Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: July 2017 (Page 3 of 5)

Christmas In July

I was going through some old workouts and stumbled across this little gem. The last time YHC did this was a co-Q with Brownstreak on Christmas Eve… YHC figured that hey its July and the Gashouse Inaugural SpeedForNeed is at the why not have Christmas again!


Warmarama: courtesy of Brownstreak!

SST x 50 Single count

1 Burpee

Hillbilly x 15 IC

2 burpees

Cotton pickers x 15 IC

3 burpees

Monkey humpers x 15 IC

4 burpees

Merkins x 15 SC

5 burpees

Squats x 15 IC

6 burpees

Toy soldiers x 15 IC

7 burpees

Moroccan Night Clubs (was supposed to be 15 IC however Madden said that was too easy…39 IC)

8 Burpees

CDD’s (AKA Def Leppard Merkins) x 15 IC

9 burpees

Peter Parker x 15 IC

10 burpees

55 Burpees in total for a warm-up now that’s how it’s done men!!!!

The Thang:

Core Time with Tool Time…. wouldn’t be a Tool Time beat down without it!

In and Outs with arms up -25

Freddie Mercury’s forward with arms up in seated V position – 25 /Then Backwards for 25

Crunchy Frog – 25

Wide leg sit-ups – 25

Fifer Scissors- 25

Hip Rock and Raise – 25

Heels to Heaven- 25

V-Up/Roll-ups -25

Oblique V-ups Right Side -25 /Then Left side -25

Leg Climbs Right leg – 12/ Then Left Leg 12

American Hammers -50

Cindy: also courtesy of Brownstreak!!!



5 rounds – alternating pull-up grips each round (regular, Chin Up, close grip, right/left hand different, left/right hand different)

Cindy= (5 pull-ups, 10 Merkins, 15 jump squats) Run a lap between each set around the tennis courts and back to playground ( thank you Madden for leading us back!)


Great work by all the PAX out there today!  It’s been far too long since YHC has posted at Folsom. YHC talked about courage and the fact that in order to have courage you must have fear! What are you doing to face your fears? How are you stepping up and out with courage to slay them. We are called to be men of courage and  we who trust and believe in Jesus are all warriors for His great Army. There is an unseen world men, and like it or not it is in war for the hearts and souls of the human race! What will you do today to face a fear, step up and lead your home, workplace, community, today!


Announcements Advisory board meeting tomorrow night at Cavendish Brewery in Gastonia at 7:00, SpeedForNeed Gashouse race Sign up !!! to run or volunteer!!  Let ToolTime know his contact info is on the f3 App


Prayers –

Bob for healing and understanding as he deals with the diagnosis of Lung Cancer, T-Squares M and 2.0 for good pediatric cardiologist report and interview from Ashville station about their families loss, Slaw traveling over the next week,  Men of f 3 praises for them period.!,  And for courage to be the men God calls us to be.

1 Corinthians 16:13 (NLT)

13 Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous.[a] Be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13 (HCSB)

13 Be alert, stand firm in the faith, act like a man, be strong.

Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.

It was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time


Got a request from Brownstreak for a fill-in Q earlier in the week, and thankfully work cooperated and I was able to take it. Have not been to GoatIsland in a loooooong time so I was looking forward to this morning. I did not sleep well-was it goat island magic? Was it goat-thusiasm? Who knows? In any event, 6 others showed and we got some work done. Dr. Seuss and TopHat came in hot so we made sure to get some extra SSH in for their WU. Lot of sweat today-make sure to rehydrate tonight. Was great seeing the pax of eastern GasHouse-it’s been too long since I have been here.

This is what we did:

WU: 6 reps IC: SSH, Merkin, Squats, Burps, LBCs then 5 burpees with some extra SSH for TopHat then again for Dr. Seuss. The workout can’t really start of me without SSH.

The Thang:

Mosey to stairs by old bank for 13’s (similar to 11’s but today is 7/13 so we got a couple extry’s in today). Merkins at the top, burps at the bottom. Dolph didn’t like using the stairs so we Omaha’d to use the grassy hill for the trip down. Dolph went up and down the grassy hill-nice work. Think I would still be there if I did that. The stairs were tough enough.

Quick discussion while we got our breath about Concentrica-layers of personal relationships that have variable levels of importance. Center of bullseye and most important is relationship with M.

