Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: September 2017 (Page 4 of 5)

A Day to Remember

It appeared that the threat of rain this morning may have scared off some, but we must move forward.  There were no FNG’s so we started with the pledge.


20 SSH
20 Squats
20 Merkins
20 LBC’s
20 CDD

Continued warm-up to the Bellacino’s dock where we performed 2 rounds of dock jumps with lunges down the walkway.

Mosey to the front of Bellacino’s where we performed 23 Burpees (23 NYPD Officers killed on 9/11)

37 SSH  ( 37 Port Authority Officers killed on 9/11)

We partnered up and made our way to the front of the old Harris Teeter. P1 did merkins while P2 ran to Neal Hawkins.  Team total was originally 343 but I threw in an Omaha to 300, we will make up the 43 later.  (343 NYFD Firefighters killed on 9/11)

From there we ran around the parking lot and did two rounds of Indian Run.  The last man did 2 burpees and had to sprint to the front.  Thanks to Turtleman and Gastone for the push, I had to sprint half the parking lot since they decided to sprint as well.

We made up the 43 with some LBC’s

Lunges then sprints, then sprints and lunges.

1 minute rounds of Rocky Balboa (2 rounds)

More sprints and lunges.  While we were recovering, JK2 had some jokes about….well you can ask him.

Moved over to the Advanced Auto Parts dock (thanks Gastone for pointing it out) and we did 3 rounds of Merkins at the top.

Running low on time (and jokes) we moseyed back for 30 of the World Famous “Gastone Flutter Kicks”.

Once again I was honored to lead on Patriot’s Day.

Prayers for those affected by Harvey and Irma, and to the family, friends and colleagues of the victims of 9/11. We will NEVER FORGET!

Are You Ready For Some Football?

With it being early fall I decided to try a football-themed beatdown.  Sorta hard to do being that I knew we probably wouldn’t be running routes and tackling.  Although, doing an Oklahoma Drill definitely crossed my mind.

We had one FNG who apparently Keash knew, but had no clue who this Queeche guy was.  Full disclaimer was given for his benefit, letting him know I’m an idiot.


  • SSHs
  • Don Quixotes
  • Goofballs


We then moseyed up to the football field for a double quarter pounder with cheese.  It was supposed to be done on a football field, so I felt it went along with my football theme, right??? It went something like this – run to the 25 yard line and do 25 merkins.  Run backwards to the end line.  Run to the 50 yard line and do 50 squats.  Run backwards to the end line.  Run to the 75 yard line and do 75 mountain climbers.  Run backwards to the end line.  Run to the other end line and do 100 SSHs.  Run backwards to the end line.  Plank for the six.

Easy mosey around the track.

Then the double portion of the double quarter pounder with cheese.  It included 25 jump squats, 50 LBCs, 75 Moroccan Nightclubs and 10 burpees.

Easy mosey around the track.

We then did the Panther Pounder.  We would jog in place, but would mix in some high knees and butt kickers too, and YHC would call out either burpee or merkin and we would drop and do whatever was called out.  During this odd version of Simon Says we found there really wasn’t much of a  difference between the two when starting in an upright position.

We moseyed down to the pavilion for some Corewood.  60 seconds AMRAP with 30 seconds rest in between each one.  Here are the exercises I can remember:

  • Crunchy Frogs
  • American Hammers
  • Protractors
  • Flutter Kicks

We headed down the hill for a Triple Nickel.  Monkey Humpers at the bottom and WWII sit-ups at the top.

We had 3 minutes left and I tried to call it, but the pax wouldn’t have it and we did three rounds of Mary.  Broke called for dips, Kuiche called for Freddie Mercurys and Sargento called something else.  I don’t remember what.

During the workout I mixed in some football trivia.  When I let the pax know I planned on doing that Keeshe started yelling out random former Buffalo Bills (“oh oh Jim Kelly, uhh Thurman Thomas, uhh Don Beebe…”).  None of them were correct.  We learned Sargento is a walking talking football encyclopedia and at times I was having to Omaha mid-question because he was answering before I could finish.  Next time, Sargento, my questions won’t be so easy!

