Annex 11’s

YHC was optimistic about the turnout for a turkey day serving of breakfast in the gloom. A few loyal Folsom PAX had already claimed their deer stand as preference over the AO…….which may have been a better idea. Rolling in, I see Pizza Man in stride doing some EC prior to the Q. Not long after PAX start rolling in. The Twitter message about Midoriyama not meeting brought out a handful their finest and even Nantan himself. After some good ole fashioned fellowship and how-do-ya-dos, it’s time to go to work.


SSH, monkey humpers, all x12 IC, with all the mumble chatter and sarcasm it was hard to focus on the non existent weinke. So, let’s just do this.


mosey to the park entrance for the pledge, wait, not so fast Pizza Man, on our six for LBCs x20 IC. Ok now, the pledge, haha. Ok, mosey across death highway to our local neighborhood Walmart. While in pace, much chatter about going in where it’s warm to workout, cabbage curls, laps around the store, etc. Although it was very tempting, YHC had a limited time and what was not sure about what was about to go down. Continue to mosey around the back of the store and finish up by this nice looking hill. Ok, not that hill, but the one next to it, which kookier a fair bit safer. Ok, 11’s. Mike tysons on the curb, up the hill for burpees. Yes, much mumble chatter, this idea seemed great on paper, which it never made it to paper. Finally, recover. Mosey on up to the front of the parking lot for some calve raises, or calf birthing, a PAX commented. 20 IC. Mosey on back over to the Folsom horse track for step ups and arm squats x15 IC rinse and repeat. Let’s take the long route and mosey back to start. 22 Merkins for the Vets.

announcements, Xmas party Dec. 1, Xmas town 5k Saturday(be there early to help setup), Convergence at Gashouse Dec 2.

quick around the horn to mention what you’re thankful for, then YHC lead in prayer

nice work men, honor to Q and to have you guys out there encouraging me to push harder. Freight seemed to be very excited this AM, very talkative, at some points QIC lost train of thought. Made for some good laughs. Pizza Man learned that train horns are not a sound wave very familiar to Folsom. YHC learned Blart skipped a 30 year tradition of hunting Thanksgiving morning just for my Q. Thanks bro, and PAX also learned much about moist Stroganoff, which is where the train of thought left. There were many topics of discussion that were on the way downhill or already there when the Q had to ring us all back in, but again, good times. Have a great Thanksgiving men and thank God for the precious gift of His son, Jesus. Aye!

What’s my name?!?

Gloom. For those not in the habit of posting regularly of late, finger pointed squarely at YHC, it takes unusual effort to get up the gumption to show. This morning there seemed to be many PAX who said they haven’t posted in a while. Great to see you out men! This is what I remember.

Semi disclaimer given, I’m not a professional.

Pledge of Allegiance

Warm Up:

Goof Balls x10 IC

Hallelujah Don Quixote’s x10IC

Hallelujah Squats x10 IC

Mosey down the sidewalk to the building in the middle of the baseball fields for a quick Dora 123. Gastone led the count off and we had 11 this morning. Partner up and the PAX performs cumulative reps of 50 Mericans, 100 Jump Squats (these sucked) and 150 LBCs. While partner 1 exercised, partner 2 would bear crawl around the building. This was lots of fun. During one of the circuits I made my first incorrect PAX name references. This would be a recurring theme. Proof that I need to show more regularly than I have of late.

We finished this and moseyed around the way to the parking lot near the playground. YHC then led the PAX on a demo route and naming of locations for the next event. This explanation turned out to be more tedious than expected.  Next exercise, the Figure 8. Let’s get it on! At each location, in a figure 8 pattern, the PAX would perform 10 reps of the following exercises.

  • Dips
  • Bobby Hurleys
  • Mericans
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Bobby Hurleys (for the return trip)
  • Mericans again
  • World War II situps

Once we did a circuit of this the PAX got the hang of it and we were good to go. Plank for the six. Easy Riser ably filled the role of time reporter after each round. Rinse and repeat for 3 full rounds. Aye!

Mosey back toward the start but with a stop along the way for some 11’s since Early Riser said we had enough time. On one end do 10 CDD’s run to the other for 1 Hallelujah Squat. Back and forth, flip flopping the number of reps to reach 11 each time until we’re done. ER said we needed to head back.

Back at Pelicans for one last exercise, the Nolan Ryan. We’re done, AYE!

Prayer Requests: T Square’s M during the holidays, Easy Rider has several needing prayers, those travelling for Thanksgiving, a couple more I can’t remember, sorry.

Announcements: Christmastown 5K, Christmas party Friday 1st, convergence Saturday the 2nd at Gashouse, others I can’t remember.

Moleskin: God is good all the time and gives us everything we need by his mercy and grace. The Thanksgiving holiday is a reminder of this fact.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead today men. It is an honor. AYE!!!


Midoriyama Loves to Skip

Since the running drills from my VQ were such a hit, I decided to bring some of the favorites back out this go around. We did mix it up with some small block work. Here is what we came up with.