Mosey to bridge for Burpee Plank Bridge across the bridge. Plank in line at front of bridge and last pax does burpee then jumps over each pax still in plank until end then drop into plank. Next pax repeats until we crossed the bridge to other side. Longer bridge than I remember….

On other side of bridge, we went to the picnic table for partner work: 1 min of derkins and 1 min of squats, flapjack, rinse and repeat x total 2 sets of each (I think).

More discussion on Concentrica as we moseyed to other bridge and back: second layer:2.0 (kids)-1 relationship you can really never quit, impact on kids will help determine their future relationships with most everyone else in future. BIG IMPACT AND VERY IMPORTANT.

3rd and 4th layers are Shieldlock (look at guys around you right now) and Blade (mentor/mentee relationship). Less important that others but still big impact and important-should not be more important than M and 2.0s-gotta remember that. Sometimes the fartsack is necessary for family matters-remember that.

More partner work at picnic tables: Pax picked exercises: step ups and dips-1 min each, 2 sets total??? Discussed 5th layer of Concentrica somewhere in here-Mammon (work relationships-easiest to measure when successful, often more time consuming that other areas, easiest to quit, while it is essential, it is least important out of all areas of Concentrica). I think either someone passed gas (was not me) or a plane flew overhead and Dolph/Tiny Tank screamed train so we had to, scratch that-GOT TO do some burpees.

Mosey to bridge and slalom across the bridge-hop side to side while moving forward across the bridge. Little burn but not too bad. Mosey to other side of street and counted off as 1 or 2: 1’s do BTTW while 2’s mosey across to bridge for 5 Merkins then back, flapjack, rinse and repeat for I think 47 times (it felt like it).

Moseyed to start for Mary: LBC, American Hammer, think we did some burpees compliments of Dolph and probable some other stuff I cannot remember.

Finished with pledge, namorama, announcements, and COT.


Was an honor to be there with some great guys-TopHat, glad to see you back at it. Remember King and Queen and keep fighting off that Jester. Tiny Tank, always the quiet but hard working guy next to you that is always, always, ALWAYS a few steps ahead. Dolph, solid work as usual and thanks for taking the lead and being Co-Q with HotNuts?? next week for Q on Thursday. Hot Nuts-get after it next week, pay attention-will learn from a pro with Dolph, great work today. Speck, strong performance today-we need to get you out to Midoryama to see what real mumble chatter is all about-better yet, come to  Folsom on Sat for ToolTime Q and he’ll give you a crash course in MC101. Dr. Seuss-all I can say is I’ve got some big time respect for you-busting your tail and no complaints-very impressive.

Until next time-Whoopee out


SPEED for NEED themed delivery…

After a nice family vacation and taking part in the inaugural SPEED for NEED event on July 4th, I reached out to Midoriyama site Q, Def Leppard, for an opportunity to Q.  Lucky for me and the PAX Tuesday was open.  After being a part of the SPEED for NEED event, my heart and mind has been thinking about this great cause.  I can’t explain the joy and emotion that I felt seeing Owen smiling and having such a good time in the 4miler.  I’m sure you are like myself and often take for granted being able to lace up my shoes and go for a run or even post at an F3 AO.  I thank the man above every day for giving me the ability and opportunity to do the things I love.  With that being said, F3 Gastonia is hosting the SPEED for NEED event at The third annual Christmas Town 5K will be held on Saturday November 25 @ 6pm.  Since I had Q, I felt like it would be a great time to let the PAX see what it is like to push a chariot. (Well, I don’t really have a SPEED for NEED quality chariot but my 2.0’s running stroller will work.)   Something in my head (well really the man above) told me to come up with 19 exercises plus the one HIM pushing the chariot.  Never at Midoriyama have we had 20 HIMS show for a workout but for some reason I felt and was told it was going to happen on this day.   I loaded my Ruck Bag with about 60 lbs. for the chariot and was super excited about this Q. I knew it was going to be a special day!!  I arrived a little early at Midoriyama to write the exercises in the parking spots.  WeeWee came to give me a hand and we could see the PAX coming in.  One after another they kept rolling in; I looked at WeeWee and said this might be the day!!  5:30pm rolls around so it was time to begin…a short disclaimer… Pizza Man’s an idiot!! Wait…3 more PAX rolling in hot so first exercise is Moroccan Nightclubs as we wait for them to get out of their cars.  As I looked around I wanted to do a quick count off to make sure I counted in my head correctly.  YES, I was amazed 20 HIMS posted for this SPEED for NEED themed workout!!!  As I mention all the time and in some of my past Back Blast, things happen for a reason and GOD IS GOOD!!!  Nobody knew what the Q had in store for them but something told them to post today!!  With that being said it went like this….