Prayer Requests




Thanks for the push today, guys!  Go Bills!

First day of fall at the Goat

First day of REAL fall at The Goat featured low temps in the 50s, a full moon, and willingness to put up with a parade of horribles Tesla’s way.  It went something like.


SSH X 25

5 burpees to honor the train

IW X 25

6 burpees OYO

merkins X 15

7 burpees OYO

Foot to hand stretch each side

8 burpees OYO

Mosey over to the park for some partner work.

Round 1 : P1 runs halfway over the bridge and does 5 hand release merkins. Then all the way and 10 HRMs. Mosey back.

P2: Dips until P1 returns.


Round 2: same run by P1 with 5 jump squats, then 10, mosey back. P2 does heels to heaven. Flapjack

Round 3: P1 does same run as before with CDDs 5X10 as before. P2 does LBCs.

Mosey back to Gazebo for more punishment:

pull ups: 10X

Mike Tysons: 10X

Copperhead Squats: 10X

Repeat three times.

Bear crawl up the hill, mosey back, all Pax.

Lunge walk up the hill, mosey back.

Mosey down to the bottom for triple nickel.

Merkins at bottom 5X

run to intersection

LBCs at top 5X

Repeat five times

NMM: Great work by the Pax today, hate we only had four on such an awesome morning. Really getting comfortable leading at this A/O. Lots of toys to play with. Full moon and great weather helped. Talked about a beer at Mayworth’s on some midweek night coming up. Will put that together for some 2nd F fun.

Great to lead these guys. Tesla is enjoying dual citizenship in Gashouse and Metro immensely. Bring a fNG with you next time ad let’s keep moving on!


Tesla out.

Biscuit delivery

22 PAX showed up on a perfect morning for a beatdown at the Gashouse.  At 0700 sharp a disclaimer was given which basically said we had no insurance and were idiots or something like that.  We had a quick warm up which consisted of SSH, Merkins, LBC’s, CDD’s (Def Leppard push-ups), and squats.  The Painlab PAX peeled off with Rudolph as the rest of the boot campers went with YHC to the flag for the pledge of allegiance.

Today the Painlab offered some kettlebell work and two groups.  One for the recovering PAX and one for the regulars who are accustomed to Kettlebell workouts.  F3 is a cafeteria.  Serve yourself!

We moseyed to the front of Grier Jr. High for a speed bump merkinfest.  The PAX were instructed to do 21 merkins at one speed bump and then proceed back and forth for more merkins counting down from 21 to 1.  It was a lot of merkins and proved difficult but everyone pushed and got through it.  Short Sale mentioned he wished we did some Morrocan Nightclubs before the merkinfest so I had him lead us in a set afterwards.  By this time I told Monk he was “swole” and I don’t think he was familiar with it.  That is not a word they use in the religious studies department but after you do 210 merkins in 11 minutes there is no other word to describe it.

Then we headed to the steps at FPC for some DORA 1-2-3.  Partner 1 runs to the top of the steps and does 10 Sumo Squats (Gastone style) while Partner 2 stays at the bottom and completes an aggregate count of 100 CDD’s, 200 LBC’s, and 300 Flutter kicks.

We then moseyed to the track at Sherwood for more partner work.  P1 begins lunging the track counterclockwise while P2 runs clockwise until they meet and then switch.  After a lap was completed we moseyed to the playground for some burpeethon training.

Burpees at the top of the minute counting down from 12 to 8 for 50 burpees in 5 minutes.  We moseyed back to home taking the nature trail back to the Painlab convergence and closing Mary exercises of LBC’s, Homer/Marge, and then 5 more burpees as the bells tolled signaling the end of the workout.

COT:  Prayers for Ash Pond for healing and relief, prayers for Spidermonkey’s parents in Tampa, THANKS to the Gashouse PAX for their support of Speed for Need and the Burpeethon next weekend supporting the Special Olympics.  Sign up for these events and brings your families to both as they will be no doubt be memorable for sure.  The Mayor and his M are humbled by our support.  Great effort on their part to make it happen!

