Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: November 15, 2017


It was a cold but very significant morning, Veterans Day! We salute those who’ve served to protect us and give the freedoms we enjoy. Thank you! Did I mention it was cold? 17 of us were crazy enough to overcome the strong pull of the fartsack (I’ve relented way to much of late) and were ready to get it on.

Pledge of Allegiance


Goof balls x? IC

Don Quixote x10 IC

Prayer Squats x15IC

Mosey across the street to the newly discovered clear parking lot behind Sammy’s I affectionately have dubbed the Pit. It’s a great space we haven’t used before to my knowledge and today we break it in.

The Thang

Elevens – While we do this routine, we get to listen to some very patriotic military style music! Start at one end of the Pit and do 10 donkey kicks against the wall. Run to the other end and do 1 derkin using the tall highway barrier things.  Repeato back and forth flip flopping the number of reps until we finish with 1 donkey kicks and 10 derkins.

Mosey around the corner to the long quiet road lines with parking spaces. Do a zombie walk, lunge in between lines and do a squat at the line. Man, that’s a long walk!

Mosey back around to the Pit for the next routine, Dora 123. Partner up for the following.

  • 50 World War situps
  • 100 Mericans
  • 150 Bobby Hurleys
  • 200 Squats

While partner 1 exercises, partner 2 runs all the way around the fence and back.

The next routine was supposed to be the Drill Instructor but we were running short on time so on to the next one. Keep the mosey going around the fountain a couple of times to collect the 6 and end at the amphitheater.

Next routine, NorTime with Sargento, not to be confused with CoreTime with ToolTime or CoreWood with Norwood. Trust me, this is totally a unique creation. What’s so special about this is the total burn you get by the end! On your six to get shredded.

  • Flutterkicks x25IC
  • Nolan Ryans x10 IC each side
  • Dying Cockroaches x25 IC
  • V-Up Roll Ups x10 IC
  • LBCs x25 IC
  • Oblique V-Ups x10IC each side
  • American Hammers x8IC

Time’s up! Great work men!

Announcements: Advisory meeting last Sunday, F3 Dads last Sunday, mountain to mountain ruck this Sunday, Christmas party Friday 12-1-17

Prayer request: Brownstreak and his family on loss of his dad, Guts’ uncle passed, our service men and women

Moleskin: It was great to be back after a few weeks off. You men reminded me once again of why I love you and F3! I’ll be back.

Sargento out!!!

Kings to Crowders pre-blast

So we are going to have church on the mountain this week so get your hiking boots on and come clear your mind on the mountain.  We will hike from Kings Mountain to Crowder’s Mountain.  Everyone has their own pace so you should plan on getting a partner or group of partners who will walk your pace. You will need a partner to carpool back and forth from the parking areas.  It should also be someone who will walk your pace.  This is cafeteria style so you can choose what you want.

Menu:  Optional start for breakfast- meet at Trackside Grill located at 109 E Hudson Blvd, Gastonia, NC at 0600 for a hearty breakfast.  From Trackside we will leave at 0645 to get to the parking lots.  If you don’t want breakfast, be at your State Park parking area at 0700 when the park opens.

Parking:  .  Head to Linwood Parking area.  Be there at 0700 when park opens and leave cars and then proceed to the Boulder access area.

***If you want to cut your hike short, you should drop your car Sparrow Springs access at 522 Park Office Ln, Kings Mountain, NC area with your wingman.  This will cut the hike basically in half (approximately 6 miles or 3 hours)

No matter where you park, you should clown car over to the Boulder’s Access Area at 108 Van Dyke Road.  When you get there, fill out the required forms for the Ridgeline Trail hike and grab a park map.  I have found decent cell coverage at Crowder’s to include MapMyRun.  You may consider a mobile charger since cooler weather may drain your cell batteries.

0730:  Operations/Safety Briefing by Roscoe and quick 3rd F.  Prep your gear and get ready.

Begin the hike before or no later than 0800.

Click to access crowders-mountain-park-map_0.pdf

Begin on Ridgeline Trail

Merge with Pinnacle Trail

Merge with Crowder’s Trail (This is near the Sparrow Springs access so for those that choose the shorter route you can head to your cars here)

Decision Point…  Choose either Rocktop Trail or Crowder’s Trail.