Seal jacks X 10 IC

Don Q’s (ToolTime’s) X 10 IC

Enough with the warm-up let’s roll……the PAX had a short mosey to the parking lot but not before 5 humpees. After a short explanation of SPEED for NEED and the Christmas town 5k each PAX picked a parking spot with an exercise wrote in it.  The exercises were….

  1. Merkins
  2. LBCs
  3. Squats
  4. Incline Merkins
  5. Flutters
  6. Calf raises
  7. Decline Merkins
  8. American Hammers
  9. Mountain climbers
  10. CDDs
  11. WW1s
  12. Lunges
  13. Mike Tysons
  14. Freddy Mercury’s
  15. Rocky Balboas
  16. Dips
  17. Plank shoulder taps
  18. Side Straddle Hop
  19. Burpees
  20. Stroller push around median

PAX are to complete AMRAP of exercise until the stroller run is done, then rotate to the next parking spot

Never underestimate the warriors at Midoriyama!! I thought that this work plus the cool 95 degrees temperature, that it might take up the whole 45 minutes but I was wrong. So another count off just to hear that great record number of 20 and now let’s mosey. We took the long route to the soccer field for a plank burpee bridge. (Our former Gastonia Natan, Whoopee, made this up.) This was definitely a crowd pleaser. With 45 minutes nearing, time to mosey back to the flag. One more set of 5 humpees and 22 for the Vets and this workout was complete.



The third annual Christmas Town 5K will be held on Saturday November 25, 2017 @ 6pm


Coach K and his family

Soldier’s that lost their lives in the plane crash and their families.

Other prayers not mentioned!!

T-Square’s wife

Philippians 4:4- Rejoice in the Lord always, again I will say, REJOICE.

Once again it is always a pleasure to get the opportunity to lead a great group of HIMS. I hope after this workout and reading this that you sign up for the The third annual Christmas Town 5K will be held on Saturday November 25, 2017 @6pm and other SPEED for NEED events. This is a great thing we have going!! Special thanks to JRR Tolkien!!!

Until the next delivery Pizza Man is OOOOUUUUUTTTT!!!




Buzz Killed Spicoli with Merkins

Couple of FNGs showed up this morning. Awesome! It’s been a little while since I’ve seen 2 FNGs at one time.

Gastone gave me a heads up the night before, so I added a little extra mustard to the recipe. And with that my friends, we turned up the heat like this.

20 IC Side Straddle Hops
10 IC Merkins
20 IC Flutterkicks
10 IC Squats


Mosey on over to the parking lot of the future Gastonia Speed Cart Racing arena.

Pair up
One PAX hits 20 Flutters then 20 Merkins and repeats until partner returns.
Other PAX runs to the 1st light pole 1 burpie, runs to the 2nd light pole 2 burpies, runs to the 3rd light pole 4 burpies, runs to the start 4 burpies – TAG
3 Rounds of this

1 minute of Mountain Climbers
1 minute of Freddie Mercuries
1 minute of Squats

Head over to the starting line for Burpie Broad Jumps! 9 lines. Recover.

Bear Crawl back to starting line.
Backwards Bear Crawl to other end.
Burpie Broad Jumps back to the starting line.

Mosey to the Dollar Tree. There’s never one too far away.

1 minute Plank Jacks
1 minute Mountain Climbers

Mosey on down the street to the hill
10 IC Derkins
30 IC Flutterkicks

Mosey up the street
Partner Up, 10 IC Squats
10 IC Merkins

Mosey to Snow BAllS
10 IC Merkins
10 IC Monkey Humpers
10 IC Dips

Announcements: Rosco is being promoted on Friday at 10:00 am at the Training Academy.
COT: Easy Rider-Family, Bulldog-Interview today,

Fuzziness of the Mind

I had it, then I lost it. Halfway though the beat down I felt light headed and dizzy. Took a minute while the rest of the PAX finished the lap and hit some burpies. They checked on me, I felt better, we kept going at a strong pace. It’s good to have support and brothers to lean on. One of the best parts of the day is the fist pumps and words of encouragement. It doesn’t happen too much at work, but there’s no reason why it shouldn’t so keep it going strong throughout the day brothers!