One benefit of the pending storm in Florida was that Yo Adrian was able to be home on a Saturday and post at the Gashouse and bring his truck and strong back to help with a quick service project to support Gaston Family Promise.  Speaking of promises, Whoopee posted at Folsom but showed to support the effort and brought biscuits because Whoopee is the MAN!.  Whoopee also reported that Folsom had 17 PAX today and lots of credit goes to #HIM Huckleberry for keeping that place going in lean times and it is good to see it thriving.  If you haven’t been they start at 0630 and it is a great AO and one of the strongest Coffeeteria’s on the tour.  Nothing like watching Gumby order a cheeseburger and fries at 0745.  Sparky also posted at Folsom and then brought his truck so we could get the work done that much faster.  Mastodon let me borrow his truck so we had three trucks.  Short Sale showed up and we were able to knock out the move in an hour and make an impact for families that are homeless and looking for a fresh start.  THANK YOU!

If anyone is interested in helping build a Habitat House next week I will post the address sometime this week.  We will be working the next two Saturdays.

Mark Lee of Third Day is performing and sharing his faith and stories from his new book “Hurt Road” at First Presbyterian Church tomorrow.  Davinci and Dr. Feelgood are leading the effort.  Tickets are free but you need to sign up through Eventbrite.  Try this link:

A co-worker of Tool time showed up as an FNG today and he said he wanted to join F3 if the rest of us were like Tool Time.  After some comments about his questionable judgement Whoopee asked him what movie he had seen recently and he replied “IT”.  Welcome Gacy to the PAX!  We look forward to seeing you in the Gloom!

Our region is thriving but there are other men in our area that are struggling.  We need to be on the hunt for sad clowns and always EH’ing.  We also had an FNG Friday now known as “Snowman” so Bandit has some company.  Snowman heard about F3 on the Art of Manliness podcast.  Keep spreading the word.  It was a pleasure to lead today and a great effort getting after it today.


17 PAX in total at Folsom this morning. 1 FNG 2.0 and 2 visitors from Rock Hill. An old friend ,Pac Man, came up for a visit and brought Van Damme with him. Pac Man and I had some interesting times together in our youth. I will leave it at that.

The Warmup:

Let’s do the pledge. Wait where’s the shovel flag? 10 Don Q’s ic while we wait for thee flag to be posted. Ok now the we can do the pledge.

Let’s mosey a lap around the newly refinished tennis courts.

Partner up and one partner gets a block. Take turns carrying it and let’s mosey.

The Thang:

We made our way down to the stage where Pac Man used to perform some with his band back in the day. P1 does 15 donkey kicks while P2 does goofballs. Switch and do 5 rounds. This was pretty funny to watch and reminded me of what those shows used to look like.

Mosey to the lower lot.


100-overhead press

200-weighted squats

300-sandy v’s while holding the block above the chest

That went too fast let’s do some more.

50-weighted lunges

100-in/out while holding the block above the chest


Let’s mosey to the far side of the park. I realized we were running low on time so I gave Slaw to options. He picked Iron Hulk so we turned around and took the blocks to the truck and went to the tennis courts. Man! those blocks were starting to get heavy!

Iron Hulk with everyone helping on the count.

Well we have enough time after all so we did Route 66 Bobby Hurley’s on the court. Lot’s of mumble chatter from the non direction following crowd. I had to walk them through this with baby steps.

That’s time let’s fellowship mosey back. The Rock crowd would have nothing to do with this and pushed the mosey to a sprint.


Announcements- Burpeethon next Saturday at 9 at Rankin Lake to raise money for the Special Olympics. Be There! JJ5K 9/23. Still working on an opportunity to go help with hurricane relief.

Prayer Request-Lot of people dealing with sickness. Our own brothers may be fighting things in their lives. Reach out to guys you haven’t seen in a while!


It was a beautiful morning out. We are truly blessed! It is great to spend a little time of the day surrounded by friends. Pac Man and Van Damme we will see you soon brothers! Frank Ooooooouuuuutttt!

A Pax of Muscle Ts

We had 3 brave warriors sporting the  Muscle T during this crispy 55 degree Friday morning.   I almost started of with a crop top, but cold feet and a bit of humility kept my in the good graces of Gastonia’s finest.

