Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: November 4, 2017


YHC picked up the Q as hunting season kicks in and several PAX are out in the woods hunting the four legged deer. At least that’s what they tell the rest of us.  YHC can’t sit still, so sitting in the woods being still for hours would be  similar to some kind of ancient torture chamber. I would rather be administering the torture instead of being tortured, so 6 PAX  enter the torture chamber this morning. No FNG’s so with a quick disclaimer we enter the chamber.


SSH and Gravel Pickers x15 IC


Mosey to the bottom parking lot and then back up to the entrance for the pledge with stops at every speed bump for 5 burpees. This got the mumblechatter started, one pax (Slaw) in particular was beside himself with joy at the call for burpees, others not so much.

We get to the flag and pledge and mosey to the parking lot across from the entrance for some suicides with merkins starting at 10 and at every divider going up 10 ending with 40.  Zig zag a lap of the parking lot and back to start for LBC suicides and another zig zag lap and ending with Squats and a zig zag lap. YHC thought there was 4 dividers so we had to change it up to get the numbers in.

Next we mosey to the parking lot at the turd shack with speed bump burpees on the way. Here we Bearcrawl the length of the parking lot from bottom to top with 2 merkins at every other line. This was a real crowd pleaser and one YHC will save for another day.  Run a lap around the parking lot and hit the turd shack for 2 rounds of 20 with Donkey Kicks, Hip Slappers, and LBCs.

YHC called a mosey to shelter only to omaha to the amphitheater where we did 2 rounds of  20 Arm Squats and unspecified number of  Rocky Balboas. Then high plank to low plank till YHC couldn’t hold it anymore. Mountain Climbers were next and were done till Q called halt.

Mosey to the start with a detour around the  lower parking lot and another set of burpees at the speed bump. With 4 miles behind us time was up and so was the Q.

Announcements; Christmastown 5K, and Christmas Party December 1 at Lotus in Gastonia. Hit Freight up for reservations.

Prayer Request;  Stroganoff’s friends daughter, another young kid with cancer, Hank’s friend Don, each other.

Circle up and YHC takes us out.

Hard work by everyone today! It’s an honor to lead a great group of guys, and thanks for the push from the PAX! Volt has consistently been there nearly every day since he started and is showing improvement every time, keep pushing man. Good to see our newest guy Rapunzel pushing hard and coming back for more. Slaw and Sister Act getting down to business when the exercises are called. Sgt. Hulka welcome back after a little hiatus with things of life keeping you away for a bit, good work today.

Sponsored by 11

Today was a great day-weather was perfect, good turnout at Schiele, had an FNG, and the guns were out all around just for my M. That was the topic of our dinner conversation tonight-guns everywhere and “some things you can’t unsee” was repeated by my M. Thanks guys, you made me proud.

I put out a few pre blasts about being sponsored by the number 11. Just to test the literacy of the pax, I varied the number of reps for the warmup and thankfully, Roscoe did not let me down and called me out on my reps. Here is what I remember:


WU: 11 (or so) reps of SSH, Squats, Merkins, ? flutters then…what the heck, lets get some burpees, 11 of them after Roscoe was kind enough to point out not 11 reps on something. I then ‘splained that the theme was 11 and that every 11 minutes my alarm was going off and we would do 5 burpees (Slaw, where are you? I put this one in here just for you-it will return.)

Mosey to the front door of Grier Middle School to the speed bumps for 11’s. Start at 1 speed bump and run to other with 11’s using Burps and CDDs for our exercises on the ends. Think the timer may have gone off???? 7:11 am

Mosey to First Presbyterian Church steps. My original plan was 11’s with hip slappers but last time I did this…..well let’s just say there was blood and I was not really interested in that today since the parking lot was just repaved, so I changed things a little. We went up the steps, 11 hip slappers, came down the steps for 11 WWI (or was it WWII??) situps. Repeato but only 5 or 6 reps at top and bottom. The timer went off so we did some more burpees at 7:22 am.