Side Straddle Hops – 40 IC
Merkins – 10 IC
LBCs – 10 IC
Side Straddle Hops – 40 IC
Merkins – 10 IC
LBCs – 10 IC


Mosey on down 3 Blocks to the Construction Zone! Grab a mighty cinder block and build some muscles.
Grab some concrete-
10 IC – Squat & Shoulder Press
10 IC – Squat & Curl
10 IC – Plank Jack

The Dab – 10 burpees per minute for 5 minutes, run 1/4 mile.

Back around to the construction zone and 5 Burpies – The Train salute!

10 IC – Squat & Shoulder Press
10 IC – Squat & Curl
10 IC – Plank Jack

Mosey around the block.

In the abandon haunted parking lot:

Up the road we go!
10 Lunges, 10 Monkey Humpers
10 Lunges, 20 Monkey Humpers
10 Lunges, 30 Monkey Humpers
10 Lunges, 20 Monkey Humpers
10 Lunges, 10 Monkey Humpers

I got me some light-headedness halfway through the beat down, and probably forgot half of what we did.

COT: Easy Rider-Family, Bulldog-Interview coming up, Gastone-Mother-In-Law

Folsom Vern

YHC was thinking last night what to bring out to Folsom, then the Vern hit me. There were 2 in gloom when I arrived and 2 more showed up. There was short warm up and then the directions for the vern were given.

The Vern
Start at the play ground area.
10 pullups run 200 yrd
20 dips run 200 yrd
25 merican run 200 yrd
30 lbc’s
Repeat 5 times

The Q had a little trouble with the Imperial Walkers during the warm up and chose to stop and start over. Cadenece was a little off. The Vern is always a good one, this time was no different. It didn’t take long for the Pax and Q to get the sweat rolling. The Pax figured out pretty quick what was coming next after the first 2 rounds. Not to much mumble chatter, just knowing what was next seem to keep it at ease. Strong work by all. TClaps to Huck, well done sir.

Prayer requests, Announcements, Namorama
It was an honor to lead you men. #DRP
Thanks Huck for taking us out.

You want fries with that?

Only four brave souls showed up for a Norwood-led beatdown.  All vets, so brief disclaimer.  No warmup because I had no clue how long the workout would take.

Short mosey to the adjacent parking lot for a Double Quarter Pounder.  Run 1/4 of the parking lot, do 25 merkins then run backwards to the start of the parking lot.  Run 1/2 of the parking lot, do 50 squats then run backwards to the start of the parking lot.  Run 3/4 of the parking lot, do 75 mountain climbers then run backwards to the start of the parking lot.  Run the length of the parking lot, do 100 SSHs then run backwards to the start of the parking lot.

Short mosey around the parking lot.

Then the “double” portion came in for the Double Quarter Pounder.  Run 1/4 of the parking lot, do 25 jump squats then run backwards to the start of the parking lot.  Run 1/2 of the parking lot, do 50 flutter kicks then run backwards to the start of the parking lot.  Run 3/4 of the parking lot, do 75 moroccan night clubs then run backwards to the start of the parking lot.  Run the length of the parking lot, do 10 burpees then run backwards to the start of the parking lot.

We moseyed up to the baseball field for a triple nickel.  We used the hill on the first base side of the field.  Monkey jumpers (because I can’t do a Q without having monkey jumpers!) at the bottom and WW II sit ups at the top.  Madoff and I thought it would be a good idea to do the WW II sit ups in the grass.  We were soaked.

We moseyed back to the front of the school for a little wall work.  60 seconds of wall sits with shoulder presses for the last 20 seconds.  Then 10 hip slappers.  Rinse and repeat.

Then we did a little Corewood.  60 seconds AMRAP OYO with 30 seconds break in between each exercise:

  • American hammers
  • LBCs
  • Pretzel cruches
  • Windshield wipers
  • Crunch frogs
  • Dying cockroaches

Fellowship mosey to the main parking lot.