Let get to this already >

20 IC – Side Staddle Hops,  10 IC – Merkins hold position, 10 IC – Planjacks, 10 IC – Squats,  20 IC – Dying Cockroaches,  30 IC – Flutterkicks

Mosey to the trunk for the bricks.
Lawn Chair Warrior:  Wall Sits,  20 IC Shoulder Press (screaming at ref), 30 count Speed Bags forward, 30 count Speed Bags reverse

Mosey to the parking deck

Wild Party: Keg stand (Hip Slappers) & Six Pack ( 1 pull up, 5 merkins then 2 pull ups 4 merkins…..similar to 11’s)
Rinse and repeat add some Dips 15 IC at the end.

Bear crawl up the ramps, sprint the flats all the way to the top.

10 IC – Squats, 10 IC – Sleeping Hillbillies(each side), 10 IC – Low Slow Squats

The Incarceration: 20 IC – Box Cutters,  10 IC – Mike Tysons,  15 IC – SLOW Box Cutters, 10 IC – Mike Tysons,

5 burpies for the train

Mosey to the bottom level and grab the bricks.

Mosey to the Wells Fargo steps for, 15 IC – dips, 15 IC – monkey humpers and 5 Steps deep sea divers.

To the pavillion: Partner up.  Lunge to the end of the stage and back, other partner hits Mountain Climbers, switch.
rinse and repeat x 2

10 IC – LBC’s
10 IC – flutterkicks




September 3rd F Preblast, Restoration and Forgiveness

This month’s theme is on Restoration and Forgiveness.  YHC was consumed in August with both work and vacation so I must make Cobains (all apologies) for not posting a preblast.  I appreciate those who stepped up and stood in the gap for me.  This month I have felt it is important to share on the Forgiveness and Restoration that our Lord has provided for us through his Son.  There has been much turmoil with Hurricanes, Fire raging throughout the country, political and social unrest; like everyone in our great country suddenly hates his neighbor. In all the focus on the spec in our neighbors eye we lose sight of one fact: We who judge the other are far from perfect ourselves.  Thank God that he has provided a way to reconcile us to Himself.

Week 1 I planned on sharing on Daniel 6: King Darius was a king who loved his servant Daniel but was bound by the law and forced to put Daniel in the lions den, but God had another plan.  In John 8: A woman was condemned to die by the law of Moses for adultery,  but Jesus had another plan.  How do these 2 people condemned for breaking the law find restoration and forgiveness?  Unfortunately I did not blast this out so only JJ arrived in time for the 3rd F gathering.  I will share on this in week 3


Week 2, Hushpuppy will be celebrating his 16th anniversary with his M and will not make Saturday 9/9.  This opportunity is open for anyone who would like to step up and share.

Week 3:Daniel 6 and John 8

Week 4: Luke 15:11-32 “While he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was moved with compassion. His father ran to him, hugged him, and kissed him.21 Then his son said, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. ” We all know the story of the prodigal son, but who restored who? The story of the loving father and his 2 sons will remind us of God’s love towards us and the end we may ask, “Which son am I?”

Week 5: Hosea Chapter 2: Sometimes God allows us to go through turmoil when we are stubborn, but his desire is always to restore them.


Beginning Tuesday 9/12 We will begin reading “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel at the Crusade.  Join us from 6am to 6:30 every Tuesday at the Starbucks in Harris Teeter at the corner of Robinwood and Kendrick.  Get your copy here:

See you in the gloom!

Afternoon Delight





The Thang:

This one is real simple….

1 mile Mosey

100 Pull-Ups

200 Merkins

300 Squats

1mile Mosey

Great work by all PAX today this is a real mother of a beat down.




Ash pond is fighting a bad illness , brothers that were unnamed but dealing with some real bad stuff, Men on the IR

1 Corinthians 16:13 (NLT)

13 Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous.[a] Be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13 (HCSB)

13 Be alert, stand firm in the faith, act like a man, be strong.

Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.


It was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time

Yes, one more time

7 men showed to a simple Wednesday morning beat down at Martha’s.