  1. Disclaimer
  2. Pledge
  3. Mosey to Small Soccer Field
  4. Countdowns from 5
    1. Side Straddle Hops (cadence)
    2. Burpees
    3. Merkins
    4. Mountain Climbers (cadence)
    5. LBC’s
  5. Block Exercise then Run Drill
    1. Curls -High Knees – Butt Kick
    2. Shoulder Press – Carioca – Switch Sides
    3. Shrugs- Nur – Sprint
    4. Shoulders (Running Motion) – High Skip –Jog
    5. Lunges Blocks above Head – 1 Leg Run – Switch Leg
    6. Single Dead Lift – Goose Steps – Jog
    7. Squeeze Squat (Hold Blocks Together in Front of Chest) – Skips – Jog
  6. Form Run x2
  7. Form Run Build Ups X2
  8. Mary (dont remember all of the exercises but I do know that the Q had to pull rank and move on a few times)
  9. Mosey Back
  10. Announcements, Prayer Requests, Prayer
  11. Q had to be reminded to do Nameorama

Block 66

Five resisted the fart sack this morning, for a good cool folsom morning! I️ pulled in the parking lot to see slaw came to visit. Not muck mumble chatter, 530! Time to warmup !

15 ssh ic

15 monkey humpers ic

15 hillbilly’s ic

Then off for a mosey to the top of the park for the pledge, plugged in a few lbc’s while we where there, then time to mosey back to my truck, drop the tailgate and grab a block! Took them to the tennis courts for a little Route 66, but in this case “ Block 66” , slaw asked earlier, “ are we gonna get to do some burpees?” I️ didn’t want to disappoint him, so even better blockees! After block 66, we move to the playground for some thrusters with the block, 15 ic , then 10 pull-ups pup, repeat! Then time for one last mosey, around the park! Great job this morning men!

I️ had shared with the group what I️ read last night on Desiring God Twitter page, the most repeated command in the Bible is for us to be happy/ not happiness in worldly desires, but being joyful in all things through Christ! Enjoying Him, and His creation! In the good times and bad! And let this be a testimony to those who don’t know Him, it draws people! And your gonna impact people one way for the other, do it in a way that glorifies God!

Anouncments: 630 WO on Thanksgiving morning, lead by the one and only Medicine Woman, Says he has something special planned! Christmas Town 5k this weekend!

Prayer request: Roadies wife’s grandma and Medicine Woman’s uncle! And all the rest of us! That people will see the joy of the Lord in us!



Agent P & Vikings

As YHC waited in the gloom in the Schiele parking lot, I began wondering what I would do if no one showed up.  I hope that I would actually get through part or all of the planned workout but I’m not sure.  Luckily, 4 PAX showed just before the start time so I didn’t have to fight off any urges to head back to the house.

It was cold but not nearly as cold as the previous week so we got after it immediately with some IC warm up:

SSH X 12

Imperial Walkers X 12

Freddy Mercury’s X 12

Mosey to the flag in front of the Museum for the Pledge

The Thang

Mosey up to the parking lot at Grier Middle School for some Stroganoff 5’s:

Bear Crawl across parking lot – 5 Merkins – lunge back to other side (that’s one)

Rinse & Repeat 4 more times for a total of 5 sets.  Short Sale was moving through this quickly and actually completed 6 sets in the same time YHC completed 5…..kudos.

Mosey to the steps at First Presbyterian Church for the Viking 1000.  The night before I had posted some pre-blast pics on Twitter depicting Agent P (from Phenias & Ferb) and a Viking image.  The plan was to wear my Agent P shirt and ‘Viking’ winter hat from the Warrior Dash several years ago (which I had never actually put on).  Earlier in the morning I discovered my giant head was more than the hat could handle so I improvised to call this next exercise the Viking 1000.

Partner up for some cumulative rep work:

Partner 1 does the exercise while Partner 2 runs to the top of the steps, performs 5 merkins and returns.  This continues until all the reps of each exercise are completed between the two (or one group of 3):

Flutter Kicks X 200

Mountain Climbers X 200

Freddy Mercurys X 200

Plank Jacks X 200

LBC’s X 200

1000 reps total per goup

This was working out well as we were right on schedule.

Mosey back to the track at Grier Middle.  No Stroganoff Q at Gashouse would be complete without a round of the Wolfpack Grinder.

Squats IC X 10 – Run 1/2 Lap – 20 Merkins – Plank for the 6

Squats IC X 10 – Run 1/2 Lap – 30 Mountain Climbers – Plank for the 6

Squats IC X 10 – Run 1/2 Lap – 20 Merkins – Plank for the 6

Squats IC X 10 – Run 1/2 Lap – 30 Mountain Climbers – Plank for the 6

Squats IC X 15 – Run 1/2 Lap – 15 Merkins – Run 1/2 Lap – 30 Mountain Climbers – Plank for the 6

This was really enjoyed and celebrated by the PAX…….

Mosey back to the Schiele for some quick Mary:

The First Presbyterian bells rang during our set of Flutter Kicks somewhere in the 20’s on our reps.

Great work men.

The Moleskin

Even though the numbers were fewer than normal (maybe the smallest crowd I’ve personally seen at Gashouse), the quality of the work put in was extremely good.  These 4 guys pushed me today to put in the work and made it worth my time.

I greatly appreciate the opportunity to lead this morning.

Until the next one.  Aye!


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