Prayer requests:

  • The F3 brothers who haven’t posted recently
  • Safe travels for the kids going to summer camps



Great work this morning, men!

Beating the heat.

With a few minutes till start I got a text that a couple of FNGs that Edison had EH’d were running behind so with another FNG already there and time to go we started. Disclaimer for our first FNG that Tool Time has been EH’ing. I’m an idiot (some of the PAX reminded me), These are recommended exercises, go at your own pace. Lets start.

SSH x 20

Cherry Pickers x 15

Moroccan Nightclubs till the new PAX arrive.

Disclaimer again for the new PAX

5 Burpees OYO

Mosey to the stop light at the corner of Myrtle and Main. We will start there with an exercise and then mosey to the next corner at Myrtle and Central perform another exercise, then go to Central and Woodrow for another stop and then on to the corner of Woodrow and Main and then back to the start. Rinse and repeat. This is a 1 mile loop

Corner 1


Corner 2


Corner 3


Corner 4

Toy Soldiers

Round 1 is 10 reps

Round 2 is 20 reps

With plans of a 3rd round we omaha’d so that everyone could stay together. Mosey back to the front of the school. I asked everyone for their favorite exercise. We performed 6 exercises around the front loop for 20 minutes. Do each exercise 20 times single count. I believe we got about three maybe four trips in.

Wee Wee said pull ups but he changed to Merkins since we had no pull up bar.

Slim Shady says Mountain Climbers

Tool Time gave us oblique V-ups

Edison gave us Flutter Kicks

The Q gave everyone Monkey Humpers with your backside to the road and Dips

With time running out we moseyed back only stopping first at the wall behind the school for some Hip Slappers only the Q calls when to slap your hip.

Mosey on back with a minute to spare. Good job everyone. Way to push!!



Christmas town 5k. Get signed up and lets support Speed For Need. When you sign up let Tool Time know. Remember there are a limited number of slots for this event. If you can not run or walk in the event then plan on helping at the tent. Please try to come out and help support each other as well as the community.

Prayer Request:

There are many spoken and unspoken request. Please keep each other in your prayers. Remember God is in control!! If you need to talk I’m always available and I’m sure there are other PAX willing to lend an ear.

Praise report:

SPEED FOR NEED. I am thankful that God has given our PAX a new avenue in which to reach out and spread his love in our community.

Thank you brothers for your support. Till next time!!


The decision to Q at Gashouse was made last week with some encouragement . So I humbly agreed, this was my first Q on Saturday  so was a little nervous.  With the Pain Lab we had a total of 21 . 16 of those chose to become better TRACK STARS . So here is how it went….





THE THANG   First stop at the flag for PLEDGE

Second stop was the track at Greir middle for a Burpie mile such a crowd pleaser


Mosey to stairs behind church for BOMBS

B    Bulgarian ball busters    50

O    Overhead claps    100

M    Merkins     150

B    Bigboy sit ups   200

S    Squats    250

Some where in between merkins and Bigboysitups Omaha was called, this was a great idea however YHC had brought some coupons and if we would not have stopped we would have missed out on that fun.



21’s with blocks 7 1/4 up …..7 1/2 up……7 all the way up then 30 squats

this was done in 3 sets

And then mosey back toward flag stopped at wall for wall sit to wait on pack. Then 15 MikeTysons IC. Once at starting point did a few more reps  …   SSH 15 IC    Mtn climbers 15 IC Merkins 10 oyo

back to flag for 5 MOM from Rudolph


MOLESKIN  as always it has been awesome for the past year to be a part of F3





The decision to Q was locked in two weeks ago when Guts and I took the fantastic voyage to Folsom for a great workout with great people.  Whoopee called for extra credit/Bro-lympic training before the workout at 0600 and then Pizza Man decided to run to the extra credit from his house before that.  As Guts and I approached the AO with “Folsom Prison Blues” playing EXTREMELY LOUD from my car Pizza Man and Whoopee gave a friendly wave, happy that we were F3 guys and not some weirdo’s.  Or at least I hope that is what they thought.