We had a short mosey to the playground for something I really hate, figured others felt same way, and was excited to put on my weinke-Pull Up Plank Bridge: all pax stay in plank, during the plankorama, 1 or 2 pax at a time jump up, do a pull up with slow down phase. This was so much fun, we did it again but instead of plank, we did squats while pax took turns with the pull-ups.

Mosey to the track at Sherwood Elementary School, partner up for Booyah Merkin Clockwork. P1 starts mosey in one direction and will continue in that direction for whole exercise. P2 goes in other direction around the track. Every time they meet, drop and do booyah merkins. The reps start at 1 and increase every time you pass each other until you get to 11. Also, just for fun (with props to Gastone), every time you pass you change from Run to Nur or Nur to Run. This was a real crowd pleaser. The Nurring was a battery drainer for me. I think we did Burpees twice (7:33 am and 7:44 am) during this one-added a little salt to the wound which made me smile….

We recovered while I briefed the pax on a favor-my M would be dropping 2 of my 2.0s back at start right around 8am. My M is “not a fan” of the sleeveless shirts (AKA: sun’s out, gun’s out shirts). As many of you know, I am completely at the mercy of my (wonderful and loving) M and look for ways to break out from under her Communist-like control any chance I can, even if it is for 60 minutes on a Saturday morning while most of the world is still sleeping while I wear a shirt that makes her worried I may show up one day in a ’77 trans am with T tops and a firebird on the front…..where was I??????? Oh yeah, the favor….I asked everyone to tuck their sleeves and give her the 28 gun salute when she arrived back at home base. The pax happily obliged, some who know my M seemed especially eager-again, thanks.

We moseyed back to home base for some Mary, stopping for our last round of burpees on the way as the alarm went off at 7:55am. We got back for some Mary with a few of us leading and were saved by the bells at 8am. My M showed up a few minutes later with some choice comments, and was heard saying something like “some things you can’t unsee” as she drove away. Not sure who had a bigger grin, me or her…..probably me.

COT: few prayer requests: coworkers struggling with cancer, health issues, friend with daughter fighting advanced cancer and fundraiser going on today (Stroganoff led the charge up the hill on this one and Hushpuppy and I were there to support). Probably a few others I can’t remember. We named our FNG: Remo (Simon Aldridge) brought by Oompa Loompa. Just FYI, Remo will be starting his marine corps service (I think) in April. When you meet him, do your best to get him to keep coming back-let’s get him in shape as best we can and help this young man prepare to go and serve our country.

I had a great morning with all of you-thanks for the privilege of leading. I saw a lot of guys gutting it out this morning. I thought it was tough, but everyone really busted their tails and that kind of stuff really makes me work even harder when I see others pushing. Great work with the “iron sharpens iron” part.



F3 Dads at Martha’s House Pre-Blast


Update:  So the temperatures should be in the high 40’s so make sure you bring an extra sweatshirt for your 2.0’s and M’s for after the workout.  The planning committee has also updated the menu for the after workout replenishment since only the truly hardcore PAX will eat ice cream when it is cold outside.  (If you still want to bring it, I will help eat it)

Here is what is being provided thus far….

Guts and I are providing the hot water for a hot chocolate bar.  I am also bringing some green tea for your hauty tauty types that drink with your pinky raised (you know who you are).  I am bringing about 30 coffee cups, spoons, waters.

Hush Puppy is bringing the charcoal for a smores bar.  If you want smores, bring the requisite ingredients.

What is still needed?  We need cookies, waters, hot chocolate packets, smores, granola bars, and anything else you want to eat and share with the PAX.

What else do I need?  I need a few 1st F Q’s to help lead the workout.  YHC torqued his Achilles running with Rob Jones in Charlotte Thursday.  When something hurts when you are running with Rob Jones, you keep running.  It is just the way it is.