The Thang:

10 3 count Merkins

20  3 count Squats

10 3 count right arm stagger

10 Wind Mill’s (Whoopee Wheelhouse)

10 3 count left arm stagger

20 3 count SSH

10 Carolina Dry Dock

Mosey, past the picnic area around the soccer field to the left. Once to the back of the field we did plank with alternating arm and then 1 minute elbow plank.

Lunge to scoreboard.

Bear Crawl to next point.

Elbow plank for 60 seconds

Mosey to bottom of hill behind second soccer field.

20 Monkey Humpers

Backwards up the hill then back down.

20 Sumo Squats

Backwards up the hill then back down.

20 Squats, 20 Monkey Humpers

Backwards up the hill and then back down.

20 Squats, 20 Sumo Squats

Up the hill backwards.

Mosey around the next soccer field towards the playground but first backwards up the last hill.

Mosey to the fence at back of baseball field. Tried a new exercise but the fence will not work. I will find a better spot.

5 Burpee’s

10 second rest

5 Burpee’s

Mosey around the fields to the Maintenance parking lot for 6 Minutes of Mary.

30, LBC’s, 3 counts of Flutters

20, LBC’s, 3 count of Flutters

10 LBC’s, 3 count of Flutters to 30 (Head fake on 10 Flutters, your welcome)

Mosey to middle of baseball fields to a bench.

20 3 Count Dips

10 Second Rest

15 3 Count Dips

10 Second Rest

10 3 Count Dips

Mosey to sidewalk on the way back to the first light pole.

20 Monkey Humpers

Mosey to next pole

20 Sumo Squats

Mosey to next pole

20 Squats

Mosey to start

20 3 Count Flutter

Done right on time.

The Moleskin:

Normally a bigger crowd but this was a strong group. Spec and Wet Nut showed up and conquered. I would like to propose a new name for Wet Nut since he does not like the name and it can be taken the wrong way. We can change his name to Shrek. Really I don’t know why but it is a good name and needs to be used. Let me know if you are apposed. If not it will be so.

Please consider we might have plenty of people to help in the next week if the path takes a crazy turn for Gastonia. Let’s check on each other if that happens and help our brothers out. Once we are are all set and safe lets show the community what we are made of. Hopefully this does not happen.

Prayer request for all Houston and the recovery and for the upcoming Irma.

Gastone Out



13 PAX posted Tuesday at Midoriyama. YHC has had a full plate lately and completely forgot he had the Q. Thankfully Tooltime called to tell me he was stuck in traffic and may not make it. He called like he was calling into work….hilarious! During our conversation he advised he was calling in due to me having the Q and the risk of ridicule for missing after his Q at Folsom on Saturday. He made it and I made it so all worked out well! The PAX were warned that if I don’t have anything planned and have to create it on the fly it will probably end badly.


Don Q x 20ic

SSH x 15ic

Don Q’s on the ground x 10ic

Let’s mosey

The Thang:

We moseyed to the field where we keep our blocks. Partner up and one partner gets a block. At this point I think everyone thought we were going to stay there and do something…. Nope! Let’s mosey. Switch the block with your partner when needed. We had an odd number so YHC didn’t have a partner to switch with so that sucked. I was thinking about hitting the trail for a long mosey but that was out. We went to the far side of the far soccer field for some Mary.

Round 1-1 partner runs across the field the other does the exercise. You know how it works.

100-Overhead presses

200-Weighted squats

300-Leg lifts while holding the block up in the air

Round 2-

50-Weighted lunges


150-In/Outs while holding the block over head

Mosey back. Thanks to Pizza Man and Canteen for partnering with me on the way back! Block was getting heavy!



Announcements- Burpeethon-9/16 9:00am I hope to see everyone there. This is our opportunity to show our leadership in our community! SFN get signed up! I’m talking to you Sidecar! Signup and run at the JJ5K in Stanley. Only 15 people are registered and most of those are F3. Yet another opportunity to show our community leadership!

Prayer Request-Ash Pond battling sickness, Pockets


Everyone pushed hard today. Great job! For those that haven’t Q’d a workout get on the schedule. After you do it a while it becomes second nature. You can just show up and make some pain happen. All in all we covered 2.6 miles and picked some stuff up and put it down.

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