Oompa Loompa joined in for the EC workout at 0600 that was Q’d by Whoopee.  Oompa’s plan was to get the EC and then travel to the Gashouse for the Painlab.  We tried to talk him out of it but he stayed true to his brother Rudolph and left us after the EC.  I won’t call him out here for being a wus.  The EC was pretty bad/good and got the sweat rolling to the point that no one could catch a wet football when we threw it prior to the main beatdown.  We were happy to see the trucks rolling in with a new record for a Saturday at Folsom with 11 total and two quality FNG’s.

YHC modified my plans for the warm up so I could let the new PAX experience a typical F3 experience.  They would not be disappointed as there was lots of mumblechatter throughout, with Pizza Man bringing most of the banter.

Extended welcome and disclaimer followed by:

5 SSH, 5 Merkins, 5 Squats, 5 Imperial Walkers (just check the box and move on)

Indian Run to the flag for Pledge of Allegiance

The next exercise was 7’s.  Seven exercises in order back to back.  We start with 7 Mountain Climbers, 7 Plank Jacks, 7 air presses, 7 squats, 7 skier lunges each leg, and finally 7 burpees and backplank for recovery with a repeat x3.

Lot’s of mumblechatter in the plank position as we discussed why 7?  Was it because yesterday was the 7th?  How many?  Why? How many rounds?  You get the idea.

Quick discussion on Discipline:  Discipline is the suppression of base desires, and is usually understood to be synonymous with self-control and restraint. Virtuous behavior can be described as when one’s values are aligned with one’s aims: to do what one knows is best and to do it gladly.  Discipline equals freedom.

Mosey down the hill to the Ampitheater for partner work stolen from the Independence Day workout at the Fort.  We modified the 1776 workout.

One partner does the work while other rests and then switch until you get through the following.  (We did them in order all together since I didn’t have a grease board to list them all  (Q-fail)

100 merkins,

100 overhead claps

100 Dips

100 Moroccan Nightclubs

100  Flutter Kicks

100 stepups

100 squats

100 American Hammers

100 Mountain Climbers

100 Plank Shoulder Taps

100 Plank Jacks

100 High Knees

Bear crawl around the Ampitheater.

At this point there were several PAX who had stopped sweating and had been asking where the water fountains were.  Since the Q is responsible for the outcome, we moseyed back to start where the Q pulled out a case of water (Q-win) and let the hydration take place before the fireworks at the end.  Mosey to the tennis courts for

76 burpees.

With three minutes to go, we called three minutes of Mary and did squats, SSH, and LBC’s to end with Guts, Gumby, and WoJo calling the exercises.

The good news/bad news is I completely skipped a section on the tennis courts. We skipped at least 30 hip slappers, 121 Merkins, burpee long jumps and few others.  Q-Fail #2  There needs to be a lexicon term for all the things left on your weinke when you fail to follow through with your plan.

Nameorama….we welcomed FNG’s Sgt. Hulka and Sister Act to the F3 family.  Hulka is a real American Army hero with multiple deployments.  Sister Act has three daughters so Whoopee will be his new mentor.  Keep EH’ing it was great to see new guys enjoying F3.

Moleskin:  At Huckleberry’s request I shared a few words about the relationship between you and your M and kids.  Put your wife first.  Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.

Prayer requests for Gastone’s M’s mother who is in hospice care.  Prayers for the family of the doctor in Dallas that died Monday of cancer and left behind young daughters.  Prayers for Coach K and his family after the death of his grandmother.

On the way to breakfast, Pizza Man decided to run home.  As we passed by Whoopee had apparently rehydrated enough and couldn’t take seeing Pizza Man alone so he jumped out of my car and took his shirt off and started running with Pizza Man, leaving behind his gloves, football, and twenty bucks in my car.  We wouldn’t see him again until he had a fresh shirt and strolled into coffeeteria like a boss.  I returned his cash but still have at least one glove and the football.

8 at Coffeeteria for some great conversation and enough food for the rest of the week.  Everyone in Dallas seems to know Gumby and Sparky #localcelebrities.  I can’t judge but to see a man eat a double cheeseburger and fries at 0815 in the morning is impressive.  I recommend getting the side of pancakes. It beats McDonalds for the most calories for your $$.

If we are breathing we are having a good day.  Don’t waste the opportunity to make an impact on others.  Thanks for giving me the opportunity to lead.  Folsom is a great AO, the PAX are always welcoming and the fellowship is strong.

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