So….be prepared to help Q the workout Mary style and remember who the audience is.  Whoopy reminded me the last time we did F3 Dads I may have been a little too “default aggressive” in pushing the young PAX.  We will be better this time!  See you tomorrow!

Without reading the rest of the original post, here is the most relevant information cut and pasted for your simplicity.

Bring volleyballs, frisbees, footballs, soccer balls, boomerangs,  but no My Little Ponies, or Teletubbies.  There is no power at the shelter so someone bring an old school boombox so we can jam out.

If someone wants to prepare an age appropriate lesson or two along the way, let me know and we will make time for that too.




My six year old has been wanting to attend an F3 workout for the last few months and I can’t let him down.  So….back by popular demand, we return to Martha’s House for another rendition of F3 Dads.

Here is what you need to know.

Where:  Martha Rivers Park  I have picnic shelter #1 reserved from 1500-1900.  This is the one beside the sand volleyball  area and first one on your left as you enter the park.

When:  Next Sunday, November 12th.  The kid and family friendly beat down begins at 1430 hours.  To be clear, sons and daughters are welcome as well as spouses.  All ages, all inclusive, pets on a leash, etc.  Bring a friend….everyone gets a nickname.

What:  The workout will start at 1430 hours.  I will have a weinke but if anyone wants to Q some of the workout that is fine with me.  In fact, I am on call next weekend so please have some ideas in case YHC uses Q privilege and calls on you to lead.  This will  be a fun filled event for all ages.  The workout will end at 1515 for a COT and BOK.  (Ball of kids)

After the workout we will have an ice cream social.  All family members are welcome!

What to bring:  We need a few coolers with water.  We need bowls, spoons, ice cream, and ice.  I will bring some but we will need more.  Bring friends who need F3.

Bring volleyballs, frisbees, footballs, soccer balls, boomerangs,  but no My Little Ponies, or Teletubbies.  There is no power at the shelter so someone bring an old school boombox so we can jam out.

If someone wants to prepare an age appropriate lesson or two along the way, let me know and we will make time for that too.

Wear your F3 swag and represent and maybe we can EH some bystanders during the workout.

Remember that the next Sunday the 19th we will hike Kings to Crowders Mountain.  That pre-blast is yet to come so be on the lookout.


Top Hat Didn’t See the Warning!

YHC sent out 3 separate warnings this week on the Twitter….That YHC needed to train for the Charlotte Marathon Relay next week with  …Top Hat didn’t see them….




The Thang:

We moseyed from the Yank toward the downtown Belmont Turned Left on Woodrow and then left on N Central …we continued to the New Harris Teeter on South point Rd.  this was 2.0 Miles.

When we arrived at the Teeter

Corewood by ToolTime was initiated (Show To Know about the Name)

In and Outs with arms up -25

Freddie Mercury’s forward with arms up in seated V position – 25 /Then Backwards for 25

Crunchy Frog – 25

Wide leg sit-ups – 25

Fifer Scissors- 25

Hip Rock and Raise – 25

Heels to Heaven- 25

V-Up/Roll-ups -25

Oblique V-ups Right Side -25 /Then Left side -25

American Hammers -50

When Corewood was completed we did a short count off and then headed back to the F’ing Yank another 2.0 Miles!!!

Once we arrived at the Yank…

On your 6

50 Flutter Kicks IC

25 Pretzel Crunches each side

Before YHC could say recover….Top Hat decided to stand up…..sooo

25 more Flutter Kicks IC.


Announcements: Advisory Board Meeting Nov 12th at Cavendish in Gastonia, Christmas Party Dec 1st See Freight and Preblast for Details, Christmastown 5k SpeedForNeed!!! November 25



Prayer Requests

Brownstreak’s Father fighting for his life, Quiche is in Pakistan prayer for his ministry to be IMPACTFUL for the Kingdom and for his safe return home.

YHC asked Top Hat to take us out in Prayer as he is a Mighty Prayer Warrior and YHC hasn’t had the pleasure of hearing a Top Hat prayer in far too long!

Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.


It was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time

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