Always be EHing!!!

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: August 2, 2017

It’s Been A While

It’s Been a While since my last Q, but the heat sweats the rust off. Nine pax endued the afternoon gloom at Midoriyama. No FNG’s…

Warm up: Reverse people choice, i.e. Everyone’s least favorite. Lots of burpees, others I don’t remember. My turn Let’s mosey to the soccer field

The Thang:

40 Minutes of Hell

partner up : P1 NUR’s across field does Bobby Hurley then runs back. P2 does the exercise and switch untilL desired number is reached.

Exercises: 150 Burpees (Omaha’d to 100)Luckily my partner was slaw, 300 squats, 150 big-boy sit-ups, 300 little baby arm circles, 150 Merkins, 300 imperial walkers.

A word of encouragement in between. Mosey back to flag for COT, BOM and Prayer.  Great work by all. Thanks for the example of leadership,integrity and accountability. RESPECT. UntilL next time. Peace Out.

Shark Week

So, I stepped up & Q’ed since Gastone Volun-told me. I thought some Shark Week BeatDown would be a good idea.




-each PAX  perform 5 CDD’s (one at a time) while others SSH — then same but with 5 Sumo Squats while others did Calve Raises — same but 5 BoxCutter while others did LBC’s

-then we did some Neckies

-then a Mosey around the block to parking lot at coupons

-partner up & choose 1 of 7 stations to start                         Station 1 — Great White (blockees)                                         Station 2 — Micheal Phelps                                                           Station 3 — Mako (jump rope)                                                       Station 4 — HammerHead (10lb sledge to tractor tire)  Station 5 — Tiger (plank line walk)                                             Station 6 — Blue (Bobby Hurleys)                                              Station 7 — Bull (Mike Tyson)                                                       PAX do station exercises until 5 sledge swings have been completed by each team member at HammerHead — 3 sets were executed — PAX helped load coupons back into truck bed

mosey to Pavilion steps to do a set of Deep Sea Diver

Mosey in parking lot in straight-a-ways / bearcrawl at ends. 1 lap executed

Mosey to start.  At this point it was 6:11am. Tried to close out early, but PAX wanted to exercise ALL 45 minutes. So we did some Flutters & another an movement. Then Roscoe jumped to get us to perform his new dreamed up burpee idea called the “SLURPEE”. Not gonna tell you how it goes, cause Roscoe has Co-Q Saturday & you will have to show to know.


Prayer Requests


it was an honor to lead such a great group of guys. You guys mean more to me than you know. THANKS



A large crowd gathered in the sun at Midoriyama on Tuesday afternoon. Lot’s of mummblechatter was going around before the start. I figured once we got started I could knock that down a bit. We had several FNG’s so a disclaimer was given and we got to it.


SSH x 20ic

Don Q’s x 20ic

Pledge. Let’s mosey but not that far.

The Thang: 11’s That’s all we did!

1st parking lot-Merkins on one side and little curb dips on the other. However it was the back and forth that got everyone. Bearcrawls! I warned everyone they may need gloves. Many tough guys laughed at the idea. The asphalt there isn’t smooth and it is pretty toasty that time of day. About half way I noticed most of the crowd had modified to lunges so I called the bearcrawls off and we just ran the rest.

Somewhere in here we picked up an FNG who was with his family at the playground.

2nd parking lot-Bobby Hurley’s and CDD’s. NUR back and forth. I heard the comment that the NUR’s go well with the BH’s(mental note taken).

3rd parking lot-Monkey Humpers and Mike Tysons. Long jump or bunny hop back and forth. Quite a few PAX modified the jumps. I was a little disappointed but they tried I guess.  Shout out to Pockets who ,was next to me, continued to push himself through this one. Tooltime was on the other side of me but was very quiet except for when he was complaining or making excuses.

4th parking lot-Low on time so let’s do what we can. Burpees and Don Q’s. Lunge back and forth. We got a few rounds in before time was called. I think Slaw got in one more round than the rest of us just because he is a burpee loving weirdo.


Announcements- SFN  Race, Stanley 5K Sept. 23rd-Good fundraiser, let’s represent in the Mayor’s town. I’m sure he is already signed up! Fundraising for F3 fall expansion. Lot’s more in the nation, check out the news letter.

Namerama: Welcome FNG’s Batman(our friend from the playground, Hopefully he and his dad will come back to see us), Crabgrass, Wrong Turn, Muggsy (2.0)

Prayer Request and Prayer


As I suspected the mummble  chatter was at a minimum once the workout started. We really didn’t have a lot of time since we never stopped moving. Strong work by all! I had about three more things in the wienke. I guess I’ll save those for next time.  I hope to see all of you then! Keep up the good work on the EH. I’m really impressed by these PAX continuing to bring in the FNG’s.


In Memory of Tiny Tank!

7 HIMS showed up on a brisk August morning to experience beat down # 2 from Wheezy. Was hoping for 8 and right at the last minute we got it. So here we go.

Warm ups:

SSH x 20, Imperial Walker’s x 20, Don Q’s x20 all done IC. Once everyone started getting loose, a I call out 5 mins of burpee’s “In memory of Tiny Tank”. When I meant to say “In honor of Tiny Tank”. As everyone started looking around at each other, the  laughter and mumble chatter  began.  So from there on out, all of the exercises we did were “In memory of Tiny Tank!”

Then a quick mosey to the circle at the front of the school for some M inspired workouts”In memory of Tiny Tank”. We did 4 exercises: Merkins, Seal Jacks, Reverse Lunges and Mountain Climbers. We did one minute sets of each exercise with a 30 sec rest in between. Then repeat.

After that we headed to the student parking lot for some 4 corners action “In memory of Tiny Tank”. 1st corner, Burpees, 2nd, Merkins, 3rd, Squats and 4th LBC’s. Go! After 1st corner does 10 Burpee’s, they run to relieve 2nd corner and so on and so on. We got through 1 1/2 rounds before a mosey back to the flag.

We still had a little time left so we did a few ab exercises. That went well till Tesla called out Protractors and wouldn’t stop.

Pledge,  announcements , and prayer request to finish us off.

By the way, just joking Top Hat! LOL!







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