Rocktop is shorter but more strenuous and Crowder’s Trail is longer and less strenuous.

The Rocktop trail takes you to the Overlook at Crowder’s near the Radio Towers.  The Crowder’s Trail connects you to the Backside trail which ends at the Linwood Parking area.

End at Linwood Parking area and clown car back to Boulders Access at 108 Van Dyke Road.

What to bring:  Comfortable shoes or boots with good traction in wet weather.  It appears that we will get rain Saturday night.  The rocks are slippery.  Bring water and quality snacks or lunch.  Charging device for phone if you wish.  If you want to add difficulty to the hike, put a sandbag or weight in your pack.  Bring a first aid kit.  Bring a shovel flag.  Bring a change of socks.  Dress in layers with a waterproof outer layer.  Sleeves are optional.  HAVE YOUR CAR KEYS AT ALL TIMES.  We don’t want PAX stranded because they can’t find their keys.  Wear F3 gear.  You never know how many people we can EH on the trail.

They say you can average 2 mph and we are looking to cover about 12-13 miles.  We should be done by 2 or 3pm but it depends on your pace.  Plan accordingly.

I am sure I left something out so DM me or comment with your suggestions.


Who would come to the park at this time of morning?

As I pulled into Snowballs at 5:25am, I was pleased to see a good group of PAX gathering and getting ready to push the rock for a bit.  Looks like the fartsack epidemic from Monday has been cured and the PAX seemed well rested and ready for some movement.  5:30 and let’s go!



emperial walkers x 10

goofballs x 20


Da Thang:

Long mosey to back of lower middle soccer field (along the way I was asked for an eta on arrival).  I could feel the love already.   At some point we passed a gentleman walking in the park and Freight asked himself “who would come walk in the park at this time of morning?  Oh yea, us.”

LBC’s x 50

Short mosey to risers for dips x 20ish (the count was a bit off, my bad)

Mosey to front right of same soccer field;

Squats x 20

Merkins x 20

Mosey to front left of same soccer field (we are making our way around the track;

Squats x 20

Mountain climbers x 20 (count right foot except D-fib because that’s how awesome he is)

Repeat da entire thang….adding 10 Dirkins after the LBC’s and before the dips

Third time around the PAX was calling for something different so we did 51 LBC’s

we were going to add step up but the risers were wet with dew making them slippery so we Omaha’d them for the time being.  Everything else was the same except we counted the left foot for the mountain climbers.  We’re getting crazy now!  Hope your happy D-fib.

4th and final time around we did 49 LBC’s due to my OCD to keep the numbers even.  Thank you Freight  for noticing.

Dirkins x 10

Dips x 20

Mosey to the shelter;

Step Ups x 30  (Pizza Man was jumping with both feet up on high surface of picnic tables for entire set.  I found it to be very athletic).

Meander to parking lot for abs;

LBC’s x 50

Flutter kicks (variable speeds) x 40

Box cutters x 30

Micheal Phelps x 20

Mosey back to Snowballs

Squats x 20

Pizza Man led in 22 Merkins for the Vets.  Thank you for doing that.

Times up!



Christmastown 5k Speed for Need sign ups are now.  Nov 25th.  If you are going to be in town you should consider doing this.  If you have any questions please talk to Pizza Man.

If you are going to attend the Christmas Party on Dec 1 Freight needs $30 per person by the 18th.


Prayer requests;

Pizza man and the passing of his mother.  Prayers for his dad, peace, and grace.

Continued prayers for Clavin and his mother.

For us to be the men the our families and communities need and deserve.



It was awesome to meet you Pizza Man and thank you for leading the 22 for the vets.

It was awesome to see Snowman’s continued efforts.  You sir are an inspiration brother.

Awesome PAX as usual.  You guys continue to inspire me to be better each in your individual and unique way.  I am truely humbled and honored by all of you more than you know.

A heartfelt thank you to all of the Vets in the PAX for your service.  I am honored to call you brothers.

God bless you all!




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